is a ray-casting toolbox written in Basilisk C. It should work with Octrees or multigrid3D.
Apart from the default Basilisk code, the implementation is scattered among a few header files.
Required files are:
(this file) contains a bunch of generic definitionsSketch.h
implements high-level rendering functions and most of the user interfaceBwatch-iterators.h
defines low-level functions and iterators to help find ray-object intersections efficiently.Radix.h
provides a sorting algorithm that maybe used for volumetric rendering.
Copy and place them in your current folder, a $BASILISK_INCLUDE_PATH
or against my advice in $BASILISK
Optional is:
- installing an adaptive raycaster or (this one) if you want to use
- Having
installed on your system forimage
rendering. - Watching along the rendering process
How does it work?
Rays are casted from the camera into the scene. The nearest intersection is computed with the obects that the user called. The standard lightning/shading model for coloured materials follows that of Bui Tuong Phong.
- Compile your bwatch code with the
(gcc) or-qopenmp
(icc) compiler flag (before the*.c
file) to accelerate rendering.
- When your rendering invokes secondary rays (e.g. transmission, reflection etc.), make sure the scene has a background. For example, a large
sphere. - Compile with
to avoid qcc crashing inget_dimension()
#include "fractions.h"
A list of sketch functions is stored. Rendering takes place when an image is store()
#define N_SKETCH 256 // Maximum sketch functions
typedef double (*sketch)(); // a Sketch function prototype
sketch sketch_list[N_SKETCH]; // List sketching functions
int functot; // number of sketching function calls
scalar * shading = NULL; // VOF objects that cast shade
scalar smoke; // Concentration field that cast shade
//Prim * Obj = NULL; // Primitives should cast a shade as well
int max_ray_depth = 5; // Number of ray recasts
attribute { // attenuation coefficient of smoke fields
double att;
// A camera class and "the" cam
struct Camera {
coord O; // camera pos
coord up; // upward pointing vector (related to image vertical)
coord rhs; // In case up-vector is parallel to the viewing direction
coord poi; // Pointing towards
double fov; // horizontal width fustrum through poi.
int nx, ny; // Resolution
double min, max; // Sensitivities
double (*f)(); // Transfer function
struct Camera cam = {.O = {0., 0., 3}, // view from back to front (-z)
.up = {0., 1., 0.},
.rhs = {1., 0., 0.},
.poi = {0., 0., 0.}, // view from back to front (-z)
.fov = 1.1,
.nx = 450,
.ny = 400,
.min = 0.1,
.max = 100,
.f = log};
User function for the Camera setup
bool watch (struct Camera inp) {
foreach_dimension() {
if (inp.O.x)
cam.O.x = inp.O.x;
if (inp.up.x)
cam.up.x = inp.up.x;
if (inp.rhs.x)
cam.rhs.x = inp.rhs.x;
if (inp.poi.x)
cam.poi.x = inp.poi.x;
if (inp.fov)
cam.fov = inp.fov;
if (inp.nx)
cam.nx = inp.nx;
if (inp.ny)
cam.ny = inp.ny;
if (inp.min)
cam.min = inp.min;
if (inp.max)
cam.max = inp.max;
if (inp.f)
cam.f = inp.f;
return true;
// A ray class
typedef struct ray {
coord O;
coord dir;
int depth; // for recasted rays
} ray;
// Lights
typedef struct light {
int type; // ambient (1), Sun (2), point (3), ...
unsigned char col[3]; // Color
double I; // Intensity (at cam.poi)
coord O; // Location of point light
coord dir; // Direction of sun light
} light;
light lights[N_SKETCH]; //Reuse N_SKETCH
Material properties
Properties for matierial objects
#include "utils.h"
struct Material {
unsigned char col[3]; // prescribed color
scalar s; // color from field data
Colormap map; // Corresponding colorbar ...
vector v; // RGB from vector
double min, max; // ... cbar range
bool linear; // Cbar interpolation;
double SPR; // Specular albedo (Blinn)
double SPexp; // Specular exponent (Blinn)
double ind; // refraction index (normal points outwards)
double T; // Transparancy (0 - 1 intended)
double R; // Reflectivity (0 - 1 intended)
bool dull; // Dull object: no light interaction just `col`
unsigned char col2[3]; // Or a gradient to col2 (not so dull!)
