
    Resolution of Advection equation in 1D

    it is exactly the same than advecte1.c but written with standard C

    Resolution of Advection equation in 1D

    All the problem consists to solve \displaystyle \frac{\partial U}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial F(U)}{\partial x} = 0 the advection equation. We consider here the simple case F=U

    Space is decomposed in small segments of a priori different length, but here we suppose that the length is a constant \Delta x. The same for time increment: \Delta t is constant.
    Those small segments are kind of “volumes”, as we are in dimension one.

    Consider the system \displaystyle \frac{\partial U}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial F(U)}{\partial x} = 0 and integrate in x on a small interval between x_i-\Delta x /2 and x_{i}+\Delta x /2 and consider two times t^n and t^{n+1}.

    A mean value of U around x_i between x_i-\Delta x /2 and x_i+\Delta x/2 may be defined as U_i^n the integral between x_i-\Delta x /2 and x_i+\Delta x/2 is so by definition \displaystyle U_i^n =\dfrac{1}{\Delta x} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x /2} U(x,t_n)dx index i is for the segment C_i=(x_{i}-\Delta x /2,x_{i}+\Delta x /2), centered in x_{i}

    index n corresponds to time t_n with t_{n+1}-t_{n}=\Delta t. So that with the definition: \displaystyle U_i^{n+1} =\dfrac{1}{\Delta x} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x /2} U(x,t_{n+1})dx

    Hence by the integration on the “segment/ Volume” of the system, we have if we integrate :

    \int_{x_i-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x/2} \frac{\partial U}{\partial t} dx =\frac{d}{dt} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x /2} U dx and for the flux \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x /2} \partial_x F(U) dx = F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}. This is \frac{d}{dt} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x/2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x/2} U dx = F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}. We write it as the up to now exact expression: \displaystyle \frac{d}{dt}(\frac{1}{\Delta x} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x/2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x/2} U dx ) + \frac{F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}}{\Delta x}=0. We insisit, this is an “exact” integration from the flux on the “volume” for the mean value. That is the finite volume method.

    Taylor expansion: \displaystyle U(t + \Delta t) = U(t )+\Delta t \partial_t U + (1/2)(\Delta t)^2 \partial^2_t U +O(\Delta t)^3, allows us to write the discrete finite volume problem (at first order in time) \displaystyle \dfrac{U_i^{n+1}-U_i^{n}}{\Delta t}+\dfrac{F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}}{\Delta x}=0,

    Numerical flux F_{i+1} is an approximation of F(U) at right interface of segment C_i centered in i, the more pedagogical expression is F_{i+1/2}, as it is a function of the value of U_i in the considered segment, which begins in i-1/2 and of the value U_{i+1} from the next one which begins in i+1/2:

    set samples 9 
    set label "U i-1" at 1.5,3.1
    set label "U i" at 2.5,3.15
    set label "U i+1" at 3.5,2.5
    set xtics ("i-2" 0.5, "i-1" 1.5, "i" 2.5,"i+1" 3.5,"i+2" 4.5,"i+3" 5.5)
    set arrow from 2,1 to 2.5,1
    set arrow from 3,1 to 3.5,1
    set label "F i" at 2.1,1.25
    set label "F i+1" at 3.1,1.25
    set label "x i-1/2" at 1.5,0.25
    set label "x i" at 2.4,0.25
    set label "x i+1/2" at 3.,0.25
    set label "x"  at 0.5,2+sin(0) 
    set label "x"  at 1.5,2+sin(1)
    set label "x"  at 2.5,2+sin(2) 
    set label "x"  at 3.5,2+sin(3) 
    set label "x"  at 4.5,2+sin(4) 
    set label "x"  at 5.5,2+sin(5) 
    p[-1:7][0:4] 2+sin(x) w steps not,2+sin(x) w impulse not linec 1


    The numerical flux across face i+1/2 is denoted F_{i+1} (or F^n_{i+1} at time n), it is function (say f) of values before and after the face (i+1) which are U_i and U_{i+1}
    \displaystyle F_{i+1}=f(U_i,U_{i+1}). The position of the center of the cell is x_{i}.

    So, if the length of domain is L, and if the domain starts in x_0, and if we take N points, hence \Delta x=L/N faces are x_0 + (i-1) \Delta x.

    A the center of the cell, x_{i}=x_0 + (i-1/2) (\Delta x), we have the mean value U^n_i.

    The finite volume method is \displaystyle \dfrac{U_i^{n+1}-U_i^{n}}{\Delta t}+\dfrac{F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}}{\Delta x}=0, It is explicit: compute new values U_i^{n+1} as a function of the old ones U_i^{n} .

