
    Evolution by mean curvature flow

    Solve \displaystyle \mathbf{n}\cdot\partial_\tau\mathbf{X} = -\kappa See e.g Deckelnick et al, 2005.

    set size ratio -1
    plot 'out' w l t ''
    Evolution of the interface (script)

    Evolution of the interface (script)

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "advection.h"
    #include "vof.h"
    #include "curvature.h"
    scalar f[];
    scalar * tracers = NULL, * interfaces = {f};
    int main()
      L0 = 1 [0];
      origin (-0.5, -0.5);
      N = 64;
      // this is the diffusive timestep limit (with diffusion coeff unity)
      DT = sq(L0/N)/2.;
    double circle (double x, double y)
      double theta = atan2(y,x);
      double r = sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y));
      return r - 0.4*(1. + 0.2*cos(8.*theta));
    event init (i = 0)
      fraction (f, circle(x, y));
    coord normal (Point point, scalar c)
      coord n = mycs (point, c);
      double nn = 0.;
        nn += sq(n.x);
      nn = sqrt(nn);
        n.x /= nn;
      return n;
    scalar kappa[];
    event velocity (i++) {
      curvature (f, kappa);
      foreach_face() {
        coord n;
          n.x = 0.;
        double k = 0.;
        if (f[] > 0. && f[] < 1.) {
          n = normal (point, f);
          k = kappa[];
          if (f[-1] > 0. && f[-1] < 1.) {
    	coord np = normal (neighborp(-1), f);
    	  n.x = (n.x + np.x)/2.;
    	k = (k + kappa[-1])/2.;
        else if (f[-1] > 0. && f[-1] < 1.) {
          k = kappa[-1];
          n = normal (neighborp(-1), f);
        u.x[] = - (k /*+ 2.5*/)*n.x;
    #if 0  
      FILE * fp = fopen("velo", "w");
        fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g\n", x, y,
    	     (uf.x[] + uf.x[1])/2.,
    	     (uf.y[] + uf.y[0,1])/2.);
      fclose (fp);
    event logfile (t += 0.001; t <= sq(0.1)) {
      //  stats s = statsf (kappa);
      //  fprintf (stderr, "# %f %d %.12f %g %g\n", t, i, s.sum, s.min, s.max);
      output_facets (f, stdout);
    #if 0
    event gfsview (i++) {
      static FILE * fp = popen ("gfsview2D -s mean.gfv", "w");
      output_gfs (fp, t = t);