
    Phase change of an elementary body

    This file proposes functions to handle the phase change of an elementary body limited by the diffusion of a diffusive tracer (its vapor for an evaporation or the temperature for solidification). This file has to be included after advection.h or centered.h and tracers.h.

    If not defined by the user we fixe a default value for F_ERR, the accepted error over f to avoid division by zero.

    #ifndef F_ERR
      #define F_ERR 1e-10

    We use the VOF description of the interface, the Bell-Collela-Glaz advection solver and the fully implicit reaction-diffusion solver with the following header files:

    • vof.h: to advect the VOF tracer,
    • diffusion.h: to make diffuse the diffusive tracer,
    • curvature.h: to use interfacial() function;
    • my_functions.h: to use some general functions like compute the normal in every cell.
    #include "vof.h"
    #include "diffusion.h"
    #include "curvature.h"
    #include "./../my_functions.h"

    We add three attribute to the scalar field: a diffusion coefficient D, a equatilibrium value t_eq and a Peclet number (for the evaporation this is the ratio between the saturation vapour concentration and the liquid denstity, for the solification is the ratio between the heat capacity times the a temperature scale and the latent heat).

    attribute {
      double D;
      double tr_eq;
      double peclet;

    The modelisation of the evaporation of a pure liquid is devided here in two parts:

    • computation of the advection velocity field for the interface according to Fick’s law,
    • diffusion of the diffusive tracer with an immersed dirichlet condition.

    One function for each of these steps are defined.

    Phase change velocity

    This function evaluates the local gradient of the diffusive tracer in order to compute the phase change velocity.

    The inputs of the function are:

    • f: VOF tracer,
    • tr: diffusive tracer field,
    • \mathbf{v}_{pc}: the phase change velocity.
    void phase_change_velocity (scalar f, scalar tr, face vector v_pc) {
        f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
      boundary ({f, tr});

    The phase change velocity \mathbf{v}_{pc} is

    \displaystyle \mathbf{v}_{pc} = \mathrm{Pe}\, D\, \nabla tr

    we need the tracer gradient \mathbf{gtr} in vapor. It is a priori not well defined in a cell crossed by the interface since there is liquid in it. Therefore we need to average the values of the gradients in the vapor neighbor cells.

    Thus, to use the right \Delta in the computation of the gradient, we have to compute it before the main loop of the function:

      face vector gtr[];
        gtr.x[] = (tr[] - tr[-1])/Delta;

    To find the vapor neighbor cells and weight the averaging between them, we compute the normal (normalized w.r.t. the norm-2) to the interface. We have to compute it before the main loop, and not locally, to apply boundary() to it and get consistent values in the ghost cells.

      vector n[];
      compute_normal (f, n);

    With the concentration gradient and the normal vector we can now compute the evaporation velocity \mathbf{v}_{pc}, following the lines drawn in meanflow.c. We define it as the product between the density ratio and the diffusive flow. Note that \mathbf{v}_{pc} is weighted by the face metric.

      foreach_face() {
        v_pc.x[] = 0.;

    Foreach face, we first compute the average value of the normal on the face and renormalize it w.r.t the norm-1. We will use this normal to look where in the phase in which the tracer diffuse and to weight the average of its gradient. We inverse the normal if the tracer is associated the f=1 phase to take the gradient in the right phase.

        if (interfacial(point, f) || interfacial(neighborp(-1), f)) {
          coord nf;
            nf.x = 0.;
          if (interfacial(point, f)) {
              nf.x += n.x[];
          if (interfacial(neighborp(-1), f)) {
            nf.x += n.x[-1];
            nf.y += n.y[-1];
          double norm = 0.;
            norm += fabs(nf.x);
            nf.x /= (tr.inverse ? norm : - norm);

    We compute the evaporation velocity.

          if (nf.x > 0.) {
            v_pc.x[] = (fabs(nf.x)*gtr.x[1, 0] 
                        + fabs(nf.y)*(nf.y > 0. ? gtr.x[1, 1] : gtr.x[1, -1]));
          else if (nf.x < 0.) {
            v_pc.x[] = (fabs(nf.x)*gtr.x[-1, 0]
                        + fabs(nf.y)*(nf.y > 0. ? gtr.x[-1, 1] : gtr.x[-1, -1]));
          v_pc.x[] *= fm.x[]*tr.D*tr.peclet;
      boundary((scalar *){v_pc});

