
    Waterfall, M. C. Escher

    Waterfall, M. C. Escher

    Nicolas Le Moine sandbox

    I am a ‘’maître de conférences’’ in hydrology at Sorbonne Université based at Metis lab, and currently on secondment at Institut Agro Rennes-Angers (AgroCampus Ouest) in Rennes. I am interested in flood modeling using Saint Venant equations, but also modeling of Darcy flow in porous medium and glacier ice flow modeling.

    Ice flow modeling

    Shallow Ice Approximation

    Shallow Water Equations

    Boundary conditions for river flow modeling

    Diffusive wave approximation

    Stationary, periodic solutions

    Darcy flow modeling

    Analytical Element Method

    • AEM-based computation of the Basal Envelope Surface of Talwegs

    Numerical cases