

    This is a small tutorial for gnuplot use with Basilisk. The numerical results are generated with heat equation, so this is exactly ./heat.c but with more and more graphs and graphics. We show the difference between files and terminal outputs.

    usefull for


    Any other problem is convinient, but we have to generate data! So we consider Heat with finite volumes, initial temperature a “Dirac”, in fact a thin rectangle so that \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}Tdx=1. explicit step, discrete flux across interface between ì-1 and ì: \displaystyle q_i = - \frac{ T_{i} - T_{i-1}}{\Delta }

    and then, balance between flux leaving q_{i+1} and flux entering q_i the cell \displaystyle T_i^{n+1}= T_i^{n } - (\Delta t ) ( q_{i+1} - q_i)/\Delta

    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "run.h"
    scalar T[],q[];
    double dt;
    int main() {
        L0 = 10.;
        X0 = -L0/2;
        N = 100;
        DT = .201*(L0/N)*(L0/N)/2 ;
    #define EPS 0.5



    Initial “door” of T

    event init (t = 0) {
        T[] =  1./EPS*(fabs(x)<EPS)/2;
        boundary ({T});

    Finite volumes (T at the center, q at the faces (see section `Drawing a )) \displaystyle T^{n+1}_i=T^n_i - \Delta t \frac{q^n_{i+1}-q^n_{i}}{\Delta x}

    event integration (i++) {
        double dt = DT;
        scalar dT[];
        dt = dtnext (dt);
        q[]=-(T[0,0] - T[-1,0])/Delta; 
        boundary ({q});
        dT[] = - ( q[1,0]  - q[0,0] )/Delta;
        T[] += dt*dT[];
        boundary ({T});

    That is just to generate physical results.

    Saving the values

    At the end we process data. The most simple way is to “print” them in the terminal. We print data through standard output stdout in C. The instruction printf () is equivalent to fprintf (stdout,) here we print all the x and value T with a new line \n after each new couple (x_i, T_i).

    event printdatastdout (t = 0.5) {
          printf ( "%g %g \n", x, T[]);

    The values are printed on the terminal. By convention, when you compile withe make or when you run in the web brouser Basilisk saves the standard output of the terminal into a file named out.

    In fact Basilisk does something like ./gnuplot_examples 2>log 1>out

    In this file out we have the x_i in the first column and the field in the second T_i, with all the température vzalues

    starting from the first X_0+\Delta/2 up to the Nth value X_0 + L -\Delta/2, where \Delta = L/N
    x_1=X_0+\Delta/2 T_1
    x_2=x_1+\Delta T_2
    x_1 T_1
    x_{N} T_{N}
    The most simple command in gnuplot is just plot, or simply p
     p 'out'


    the same with line between points and no point marks, the ranges are imposed (-3 3)(0 1), note the labels of axis and the label of the curve

     set xlabel 'x'
     set ylabel 'T'
     p[-3:3][0:1]'out' t'curve'w l


    Another possibility is to create a file and save the data in the file

    event printdata (t = 1){
        char s[80];
        sprintf (s, "shape.txt");
        FILE * fp = fopen (s, "w");
        fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g \n", x, q[], T[]);

    We can plot the two files on the same plot. The second file has q in second colomn and T in the 3rd column. We have to use columns 1 and 3: hence we use the command u 1:3 to plot T and compare to the out file.

    we plot a third curve, the second colomn q. We just put two quotes to say that it is the same file. Then no need to put u 1:2 as it is implicit. Note that the first curve plotted is red, the second is green, and the third is blue. Colors vary corresponding to the different terminal, that is a drawback of gnuplot.

     p 'out' u 1:2 w l,'shape.txt' u 1:3,'' w l


    Here the field is saved at several time steps. Each different time step is separated by a blank line : carriage return `\n’. We have a new “block” for every time step.

    event printdatas (t +=0.05;t<2){
        char s[80];
        sprintf (s, "shapes.txt");
        static FILE * fp = fopen (s, "w");
          fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g \n", x, T[], t);
        fprintf (fp, "\n");

    plot superposes all the curves

     plot 'shapes.txt'  w l


    We can select some curves with the every command. Examples:

     every ::3 skip the first 3 lines
     every ::3::5  plot from the 4-th to 6-th lines
     every ::0::0  plot the first line only
     every 2::::6  plot the 1,3,5,7-th lines
     every :2  plot every 2 data block
     p'shapes.txt' ev :5::0::35 w l // plot from block 0 to the 35th every 5 block
     p'shapes.txt' ev :5::0::35 w l


    every :::5::8 plot from 5-th to 8-th data blocks
    p'shapes.txt' every :::5::8  w l


    computations with the plotted values

    The self similar analytical solution is \displaystyle \theta = \frac{1}{2 \sqrt{\pi t} } e^{-x^2/4 t} the solution can be written in self similar variables: we plot $ $ as a function of x/\sqrt(4t) and superpose e^{-x^2}

    Note that we use points of type 5, and size 0.5, le width of the line lw is 2

     p[-5:5][:1]'shapes.txt' u ($1/sqrt(4*$3)):($2*sqrt($3*pi)*2) t 'numerical' w p pt 5 ps 0.5, exp(-x*x) t 'self similar' lw 2


