
    Do the adaptive discretizations of nsf4t.h work?

    We test convergence by tuning the refinement criterion. The test case is the flow field of a “Gaussian vortex”;

    \displaystyle v_\theta = r e^{-r^2}, \displaystyle v_r = 0.

    The effective resolution N_{\mathrm{eff}} is defined as:

    \displaystyle N_{\mathrm{eff}} = \sqrt{\# Cells}.

    set xr [15:512]
    set logscale x 2
    set logscale y 10
    set xlabel 'N_{effective}'
    set ylabel 'error'
    set grid
    set size square
    fit [1:] a*x + b 'log' u (log($1)):(log($2)) via a, b
    fit [1:] c*x + d 'log' u (log($1)):(log($3)) via c, d
    plot 'log' u 1:2 t 'L_1', '' u 1:3 t 'L_{inf}',\
     exp(b)*x**(a) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(b),a),\
     exp(d)*x**(c) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(d),c)
    Face-averaged to vertex values (script)

    Face-averaged to vertex values (script)

    fit [1:] a*x + b 'log' u (log($1)):(log($4)) via a, b
    fit [1:] c*x + d 'log' u (log($1)):(log($5)) via c, d
    plot 'log' u 1:4 t 'L_1', '' u 1:5 t 'L_{inf}',\
     exp(b)*x**(a) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(b),a),\
     exp(d)*x**(c) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(d),c)
    1st derivative (Compact vertex scheme) (script)

    1st derivative (Compact vertex scheme) (script)

    fit [1:] a*x + b 'log' u (log($1)):(log($6)) via a, b
    fit [1:] c*x + d 'log' u (log($1)):(log($7)) via c, d
    plot 'log' u 1:6 t 'L_1', '' u 1:7 t 'L_{inf}',\
     exp(b)*x**(a) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(b),a),\
     exp(d)*x**(c) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(d),c)
    2nd derivate (Central vertex scheme) (script)

    2nd derivate (Central vertex scheme) (script)

    fit [1:] a*x + b 'log' u (log($1)):(log($8)) via a, b
    fit [1:] c*x + d 'log' u (log($1)):(log($9)) via c, d
    plot 'log' u 1:8 t 'L_1', '' u 1:9 t 'L_{inf}',\
     exp(b)*x**(a) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(b),a),\
     exp(d)*x**(c) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(d),c)
    Vertex to face-averaged values (script)

    Vertex to face-averaged values (script)

    fit [1:] a*x + b 'log' u (log($1)):(log($10)) via a, b
    fit [1:] c*x + d 'log' u (log($1)):(log($11)) via c, d
    plot 'log' u 1:10 t 'L_1', '' u 1:11 t 'L_{inf}',\
     exp(b)*x**(a) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(b),a),\
     exp(d)*x**(c) t sprintf("%.0fN^{%4.2f}", exp(d),c)
    Derivative on faces (projection) (script)

    Derivative on faces (projection) (script)



    The convergence is OK when the PDE has a small prefactor for the term with second derivatives (i.e. the viscosity for the Navier-Stokes eqs.)

    #include "nsf4t.h"
    scalar * tracers = NULL;
    #define funcux (-y*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y)))
    #define funcuy ( x*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y)))
    double funu_x (double x, double y) {
      return funcux;
    double funu_y (double x, double y) {
      return funcuy;
    double dfunux_x (double x, double y) {
      return 2.*x*y*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y));
    double dfunux_y (double x, double y) {
      return (2.*sq(y) - 1)*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y));
    double dfunuy_x (double x, double y) {
      return (1 - 2.*sq(x))*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y));
    double dfunuy_y (double x, double y) {
      return -2*x*y*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y));
    double d2funux_x (double x, double y) {
      return (2*y - 4.*sq(x)*y)*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y));
    double d2funux_y (double x, double y) {
      return (6*y - 4.*cube(y))*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y));
    double d2funuy_x (double x, double y) {
      return (4.*cube(x) - 6*x)*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y));
    double d2funuy_y (double x, double y) {
      return (4.*sq(y)*x - 2*x)*exp(-sq(x) - sq(y));

    The Corresponding proportional pressure field, see.

