
    Interal waves and the dispersion relation

    Internal waves can exist in a stratified fluid. An interesting feature of these waves is the so-called dispersion relation between the angle of wave propagation (\theta), stratification strength (N^2) and the freqency of the wave (\omega), according to,

    \displaystyle \omega = N^2 \cos(\theta).

    The Navier-Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation are solved. In the centre of the domain an oscillating force exites the internal waves with a freqency corresponding to \theta = 45^o.

    A pass for the 4th order solver

    #include "nsf4t.h"
    #include "view.h"
    scalar b[], zeros[], * tracers = {b};
    b[bottom] = dirichlet_vert_bottom; 
    b[top] = dirichlet_vert_top (L0);
    vector av;
    double omega;
    int main() {
      omega = sqrt(2)/2.;
      periodic (left);
      av.x = zeros;
      av.y = b;
      L0 = 30;
      a  = av;
      TOLERANCE = 1e-5;
      DT = 0.2;
      N = 128;
    event init (t = 0) {
        b[] = y;
      boundary ({b});
    event accel (i++) {
        if (sq(x - L0/2) + sq(y - L0/2) < 1)
          u.y[] += 0.1*dt*sin(omega*t); // Not accurate, but flexible...  
    event output (t += 0.5) {
      scalar grb[];
      foreach() {
        grb[] = 0;
          grb[] += sq((b[1] - b[-1])/(2*Delta));
        grb[] = sqrt(grb[]);
      output_ppm (grb, file = "grb.mp4", min = 0.8, max = 1.2, n = 300);
    event stop (t = 75);