    There is another output: the error output stderr, here we print data in the “error” output. Note that when in a terminal they printed with no difference. In fact Basilisk does something like ./gnuplot_examples 2>log 1>out

    Note that here we put two newlines ‘\n\n’ to separate the blocks

    event printdatastderr (t += 0.1; t < 1) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x, T[], t);
        fprintf (stderr, "\n\n");

    When two newlines ’\n\n’separate the blocks we can plot each block using index

     p 'log'  index 10 u 1:2,  'log' w l


    Here we even can do a loop

     p for [i=2:4] 'log' index i using 1:2 with lines


    note the colors: red, green, blue…

    Drawing a graphics

    Note that we change the aspect ratio, the number of samples for the function f. We put text at several places, and draw arrows.

     set size ratio .5
     set samples 9
     set label "T i-1" at 1.5,3.1
     set label "T i" at 2.5,2.5
     set label "T i+1" at 3.5,2.25
     set xtics ("i-2" 0.5, "i-1" 1.5, "i" 2.5,"i+1" 3.5,"i+2" 4.5,"i+3" 5.5)
     set arrow from 2,1 to 2.5,1
     set arrow from 3,1 to 3.5,1
     set label "q i" at 2.1,1.25
     set label "q i+1" at 3.1,1.25
     set label "x i-1/2" at 1.5,0.25
     set label "x i" at 2.4,0.25
     set label "x i+1/2" at 3.,0.25
     set label "x"  at 0.5,1.5+f(0)
     set label "x"  at 1.5,1.5+f(1)
     set label "x"  at 2.5,1.5+f(2)
     set label "x"  at 3.5,1.5+f(3)
     set label "x"  at 4.5,1.5+f(4)
     set label "x"  at 5.5,1.5+f(5)
     p[-1:7][0:4] 1.5+f(x) w steps not,1.5+f(x) w impulse not linec 1,'out' u ($1+.5):($2*3.4+1.5) t'T' w l


    this graphics corresponds to \displaystyle T^{n+1}_i=T^n_i - \Delta t \frac{q^n_{i+1}-q^n_{i}}{\Delta x}

    multi plot

    putting several plots on the same figure

     set multiplot layout 2,2
     set xlabel 'x'
     plot [][:1]'shapes.txt' every :::0::0 w l lc 2 not
     plot [][:1]'shapes.txt' every :::5::5 w l lc 2 not
     plot [][:1]'shapes.txt' every :::10::10 w l lc 2 not
     plot [][:1]'shapes.txt' every :::20::20 w l lc 2 not
     unset multiplot


    3 D plot

    plot in 3D, using splot or sp :

     splot 'shapes.txt' u 3:1:2 w l


    can change the view and hide the hidden part:

     set hidden3d
     set view 45,45
     splot  'shapes.txt' u 3:1:2 w l


    draw color maps, I do not like the standard one, I prefer this one in RGB

     set pm3d; set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31;unset surface;
     set ticslevel 0;
     unset border;
     unset xtics;
     unset ytics;
     unset ztics;
     unset colorbox;
     set view 0,0
     sp[0:.5][-3:3][] 'shapes.txt' u 3:1:2 not


    If you prefer gray scale

     set pm3d map
     set palette gray negative
     unset colorbox
     set tmargin at screen 0.95
     set bmargin at screen 0.15
     set rmargin at screen 0.95
     set lmargin at screen 0.15
     set xlabel "t"
     set ylabel "x"
     unset key
     splot [:1][-2:2][]'shapes.txt' u 3:1:2



    Gif animated!

    We have several possibilities, at leat two possibilities, one with every….

     set xlabel "x"
     !echo "p[:][:1]'shapes.txt' ev :::k::k title sprintf(\"t=%.2f\",k*.05) w l;k=k+1 ;if(k<40) reread " > mov.gnu
     set term gif animate;
     set output 'slump.gif'


    Gif animated of the slump (reload to refresh) or click on image for animation:

    or another possibility for animation using index instead

    !echo "print k "> movi.gnu
    !echo "p[:][0:1]'log' i k u 1:2t'T(x,t)'w l \nk=k+1 \nif(k<40) reread" >> movi.gnu
    set term gif animate;
    set output 'slumpi.gif'


    next level:

    It is nice to have a plot on the fly of the output using gnuplot. To do that, we put a flag gnuX

    see ../Exemples/damb.c and many others

    Output in gnuplot if the flag gnuX is defined,

     qcc  -DgnuX=1  gnuplot_examples.c -lm
     ./a.out | gnuplot -persist

    this reads:

    #ifdef gnuX
    event outputgnu (t += .1 ) {
        fprintf (stdout, "p[-4:4][0:2]  '-' u 1:2   not  w   l \n");
         fprintf (stdout,"%g %g \n", x, T[]);
        fprintf (stdout, "e\n");

    there are many other possibilities with gnuplot….


    To run the code and generate all the graphics

     make gnuplot_examples.tst;make gnuplot_examples/plots
     make gnuplot_examples.c.html ; open gnuplot_examples.c.html