coord n1; // normal for `col`, col2 at n = -n1;
typedef struct Material material;
A few (vector) helper functions
void bias (ray * r) {
Point point = locate (r->O.x, r->O.y, r->O.z);
if (point.level > 0)
r->O.x += r->dir.x*Delta;
r->O.x += r->dir.x*L0*1e-4;
void bias1 (ray * r) {
r->O.x += r->dir.x*L0*1e-4;
bool any_col (unsigned char px[3]) {
if (px[0] || px[1] || px[2])
return true;
return false;
bool any_comp (coord a) {
if (a.x || a.y || a.z)
return true;
return false;
coord cross (coord a, coord b) {
coord new;
new.x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y;
return new;
double dot (coord a, coord b) {
double d = 0;
d += a.x*b.x;
return d;
coord reflect (coord in, coord n) {
coord out;
out.x = in.x - 2*dot (in, n)*n.x;
return out;
Normalization with the approximate inverse square root. Quake3 Arena method of Greg Welsh, see.
Premature optimzation is the fast inverse square root of all evil… - Donald Knuth
static inline double Q_isqrt (double l) {
double x1 = l*0.5;
union {
double f;
long long i;
} conv = { .f = l };
conv.i = 0x5fe6eb50c7b537a9 - (conv.i >> 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
conv.f *= 1.5 - (x1 * conv.f * conv.f);
return conv.f;
void normalize_(coord * p) {
double l = 0;
l += sq(p->x);
l = Q_isqrt (l);
p->x *= l;
#define normalize normalize_
// Thanks to scratch pixel:
// introduction-to-shading/reflection-refraction-fresnel
coord refract(coord in, coord normal, double ind) {
normalize (&in);
normalize (&normal);
double cosi = dot (in, normal);
double etai = 1, etat = ind;
coord n;
n.x = normal.x;
if (cosi < 0)
cosi = -cosi;
else {
etai = etat;
etat = 1.;
n.x = -normal.x;
double eta = etai/etat;
double k = 1. - sq(eta) * (1. - sq(cosi));
assert (k >= 0);
coord out = {0.};
out.x = k < 0 ? 0 : eta*in.x + (eta*cosi - sqrt(k))*n.x;
return out;
double vec_length (coord v) {
double l = 0;
l += sq(v.x);
return l > 0 ? sqrt(l): 0;
// Thanks you scratchpixel:
// introduction-to-shading/reflection-refraction-fresnel
double fresnel(coord in, coord normal, double ind) {
normalize (&in);
normalize (&normal);
double cosi = dot(in, normal);
double etai = 1, etat = ind;
if (cosi > 0) {
etai = ind;
etat = 1.;
// Compute sini using Snell's law
double sint = etai/etat * sqrt(max(0., 1 - sq(cosi)));
// Total internal reflection
if (sint >= 1)
return 1.;
else {
double cost = sqrt(max(0., 1 - sq(sint)));
cosi = fabs(cosi);
double Rs = ((etat*cosi) - (etai*cost)) / ((etat*cosi) + (etai*cost));
double Rp = ((etai*cosi) - (etat*cost)) / ((etai*cosi) + (etat*cost));
return (sq(Rs) + sq(Rp))/2;
One may compute
- ray-cell intersection
- ray-cuboid interections
- ray-plane intersection
- segment-facet intersection
- ray-triangle intersection
static inline double ray_cell_intersect (ray r, Point point, coord a[2]) {
coord cc = {x,y,z};
double in = -HUGE, out = HUGE;
foreach_dimension() {
in = max(in, r.dir.x != 0 ? ((cc.x - (sign(r.dir.x)*Delta/2.)) - r.O.x)/r.dir.x : -HUGE);
out = min(out, r.dir.x != 0 ? ((cc.x + (sign(r.dir.x)*Delta/2.)) - r.O.x)/r.dir.x : HUGE);
if (in >= out || out < 0)
return HUGE;
in = in < 0 ? 0 : in; //The origin is in the cell.
foreach_dimension() {
a[0].x = r.O.x + in*r.dir.x;
a[1].x = r.O.x + out*r.dir.x;
return in;
static inline double ray_box (ray r, coord bb[2]) {
double in, out;
in = -HUGE; out = HUGE;
foreach_dimension() {
if (r.dir.x > 0) {
in = max(in, (bb[0].x - r.O.x)/r.dir.x);
out = min(out, (bb[1].x - r.O.x)/r.dir.x);
} else if (r.dir.x < 0) {
in = max(in, (bb[1].x - r.O.x)/r.dir.x);
out = min(out, (bb[0].x - r.O.x)/r.dir.x);
if (in >= out || out < 0)
return HUGE;
in = in < 0 ? 0 : in; //The origin is in the box.
