
    A Navier-Stokes equations solver with tracers


    A fourth-order accurate solver for the solution to:

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t} + \left(\mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{\nabla}\right)\mathbf{u} = -\mathbf{\nabla} p + \nu \nabla^2 \mathbf{u} + \mathbf{a},

    with the constraint that,

    \displaystyle \mathbf{\nabla} \cdot \mathbf{u} = 0.

    Furthermore, a scalar s can be advected and diffused,

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial s}{\partial t} = -\mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{\nabla}s + \kappa \nabla^2 s.

    The velocity components are represented discretely as face averages. Their tendencies due to advection and diffusion are computed at vertices wheareas the projection operators acts on the face-averaged quantities.

    #include "higher-order.h" // Higher-order functions and definitions
    #include "poisson4b.h"    // 4th-order Projection scheme
    #include "my_vertex.h"    // Vertex functions and definitions
    #include "run.h"          // Time loop

    The global variables are,

    face vector u[];          // Face averaged values
    face vector df[];         // Tendency for velocity
    scalar p[], p2[];         // Cell-averaged scalars for projection
    (const) vector a;         // Acceleration: Vertex point values
    (const) scalar nu, kappa; // Viscosity and diffusivity: Vertex point values
    mgstats mgp, mgp2;        // MG-solver statistics
    extern scalar * tracers;  // Mandatory vertex-based tracers (maybe NULL)
    scalar * dsl = NULL;      // Tendencies for these tracers
    #define freegrad (layer_nr_y == 1 ? 2.*val(_s,0,0,0) - val(_s,0,-1,0) : 3*val(_s,0,0,0) - 2*val(_s,0,-1,0))
    #if NOSLIP_TOP
    u.n[top] = dirichlet_vert_top4(0.);
    df.n[top] = dirichlet_vert_top4(.0);
    u.t[top] = dirichlet_top(0);
    df.t[top] = dirichlet_top(0);
    u.t[bottom] = dirichlet_bottom4(0);
    df.t[bottom] = dirichlet_bottom4(0);

    Runge-Kutta Time integration

    We use a low-storage time integrator

    #ifndef RKORDER
    #define RKORDER (4)
    #if (RKORDER == 3)
    // Williamson, J. H.: Low-Storage Runge-Kutta schemes, J.
    // Comput.Phys., 35, 48–56, 1980.
    #define STAGES (3)
    double An[STAGES] = {0., -5./9., -153./128.};
    double Bn[STAGES] = {1./3., 15./16., 8./15.};
    // Carpenter, M.  H.  and Kennedy, C.  A.: Fourth-order
    // 2N-storageRunge-Kutta schemes, Tech. Rep. TM-109112, NASA
    // LangleyResearch Center, 1994
    #define STAGES (5)
    double An[STAGES] = {0.,
    		     -567301805773. /1357537059087.,
    double Bn[STAGES] = {1432997174477./9575080441755. ,
    		     1720146321549./2090206949498. ,
    		     3134564353537./4481467310338. ,

    The time stepper is implemented below. It delineates between tracers and the velocity components.

    void A_Time_Step (double dt,
    		  void (* Lu) (face vector uf, face vector du,
    			       scalar * ul, scalar * dul)) {
      if (dsl == NULL && tracers != NULL)
        dsl = list_clone (tracers);
      scalar * dsltmp = list_clone (dsl);
      face vector dftmp[];
      for (int Stp = 0; Stp < STAGES; Stp++) {
        Lu (u, dftmp, tracers, dsltmp);
        foreach_face() {
          df.x[]  = An[Stp]*df.x[] + dftmp.x[];
          u.x[]  += Bn[Stp]*df.x[]*dt;
        foreach() {
          scalar s, ds, dst;
          for (s, ds, dst in tracers, dsl, dsltmp) {
    	ds[]  = An[Stp]*ds[] + dst[];
    	s[]  += Bn[Stp]*ds[]*dt;
        scalar * bound = list_concat ((scalar*){u}, tracers);
        boundary (bound);
        free (bound);
      delete (dsltmp); free (dsltmp); dsltmp = NULL;

    Some default settings that should work for most scenarios.

