
    Drop evaporation

    We investigate the evaporation of a single droplet in a still and relatively dry environment.

    Evaporating droplet with the vapour concentration field

    We define the geometrical, temporal and resolution parameters:

    #define R0 1.
    #define L 10. // size of the box
    #define MIN_LEVEL 5
    #define LEVEL 10
    #define MAX_LEVEL 12
    #define dR_refine (2.*L0/(1 << LEVEL))
    #define F_ERR 1e-10
    #define T_END 600.
    #define DT_MAX 10.
    #define DELTA_T 10. // for measurements and videos

    We use an advection solver and the functions defined in elementary_body.h:

    #include "axi.h"
    #include "../advection_Q.h"
    #include "../elementary_body.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #define BG 0.7 // light gray for background
    #define DG 0. // dark gray

    Physical parameters

    We non-dimensionalise the problem with the initial radius of the drop R, the diffusion coefficient of liquid vapour in air D and the saturation concentration of water in air c_s (this quantity having the dimension of a density M\cdot L^{-3}).

    Thus the diffusion equation for the vapour in the non-dimensional space reads: \displaystyle \frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = \Delta c, appropriately completed with Dirichlet conditions at the surface of the drop and at infinity: \displaystyle \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} c = 1 & \text{at the drop surface,}\\ c \to c_\infty/c_s & \text{far from the drop.} \end{array} \right. As the interface recedes at a (dimensional) velocity v_\text{e} = \frac{D}{\rho}\nabla c \sim \frac{D}{\rho}\frac{c_0}{R} \equiv V, a Peclet number Pe= \frac{VR}{D} = \frac{c_s}{\rho} also enters in the problem description. Typically, for the problem of a water droplet evaporating in dry air, this Peclet number is O(10^{-5}), meaning that the problem is really dominated by diffusion. Here, we choose density ratio equal to 10^{-3}, and set the relative humidity of the surroundings to 20%.

    We need time factor to set the Dirichlet condition, its role is specified in elementary_body.h.

    #define vapor_peclet 1e-3
    #define D_V 1.
    #define vcs 1.
    #define cinf 0.2
    #define dirichlet_time_factor 10.

    We allocate several scalar fields to describe both the interface and the concentration field.

    scalar f[], vapor[];
    scalar * interfaces = {f}, * tracers = {vapor};

    Thanks to symmetry, we only solve a quarter of the domain, and requires the concentration to drop at its asymptotic value at infinity (that is, at the box boundary)

    vapor[right] = dirichlet(cinf);
    vapor[top]   = dirichlet(cinf);

    The main function of the program, where we set the domain geometry to be ten times larger than the drop:

    int main() {
      size (L);
      origin (0., 0.);
      N = 1 << LEVEL;
      init_grid (N);
      DT = DT_MAX;

    The initial position of the interface is defined with this function:

    #define circle(x, y, R) (sq(R) - sq(x) - sq(y))

    Before the first step, we initialize the concentration field (after having refined the grid around the future interface): c_s in the drop and c_\infty in the vapor. \mathbf{u}_f is set to zero.

    event init (i = 0) {
      #if TREE
        refine (level < MAX_LEVEL && circle(x, y, (R0 - dR_refine)) < 0.
                && circle(x, y, (R0 + dR_refine)) > 0.);
      fraction (f, circle(x, y, R0));
        vapor[] = f[]*vcs + (1. - f[])*cinf;
        uf.x[] = 0.;
      boundary({vapor, uf});
      CFL = 0.2;

    Evaporation velocity

    The velocity due to evaporation is computed in the stability() event to take into account this velocity in the CFL condition.

    event stability (i++) {
      vapor.D = D_V;
      vapor.peclet = vapor_peclet;
      vapor.inverse = true;
      phase_change_velocity (f, vapor, uf);

    After the vof() event, the evaporation velocity has to be erased.

    event tracer_advection (i++) {
        uf.x[] = 0.;

    Diffusion with immersed dirichlet condition

    The concentration field diffuses at each timestep. We need for that the maximal level in the simulation.

    event tracer_diffusion(i++) {
      #if TREE
        int max_level = MAX_LEVEL;
        int max_level = LEVEL;
      vapor.D = D_V;
      vapor.tr_eq = vcs;
      vapor.inverse = true;
      dirichlet_diffusion (vapor, f, max_level, dt, dirichlet_time_factor);
    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({f, vapor}, (double[]){1e-3, 1e-3},
    		             minlevel = MIN_LEVEL, maxlevel = MAX_LEVEL);

    Post-processings and videos

    We now juste have to write several post-processing events to save the shape of the drop, its effective radius and the vapor concentration profile.

    event interface (t = 3.*T_END/4.) {
      static FILE * fpshape = fopen("shape", "w");
      output_facets (f, fpshape);
    event outputs (t = 0.; t += max(DELTA_T, DT); t <= T_END) { 
      double effective_radius;
      effective_radius = pow(3.*statsf(f).sum, 1./3.);
      fprintf (stderr, "%.17g %.17g\n", t, effective_radius);
      if (t <= T_END - 20.) {
        static FILE * fpvapor = fopen("vapor_profile", "w");
        static FILE * fpvaporresc = fopen("vapor_profile_resc", "w");
        for (double y = 0.; y <= 5.; y += 0.01)
          fprintf (fpvapor, "%g %g\n", y, interpolate (vapor, 0., y));
        for (double y = effective_radius; y <= 5.; y += 0.01)
          fprintf (fpvaporresc, "%g %g %g\n", effective_radius, y/effective_radius,
                   interpolate (vapor, 0., y));
        fprintf (fpvapor, "\n");
        fprintf (fpvaporresc, "\n");