return in;
static inline double ray_plane_intersect (ray r, coord n, double alpha, coord * a) {
double ldotn = 0;
ldotn += n.x*r.dir.x;
if (ldotn == 0) //parallel
return HUGE;
double d = alpha;
d -= n.x*r.O.x;
d /= ldotn;
if (d <= 0) //plane certainly not in view.
return -1;
d = d > 1e4*L0 ? 1e4*L0 : d;
foreach_dimension() {
a[0].x = r.O.x + d*r.dir.x;
return d;
static inline double ray_sphere_intersect (ray r, coord C, double R, coord * a, coord * n) {
normalize (&r.dir);
coord oc;
oc.x = r.O.x - C.x;
double det = (sq(dot(r.dir, oc)) - (sq(vec_length (oc)) - sq(R)));
if (det < 0)
return HUGE;
det = sqrt(det);
double dist = -dot(r.dir, oc) - det;
double dist2 = -dot(r.dir, oc) + det;
if (dist < 0 && dist2 < 0)
return HUGE;
else if (dist < 0)
dist = dist2;
else if (dist > dist2)
dist = dist2;
foreach_dimension() {
a->x = r.O.x + r.dir.x*dist;
n->x = a->x - C.x;
normalize (n);
return dist;
// use ray_plane_intersect?
static inline bool segment_facet_intersect (coord a[2], scalar f, Point point, coord * n) {
coord cc = {x, y, z};
n[0] = mycs (point, f); //pointing outwards.
double alpha = plane_alpha (f[], n[0]);
double ALP = 0, ALP2 = 0;
foreach_dimension() {
ALP += n[0].x*(a[0].x - cc.x)/Delta;
ALP2 += n[0].x*(a[1].x - cc.x)/Delta;
if ((ALP2 - alpha)/(ALP - alpha) > 0.05) // 3% gap filling
return false;
double w = fabs((ALP2 - alpha)) / (fabs(ALP - alpha) + fabs(ALP2 - alpha));
foreach_dimension() {
a[1].x = w*a[0].x + (1 - w)*a[1].x;
return true;
double ray_triangle (ray r, coord t[3]) {
double eps = 1e-6;
coord e1, e2, h, s ,q;
double a, f, u, v;
foreach_dimension() {
e1.x = t[1].x - t[0].x;
e2.x = t[2].x - t[0].x;
h = cross (r.dir, e2);
a = dot (e1, h);
if (a > -eps && a < eps)
return HUGE;
f = 1./a;
s.x = r.O.x - t[0].x;
u = f*dot (s, h);
if (u < 0 || u > 1.0)
return HUGE;
q = cross (s, e1);
v = f*dot (r.dir, q);
if (v < 0 || (v + u) > 1)
return HUGE;
double d = f*dot (e2, q);
if (d > eps)
return d;
return HUGE;
attribute {
scalar possible; // Marker for possible interesting child
vector center; // Procomputed center of vof facets? (check me!)
vector normals; // precomputed normal of vof facets/isosurfaces
scalar vofd; // Nearby vof distance field
#include "bwatch-iterators.h"
Color from colorbar
Quantative data can be mapped to an RGB-color code via a colorbar. The function below is a version of colormap_color()
in output.h.
