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    Diffusive wave approximation to the Shallow Water Equations

    General formulation

    The diffusive wave approximation stems from the Saint-Venant Shallow Water Equations, which can be written in full form as:

    \displaystyle \displaystyle\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left[\begin{array}{c} h \\ h\,u_x \\ h\,u_y \end{array}\right] = -\boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot \left[\begin{array}{cc} h\,u_x & h\,u_y \\ h\,u_x^2+ \frac{1}{2} g h^2 & h\,u_x\,u_y \\ h\,u_x\,u_y & h\,u_y^2 + \frac{1}{2} g h^2\end{array}\right] \ -\ g\,h\left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ \partial_x z_b \\ \partial_y z_b \end{array}\right] \ -\ \frac{1}{\rho}\left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ \tau_x \\ \tau_y \end{array}\right]

    The first line is the continuity equation, while the second and third are the projections of the dynamic (momentum) equation. The diffusive wave approximation is a zero-inertia approximation, obtained by neglecting the inertial acceleration terms in the left-hand side and the convective acceleration terms in the right-hand side:

    \displaystyle \displaystyle\left[\begin{array}{c} \frac{\partial h}{\partial t} \\ \cancel{\frac{\partial(h\,u_x)}{\partial t}} \\ \cancel{\frac{\partial(h\,u_y)}{\partial t}} \end{array}\right] = -\boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot \left[\begin{array}{cc} h\,u_x & h\,u_y \\ \frac{1}{2} g h^2 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{1}{2} g h^2\end{array}\right] -\quad\cancel{ \boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot \left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 0 \\ h\,u_x^2 & h\,u_x\,u_y \\ h\,u_x\,u_y & h\,u_y^2 \end{array}\right] } \ -\ g\,h\left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ \partial_x z_b \\ \partial_y z_b \end{array}\right] \ -\ \frac{1}{\rho}\left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ \tau_x \\ \tau_y \end{array}\right]

    Denoting q_x = h\,u_x and q_y = h\,u_y the components of the flux density vector, the system boils down to:

    \displaystyle \begin{cases} \frac{\partial h}{\partial t} = -\boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot\mathbf{q} & \\ 0 = -g h \frac{\partial h}{\partial x} -g h \frac{\partial z_b}{\partial x} - \frac{1}{\rho}\tau_x & \\ 0 = -g h \frac{\partial h}{\partial y} -g h \frac{\partial z_b}{\partial y} - \frac{1}{\rho}\tau_y & \\ \end{cases}

    The dynamic equation (last two scalar equations) is limited to a quasi-equilibrium between friction and the resultant force of the pressure gradient. Indeed, denoting \eta = z_b + h the water surface elevation, we have:

    \displaystyle \begin{cases} \frac{\partial h}{\partial t} = -\boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot\mathbf{q} & \\ 0 = -g h \frac{\partial \eta}{\partial x} -\frac{1}{\rho}\tau_x & \\ 0 = -g h \frac{\partial \eta}{\partial y} - \frac{1}{\rho}\tau_y & \\ \end{cases}

    In the following we chose the Manning friction model, but any other model can be chosen. We then have \quad\boldsymbol{\tau} = \rho\,g\,n^2\,h^{-\frac{7}{3}}\|\mathbf{q}\|\mathbf{q}\quad and then:

    \displaystyle \begin{cases} q_x = -\displaystyle\frac{1}{n^2\|\mathbf{q}\|}h^{\frac{10}{3}}\frac{\partial\eta}{\partial x} & \\ & \\ q_y = -\displaystyle\frac{1}{n^2\|\mathbf{q}\|}h^{\frac{10}{3}}\frac{\partial\eta}{\partial y} & \\ \end{cases} Hence \displaystyle \|\mathbf{q}\| = \displaystyle\frac{1}{n^2\|\mathbf{q}\|}h^{\frac{10}{3}}\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta\|

    We see that we now have an explicit expression for the norm of the flux density vector, and hence for the vector itself:

    \displaystyle \|\mathbf{q}\| = \displaystyle\frac{1}{n}h^{\frac{5}{3}}\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta\|^{\frac{1}{2}}