    event defaults (i = 0) {
    #if TREE
      for (scalar s in tracers) {
        s.restriction = s.coarsen = restriction_vert;
        s.refine = s.prolongation = refine_vert5;
      u.x.refine = refine_face_solenoidal; 
      p.prolongation = refine_4th;
      p2.prolongation = refine_4th;
      foreach_dimension() {
        u.x.prolongation = refine_face_4_x;
        u.x.interpolant = interpolant_face_4_x;
      CFL = 1.3;
      compact_iters = 5;
    event init (t = 0);
    event call_timestep (t = 0) {
      event ("timestep"); 

    Choosing the timestep size

    Apart from the CFL condition, a stability criterion for the viscous term is included.

    \displaystyle \mathrm{DI} < \frac{\mathrm{dt}\nu}{\Delta^2}

    double DI = STAGES == 5 ? 0.2 : 0.1; //Maximum "Cell Diffusion" number 
    event timestep (i++, last) {
      double dtm = HUGE;
      foreach_face(reduction(min:dtm)) {
        if (kappa.i)
          if (DI*sq(Delta)/kappa[] < dtm)
    	dtm = DI*sq(Delta)/kappa[];
        if (nu.i)
          if (DI*sq(Delta)/nu[] < dtm)
    	dtm = DI*sq(Delta)/nu[];
        if (fabs(u.x[]) > 0)
          if (CFL*Delta/fabs(u.x[]) < dtm)
    	dtm = CFL*Delta/fabs(u.x[]);
      dt = dtnext (min(DT, dtm));


    A 4th-order accurate second-derivative scheme is used for the viscous and diffusive terms.

    #define D2SDX2 (-(s[-2] + s[2])/12. + 4.*(s[1] + s[-1])/3. - 5.*s[]/2.)

    Computing the tendency fields

    The tendency is computed from the field values for u and the tracers.

    void adv_diff (face vector du, scalar * dsl) {
      // Allocate some vertex vectors
      vector v[], dv[];
      v.n[top] = dirichlet_vert_top(0);
      dv.n[top] = dirichlet_vert_top(a.y.i ? a.y[0,1] : 0);
      v.n[bottom] = dirichlet_vert_bottom(0);  
      dv.n[bottom] = dirichlet_vert_bottom(0); 
    #if NOSLIP_TOP
      v.t[top] = dirichlet_vert_top4(0);
      dv.t[top] = dirichlet_vert_top4(0);
      v.t[bottom] = dirichlet_vert_bottom4(0);
      dv.t[bottom] = dirichlet_vert_bottom4(0);
      scalar * trcrs  = list_concat ((scalar*){v}, tracers); 
      scalar * dtrcrs = list_concat ((scalar*){dv}, dsl);
      vector * grads = NULL;                
      for (scalar s in trcrs) {
        vector dsd = new_vector ("gradient");
        grads = vectors_add (grads, dsd);
      vector grad; scalar s;
      for (grad, s in grads, trcrs) {
        s.prolongation = refine_vert5;
        s.restriction  = restriction_vert;
        grad.t[top] = freegrad;
        grad.n[top] = freegrad;
        foreach_dimension() {
          grad.x.prolongation = refine_vert5;
          grad.x.restriction = restriction_vert;

    The velocity tendency on vertices also requires boundary conditions

      foreach_dimension() {
        dv.x.prolongation = refine_vert5;
        dv.x.restriction = restriction_vert;

    The face velocity field u is interpolated to the vertex-point values stored in v.

      foreach() { 
          v.x[] = FACE_TO_VERTEX_4(u.x);
      boundary ((scalar*){v});

    We use a compact fourth-order upwind scheme to compute the gradients of all trcrs.

      compact_upwind (trcrs, grads, v);

    The tendency is computed for each vertex;

      foreach() {
        // Advection:
        scalar ds; vector dsd;
        for (ds, dsd in dtrcrs, grads) {
          ds[] = 0;
    	ds[] -= v.x[]*dsd.x[];
        // Viscous term:
        if (nu.i) {
          foreach_dimension() {
    	scalar s = v.x, ds = dv.x;
    	  ds[] += nu[]*D2SDX2/sq(Delta);
        // Diffusion term
        if (kappa.i) {
          scalar s, ds;
          for (s, ds in tracers, dsl) {
    	  ds[] += kappa[]*D2SDX2/sq(Delta);
        // Acceleration term:
        if (a.x.i) 
    	dv.x[] += a.x[];