bool colormap_pigmentation (unsigned char c[3], double cmap[NCMAP][3],
double val, double min, double max) {
if (val == nodata) {
c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0; // nodata is black
return false;
int i;
double coef;
if (max != min)
val = (val - min)/(max - min);
val = 0.;
if (val <= 0.) i = 0, coef = 0.;
else if (val >= 1.) i = NCMAP - 2, coef = 1.;
else {
i = val*(NCMAP - 1);
coef = val*(NCMAP - 1) - i;
assert (i < NCMAP - 1);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
c[j] = 255*(cmap[i][j]*(1. - coef) + cmap[i + 1][j]*coef);
return true;
Lights can be shaded by vof facets (in shading
) and should be reflected by reflectors (in rlist
bool shaded (coord start, light source) {
ray l;
l.O = start;
l.dir.x = -source.dir.x;
for (scalar c in shading)
foreach_ray_facet_intersection(l, c)
return true;
return false;
double Intensity_by_reflection (coord start, light source) {
return 0;
void default_lights (void) {
// Ambient and sun;
lights[0].type = 1;
lights[0].I = 2;
lights[0].col[0] = 255;
lights[0].col[1] = 255;
lights[0].col[2] = 255;
lights[1].type = 2;
lights[1].I = 80;
lights[1].dir = (coord){-1, -1.8, -2};
lights[1].col[0] = 255;
lights[1].col[1] = 255;
lights[1].col[2] = 250;
double absorbsion (coord a, int l) {
ray r = {.O = a, .dir = lights[l].dir};
r.dir.x *= -1;
normalize (&r.dir);
double sl = 0;
foreach_ray_cell_intersection_volume (r, HUGE, smoke.possible) {
coord mean = {0, 0, 0};
double len = 0;
foreach_dimension() {
mean.x = (_a[0].x + _a[1].x)/2.;
len += sq(_a[0].x - _a[1].x);
double val = interpolate (smoke, mean.x, mean.y, mean.z);
len = sqrt(len);
if (len > 0)
sl += fabs(val)*len;
if (sl > 0)
return exp(-sl/smoke.att);
return 1;
double diffuse_Lambert (coord n, coord a) {
double I = 0;
int l = 0; //light
while (lights[l].type > 0) { //Fixme: No mirrored light sources yet
if (lights[l].type > 1) {
double Il = 0;
coord ldir = {0,0,0};
if (lights[l].type == 2)
ldir = lights[l].dir;
if (!shaded (a, lights[l])) {
normalize (&ldir);
Il -= n.x * ldir.x;
double IT = lights[l].I;
if (smoke.i) {
IT *= absorbsion (a, l);
I += max (0, IT*Il);
return I;
bool specular (ray r, coord n, coord a, double gloss, double alR, unsigned char c[3]) {
int l = 0;
normalize (&n);
while (lights[l].type > 0) { //Fixme: No mirrored light sources yet
if (lights[l].type > 1) {
if (lights[l].type == 2) { //Fixme: Only sun
if (shaded (a, lights[l]))
return false;
coord R = reflect (lights[l].dir, n);
normalize (&R);
double RdN = -dot(r.dir, R);
if (RdN < 0)
return false;
double I = max(alR*lights[l].I*pow(RdN, gloss), 1e-6);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
c[i] = lights[l].col[i]* min(max(log(I) - log(cam.min),0)/log(cam.max/cam.min), 1);
c[i] = min (c[i], 255);
return true;
double light_intensity (coord n, coord a) {
double I = diffuse_Lambert(n, a);
int l = 0;
while (lights[l].type > 0) {
if (lights[l].type == 1)
I += lights[l].I;
I = min (max(cam.f(I) - cam.f(cam.min),0)/cam.f(cam.max/cam.min), 1);
return I;
struct _get_pixel{
unsigned char c[3];
coord n;
coord a;
ray r;
double SPexp;
double SPR;
void get_pixel (struct _get_pixel * inp) {
double I = light_intensity (inp->n, inp->a);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
inp->c[i] *= I;
if (inp->SPexp && inp->SPR) {
unsigned char tmp[3];
if (specular (inp->r, inp->n , inp->a, inp->SPexp, inp->SPR, tmp))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
inp->c[i] = min(inp->c[i] + tmp[i], 255);
Pixel color from a material hit (maybe recursive)
Mind the presidence certain properties take over others:
- Dull
- Refractive
- Fully reflective (R = 1)
- Prescribed color
- Color from scalar field data and color bar
- RGB Color code from vector field
4, 5 and 6 maybe supplemented with either 7 or 8,
- Reflection (R < 1)
- Transmission (transparancy, without refraction)
double get_color_ray(); //Prototype
bool get_color_material (ray r, coord a, coord n, material mat, unsigned char px[3]) {
// Dull object?
if (mat.dull) {
if (any_comp(mat.n1) && any_comp(n)) {
normalize (&n); normalize (&mat.n1);
double l = (dot (n, mat.n1) + 1.)/2.;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = l*mat.col[i] + (1. - l)*mat.col2[i];
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = mat.col[i];
return true;
// Refractive object?