    \displaystyle \mathbf{q} = \displaystyle-\frac{1}{n}\big(\eta-z_b\big)^{\frac{5}{3}}\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta\|^{-\frac{1}{2}}\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta

    Finally we are left with a single equation (the continuity equation) which can be written in the form of a diffusion equation:

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial\eta}{\partial t} = +\boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot\left( \underbrace{\frac{1}{n}\big(\eta-z_b\big)^{\frac{5}{3}}\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta\|^{-\frac{1}{2}}}_{ \normalsize D\left(\eta,\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta\|\right) }\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta \right)

    The problem is nonlinear since the diffusivity D depends both on \eta and on the norm of the gradient of \eta. However it can be easily implemented in Basilisk thanks to the Poisson solver, using an implicit scheme with a staggered grid diffusivity:

    Centered, face and vertex staggering. The diffusivity field uses the second type.

    Centered, face and vertex staggering. The diffusivity field uses the second type.

    It is necessary to desingularize the norm of the gradient of \eta, which has exponent -\frac{1}{2} in the diffusivity. We use:

    \displaystyle D\left(\eta,\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta\|\right) = \frac{1}{n}\big(\eta-z_b\big)^{\frac{5}{3}}\Big(\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta\|+\epsilon\Big)^{-\frac{1}{2}}

    Formulation with detrended topography

    Just like for the full Saint-Venant system, solving the diffusive wave equation using a detrended topography requires some rewriting of the problem. Denoting \mathbf{I}_\mathrm{reg} = (I_x,I_y)^T the regional ``tilt’’ driving the flow, we have: \displaystyle \begin{cases} \boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta = \boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta' - \mathbf{I}_\mathrm{reg} & \\ & \\ h = (\eta-z_b) = (\eta'-z_b') & \\ \end{cases}

    Hence: \displaystyle \frac{\partial\eta'}{\partial t} = +\boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot\left(\underbrace{\frac{1}{n}\big(\eta'-z_b'\big)^{\frac{5}{3}}\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta'-\mathbf{I}_\mathrm{reg}\|^{-\frac{1}{2}}}_{\normalsize D\left(\eta',\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta'\|\right)}\left({\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta'-\mathbf{I}_\mathrm{reg}}\right)\right)=\boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot\big(D\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta'\big) - \mathbf{I}_\mathrm{reg}\cdot\boldsymbol{\nabla}D

    We see that we can keep using the Poisson solver to compute the evolution of the new variable \eta' (detrended water surface elevation) with the detrended topography z_b' as input, provided that we add a ficticious source term given by -\mathbf{I}_\mathrm{reg}\cdot\boldsymbol{\nabla}D. The desingularization of the norm of the gradient is of course still required:

    \displaystyle D\left(\eta',\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta'\|\right) = \frac{1}{n}\big(\eta'-z'_b\big)^{\frac{5}{3}}\Big(\|\boldsymbol{\nabla}\eta'-\mathbf{I}_\mathrm{reg}\|+\epsilon\Big)^{-\frac{1}{2}} and we set \epsilon = 0.001\ \|\mathbf{I}_\mathrm{reg}\|.

    Issues with mass conservation

    One of the specificities of the diffusive wave formulation is that we keep setting the water surface elevation \eta equal to the topographic elevation z_b even where the surface is dry. It is therefore possible that, over a given time step, the value of \eta changes from \eta=z_b to \eta<z_b (or, equivalenty, from \eta'=z'_b to \eta'<z'_b), typically with a non-zero flux between a wet cell and a neighboring dry cell if the interface diffusivity is non-zero. At the end of the iteration, we reset \eta\leftarrow\textrm{max}\left\{\eta,z_b\right\} but this amounts to artificially create a small volume (per unit area) \Delta\eta^{(i)} = \left(z_b-\eta^{(i)}\right) on the corresponding, dry cell. In order to ensure mass conservation, we store the quantity \Delta\eta^{(i)} in memory (using the scalar field \texttt{excess[]}): it will be compensated at the next iteration using a sink term -\frac{\Delta\eta^{(i)}}{\Delta t}. We can even benefit from the implicit scheme of the Poisson solver to improve the estimate of the required balancing / compensating term; indeed, if resetting \eta = z_b was necessary for a given cell at a given time step, we can bet that it will again be necessary at the next iteration. The corresponding balancing sink term would then have the value -\left(\frac{z_b-\eta^{(i+1)}}{\Delta t}\right). We can then build a semi-implicit estimate of the sink term, using a parameter \alpha and the boolean \mathbb{1}_{(\Delta\eta^{(i)}>0)} (which has value 1 if \Delta\eta^{(i)}>0 on the cell at the previous iteration, and 0 otherwise):

