
    Resolution of flood wave in 1D

    This is a simple C code, not a basilisk one.

    Model equations

    The flood wave or kinetic wave, see Whitham p 82, Fowler p 76, or Chanson, is a long wave approximation of shallow water equations were inertia, slope and pressure gradient are neglected. The waves go only downstream. We have to solve, with flux \bar F=\bar h^{3/2}: \displaystyle \frac{\partial}{\partial \bar t} \bar h + \frac{\partial}{\partial \bar x} \bar F = 0 \text{ which is as well } \frac{\partial}{\partial \bar t} \bar h + \bar c \frac{\partial}{\partial \bar x} \bar h = 0 \text{ with } \bar c = \partial \bar F/\partial \bar h=\frac{3}{2}\sqrt{h}

    set samples 9 
    set label "U i-1" at 1.5,3.1
    set label "U i" at 2.5,3.15
    set label "U i+1" at 3.5,2.5
    set xtics ("i-2" 0.5, "i-1" 1.5, "i" 2.5,"i+1" 3.5,"i+2" 4.5,"i+3" 5.5)
    set arrow from 2,1 to 2.5,1
    set arrow from 3,1 to 3.5,1
    set label "F i-1/2" at 2.1,1.25
    set label "F i+1/2" at 3.1,1.25
    set label "x i-1/2" at 1.5,0.25
    set label "x i" at 2.4,0.25
    set label "x i+1/2" at 3.,0.25
    set label "x"  at 0.5,2+sin(0) 
    set label "x"  at 1.5,2+sin(1)
    set label "x"  at 2.5,2+sin(2) 
    set label "x"  at 3.5,2+sin(3) 
    set label "x"  at 4.5,2+sin(4) 
    set label "x"  at 5.5,2+sin(5) 
    p[-1:7][0:4] 2+sin(x) w steps not,2+sin(x) w impulse not linec 1


    The numerical flux across face i+1/2 is denoted F_{i+1/2} (or F^n_{i+1/2} at time n), it is function (say f) of values before and after the face (i+1) which are U_i and U_{i+1}
    \displaystyle F_{i+1/2}=f(U_i,U_{i+1}). The position of the center of the cell is x_{i}.


    mandatory declarations:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h> 
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>

    definition of the field U, the flux F, time step

    double dt;  
    double cDelta;
    double L0,X0,Delta; 
    double t;
    int i,it=0;
    int N;

    Here we code the flux h^{3/3} as a function of the values of the left (h_g) and right (h_d) values of the face, with an approximation for the velocity \frac{3}{2}h^{1/2}, c= \frac{3}{2} \frac{h_g^{1/2} + h_d^{1/2}}2 so that \displaystyle F=\frac{h_g^{3/2} + h_d^{3/2}}2 - c \frac{h_d -h_g}2

    double FR1(double hg, double hd){
        double c=1.5*(sqrt(hg)+sqrt(hd))/2;
        return (hg*sqrt(hg)+hd*sqrt(hd))*0.5-c*(hd-hg)*0.5;}

    Main with definition of parameters

    int main() {
      L0 = 12.;
      X0 = -L0/4;
      N = 128*2*2;
      dt = (L0/N)/2;
      Delta = L0/N;

    dynamic allocation

      x= (double*)calloc(N+2,sizeof(double));
      h= (double*)calloc(N+2,sizeof(double));
      F= (double*)calloc(N+2,sizeof(double));

    loop for initial h(x,0): initial elevation: a “bump”

    The celle i=0 is a ghost cell/ The “first” (i=1) cell is between X0 and X0+Delta, centred in Delta/2 ith cell beween (i-1) Delta (left) and i Delta(right) centered in (i-1/2)Delta


        {  x[i]=X0+(i-1./2)*Delta;  
           h[i] = 0.5+exp(-x[i]*x[i]);

    begin the time loop

         t = t + dt;

    print data at t=1 t=2 t=3

    if((it == 1)||(it == (int)(1/dt))
       || (it == (int)(2/dt))
       || (it == (int)(3/dt))
       || (it == (int)(4/dt)) ){
        fprintf (stdout, "%g %g %g  \n", x[i], h[i], t);
      fprintf (stdout, "\n\n");


        F[i] = FR1(h[i-1],h[i]);

    explicit step update \displaystyle h_i^{n+1}=h_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{F_{i+1/2}-F_{i-1/2}}{\Delta x}

        h[i] +=  - dt* ( F[i+1] - F[i] )/Delta;
     Boundary condition
       h[0] = 0.5;


    Then compile and run:

     cc  floodwaveC.c -lm ; ./a.out> out


    in gnuplot type

      set xlabel "x"
      set ylabel "h"
      set parametric
      set dummy x
      p[:][:]'out' w l , x,h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x+1*c(x),h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x+2*c(x),h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x+3*c(x),h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x+4*c(x),h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x ,0 not w l lc -1
      set xlabel "x"
      set ylabel "h"
      set parametric
      set dummy x
      p[:][:]'out' w l , x,h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x+1*c(x),h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x+2*c(x),h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x+3*c(x),h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x+4*c(x),h(x) not w l lc -1,\
      x ,0 not w l lc -1


    which gives h(x,t) numerical and exact plotted here for t=0 1 2 3 4 and -3<x<9


    the output is the standard one (terminal), we can save in a file and plot the generated file with gnuplot, see

    FILE * fp = fopen ("out.txt", "w")
    fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g  \n", x[i], h[i], t);
    fprintf (fp, "\n\n");


    • Lagrée P-Y “Equations de Saint Venant et application, Ecoulements en milieux naturels” Cours MSF12, M1 UPMC

    • Lagrée P-Y “Résolution numérique des équations de Saint-Venant, mise en oeuvre en volumes finis par un solveur de Riemann bien balancé” Cours MSF12, M1 UPMC

    • G. B. Whitham “Linear and Nonlinear Waves” Wiley-Interscience, p 82

    • Fowler “Mathematics of the environment”

    ready for new site 01/22