
    Resolution of Advection equation in 1D

    All the problem consists to solve \displaystyle \frac{\partial U}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial F(U)}{\partial x} = 0 the advection equation. We consider here the simple case F=U

    Space is decomposed in small sgments of a priori different length, but here we suppose that the length is a constant \Delta x. The same for time increment: \Delta t is constant.
    Those small segments are kind of “volumes”, as we are in dimension one.

    Consider the system \displaystyle \frac{\partial U}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial F(U)}{\partial x} = 0 and integrate in x on a small interval between x_i-\Delta x /2 and x_{i}+\Delta x /2 and consider two times t^n and t^{n+1}.

    A mean value of U around x_i between x_i-\Delta x /2 and x_i+\Delta x/2 may be defined as U_i^n the integral between x_i-\Delta x /2 and x_i+\Delta x/2 is so by definition \displaystyle U_i^n =\dfrac{1}{\Delta x} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x /2} U(x,t_n)dx index i is for the segment C_i=(x_{i}-\Delta x /2,x_{i}+\Delta x /2), centered in x_{i}

    index n corresponds to time t_n with t_{n+1}-t_{n}=\Delta t. So that with the definition: \displaystyle U_i^{n+1} =\dfrac{1}{\Delta x} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x /2} U(x,t_{n+1})dx

    Hence by the integration on the “segment/ Volume” of \displaystyle \frac{\partial U}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial F(U)}{\partial x} = 0 we have if we integrate :

    \int_{x_i-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x/2} \frac{\partial U}{\partial t} dx =\frac{d}{dt} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x /2} U dx and for the flux \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x /2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x /2} \partial_x F(U) dx = F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}. This is \frac{d}{dt} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x/2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x/2} U dx = F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}. We write it as: \displaystyle \frac{d}{dt}(\frac{1}{\Delta x} \int_{x_{i}-\Delta x/2}^{x_{i}+\Delta x/2} U dx ) + \frac{F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}}{\Delta x}=0.

    This is an “exact” integration from the flux on the “volume” for the mean value. That is the finite volume method.

    Taylor expansion: \displaystyle U(t + \Delta t) = U(t )+\Delta t \partial_t U + (1/2)(\Delta t)^2 \partial^2_t U +O(\Delta t)^3, allows us to write the approximation (at first order in time) \displaystyle \dfrac{U_i^{n+1}-U_i^{n}}{\Delta t}+\dfrac{F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}}{\Delta x}=0,

    Numerical flux F_{i+1} is an approximation of F(U) at right interface of segment C_i centered in i. It is a function of the value of U_i in the considered segment, which begins in i-1/2 and of the value U_{i+1} from the next one which begins in i+1/2:

    set samples 9 
    set label "U i-1" at 1.5,3.1
    set label "U i" at 2.5,3.15
    set label "U i+1" at 3.5,2.5
    set xtics ("i-2" 0.5, "i-1" 1.5, "i" 2.5,"i+1" 3.5,"i+2" 4.5,"i+3" 5.5)
    set arrow from 2,1 to 2.5,1
    set arrow from 3,1 to 3.5,1
    set label "F i" at 2.1,1.25
    set label "F i+1" at 3.1,1.25
    set label "x i-1/2" at 1.5,0.25
    set label "x i" at 2.4,0.25
    set label "x i+1/2" at 3.,0.25
    set label "x"  at 0.5,2+sin(0) 
    set label "x"  at 1.5,2+sin(1)
    set label "x"  at 2.5,2+sin(2) 
    set label "x"  at 3.5,2+sin(3) 
    set label "x"  at 4.5,2+sin(4) 
    set label "x"  at 5.5,2+sin(5) 
    p[-1:7][0:4] 2+sin(x) w steps not,2+sin(x) w impulse not linec 1


    The numerical flux across face i+1/2 is denoted F_{i+1} (or F^n_{i+1} at time n), it is function (say f) of values before and after the face (i+1) which are U_i and U_{i+1}
    \displaystyle F_{i+1}=f(U_i,U_{i+1}). The position of the center of the cell is x_{i}.

    So, if the length of domain is L, and if the domain starts in x_0, and if we take N points, hence \Delta x=L/N faces are x_0 + (i-1) \Delta x.

    A the center of the cell, x_{i}=x_0 + (i-1/2) (\Delta x), we have the mean value U^n_i.

