Nicolas Le Moine sandbox
I am a ‘’maître de conférences’’ in hydrology at Sorbonne Université based at Metis lab, and currently on secondment at Institut Agro Rennes-Angers (AgroCampus Ouest) in Rennes. I am interested in flood modeling using Saint Venant equations, but also modeling of Darcy flow in porous medium and glacier ice flow modeling.
Ice flow modeling
Shallow Ice Approximation
- Halfar 1D similarity solution, see Halfar,1981
- Halfar 2D radial similarity solution, see Halfar,1983
Shallow Water Equations
Boundary conditions for river flow modeling
- Inflow routine for use with MPI without masks (work in progress)
- Topographic and friction source term with detrended bathymetry: a procedure allowing to deal more easily with a “uniform flow” downstream boundary condition.
Diffusive wave approximation
- 2D diffusive wave: zero-inertia approximation to the full Saint-Venant system
Stationary, periodic solutions
- MacDonald’s test problem #3
Darcy flow modeling
Analytical Element Method
- AEM-based computation of the Basal Envelope Surface of Talwegs