Transcritical flow over a bump with multiple layers
This test case is similar to layered.c but using simpler (and more physical) boundary conditions. Both hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic solutions are obtained. The non-hydrostatic solution is compared with a DNS solution using the Navier-Stokes/VOF solver.
More details are given in Popinet (2020).
#include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
#if !ML
# include "saint-venant.h"
#else // ML
# include "layered/hydro.h"
# define phi q
# if !HYDRO
# include "layered/nh.h"
# endif
# include "layered/remap.h"
# include "layered/perfs.h"
#endif // ML
The primary parameters are the flow rate, water level, viscosity, bump amplitude and ramping time.
const double QL = 1., HR = 0.6, NU = 1e-2, BA = 0.4, T0 = 10;
int main()
The domain is 30 meters long.
L0 = 30. [1];
G = 9.81;
N = 512; // less damping with 1024
The viscosity is set to NU and 20 layers are used to discretise vertically.
nu = NU;
nl = 20; // going to 30 changes very little
#if ML
max_slope = 0.;
#if !HYDRO
Initialisation and boundary conditions
The inflow is a parabolic profile with a total flow rate Q. The function below computes the height zc of the middle of the layer and returns the corresponding velocity.
#if !ML
double uleft (Point point, scalar s, double Q)
double zc = zb[];
for (int l = 0; l < s.l; l++)
zc += layer[l]*h[];
zc += layer[s.l]*h[]/2.;
return 3./2.*Q/h[]*(1. - sq(zc/h[] - 1.));
For the multilayer solver, we need some trickery to define the inflow velocity profile as a function of z. We need to sum the layer thicknesses to get the total depth H
and the height zc
of the current layer (of index point.l
double uleft (Point point, scalar s, double Q)
double H = 0.;
double zc = zb[];
for (int l = - point.l; l < nl - point.l; l++) {
H += h[0,0,l];
if (l < 0)
zc += h[0,0,l];
zc += h[]/2.;
return 3./2.*Q/H*(1. - sq(zc/H - 1.));
We initialise the topography and the initial thickness of each layer h.
event init (i = 0)
double a = 5.;
foreach() {
zb[] = BA*exp(- sq(x - 10.)/a);
#if !ML
h[] = HR - zb[];
h[] = (HR - zb[])/nl;
The height of the free-surface \eta is imposed on the right boundary.
eta[right] = dirichlet(HR);
Boundary conditions are set for the inflow velocity and the outflow of each layer.
#if !ML
for (vector u in ul) {
u.n[left] = dirichlet (uleft (point, _s, QL*(t < T0 ? t/T0 : 1.)));
u.n[right] = neumann(0.);
h[right] = dirichlet(HR);
u.n[left] = dirichlet (uleft (point, _s, QL*(t < T0 ? t/T0 : 1.)));
u.n[right] = neumann(0);
In the non-hydrostatic case, a boundary condition is required for the non-hydrostatic pressure \phi of each layer.
#if !HYDRO && ML
phi[right] = dirichlet(0.);
We can optionally add horizontal viscosity.
#if 0
event viscous_term (i++)
// add horizontal viscosity (small influence)
scalar * list = {u.x};
scalar * list = {u.x,w};
scalar d2u[];
for (scalar s in list) {
d2u[] = (u.x[1] + u.x[-1] - 2.*u.x[])/sq(Delta);
u.x[] += dt*nu*d2u[];
We check for convergence.
scalar etac[];
event logfile (t += 0.1; i <= 100000) {
FILE * fp = fopen ("dh", "w");
fprintf (fp, "%g %g\n", x, eta[] - etac[]);
fclose (fp);
double dh = change (eta, etac);
if (i > 1 && dh < 5e-5)
return 1;
Uncomment this part if you want on-the-fly animation.