    The finite volume method is \displaystyle \dfrac{U_i^{n+1}-U_i^{n}}{\Delta t}+\dfrac{F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}}{\Delta x}=0, It is explicit: compute new values U_i^{n+1} as a function of the old ones U_i^{n} .

    Nota 1:

    Do not confuse the f(,) function, numerical flux across face F_i and actual flux function F comming from the physics.

    Nota 2:

    Attention, cette présentation est simplifiée, dans la version complète de Basilisk, les faces sont traîtées avec “foreach_face()” et les “face vector

    Nota 3:

    Presentation may defer by changing from x_i to x_{i+1/2}

    Flux avec la moyenne

    Il faut maintenant trouver la bonne approximation de f. Le plus simple serait de prendre la moyenne des valeurs (LeVeque) \displaystyle F_{i}=f(U_{i-1},U_{i})=\dfrac{F(U_{i-1})+F(U_i)}{2} d’où \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i-1})}{2 \Delta x} mais c’est une mauvaise idée… car la méthode est instable (toute perturbation se trouve amplifiée) .

    Flux “Lax-Friedrich”

    Une technique classique pour stabiliser est “Lax-Friedrich”. Mais ensuite nous passerons à une méthode plus efficace (flux dépendants des valeurs propres du sytème, Rusanov et HLL).

    En effet, on peut stabiliser le schéma instable \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i-1})}{2 \Delta x} si on remplace U_i^{n} par une moyenne (U_{i+1}^{n} + U_{i-1}^{n})/2, on obtient le schéma de Lax-Friedrich \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=\frac{1}{2}(U_{i+1}^{n} + U_{i-1}^{n}) - \dfrac{\Delta t}{2 \Delta x}({F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i-1})}) Cette expression a le mérite d’introduire une diffusion numérique qui tue l’instabilité, en effet en repassant au développement de Taylor: \displaystyle \frac{1}{2}(U_{i+1}^{n} + U_{i-1}^{n}) -U_i^n = \dfrac{\Delta x^2}{2} \partial_x^2 U^n+... si on repasse à la description continue,
    \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i-1})}{2 \Delta x} + \dfrac{\Delta x^2}{2} \partial_x^2 U^n+... on obtient un terme de diffusion pour l’équation continue associée: \displaystyle \partial_t U+\partial_x F(U)=\frac{\Delta x^2}{2 \Delta t} \partial_x^2 U

    Ayant compris cet intéret stabilisateur, l’expression de Lax-Friedrich peut s’obtenir en choisissant le flux numerique de la forme suivante: \displaystyle F_i=f(U_{i-1},U_{i})=\dfrac{F(U_{i-1})+F(U_i)}{2} % - c_\Delta ({F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i-1})}) - c_\Delta \frac{({(U_{i})-(U_{i-1})})}{2} avec c_\Delta=\frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}. En effet, substituant cette expression du flux numérique dans le schéma explicite des volumes finis: \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{F^n_{i+1}-F^n_{i}}{\Delta x} on retrouve bien l’expression avec la moyenne de Lax-Friedrich. On va voir que cette forme est presque la bonne si on prend un c_\Delta mieux adapté. Plusieurs flux, peuvent être employés, nous utiliserons les plus simples.

    Flux upwind

    Prenons la forme précédente avec c_\Delta=dF/dU \displaystyle F_i=f(U_{i-1},U_{i})=\dfrac{F(U_{i-1})+F(U_i)}{2} - c_\Delta \frac{({(U_{i})-(U_{i-1})})}{2}
    nous allons voir ici que c’est le meilleur choix.

    Le théorème de Lax dit que pour résoudre un problème d’EDP (comme ici) pour lequel on a posé un schéma numérique consistant (qui retrouve bien l’équations aux dérivées partielles, quand les pas de discrétisation (\Delta t,\Delta x, etc.) tendent tous vers 0), la stabilité du schéma est une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour assurer sa convergence.


    mandatory declarations:

    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "run.h"

    definition of the field h, the flux, its derivative, time step and

    scalar U[];
    scalar F[];
    double dt;  
    double cDelta;

    Boundary conditions

    U[left] = neumann(0);
    U[right] = neumann(0);