    Nota 1:

    Do not confuse the f(,) function, numerical flux across face F_i and actual flux function F comming from the physics.

    Nota 2:

    Attention,this is a simplified point of view for the faces, in Basilisk, for faces we should use “foreach_face()” and “face vector

    Nota 3:

    Presentation may defer by changing from x_i to x_{i+1/2}


    The most simple expression for fwould be to take the mean value \displaystyle F_{i}=f(U_{i-1},U_{i})=\dfrac{F(U_{i-1})+F(U_i)}{2} so that \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i-1})}{2 \Delta x} but this is not a good idea… It is unstable.

    Flux upwind

    Here we propose to write the flux with the correction with c_\Delta=dF/dU \displaystyle F_i=f(U_{i-1},U_{i})=\dfrac{F(U_{i-1})+F(U_i)}{2} - c_\Delta \frac{({(U_{i})-(U_{i-1})})}{2}

    In this case, as F=U, c_\Delta =1. So that the flux on face centered in i+1/2 minus the flux on the face i-1/2 correspondig to the evolution in the volume i is : \displaystyle F_{i+1}-F_{i}= \dfrac{(U_{i})+(U_{i+1})}{2}-\dfrac{(U_{i-1})+(U_i)}{2} - (1)( \frac{U_{i+1}-U_{i}}{2}-\frac{U_{i}-U_{i-1}}{2})=U_{i}-U_{i-1} so that the temporal evolution in the volume i du to the flux at his faces is \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{U^{n}_{i}-U^{n}_{i-1}}{ \Delta x} This scheme is “consistant” (when (\Delta t,\Delta x, etc.) we reobtain the initial PDE). It is stable, and convergent.


    mandatory declarations:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h> 
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>

    definition of the field U, the flux F, time step

    double dt;  
    double cDelta;
    double L0,X0,Delta; 
    double t;
    int i,it=0;
    int N;

    Main with definition of parameters

    int main() {
      L0 = 12.;
      X0 = -L0/4;
      N = 128;    
      dt = (L0/N)/2;
      Delta = L0/N;

    dynamic allocation of N cells + 2 ghosts

      x= (double*)calloc(N+2,sizeof(double));
      U= (double*)calloc(N+2,sizeof(double));
      F= (double*)calloc(N+2,sizeof(double));

    ghost cell left i=0: between X0-Delta and X0, centred in -Delta/2 first cell i=1 between X0 and X0+Delta, centred in Delta/2 ith cell beween (i-1) Delta (left) and i Delta(right) centered in (i-1/2)Delta


        {  x[i]=X0+(i-1./2)*Delta;

    initial elevation: a “bump”, position

           U[i] = exp(-x[i]*x[i]);

    begin the time loop

         t = t + dt;

    print data

    // printdata at t = 1 2 and 3  
    if( (it == (int)(1/dt)) || (it == (int)(2/dt)) || (it == (int)(3/dt))  ){
        fprintf (stdout, "%g %g %g  \n", x[i], U[i], t);
      fprintf (stdout, "\n\n");


       //cDelta = Delta/dt;
       // cDelta = 0;
        cDelta = 1;
        F[i] = (U[i]+U[i-1])/2.  - cDelta *(U[i]-U[i-1])/2;
       // F[i] =  U[i-1]; // same!!!

    explicit step update \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i})}{\Delta x}

        U[i] +=  - dt* ( F[i+1] - F[i] )/Delta;

    Boundary condition at the “ghost cells”

      U[0] = U[1];
     // clear memory (C instruction)


    Then compile and run in a simple terminal:

     cc  -g -O2 -DTRASH=1 -Wall  advecte1c.c -o advecte1c ;./advecte1c > out

    or better in basilisk point of view

     make advecte1c.tst;make advecte1c/plots    
     make advecte1c.c.html ; open advecte1c.c.html 


    One analytical solution is \displaystyle U(x,t) = exp(-(x-t)^2) in gnuplot terminal type

     U(x,t)= exp(-(x-t)*(x-t))
     p'out' u ($1):($2)t'num'w l,'' u 1:(U($1,$3)) t'exact' w l
    which gives U(x,t) plotted here for t=0 1 2 3 and -3<x<9
     set xlabel "x"
     U(x,t)= exp(-(x-t)*(x-t))
     p'out' u ($1):($2)t'num'w p,'' u 1:(U($1,$3)) t'exact' w l



    Compare with the Basilisk advecte1.c Compare with advecte.c

    ready for new site 09/05/19