
    The steady 3D flow of Antuono

    The test case is too simple as we get 5th-order convergence with our 4th-order accurate formulations.

    set xr [4:128]
    set logscale x 2
    set logscale y
    set xlabel 'N'
    set ylabel 'Error'
    plot 'out' u 1:2 t 'L_1', '' u 1:3 t 'Max', 1e4*x**(-5)
    Error convergence (script)

    Error convergence (script)

    See also here

    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "nsf4t.h"
    scalar * tracers = NULL;
    double Antuono_x (double x, double y, double z) {
      double a = 4*sqrt(2)/(3*sqrt(3));
      coord c = {x, y ,z};
      return a*(sin(c.x - 5.*pi/6)*cos(c.y - pi/6)*sin(c.z) -
    	    cos(c.z - 5.*pi/6)*sin(c.x - pi/6)*sin(c.y));
    int main() {
        periodic (left);
      L0 = 2*pi;
      for (N = 8; N <= 64; N *= 2)
    event init (t = 0) {
      TOLERANCE = 1e-5;
        u.x[] = Gauss6_x(x, y, z, Delta, Antuono_x);
    event stop (t = 1) {
      double e = 0, em = -1;
      foreach_face() {
        double el = fabs(u.x[] - Gauss6_x(x, y, z, Delta, Antuono_x));
        e += dv()*el;
        if (el > em)
          em = el;
      printf ("%d %g %g\n", N, e, em);
      return 1;