    Main with definition of parameters

    int main() {
      L0 = 12.;
      X0 = -L0/4;
      N = 64;    
      DT = (L0/N)/2;

    initial elevation: an exponential “bump”

    event init (t = 0) {
        U[] = exp(-x*x);
      boundary ({U});

    print data

    first point is in X0+1/2*(L0/N)), ith point is in X0+(i-1/2)*(L0/N)), last point is X0+(N-1/2)*(L0/N)) which is X0+L0-1/2*(L0/N))

    event printdata (t += 1; t <=3) {
        fprintf (stdout, "%g %g %g  \n", x, U[], t);
      fprintf (stdout, "\n\n");


    event integration (i++) {
      double dt = DT;

    finding the good next time step

      dt = dtnext (dt);

    Pour fixer les idées, dans le cas de l’équation d’advection simple \displaystyle \partial_t U+\partial_x (U)=0 on a F(U)=U, la valeur propre est dF/dU=1 tout simplement, si on utilise le flux
    \displaystyle F_{i}= \dfrac{U_{i-1}+U_i}{2} -c_\Delta (\dfrac{U_{i}-U_{i-1}}{2}) avec c_\Delta=0 valeurs moyenne pour le flux, ou c_\Delta=\dfrac{\Delta x}{ \Delta t} cas Lax Wendrof, ou si on prend c_{\Delta}=1, c’est le flux upwind: et le nouvel U \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{(F_{i+1}-F_{i})}{ \Delta x}

    Expression of the flux : \displaystyle F_i=f(U_{i-1},U_{i})=\dfrac{F(U_{i-1})+F(U_i)}{2} % - c_\Delta ({F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i-1})}) - c_\Delta \frac{({(U_{i})-(U_{i-1})})}{2} avec
    dans le cas Lax c_\Delta=\Delta/\Delta t dans le cas centré c=0 dans le cas upwind c=1

      foreach() {
       //cDelta = Delta/dt;
       // cDelta = 0;
        cDelta = 1;
        F[] = (U[0,0]+U[-1,0])/2.  - cDelta *(U[0,0]-U[-1,0])/2;}
      boundary ({F});

    explicit step update \displaystyle U_i^{n+1}=U_i^{n} -{\Delta t} \dfrac{F(U_{i+1})-F(U_{i})}{\Delta x}

        U[] +=  - dt* ( F[1,0] - F[0,0] )/Delta;
      boundary ({U});


    Then compile and run:

     qcc  -g -O2 -DTRASH=1 -Wall  advecte1.c -o advecte1 ;./advecte1 > out

    or better

     ln -s ../../Makefile Makefile
     make advecte1.tst;make advecte1/plots    
     make advecte1.c.html ; open advecte1.c.html 


    The analytical solution is \displaystyle U(x,t) = exp(-(x-t)^2) in gnuplot type

     U(x,t)= exp(-(x-t)*(x-t))
     p'out' u ($1):($2)t'num'w l,'' u 1:(U($1,$3)) t'exact' w l

    which gives U(x,t) plotted here for t=0 1 2 3 and -3<x<9
    \Delta=L0/N=12/64=0.1875 first point is -3 + \Delta/2= -2.90625 second point is in -3 + \Delta/2+\Delta=-2.71875 next is in -2.53125 up to the previous last one -3 +1/2 \Delta +(N-2)\Delta = 8.71875 and finally the 64th point (N) is -3 +1/2 \Delta + (N-1) \Delta =8.90625.

    (x1=X0+(1-1/2) L0/N, x2=X0 +(2-1/2) L0/N, ...,xi= X0 +(i-1/2) L0/N, .. xN=X0 +(N-1/2) L0/N= X0 +L0-1/2 L0/N)

     set output 'dessin.svg'; 
     set xlabel "x"
     U(x,t)= exp(-(x-t)*(x-t))
     p'out' u ($1):($2)t'num.'w p,'' u 1:(U($1,$3)) t'exact' w l



    Change c_\Delta,

    if c_\Delta = 0 check that the amplitude increases (unstable),

    if c_\Delta =\Delta/dt check that the amplitude decreases (stable), but decreases to much

    if c_\Delta =1 check that the amplitude decreases (stable), but decreases less, increase number of points

    Change DT to test stability


    • advecte1.c explains the notions of advection, testing the flux, coded with Basilisk

    • advecte1c.c the same than the previous one but with standard C

    • advecte.c advection with Basilisk


    • LeVeque chapitre 4, Finite Volume methods
    • Toro “Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods” Chap 5 Springer
    • PYL cours M1, “Résolution numérique des équations de Saint-Venant, mise en oeuvre en volumes finis par un solveur de Riemann bien balancé”

    Version 1 Feb 2015, 30 June 2018, ready for new site 09/05/19