    \displaystyle r=-\left[(1-\alpha)\underbrace{\frac{\Delta\eta^{(i)}}{\Delta t}}_{\textrm{explicit}}\ +\ \alpha\,\underbrace{\mathbb{1}_{(\Delta\eta^{(i)}>0)}\left(\frac{z_b-\eta^{(i+1)}}{\Delta t}\right)}_{\textrm{implicit}}\right]

    \displaystyle r=-\left[(1-\alpha)\frac{\Delta\eta^{(i)}}{\Delta t}+\alpha\,\mathbb{1}_{(\Delta\eta^{(i)}>0)}\frac{z_b}{\Delta t}\right]\quad + \quad \left[\alpha\,\mathbb{1}_{(\Delta\eta^{(i)}>0)}\frac{1}{\Delta t}\right]\eta^{(i+1)}

    It yields a reaction term with an affine form, directly handled by the Poisson solver in Basilisk: \displaystyle r = r_0 + \beta\ \eta^{(i+1)} This correction is stable for \alpha<1 (a more thorough study of this property would be necessary).

    It is worth noting that the situation \eta<z_b can result from the diffusion equation itself, but also from the adaptivity of the grid. It is indeed possible that, after the adaptation step, the surface \texttt{eta[]} be locally below the topographic surface \texttt{zb[]}; in the latter case, if the surface is locally dry, the compensating sink term is disabled.

    Basilisk implementation

    We test the scheme on a short reach (2 km) of the Garonne River. It is extracted from the larger dataset described in Le Moine & Mahdade (2021). The boundary conditions consist in a prescribed stage hydrograph at the inflow section, and a uniform flow condition at the outflow section. The results of the diffusive wave scheme are compared with those of the full Saint-Venant system with the exact same setting.

    Detrended topo-bathymetry z_b' of the test reach. Color map ranges from -7 m to +4 m relative to bankfull level. The square domain is 2048 x 2048 m.

    Detrended topo-bathymetry z_b' of the test reach. Color map ranges from -7 m to +4 m relative to bankfull level. The square domain is 2048 x 2048 m.

    #include "grid/quadtree.h"
    #include "run.h"
    #include "diffusion.h"
    #include "terrain.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    #include "output.h"
    #define ETABF 10.6
    #define n_ch 0.03
    #define n_fp 0.06
    #define sec_per_day 86400.
    #define M_PI acos(-1.0)
    #define ETAE     1e-2 // error on water elevation (1 cm)
    #define HE       1e-2 // error on water depth (1 cm)
    #define UE       1e-2 // 0.01 m/s
    #define SE       1.0e-6
    double G = 9.81, dry = 1e-3;
    double prec,facExplicit;
    scalar zb[],eta[],h[],nmanning[],l[],r[],beta[],excess[];
    face vector D[];
    int nsteps,tag;
    double dt, tini;
    mgstats mgd;
    coord tilt;
    #define LEVEL 7
    #define MINLEVEL 5

