
    Transcritical flow over a bump

    This is the Navier-Stokes/VOF version of this test case. A viscous fluid is injected to the left of a Gaussian bump and exits the domain with a fixed water depth. This creates a subcritical flow at inflow and outflow (i.e. the phase speed of gravity waves is larger than the fluid velocity) and a supercritical flow over the bump. In the absence of non-hydrostatic terms this would create a viscous hydraulic jump (see /src/test/gaussian.c). When non-hydrostatic terms are included (i.e. the full free-surface Navier-Stokes are solved), this leads to a steady wavetrain of dispersive waves.

    Horizontal velocity field

    Horizontal velocity field

    Vertical velocity field

    Vertical velocity field

    See Popinet (2020) for a more detailed discussion.

    #include "embed.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "reduced.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/perfs.h"
    const double H0 = 0.6, QL = 1., BA = 0.4, NU = 1e-2, T0 = 10.;
    double hl = H0;
    u.n[left] = dirichlet((t < T0 ? t/T0 : 1.)*3./2.*QL/hl*(y < hl ? 1. - sq(y/hl - 1.) : 1.));
    p[left] = neumann(0);
    pf[left] = neumann(0);
    u.n[right] = neumann(0.);
    p[right]   = dirichlet(0.);
    pf[right]  = dirichlet(0.);
    u.n[embed] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.t[embed] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
    int main()
      size (30 [1]);
      N = 32;
      rho1 = 0.001 [0];
      rho2 = 1. [0];
      mu2 = NU;
      mu1 = mu2*rho1/rho2/10.;
      G.y = - 9.81;
      Z.y = H0;
    event init (i = 0)
      refine (y < 1.5 && level < 10);
      fraction (f, y - H0);
      double a = 5.;
      solid (cs, fs, y - BA*exp(- sq(x - 10.)/a) - 1e-3);
    event update_hl (i++)
      hl = 0.;
      foreach_boundary (left, reduction(+:hl))
        hl += Delta*f[];
      hl = L0 - hl;
      printf ("%g %g\n", t, hl);
    event snapshot (i += 10; t <= 70) {
      p.nodump = false;
    event maxdt (t <= 10.; t += 0.05);
    event profiles (t += 5)
      fprintf (stderr, "# prof%g\n", t);
      output_facets (f, stderr);
    event pictures (t = end)
      view (fov = 4.04484, tx = -0.498476, ty = -0.0923365, sy = 5,
    	bg = {1,1,1},
    	width = 1869, height = 390);
      draw_vof ("cs", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1});
      draw_vof ("f", filled = 1, fc = {1,1,1});
      squares ("u.x", min = -0.5, max = 4, linear = true);
      isoline ("u.x", 0., lc = {1,1,1}, lw = 2);
      save ("u.x.png");
      draw_vof ("cs", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1});
      draw_vof ("f", filled = 1, fc = {1,1,1});
      squares ("u.y", min = -0.8, max = 0.8, linear = true);
      save ("u.y.png");  