
    Falling evaporating drop

    We simulate the evaporation of a single falling droplet in a relatively dry environment. It comes as a complement of static_drop.c to show how the implementation of the evaporation written in elementary_body.h can be easily coupled with Navier-Stokes. The chosen parameters are not physical at all.

    Evaporating droplet with the vertical velocity field (left) and the vapour concentration field (right)

    We define the geometrical, temporal and resolution parameters:

    #define R0 1.
    #define L 10. // size of the box
    #define MIN_LEVEL 6
    #define LEVEL 7
    #define MAX_LEVEL 9
    #define dR_refine (2.*L0/(1 << LEVEL))
    #define F_ERR 1e-10
    #define T_END 10.
    #define DELTA_T (T_END/100.) // for measurements and videos

    We use a Navier-Stokes solver and the functions defined in elementary_body.h:

    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "tracer.h"
    #include "./../elementary_body.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #include "reduced.h"
    #define BG 0.7 // light gray for background
    #define DG 0. // dark gray

    We define the physical parameters associated to the evaporation. For details see static_drop.c and elementary_body.h.

    #define vapor_peclet 1.
    #define D_V 0.01
    #define vcs 1.
    #define cinf 0.
    #define dirichlet_time_factor 10.

    The VOF tracer describing the interface, f, is already defined by two-phase.h. We allocate a second scalar field to describe vapor concentration field and place it in the list of tracers of tracer.h.

    scalar vapor[];
    scalar * tracers = {vapor};

    Thanks to symmetry, we only solve half of the domain, and requires the vapour concentration at its asymptotic value at infinity (that is, at the box boundary):

    vapor[right] = dirichlet(cinf);
    vapor[top]   = dirichlet(cinf);
    vapor[left]  = dirichlet(cinf);

    In the main function of the program, we set the domain geometry to be ten times larger than the drop, the surface tension, the gravity, the densities and the viscoties of both phases.

    int main() {
      size (L);
      origin (0., 0.);
      N = 1 << LEVEL;
      init_grid (N);
    	f.sigma = 1e-2;
      rho1 = 1.;
      rho2 = rho1/500.;
      mu1 = 1./10.;
      mu2 = mu1/20.;
      G.x = -0.1;
      Z.x = 0.;

    The initial position of the interface is defined with this function:

    #define circle(x, y, R) (sq(R) - sq(x-7.) - sq(y))

    Before the first step, we initialize the concentration field (after having refined the grid around the future interface): c_s in the drop and c_\infty in the vapor. \mathbf{u}_f is set to zero.

    event init (i = 0) {
      #if TREE
        refine (level < MAX_LEVEL && circle(x, y, (R0 - dR_refine)) < 0.
                && circle(x, y, (R0 + dR_refine)) > 0.);
      fraction (f, circle(x, y, R0));
      foreach() {
        u.x[] = 0.;
        vapor[] = f[]*vcs + (1. - f[])*cinf;
        uf.x[] = 0.;
      boundary({vapor, u, uf});

    Evaporation velocity

    The velocity due to evaporation is computed in the stability() event to take into account this velocity in the CFL condition. Before to modify \mathbf{u}_f we save it in another face vector field, in order to recover it just after the advection of the interface.

    face vector uf_save[];
    event stability (i++) {
      face vector ev[];
      vapor.D = D_V;
      vapor.peclet = vapor_peclet;
      vapor.inverse = true;
      phase_change_velocity (f, vapor, ev);
      foreach_face() {
        uf_save.x[] = uf.x[];
        uf.x[] += ev.x[];

    After the vof() event, the evaporation velocity has to be set back to the real velocity. The evaporation velocity is not a flow velocity but just a displacement of the interface.

    event tracer_advection (i++) {
        uf.x[] = uf_save.x[];

    Diffusion with immersed dirichlet condition

    The concentration field diffuses at each timestep. To ensure nicely the saturation of the interface, we need the minimal diffusive time of the simulation, which the diffusion time across the smallest cell. Therefore, we need the maximal level in the simulation, see elementary_body.h for details.

    event tracer_diffusion(i++) {
    #if TREE
      int max_level = MAX_LEVEL;
      int max_level = LEVEL;
      vapor.D = D_V;
      vapor.tr_eq = vcs;
      vapor.inverse = true;
      dirichlet_diffusion (vapor, f, max_level, dt, dirichlet_time_factor);
    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({f, vapor, u}, (double[]){1e-3, 1e-1, 1e-1, 1e-1},
    		             minlevel = MIN_LEVEL, maxlevel = MAX_LEVEL);

    Post-processings and videos

    We now juste have to write several post-processing events to save tthe effective radius of the drop.

    event interface (t = 3.*T_END/4.) {
      static FILE * fpshape = fopen("shape", "w");
      output_facets (f, fpshape);
    event outputs (t = 0.; t += DELTA_T; t <= T_END) { 
      double effective_radius = pow(3.*statsf(f).sum, 1./3.);
      fprintf (stderr, "%.17g %.17g\n", t, effective_radius);

    We create a video with the concentration in the vapor phase and the velocity in the x (vertical) direction.

      scalar vapor_draw[], u_draw[];
      foreach() {
        f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
        vapor_draw[] = - vapor[];
        u_draw[] = - u.x[];
      boundary({f, vapor_draw, u_draw});
      view (fov = 18., width = 640, height = 640,
            tx = 0., ty = -0.5, bg = {BG, BG, BG},
            quat = {0., 0., - sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5)});
      draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 0,
               fc = {BG, BG, BG});
      squares ("u_draw", min = - 1., max = 1., linear = true,
               map = cool_warm);
      mirror (n = {0, 1, 0}, alpha = 0.) {
        draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
                 fc = {BG, BG, BG});
        squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = true,
                 map = cool_warm);
      save ("video_ux_vapor.mp4");