else if (mat.ind) {
if (r.depth <= max_ray_depth) {
normalize (&n); normalize (&r.dir);
ray refl, refr;
refl.depth = refr.depth = r.depth + 1;
refl.O = refr.O = a;
refl.dir = reflect (r.dir, n);
normalize (&refl.dir);
double w = fresnel (r.dir, n, mat.ind);
if (w < 1) {
refr.dir = refract (r.dir, n, mat.ind);
normalize (&refr.dir);
bias (&refl); bias (&refr);
unsigned char ptrefl[3], ptrefr[3];
get_color_ray (refl, ptrefl);
if (w < 1)
get_color_ray (refr, ptrefr);
w = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = w*ptrefl[i] + (1 - w)*ptrefr[i];
if (mat.SPexp && mat.SPR) {
unsigned char tmp[3];
if (specular (r, n , a, mat.SPexp, mat.SPR, tmp))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = min(px[i] + tmp[i], 255);
return true;
return false;
// Full Reflector?
if (mat.R >= 1) {
if (r.depth <= max_ray_depth) {
ray new = {.O = a, .dir = reflect (r.dir, n), .depth = r.depth + 1};
bias (&new);
if ((get_color_ray (new, px) == HUGE))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = mat.col[i];
return true;
return false;
// It must be a "tradional" object:
assert (any_col (mat.col) || mat.s.i || mat.v.y.i || mat.R >= 1 );
struct _get_pixel out;
out.r = r;
out.SPexp = mat.SPexp;
out.SPR = mat.SPR;
out.n = n;
out.a = a;
if (any_col (mat.col))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
out.c[i] = mat.col[i];
else if (mat.s.i) {
double cmap[NCMAP][3];
scalar s = mat.s; (cmap);
a.x += L0/(1<<depth())*1e-5*r.dir.x;
Point point = locate (a.x, a.y, a.z);
if (point.level < 0)
return false;
double val = mat.linear ?
interpolate (s, a.x, a.y, a.z) : s[];
colormap_pigmentation (out.c, cmap, val, mat.min, mat.max);
else if (mat.v.y.i) {
vector v = mat.v;
a.x += L0/(1<<depth())*1e-5*r.dir.x;
Point point = locate (a.x, a.y, a.z);
if (point.level < 0)
return false;
double val = mat.linear ?
interpolate (v.x, a.x, a.y, a.z) : v.x[];
if (val == nodata)
return false;
out.c[0] = 255*min(max(val - mat.min, 0.)/(mat.max - mat.min), 1.);
val = mat.linear ?
interpolate (v.y, a.x, a.y, a.z) : v.y[];
if (val == nodata)
return false;
out.c[1] = 255*min(max(val - mat.min, 0.)/(mat.max - mat.min), 1.);
val = mat.linear ?
interpolate (v.z, a.x, a.y, a.z) : v.z[];
if (val == nodata)
return false;
out.c[2] = 255*min(max(val - mat.min, 0.)/(mat.max - mat.min), 1.);
get_pixel (&out);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = out.c[i];
if ((!mat.R && !mat.T) || r.depth > max_ray_depth)
return true;
if (mat.R) {
unsigned char temp[3];
ray new = {.O = a, .dir = reflect (r.dir, n), .depth = r.depth + 1};
bias (&new);
if ((get_color_ray (new, temp) != HUGE))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = (1 - mat.R)*px[i] + mat.R*temp[i];
return true;
if (mat.T) {
unsigned char temp[3];
ray new = {.O = a, .dir = r.dir, .depth = r.depth + 1};
bias1 (&new);
if ((get_color_ray (new, temp) != HUGE))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = (1 - mat.T)*px[i] + mat.T*temp[i];
return true;
//this should not happen:
assert (0);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
px[i] = 0; // Darkness
return false;
User interface
The sketch and store functions are elsewhere:
#include "sketch.h"
#undef normalize
- Visualize a dream
- Visualize a dump file
- Vortex ring colission with 4th order solver
- Turbulence at a cloud-atmosphere interface
- Untying a vortex knot
All pages using bwatch
to do
A flexible camera
ray-castingDo something ray-ishimplement and combine more than one sketch functionImplement a fun sketch functionConsider lights and colours- Reflection of light sources
volumetric renderingplume.cUse bwatch for something- Think about optimizations to mitigate the long rendering times
Fill gaps in vof facets
Refractive objects- Implement point-light sources
- Primitives cast shades
Partially reflective and transparant (alpha buffering) objectsGouraud shading for facetsIsosurfacesRGB-code from vector fieldParallel acceleration with OpenMP- MPI compatiblity (and acceleration)