    Inflow section: sine-shaped stage hydrograph

    double stage_hydrograph (double tt)
       return( ETABF-2.0*cos(2.0*M_PI*tt/sec_per_day) );
    double segment_eta (coord segment[2], scalar h, scalar eta)
      coord m = {segment[0].y - segment[1].y, segment[1].x - segment[0].x};
      normalize (&m);
      double tot = 0., wtot = 0.;
      foreach_segment (segment, p) {
        double dl = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          double dp = (p[1].x - p[0].x)*Delta/Delta_x*(fm.y[] + fm.y[0,1])/2.;
          dl += sq(dp);
        dl = sqrt (dl);    
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
          coord a = p[i];
          tot += dl/2.*
    	interpolate_linear (point, (struct _interpolate)
    			    {h, a.x, a.y, 0.})*
    	interpolate_linear (point, (struct _interpolate)
    				 {eta, a.x, a.y, 0.}) ;
          wtot += dl/2.* interpolate_linear (point, (struct _interpolate)
    			    {h, a.x, a.y, 0.});
      // reduction
    #if _MPI
      MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, &wtot, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      return (tot/wtot);

    Diffusivity function

    int update_diffusivity(scalar zb, scalar eta, face vector D, bool write)
      double eps_slope = sqrt(sq(tilt.x)+sq(tilt.y))/1000.;
      //    /!\ reminder : D.x and D.y are not co-located
    unused variable ‘hl’ [-Wunused-variable]
        double hl = eta[-1,0]-zb[-1,0] ;
        double hm = (eta[]+eta[-1,0]-zb[]-zb[-1,0])/2.; // depth interpolated at face center
        hm = max(hm,0.);
        double sn = (eta[]-eta[-1,0])/Delta; // slope component along face normal
        double st = (eta[0,-1]+eta[-1,-1]-eta[0,1]-eta[-1,1])/4./Delta;	// slope component transverse to face normal
        sn -= tilt.x ;
        st -= tilt.y ;
        double S = sqrt(sq(sn)+sq(st)) + eps_slope ; // desingularize slope
        D.x[] = 2.*pow(hm,5./3.)/sqrt(S)/(nmanning[]+nmanning[-1,0]) ;
      boundary((scalar *){D});
    int update_sink(double Dt)
      double a = 0.5;
      foreach()  // cell-centered source term compensating for detrending and mass unbalance
        beta[] = excess[]>0. ? a/Dt : 0.;
        r[] = -tilt.x * (D.x[1,0]-D.x[])/Delta - tilt.y * (D.y[0,1]-D.y[])/Delta - (1.-a)*excess[]/Dt;
        r[] += (excess[]>0.) ? -a*zb[]/Dt : 0.;
    FILE * fpcontrol;
    int main (int argc, char * argv[])
      size (2048.);
      origin (-424.,-2332.);
      init_grid (1 << LEVEL);
      // Get .kdt file
      system("mv download garonne_local.kdt");
      // Get .pts file
      system("mv download garonne_local.pts");
      // Get .sum file
      system("mv download garonne_local.sum");
      G = 9.81;
      tilt.x = 0.;
      tilt.y = 1.103e-3;
      facExplicit = 10.;
    event initialize (i=0)
        terrain(zb,"garonne_local", NULL);
        scalar zmin = zb.dmin;
        output_ppm (zb, min = 3.6, max = 14.6, file = "topo.png",
    		n = 512, linear = true);
         eta[] = fmax(zb[],stage_hydrograph(0.));
         h[] = eta[]-zb[];
         double zzmin = zmin[]<nodata ? zmin[] : zb[];
         nmanning[] = zzmin<ETABF ? n_ch : n_fp;
         excess[] = 0.;
       (void) update_diffusivity(zb,eta,D,true);
       (void) update_sink(1.0);   
       fpcontrol = fopen("outlet_info.txt","w");
    int adapt();
    event integration (i++;t<86400.)
        eta[] = fmax(zb[],stage_hydrograph(t));
        h[] = eta[]-zb[];
      eta[bottom] = neumann(0.);
      h[bottom] = neumann(0.);
      (void) update_diffusivity(zb,eta,D,false);
      stats sx = statsf (D.x);
