
    A mode 3 instability

    Unstable vortex following Flierl

    set xr [0:2]
    set yr [-0.1: 1.1]
    set size square
    set ylabel 'v_{theta} [-]'
    set xlabel 'r [-]'
    set grid
    plot 'prof' u 1:2 w l lw 2 t 'Piecewise',\
             '' u 1:3 w l lw 3 t 'Initialized'
    Inital profile (script)

    Inital profile (script)

    Vorticity and meterial line

    set xr [0:25]
    set yr [-0.1: 15.1]
    set size square
    set xlabel 'Time [-]'
    set ylabel 'L(t) - L(0) [-]'
    set grid
    plot 'log' u 2:($9- 2.45*3.1415) w l lw 2 t 'Length'
    Length of material line (script)

    Length of material line (script)

    The TOLERANCE controls the divergence, which can be diagnosed without any discrete approximation.

    set xr [0:25]
    set yr [1e-9: 1e-5]
    set logscale y
    set size square
    set xlabel 'Time [T]'
    set ylabel 'Divergence [T^{-1}]'
    set grid
    plot 'log' u 2:10 w l lw 4 t 'Max Divergence', '' u 2:11 w l lw 2 t 'mgp2.resa'
    Maximum divergence (script)

    Maximum divergence (script)

    Last snapshot

    Last snapshot

    #define RKORDER 3
    #include "nsf4t.h"
    #include "profile6.h"
    #include "tracer-particles.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #include "scatter2.h"
    scalar * tracers = NULL;
    Particles parts;
    long unsigned int np = 1e5;
    double P = 1e-5, m = 3; // Perturbation and mode
    double b = 1.45; //Vortex parameter
    int maxlevel = 8;
    double length (Particles p) {
      double lenp = 0;
      coord p1 = {0,0}, pp = {0};
      foreach_particle_in(p) {
        if (p1.x == 0 && p1.y == 0)
          p1 = (coord){x, y};
        else {
          double d = 0;
    	d += sq(p().x - pp.x);
          lenp += sqrt(d);
        pp = (coord){x, y};
      double d = 0;
        d += sq(p1.x - pp.x);
      lenp += sqrt(d);
      return lenp;
    int main() {
        periodic (left);
      L0 = 8.;
      origin (-pi*4./3., -2*exp(1) + 1.2); // Not centered
      N = 1 << maxlevel;
    #define RAD (sqrt((sq(x) + sq(y))))
    #define THETA(M) (M*asin(x/RAD))
    #define RADP(P, M) ((1 + P*sin(THETA(M))))
    event init (t = 0) {
      TOLERANCE = 1e-4;
      parts = new_tracer_particles (np);
      double Theta = 0;
      foreach_particle_in(parts) {
        p().x = (b + 1.)/2.*cos(Theta);
        p().y = (b + 1.)/2.*sin(Theta);
        Theta += 2*pi/(double)(np + 1);
      refine (sq(x) + sq(y) < sq(b*1.2) && level < maxlevel + 2);
      printf ("# Initializing using %ld cells...\n", grid->tn);
      double betav = 1./(1 - sq(b)), alphav = -betav*sq(b);
      vector uc[], ucf[];
      foreach() {
        double rp = RAD*RADP(P,m), vr = 0;
        if (rp <= 1.)
          vr = rp;
        else if (rp > 1 && rp <= b) 
          vr = alphav/rp + betav*rp;
        uc.x[] = -y/rp*vr;
        uc.y[] =  x/rp*vr;
        ucf.x[] = ucf.y[] = 0;
      boundary ((scalar*){uc, ucf});

    The Helmholtzfilter is applied to smoothen the piecewise flow profile.

      const face vector alphaf[] = {-sq(0.4/(2.*pi)), -sq(0.4/(2.*pi))};
        poisson (ucf.x, uc.x, alphaf, unity);  
        u.x[] = ((-ucf.x[-2] + 7*(ucf.x[-1] + ucf.x[]) - ucf.x[1])/12.);
      scalar vtb[], vta[], * ab = {vtb, vta};
      foreach() {
        vtb[] = x/RAD*uc.y[] - y/RAD*uc.x[];
        vta[] = x/RAD*ucf.y[] - y/RAD*ucf.x[];
      profile (ab, sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y)), "prof");
      boundary ((scalar*){u});
      project (u, p2);
      unrefine (level >= maxlevel);
    event logger (i++) {
      boundary_flux ({u});
      scalar div[];
      foreach() {
        div[] = 0;
          div[] += (u.x[1] - u.x[0]);
        div[] = fabs(div[]/Delta);
      stats ds = statsf (div);
      fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %d %d %d %d %ld %d %g %g %g\n", i, t, mgp.i, 
               mgp.nrelax, mgp2.i, mgp2.nrelax, grid->tn,
    	   grid->maxdepth, length (parts), ds.max, mgp2.resa);
    event mov (t += 0.5) {
      scalar omg[];
      vorticityf (u, omg);
      squares ("omg", linear = true, map = cool_warm);
      scatter (parts);
      save ("mov.mp4");
    event stop (t = 25) {
      scalar omg[];
      vorticityf (u, omg);
      view (fov = 9.39975, samples = 4);
      squares ("omg", map = cool_warm,
               min = -2, max = 2, linear = true);
      save ("img.png");


    G. R. Flierl, “On the instability of geostrophic vortices”, J. Fluid Mech. 197, 349