POM Gallery
A collection of all the “Pictures of the Month” which have appeared on the Front Page over the years.
![The beads on string structure of a thinning viscoelastic jet (Zinelis et al, 2024)](beads-on-string.png)
The “beads on string” structure of a thinning viscoelastic jet (Zinelis et al, 2024)
Isothermal Evaporation of a Static Binary Droplet: Evolution of the mass fraction fields of the light, heavy, and inert components, and the grid refinement.
See Edoardo Cipriano’s sandbox and Cipriano et al, 2024.
![Assessing passive scalar dynamics in bubble-induced turbulence using direct numerical simulations by Hidman et al, 2023](/img/hidman2023.jpg)
Assessing passive scalar dynamics in bubble-induced turbulence using direct numerical simulations by Hidman et al, 2023
![Diffusiophoresis-enhanced reaction-diffusion equations (bottom right) can explain how the Ornate Boxfish gets its spots (bottom left). See How animals get their stripes and spots and Ben Alessio’s sandbox.](/sandbox/benalessio/alessio.jpg)
Diffusiophoresis-enhanced reaction-diffusion equations (bottom right) can explain how the Ornate Boxfish gets its spots (bottom left). See How animals get their stripes and spots and Ben Alessio’s sandbox.
![Breaking wave field with the colour indicating the surface velocity and inset showing the curvature-based detection of the breaking front. From Wu et al, 2023.](/sandbox/jiarongw/multilayer/breaking.png)
Breaking wave field with the colour indicating the surface velocity and inset showing the curvature-based detection of the breaking front. From Wu et al, 2023.
Viscosity field in the film (left) and around a rising drop surrounded by a yield-stress fluid (right). From Deoclecio et al, 2023.
![Comparison between experiment and simulation for the impact of a 1.6 mm FC-770 droplet onto a silicon oil pool. From Fudge et al, 2023.](/fudge23.jpg)
Comparison between experiment and simulation for the impact of a 1.6 mm FC-770 droplet onto a silicon oil pool. From Fudge et al, 2023.
![Crystal growth in 3D. From Limare et al, 2022.](sandbox/alimare/crystal3D.jpg)
Crystal growth in 3D. From Limare et al, 2022.
![Wind-driven wave growth. From Wu et al, 2022.](sandbox/jiarongw/wu2022.png)
Wind-driven wave growth. From Wu et al, 2022.
![Thin sheet perforation and hole formation. Top: 5123 (left) and 10243 (right) grids without controlled perforations. Bottom: 5123 (left) and 10243 (right) with manifold death. From Chirco et al, 2022.](sandbox/lchirco/chirco2022.png)
Thin sheet perforation and hole formation. Top: 5123 (left) and 10243 (right) grids without controlled perforations. Bottom: 5123 (left) and 10243 (right) with manifold death. From Chirco et al, 2022.
![Multilayer model of the wave field generated by a volcanic eruption under lake Taupo, New Zealand. Left: dispersive, right: non-dispersive. From Hayward et al, 2022.](sandbox/Hayward/taupo.png)
Multilayer model of the wave field generated by a volcanic eruption under lake Taupo, New Zealand. Left: dispersive, right: non-dispersive. From Hayward et al, 2022.
![Palas Farsoiya’s poster wins a Gallery of Fluid Motion award at APS-DFD](sandbox/farsoiya/gfm2021.jpg)
Palas Farsoiya’s poster wins a Gallery of Fluid Motion award at APS-DFD
Subsiding shells at the edge of a cumulus cloud’s updraft by Antoon van Hooft. Rendered with bwatch.
![Gas transfer from a bubble in isotropic turbulence by Palas Kumar Farsoiya](gas-bubble.png)
Gas transfer from a bubble in isotropic turbulence by Palas Kumar Farsoiya
![Game of life by Jose-Maria Fullana in memory of John Conway (1937–2020)](/src/examples/life/age.gif)
Game of life by Jose-Maria Fullana in memory of John Conway (1937–2020)