#if 0
#include "plot_layers.h"
We save profiles at regular intervals.
event profiles (t += 5)
foreach (serial) {
#if !ML
double H = h[];
double H = 0.;
H += h[];
fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x, zb[] + H, zb[]);
fprintf (stderr, "\n\n");
For the hydrostatic case, we compute a diagnostic vertical velocity field w
. Note that this needs to be done within this event because it relies on the fluxes hu
and face heights hf
, which are only defined temporarily in the multilayer solver.
scalar w = {-1};
event update_eta (i++)
if (w.i < 0)
w = new scalar[nl];
vertical_velocity (w, hu, hf);
The layer interface values are averaged at the center of each layer.
foreach() {
double wm = 0.;
foreach_layer() {
double w1 = w[];
w[] = (w1 + wm)/2.;
wm = w1;
#endif // HYDRO
We also save the velocity and non-hydrostatic pressure fields.
event output (t = end)
foreach (serial) {
double z = zb[];
printf ("%g %g %g %g\n", x, z, u.x[], w[]);
foreach_layer() {
z += h[];
printf ("%g %g %g %g\n", x, z, u.x[], w[]);
#elif !ML
vector u = ul[0];
scalar w = wl[0];
printf ("%g %g %g %g\n", x, z, u.x[], w[]);
int l = 0;
for (u,w in ul,wl) {
z += layer[l++]*h[];
printf ("%g %g %g %g\n", x, z, u.x[], w[]);
#else // ML
printf ("%g %g %g %g %g\n", x, z, u.x[], w[], phi[]);
foreach_layer() {
z += h[];
printf ("%g %g %g %g %g\n", x, z, u.x[], w[], phi[]);
#endif // ML
printf ("\n");
delete ({w});
printf ("# end = %g\n", t);
We compare the hydrostatic results obtained with the layered solver and those obtained with the Saint-Venant multilayer code.
set yr [0.5:1.2]
set xlabel 'x'
set ylabel 'z'
plot '../gaussian-hydro/log' u 1:2 w l t 'Multilayer', \
'../gaussian-stvt/log' u 1:2 w l t 'De Vita et al.'
Evolution of the free surface (hydrostatic). (script)
The results which follow are obtained with the non-hydrostatic solver.
plot 'log' u 1:2 w l t ''
Evolution of the free surface (non-hydrostatic) (script)
We compare the results obtained with the layered solver to those obtained with the Navier-Stokes VOF solver (and without metric).
plot 'log' w l t 'Multilayer', \
'../../examples/gaussian-ns/log' w l t 'Navier-Stokes VOF'
Evolution of the free surface for both solvers (script)
plot 'log' index 11 w l t 'Multilayer', \
'../../examples/gaussian-ns/log' index 'prof70' w l t 'Navier-Stokes VOF', \
'../gaussian-nometric/log' index 12 w l t 'no metric'
Final free surface profiles (script)
set term PNG enhanced font ",15" size 2048,512
set yr [0:1.2]
set output 'vel.png'
set pm3d
set pm3d map interpolate 10,4
unset key
# jet colormap
set palette defined ( 0 0 0 0.5647, 0.125 0 0.05882 1, 0.25 0 0.5647 1, \
0.375 0.05882 1 0.9333, 0.5 0.5647 1 0.4392, 0.625 1 0.9333 0, 0.75 1 0.4392 0, \
0.875 0.9333 0 0, 1 0.498 0 0 )
set contour base
set cntrparam levels discrete 0
set cntrlabel onecolor
set cntrparam bspline
splot 'out' u 1:2:3 lt 3 lc rgb "#ffffff" lw 2

Horizontal velocity field (script)
set term PNG enhanced font ",15" size 2048,512
set output 'w.png'
# set cbrange [-0.1:0.1]
unset contour
splot 'out' u 1:2:4

Vertical velocity field (script)
set term PNG enhanced font ",15" size 2048,512
set output 'phi.png'
# set cbrange [-0.2:0.35]
splot 'out' u 1:2:5

Non-hydrostatic pressure (script)