Drop evaporation
We investigate the evaporation of a single droplet in a still and relatively dry environment.
We define the geometrical, temporal and resolution parameters:
#define R0 1.
#define L 10. // size of the box
#define MIN_LEVEL 5
#define LEVEL 10
#define MAX_LEVEL 12
#define dR_refine (2.*L0/(1 << LEVEL))
#define F_ERR 1e-10
#define T_END 600.
#define DT_MAX 10.
#define DELTA_T 10. // for measurements and videos
We use an advection solver and the functions defined in elementary_body.h:
#include "axi.h"
#include "../advection_Q.h"
#include "../elementary_body.h"
#include "view.h"
#define BG 0.7 // light gray for background
#define DG 0. // dark gray
Physical parameters
We non-dimensionalise the problem with the initial radius of the drop R, the diffusion coefficient of liquid vapour in air D and the saturation concentration of water in air c_s (this quantity having the dimension of a density M\cdot L^{-3}).
Thus the diffusion equation for the vapour in the non-dimensional space reads: \displaystyle \frac{\partial c}{\partial t} = \Delta c, appropriately completed with Dirichlet conditions at the surface of the drop and at infinity: \displaystyle \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} c = 1 & \text{at the drop surface,}\\ c \to c_\infty/c_s & \text{far from the drop.} \end{array} \right. As the interface recedes at a (dimensional) velocity v_\text{e} = \frac{D}{\rho}\nabla c \sim \frac{D}{\rho}\frac{c_0}{R} \equiv V, a Peclet number Pe= \frac{VR}{D} = \frac{c_s}{\rho} also enters in the problem description. Typically, for the problem of a water droplet evaporating in dry air, this Peclet number is O(10^{-5}), meaning that the problem is really dominated by diffusion. Here, we choose density ratio equal to 10^{-3}, and set the relative humidity of the surroundings to 20%.
We need time factor to set the Dirichlet condition, its role is specified in elementary_body.h.
#define vapor_peclet 1e-3
#define D_V 1.
#define vcs 1.
#define cinf 0.2
#define dirichlet_time_factor 10.
We allocate several scalar fields to describe both the interface and the concentration field.
scalar f[], vapor[];
scalar * interfaces = {f}, * tracers = {vapor};
Thanks to symmetry, we only solve a quarter of the domain, and requires the concentration to drop at its asymptotic value at infinity (that is, at the box boundary)
vapor[right] = dirichlet(cinf);
vapor[top] = dirichlet(cinf);
The main function of the program, where we set the domain geometry to be ten times larger than the drop:
int main() {
size (L);
origin (0., 0.);
N = 1 << LEVEL;
init_grid (N);
The initial position of the interface is defined with this function:
#define circle(x, y, R) (sq(R) - sq(x) - sq(y))
Before the first step, we initialize the concentration field (after having refined the grid around the future interface): c_s in the drop and c_\infty in the vapor. \mathbf{u}_f is set to zero.
event init (i = 0) {
#if TREE
refine (level < MAX_LEVEL && circle(x, y, (R0 - dR_refine)) < 0.
&& circle(x, y, (R0 + dR_refine)) > 0.);
fraction (f, circle(x, y, R0));
vapor[] = f[]*vcs + (1. - f[])*cinf;
uf.x[] = 0.;
boundary({vapor, uf});
CFL = 0.2;
Evaporation velocity
The velocity due to evaporation is computed in the stability() event to take into account this velocity in the CFL condition.
event stability (i++) {
vapor.D = D_V;
vapor.peclet = vapor_peclet;
vapor.inverse = true;
phase_change_velocity (f, vapor, uf);
After the vof() event, the evaporation velocity has to be erased.
event tracer_advection (i++) {
uf.x[] = 0.;
Diffusion with immersed dirichlet condition
The concentration field diffuses at each timestep. We need for that the maximal level in the simulation.
event tracer_diffusion(i++) {
#if TREE
int max_level = MAX_LEVEL;
int max_level = LEVEL;
vapor.D = D_V;
vapor.tr_eq = vcs;
vapor.inverse = true;
dirichlet_diffusion (vapor, f, max_level, dt, dirichlet_time_factor);
#if TREE
event adapt (i++) {
adapt_wavelet ({f, vapor}, (double[]){1e-3, 1e-3},
minlevel = MIN_LEVEL, maxlevel = MAX_LEVEL);
Post-processings and videos
We now juste have to write several post-processing events to save the shape of the drop, its effective radius and the vapor concentration profile.
event interface (t = 3.*T_END/4.) {
static FILE * fpshape = fopen("shape", "w");
output_facets (f, fpshape);
event outputs (t = 0.; t += max(DELTA_T, DT); t <= T_END) {
double effective_radius;
effective_radius = pow(3.*statsf(f).sum, 1./3.);
fprintf (stderr, "%.17g %.17g\n", t, effective_radius);
if (t <= T_END - 20.) {
static FILE * fpvapor = fopen("vapor_profile", "w");
static FILE * fpvaporresc = fopen("vapor_profile_resc", "w");
for (double y = 0.; y <= 5.; y += 0.01)
fprintf (fpvapor, "%g %g\n", y, interpolate (vapor, 0., y));
for (double y = effective_radius; y <= 5.; y += 0.01)
fprintf (fpvaporresc, "%g %g %g\n", effective_radius, y/effective_radius,
interpolate (vapor, 0., y));
fprintf (fpvapor, "\n");
fprintf (fpvaporresc, "\n");
We create a video with the concentration in the vapor phase.