    We create a video with the concentration in the vapor phase.

      scalar vapor_draw[];
      foreach() {
        f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
        vapor_draw[] = - vapor[];
      boundary({f, vapor_draw});
      view (fov = 15, width = 640, height = 640, samples = 1, relative = false,
            tx = 0., ty = 0., bg = {BG, BG, BG});
      draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
               fc = {BG, BG, BG});
      squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = false,
               map = cool_warm);
      mirror (n = {1., 0., 0.}, alpha = 0.) {
        draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
                 fc = {BG, BG, BG});
        squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = false,
                 map = cool_warm);
      mirror (n = {0., 1., 0.}, alpha = 0.) { // vapor
        draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
                 fc = {BG, BG, BG});
        squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = false,
                 map = cool_warm);
        mirror (n = {1., 0., 0.}, alpha = 0.) {
            draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
                     fc = {BG, BG, BG});
            squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = false,
                     map = cool_warm);
      save ("video_static_drop.mp4");


    Interface shape

    We first check is the shape of drop remains spherical.

    set style line 1 pt 7 ps 0.7
    set size square
    set xlabel "x"
    set ylabel "y"
    set object 1 circle at 0,0 size first 0.4726 fc rgb darkgray
    plot 'shape' w l lc rgb blue t 'simulation'
    Shape of the interface (script)

    Shape of the interface (script)

    unset object 1
    set xlabel "angle"
    set ylabel "radius"
    plot 'shape' u atan(1, 2):(sqrt($1*$1 + $2*$2)) ls 1 lc rgb blue t 'local radius vs angular position'
    Local radius in function of the angular position (script)

    Local radius in function of the angular position (script)

    Radius evolution: the \text{d}^2 law

    This problem was first investigated independently by Maxwell and Langmuir. They found that quite counter-intuitively, the evaporation mass rate does not scale with the surface of the drop, but with its radius (as a consequence of evaporation being a diffusion-limited process).

    It follows that the squared-radius of the drop decreases linearly with time (so-called “\text{d}^2 law”), according to: \displaystyle r^2(t) = r_0^2 - 2 \frac{D(c_0-c_\infty)}{\rho}t

    Here is represented the time evolution of the effective radius of the drop, compared with the theoretical prediction:

    unset size
    set xlabel "t"
    set ylabel "R²"
    plot [0:590][0:1] 'log' u 1:($2*$2) ls 1 lc rgb blue t 'simulation', \
         1.-0.002*0.8*x lw 1.5 lc rgb orange t 'inifinite model'
    Time evolution of the squared radius r^2(t) (script)

    Time evolution of the squared radius r^2(t) (script)

    Concentration profiles

    Now checking the concentration profiles vs time we have

    set xlabel "r"
    set ylabel "c"
    plot 'vapor_profile' w l lc rgb blue t 'simulation'
    Raw concentration profiles vs time (script)

    Raw concentration profiles vs time (script)

    The theoretical concentration profiles follow: \displaystyle c(r,t) = \left(\frac{R(t)}{r}\right) (c_0-c_\infty) + c_\infty This suggests to replot the concentration profiles versus the rescaled variable r/R(t):

    set xlabel "r/R"
    set ylabel "c"
    plot 'vapor_profile_resc' u 2:3 w l lc rgb blue t 'simulation', \
         0.8*(1./x) + 0.2  lw 1.5 lc rgb orange t 'infinite model'
    Tentative rescaled concentration profiles (script)

    Tentative rescaled concentration profiles (script)

    This is not entirely satisfying.

    The reason is that our infinity is 10; confinement effects, if not dominant, are nonetheless not entirely negligible. Working out these effects, we get: \displaystyle c(r,t) = c_0 + \frac{c_0-c_\infty}{1-\frac{R(t)}{R_\infty}} \left(\frac{R(t)}{r} - 1\right)

    suggesting a slightly different rescaling:

    set xlabel "r/R"
    set ylabel "c_r"
    plot 'vapor_profile_resc' u 2:(($3-1.)*(1-$1/10.)+0.8) w l lc rgb blue t 'simulation', \
         0.8*(1./x) lw 1.5 lc rgb raspberry t 'confined model'
    Better rescaling for the concentration profiles, accounting for confinement effects (script)

    Better rescaling for the concentration profiles, accounting for confinement effects (script)

    But wait. If taking confinement effects into account yield more neat agreement, we should modify our \text{d}^2 law accordingly? Let’s give it a try. The confined \text{d}^2 law reads: \displaystyle R^2(t) - \frac{2}{3R_\infty} R^3(t) = R_0^2 - \frac{2}{3R_\infty} R_0^3 - 2 \frac{D(c_0-c_\infty)}{\rho}t

    set xlabel "t"
    set ylabel "R² - 2/3 R³/L_0"
    plot [0:590][0:1] 'log' u 1:($2*$2-2./3./10.*$2*$2*$2) w p pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb blue t 'simulation', \
         1.-2./30.-0.002*0.8*x lw 1.5 lc rgb raspberry t 'confined model'

    A better $(script){d}

    That’s it!



    Irving Langmuir. The evaporation of small spheres. Physical review, 12(5):368, 1918.


    James Clerk Maxwell. Diffusion. Encyclopedia britannica, 7:214–221, 1878.