    Diffusion with an immersed dirichlet condition

    An important point is how the immersed Dirichlet boundary condition is handled. To ensure that the diffusive tracer at the interface stays at the equilibrium value t_eq and is not washed away, we introduce a source term in the diffusion equation. This term is activated all over the liquid. This term is as large as the difference between the actual value and t_eq is. This modified equation therefore reads: \displaystyle \frac{\partial tr}{\partial t} = \Delta tr + p\, \delta_{op} \quad \text{with} \quad p = \frac{tr_{eq} - tr}{\tau_e} where \delta_{op} is 1 in the other phase (where the tracer does not diffuse), \tau_e is a time, which has to be shorter than the smallest diffusive time in order for the control to be effective. The smallest diffusive time is \tau_D = \frac{\delta^2}{D} where \delta is the smallest size in all the tree. Thus, we choose \tau_e = \frac{\tau_D}{\alpha} with \alpha larger than 1. Thereafter, \alpha will be refered as time factor.

    In 2D, the production terme P intergrated over the cell is: \displaystyle P = \iint_S{p\, \delta_{op}} = p\, f\, \Delta^2 = \frac{tr_{eq} - tr}{\tau_e}\, f\, \Delta^2

    The inputs of the function are:

    • tr: diffusive tracer field,
    • f: VOF tracer,
    • max_level: maximal level in the simulation,
    • dt: timestep,
    • tr_{op}: another tracer in the other phase, unused for elementary bodies, but requied for mixtures (Raoult law).
    struct Dirichlet_Diffusion {
      // mandatory
      scalar tr;
      scalar f;
      int max_level;
      double dt;
      double time_factor;
      // optional
      scalar tr_op; // default uniform 1.
    mgstats dirichlet_diffusion (struct Dirichlet_Diffusion p) {

    We redefine the inputs for convenience.

      scalar tr =, f = p.f, tr_op = automatic (p.tr_op);
      int max_level = p.max_level;
      double time_factor = p.time_factor;
        f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
      boundary ({f, tr});
      if (p.tr_op.i)
        boundary ({tr_op});

    We compute the volumic metric of the cells, the dirichlet source terms and the diffusion coefficient. If the diffusive tracer is associated to the f=1 phase, we set the production term in the f=0 phase.

      scalar volumic_metric[], dirichlet_source_term[], dirichlet_feedback_term[];
      face vector diffusion_coef[];
      foreach() {
        volumic_metric[] = cm[];
        if (p.tr_op.i)  
          dirichlet_source_term[] = cm[]*tr.tr_eq*tr_op[]*tr.D*time_factor*(tr.inverse ?
                                      f[] : 1. - f[])*sq((1<<max_level)/L0);
          dirichlet_source_term[] = cm[]*tr.tr_eq*tr.D*time_factor*(tr.inverse ?
                                      f[] : 1. - f[])*sq((1<<max_level)/L0);
        dirichlet_feedback_term[] = - cm[]*tr.D*time_factor*(tr.inverse ?
                                      f[] : 1. - f[])*sq((1<<max_level)/L0);
        diffusion_coef.x[] = fm.x[]*tr.D;
      boundary({volumic_metric, dirichlet_source_term, dirichlet_feedback_term, diffusion_coef});

    The diffusion equation is solved thanks to diffusion.h:

      return diffusion (tr, dt, D = diffusion_coef, r = dirichlet_source_term,
    			              beta = dirichlet_feedback_term, theta = volumic_metric);

    Further improvements

    Reading the work of Leon Malan, we can list at least three possible improvements of what it is done here. Two of them are based on the idea to take advantage of our precise knowledge of the concentration value at the interface (saturation) and its position (thanks to the height function):

    • a better evaluation of concentration gradients at the interface,
    • choose another strategy to implemente the dirichlet condition at the interface, imposing a flux.

    The third one is to account for the Stefan flow and the recoil pressure by adding a term in the projection step of the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equation.