
    Compact upwind advection

    The compact upwind advection scheme is tested for functions with varying degrees of smoothness.

    1. noise
    2. Heaviside function
    3. Tent function
    4. Compact squared cosine
    5. Compact cubed cosine
    6. Gaussian
    set key right outside
    set xlabel 'x'
    set xr [-6:4]
    set yr [ -1.1:1.1]
    plot 'log' u 1:2 t 'noise', '' u 1:3 w l t 'Heaviside',  '' u 1:4 w l  t 'Triangle', '' u 1:5 w l t 'cos^2', '' u  1:6 w l t 'cos^3', '' u 1:7  w l t 'Gaussian'
    Initial solutions (script)

    Initial solutions (script)

    plot 'out' u 1:2 t 'noise', '' u 1:3 w l t 'Heaviside',  '' u 1:4 w l  t 'Triangle', '' u 1:5 w l t 'cos^2', '' u  1:6 w l t 'cos^3', '' u 1:7  w l t 'Gaussian'
    Solutions at t = 1 (script)

    Solutions at t = 1 (script)

    set key right outside
    set xlabel 't'
    plot 'data' u 1:2 t 'noise' w l, 'data' u 1:4 w l t 'Heaviside', '' u 1:6 w l  t 'Triangle',\
     '' u 1:8 w l t 'cos^2', '' u  1:10 w l t 'cos^3', '' u 1:12  w l t 'Gaussian'
    Total variance (script)

    Total variance (script)

    set logscale y
    plot 'data' u 1:3 t 'noise' w l, 'data' u 1:5 w l t 'Heaviside', '' u 1:7 w l  t 'Triangle',\
     '' u 1:9 w l t 'cos^2', '' u  1:11 w l t 'cos^3', '' u 1:13  w l t 'Gaussian'
    Total variation (script)

    Total variation (script)

    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    #include "higher-order.h"
    #include "lsrk.h"
    vector u[];
    void advection (scalar * sl, scalar * dsl) {
      scalar s, ds;
      for (s, ds in sl, dsl) {
        vector grad[];
        compact_upwind ({s}, {grad}, u);
          ds[] = -u.x[]*grad.x[];
    scalar n[], H[], tr[], sqcos[], cbcos[], smt[];
    scalar * tracers = {n, H, tr, sqcos, cbcos, smt};
    int main() {
      periodic (left);
      L0 = 10;
      X0 = -6;
      N = 64;
      DT = L0/N;
    event init (t = 0) {
      foreach() {
        u.x[] = 1;
        n[] = noise();
        H[]  = fabs(x - 1) < 1 ? 1 : 0;
        tr[] = x < -1 ? 0 : x < 0 ? 1 + x : x < 1 ? 1 - x : 0;
        sqcos[] = fabs(x + 1) < pi/2. ? sq(cos(x + 1)) : 0;
        cbcos[] = fabs(x + 2) < pi/2. ? cube(cos(x + 2)) : 0;
        smt[] = exp(-sq(x + 3));
        fprintf (stderr, "%g ", x);
        for (scalar s in tracers)
          fprintf (stderr, "%g ", s[]);
        fprintf (stderr, "\n");
    event analysis (i++) {
      static FILE * fp = fopen("data", "w"); 
      fprintf (fp, "%g ", t);
      for (scalar s in tracers) {
        double V = 0, VR = 0;
        foreach() {
          V += sq(s[]);
          VR += fabs(s[] - s[-1]);
        fprintf (fp, "%g %g ", V, VR);
      fprintf (fp, "\n");
    event advance (i++) {
      dt = dtnext (DT);
      A_Time_Step (tracers, dt, advection);
      boundary (tracers);
    event stop (t = 1) {
      foreach() {
        printf ("%g ", x);
        for (scalar s in tracers)
           printf ("%g ", s[]);
        printf ("\n");