![*Waterfall*, M. C. Escher](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e8/Escher_Waterfall.jpg) # Nicolas Le Moine sandbox I am a ''*maître de conférences*'' in hydrology at Sorbonne Université based at [Metis](http://www.metis.upmc.fr) lab, and currently on secondment at [Institut Agro Rennes-Angers](https://www.institut-agro-rennes-angers.fr) (AgroCampus Ouest) in Rennes. I am interested in flood modeling using Saint Venant equations, but also modeling of Darcy flow in porous medium and glacier ice flow modeling. ## **Ice flow modeling** ### *Shallow Ice Approximation* * [Halfar 1D similarity solution](ice/halfar1D.c), see [Halfar,1981](https://doi.org/10.1029/JC086iC11p11065) * [Halfar 2D radial similarity solution](ice/halfar2D.c), see [Halfar,1983](https://doi.org/10.1029/JC088iC10p06043) ## **Shallow Water Equations** ### *Boundary conditions for river flow modeling* * [Inflow routine for use with MPI without masks](SWE/inflow-tilt.h) (work in progress) * [Topographic and friction source term with detrended bathymetry](SWE/manning-tilt.h): a procedure allowing to deal more easily with a "uniform flow" downstream boundary condition. ### *Diffusive wave approximation* * [2D diffusive wave](SWE/diffwave/diffwave.c): zero-inertia approximation to the full Saint-Venant system ### *Stationary, periodic solutions* * [MacDonald](SWE/MacDonald/subcritical.c)'s test problem #3 ## **Darcy flow modeling** ### *Analytical Element Method* * [AEM-based](AEM/envelope/envelope.c) computation of the *Basal Envelope Surface of Talwegs* ### *Numerical cases* * [Hydrodynamic modeling of the Meuvaines coastal wetland](groundwater/Meuvaines/meuvaines.c)