scalar vapor_draw[];
foreach() {
f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
vapor_draw[] = - vapor[];
boundary({f, vapor_draw});
view (fov = 15, width = 640, height = 640, samples = 1, relative = false,
tx = 0., ty = 0., bg = {BG, BG, BG});
draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
fc = {BG, BG, BG});
squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = false,
map = cool_warm);
mirror (n = {1., 0., 0.}, alpha = 0.) {
draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
fc = {BG, BG, BG});
squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = false,
map = cool_warm);
mirror (n = {0., 1., 0.}, alpha = 0.) { // vapor
draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
fc = {BG, BG, BG});
squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = false,
map = cool_warm);
mirror (n = {1., 0., 0.}, alpha = 0.) {
draw_vof("f", edges = true, lw = 1.5, lc = {DG, DG, DG}, filled = 1,
fc = {BG, BG, BG});
squares ("vapor_draw", min = - vcs, max = vcs, linear = false,
map = cool_warm);
save ("video_static_drop.mp4");
Interface shape
We first check is the shape of drop remains spherical.
set style line 1 pt 7 ps 0.7
set size square
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "y"
set object 1 circle at 0,0 size first 0.4726 fc rgb darkgray
plot 'shape' w l lc rgb blue t 'simulation'
unset object 1
set xlabel "angle"
set ylabel "radius"
plot 'shape' u atan(1, 2):(sqrt($1*$1 + $2*$2)) ls 1 lc rgb blue t 'local radius vs angular position'
Radius evolution: the \text{d}^2 law
This problem was first investigated independently by Maxwell and Langmuir. They found that quite counter-intuitively, the evaporation mass rate does not scale with the surface of the drop, but with its radius (as a consequence of evaporation being a diffusion-limited process).
It follows that the squared-radius of the drop decreases linearly with time (so-called “\text{d}^2 law”), according to: \displaystyle r^2(t) = r_0^2 - 2 \frac{D(c_0-c_\infty)}{\rho}t
Here is represented the time evolution of the effective radius of the drop, compared with the theoretical prediction:
unset size
set xlabel "t"
set ylabel "R²"
plot [0:590][0:1] 'log' u 1:($2*$2) ls 1 lc rgb blue t 'simulation', \
1.-0.002*0.8*x lw 1.5 lc rgb orange t 'inifinite model'
Concentration profiles
Now checking the concentration profiles vs time we have
set xlabel "r"
set ylabel "c"
plot 'vapor_profile' w l lc rgb blue t 'simulation'
The theoretical concentration profiles follow: \displaystyle c(r,t) = \left(\frac{R(t)}{r}\right) (c_0-c_\infty) + c_\infty This suggests to replot the concentration profiles versus the rescaled variable r/R(t):
set xlabel "r/R"
set ylabel "c"
plot 'vapor_profile_resc' u 2:3 w l lc rgb blue t 'simulation', \
0.8*(1./x) + 0.2 lw 1.5 lc rgb orange t 'infinite model'
This is not entirely satisfying.
The reason is that our infinity is 10; confinement effects, if not dominant, are nonetheless not entirely negligible. Working out these effects, we get: \displaystyle c(r,t) = c_0 + \frac{c_0-c_\infty}{1-\frac{R(t)}{R_\infty}} \left(\frac{R(t)}{r} - 1\right)
suggesting a slightly different rescaling:
set xlabel "r/R"
set ylabel "c_r"
plot 'vapor_profile_resc' u 2:(($3-1.)*(1-$1/10.)+0.8) w l lc rgb blue t 'simulation', \
0.8*(1./x) lw 1.5 lc rgb raspberry t 'confined model'
But wait. If taking confinement effects into account yield more neat agreement, we should modify our \text{d}^2 law accordingly? Let’s give it a try. The confined \text{d}^2 law reads: \displaystyle R^2(t) - \frac{2}{3R_\infty} R^3(t) = R_0^2 - \frac{2}{3R_\infty} R_0^3 - 2 \frac{D(c_0-c_\infty)}{\rho}t
set xlabel "t"
set ylabel "R² - 2/3 R³/L_0"
plot [0:590][0:1] 'log' u 1:($2*$2-2./3./10.*$2*$2*$2) w p pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb blue t 'simulation', \
1.-2./30.-0.002*0.8*x lw 1.5 lc rgb raspberry t 'confined model'
That’s it!
[langmuir1918] |
Irving Langmuir. The evaporation of small spheres. Physical review, 12(5):368, 1918. |
[maxwell1878] |
James Clerk Maxwell. Diffusion. Encyclopedia britannica, 7:214–221, 1878. |