      stats sy = statsf (D.y);
    unused variable ‘dtExplicit’ [-Wunused-variable]
      double dtExplicit = 0.25*L0*L0/N/N/fmax(sx.max,sy.max);
    //  dt = dtnext(facExplicit*dtExplicit);
      dt = dtnext(1.7);
      fprintf(stdout,"t = %g, Dmax : %g, dt = %g\n",t,fmax(sx.max,sy.max),dt);
      // recompute sink term at each time step (but not diffusivity) 
      (void) update_sink(dt);
      mgd = diffusion(eta,dt,D,r,beta);
      (void) adapt();
        excess[] = (eta[]<zb[]) ? zb[]-eta[] : 0.; // extra water needed to maintain eta >= zb
        eta[] = fmax(eta[],zb[]);
    // Adaptivity
    int adapt() {
    #if TREE
      scalar etamask[], slope[];
        h[] = eta[]-zb[] > dry ? eta[]-zb[] : 0.;
        etamask[] = h[] > dry ? eta[] : 0.;
        slope[] = h[] > dry ? sqrt( sq(eta[1,0]-eta[-1,0]-2.*tilt.x*Delta) + sq(eta[0,1]-eta[0,-1]-2.*tilt.y*Delta) )/2./Delta : 0.; 
      boundary ({h,etamask,slope});
      astats s = adapt_wavelet ({h,etamask,slope}, (double[]){HE,ETAE,SE},
    			    LEVEL, MINLEVEL);
      scalar zmin = zb.dmin;
        double zzmin = zmin[]<nodata ? zmin[] : zb[];
        nmanning[] = zzmin<ETABF ? n_ch : n_fp;
        l[] = level;
        bool wet_stencil = false;
          wet_stencil = wet_stencil | (h[]>dry);
        // If 3x3 neighborhood is water-free according to newly adapted h[], just ignore adapted eta[], set it to newly adapted zb[].
        // It will disable sink term.
        eta[] = wet_stencil ? eta[] : zb[];
    //  fprintf (ferr, "# refined %d cells, coarsened %d cells\n",,;
    #else // Cartesian
      return 0;
    event snapshot (t+=300. ; t<=86400.)
      scalar m[], etam[];
      foreach() {
        m[] = eta[]*(h[] > dry) - zb[];
        etam[] = h[] < dry ? 0. : (zb[] > 0. ? eta[] - zb[] : eta[]);
      output_ppm (h, mask = m, min = 0, max = 10, 
    	      n = 2048, linear = true, file = "h.mp4");
    event info_conservation (t+=30. ; t<=86400.)
        coord Section[2];
        Section[0] = (coord) { 0. , Y0+L0-L0/N };
        Section[1] = (coord) { 600. , Y0+L0-L0/N };
        // "Measure" mean elevation at top (outlet) section
        double etam = segment_eta (Section,h,eta);
        // "Measure" discharge at top (outlet) section by looping on faces
        double Q = 0.;
           Q += abs(x-300.)<300 ? Delta * D.y[] * ((eta[0,-1]-eta[])/Delta + tilt.y) : 0.; 
        // Total water volume in domain
        double Vol = 0.;
          Vol += h[] * Delta * Delta ;
          fprintf(fpcontrol,"%g %g %g %g\n",t/3600.,Q,etam,Vol);


    Simulated water depth (flow direction is from bottom to top). Left: full Saint-Venant solution; Right: diffusive wave approximation.

       set xlabel "t (h)"
       set ylabel "Total volume in domain (m3)"
       ydim = 800 
       xdim = 480
       plot '../fullsaintvenant/outlet_info.txt' u 1:4 w lines lc rgb "black" lw 3 title 'full Saint-Venant', \
            'outlet_info.txt' u 1:4 w lines lc rgb "black" lw 1 title 'diffusive wave'
    Comparison with full Saint-Venant: domain volume (script)

    Comparison with full Saint-Venant: domain volume (script)

       set xlabel "t (h)"
       set ylabel "Outflow discharge (m3/s)"
       ydim = 800 
       xdim = 480
       plot '../fullsaintvenant/outlet_info.txt' u 1:2 w lines lc rgb "black" lw 3 title 'full Saint-Venant', \
            'outlet_info.txt' u 1:2 w lines lc rgb "black" lw 1 title 'diffusive wave'
    Comparison with full Saint-Venant: outflow discharge (script)

    Comparison with full Saint-Venant: outflow discharge (script)