    The intermediate tendency for the velocity components needs to be re-interpolated to face-averaged values.

      boundary ((scalar*){dv});
        du.x[] = VERTEX_TO_FACE_4(dv.x);
      // cleanup 
      delete ((scalar*)grads); free (grads);
      free (dtrcrs); free (trcrs);

    Time integration

    Chorin’s operator-splitting method is employed. Furthermore, we keep track of the worst multigrid stratistics for all stages in mgp

    void Navier_Stokes (face vector u, face vector du, scalar * sl, scalar * dsl) {
      adv_diff (du, dsl);
      //boundary_flux ({du});
      mgstats mgt = project (du, p, dt = dt);
      mgp.i      = max(mgp.i     , mgt.i);
      mgp.nrelax = max(mgp.nrelax, mgt.nrelax);
      mgp.resa   = max(mgp.resa  , mgt.resa);
      mgp.resb   = max(mgp.resb  , mgt.resb);
      mgp.sum    = max(mgp.sum   , mgt.sum);

    In order to prevent the accumulation of the divergence’ residuals, the solution is projected after each itegration step.

    event advance (i++, last) {
      mgp = (mgstats){0}; // reset
      A_Time_Step (dt, Navier_Stokes);
      mgp2 = project (u, p2);
    event adapt (i++, last) ;
    // Clean up tracer tendency
    event rm_dfl (t = end) {
      delete (dsl); free (dsl); dsl = NULL;


    Utilities include,

    • a function that computes a 2nd-order-accurate estimate of the vorticity (in the z-direction at cell centres.

    • A wavelet-based grid-adaptation function

    • A log event prototype

    #include "utils.h"

    A Wavelet-based grid-adaptation helper function

    It can help to reduce the likelyhood of many small/narrow high-resolution islands.

    #if (TREE)
    #include "adapt_field.h"

    The log event;

    event logger (i++) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %d %d %d %d %ld %d\n", i, t, mgp.i, 
               mgp.nrelax, mgp2.i, mgp2.nrelax, grid->tn, grid->maxdepth);

    Funtions to convert between face and centered fields.

    void vector_to_face (vector uc) {
        u.x[] = (-uc.x[-2] + 7*(uc.x[-1] + uc.x[]) - uc.x[1])/12.;
      boundary ((scalar *){u});
    void face_to_vector (vector uc) {
        uc.x.prolongation = refine_4th;
      foreach() {
          uc.x[] = (-u.x[-1] + 13.*(u.x[] + u.x[1]) - u.x[2])/24.;
    #if NOSLIP_TOP
      uc.t[top] = dirichlet_top4 (0);
      uc.n[top] = dirichlet_top4 (0);
      boundary ((scalar*){uc});
    void vorticityf (face vector u, scalar omega) {
      vector uc[];
      face_to_vector (uc);
      foreach() {
          omega[] = ((8*(uc.y[1] - uc.y[-1]) + uc.y[-2] - uc.y[2]) -
                     (8*(uc.x[0,1] - uc.x[0,-1]) + uc.x[0,-2] - uc.x[0,2]))/(12.*Delta);
      omega[top] = freegrad;
      omega.prolongation = refine_4th;
      boundary ((scalar*){omega});
    #if dimension == 3  
    void vorticityf3 (face vector u, vector omega) {
      vector uc[];
      face_to_vector (uc);
      foreach() {
          omega.x[] = ((8*(uc.z[0,1] - uc.z[0,-1]) + uc.z[0,-2] - uc.z[0,2]) -
    		   (8*(uc.y[0,0,1] - uc.y[0,0,-1]) + uc.y[0,0,-2] - uc.y[0,0,2]))/(12*Delta);
        omega.x.prolongation = refine_5th;
      boundary ((scalar*){omega});



    To do

    • Proper box boundaries (stratified flows)
    • Three dimensional simulations
    • Critical evaluation