    double pressure (double x, double y) {
      return exp(-2*(sq(x) + sq(y)))/4.;
    double dp_x (double x, double y) {
      return -x*exp(-2*(sq(x) + sq(y)));
    double dp_y (double x, double y) {
      return -y*exp(-2*(sq(x) + sq(y)));
    double ue, expo = 1.;
    int main() {
      L0 = 15.;
      X0 = -L0/2. + pi/25.;
      Y0 = -L0/2. - exp(1.)/25.;
      N = 8;
    event check_errors (i = 0) {
      for (ue = 1e-1; ue > 1e-9; ue /= 4) {
        do {
    	u.x[] = Gauss6_x (x, y, Delta, funu_x);
          boundary ((scalar*){u});
        } while (adapt_flow (ue, 99, expo).nf > 1);
        double e1 = 0, einf = -1;
        vector v[];
        foreach_dimension() {
          v.x.prolongation = refine_vert5;
          v.x.restriction = restriction_vert;
        // Face to vertex
        foreach() {
          foreach_dimension() {
    	v.x[] = FACE_TO_VERTEX_4(u.x);
    	double el = fabs(funu_x(x - Delta/2, y - Delta/2) - v.x[]);
    	e1 += el*sq(Delta);
    	if (einf < el)
    	  einf = el;
    	v.x[] = funu_x(x - Delta/2, y - Delta/2); //...
        boundary ((scalar*){v});
        vector * grads = NULL;
        for (scalar s in {v}) {
        vector dsd = new_vector ("gradient");
        grads = vectors_add (grads, dsd);
        for (vector grad in grads) {
          foreach_dimension() {
    	grad.x.prolongation = refine_vert5;
    	grad.x.restriction = restriction_vert;
        compact_upwind ((scalar*){v}, grads, v);
        double u1d = 0, uinfd = -1;
        // Gradients
        foreach() {
          vector gradux = grads[0]; 
          vector graduy = grads[1]; 
          foreach_dimension() {
    	double el = fabs (gradux.y[] -
    			  dfunux_y (x - Delta/2., y - Delta/2));
    	u1d += sq(Delta)*el;
    	if (uinfd < el) {
    	  uinfd = el;
    	el = fabs (graduy.y[] -
    		   dfunuy_y (x - Delta/2., y - Delta/2));
    	u1d += sq(Delta)*el;
    	if (uinfd < el) {
    	  uinfd = el;
        double u1d2 = 0, uinfd2 = -1;
        // double derivatives
        foreach() {
          scalar s = v.x;
          foreach_dimension() {
    	double el = fabs (D2SDX2/sq(Delta) -
    			  d2funux_x (x - Delta/2., y - Delta/2.));
    	u1d2 += sq(Delta)*el;
    	if (uinfd2 < el)
    	  uinfd2 = el;
          s = v.y;
          foreach_dimension() {
    	double el = fabs (D2SDX2/sq(Delta) -
    			  d2funuy_x (x - Delta/2., y - Delta/2.));
    	u1d2 += sq(Delta)*el;
    	if (uinfd2 < el)
    	  uinfd2 = el;
        double u1r = 0, uinfr = -1;
        // Vertex to face
        foreach_face() {
          double el =  fabs (Gauss6_x(x, y, Delta, funu_x)
    			 - VERTEX_TO_FACE_4(v.x));
          u1r += sq(Delta)*el;
          if (uinfr < el)
    	uinfr = el;
        // p.prolongation = refine_5th; for 4th order L_{inf}
          p[] = Gauss6 (x, y , Delta, pressure);
        boundary ({p});
        double uf1 = 0, ufinf = -1;
        // Face gradient
        foreach_face() {
          double el = fabs ((p[-2,0] - 15.*p[-1,0] +
    			 15.*p[0,0] - p[1,0])/(12*Delta) -
    			Gauss6_x (x, y, Delta, dp_x));
          uf1 += sq(Delta)*el;
          if (ufinf < el)
    	ufinf = el;
        free (grads); grads = NULL;
        fprintf (stderr,"%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",sqrt(grid->tn),
    	     e1, einf, u1d, uinfd, u1d2, uinfd2, u1r, uinfr, uf1, ufinf);
      scalar lev[];
        lev[] = level;
      output_ppm (lev, file = "lev.png", n = 350, max = depth() + 0.5);
      return 1;