
    Resolution of heat equation

    Explicit resolution of the heat equation \displaystyle \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}= \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} with a given total energy at initial time \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}Tdx=1.

    with finite volumes: \displaystyle \frac{T_i^{n+1}- T_i^{n}}{\Delta t } = -\frac{q_{i+1} - q_i}{\Delta}
    set size ratio .5
    set samples 9 
    set label "T i-1" at 1.5,3.1
    set label "T i" at 2.5,3.15
    set label "T i+1" at 3.5,2.5
    set xtics ("i-2" 0.5, "i-1" 1.5, "i" 2.5,"i+1" 3.5,"i+2" 4.5,"i+3" 5.5)
    set arrow from 2,1 to 2.5,1
    set arrow from 3,1 to 3.5,1
    set label "q i" at 2.1,1.25
    set label "q i+1" at 3.1,1.25
    set label "x i-1/2" at 1.5,0.25
    set label "x i" at 2.4,0.25
    set label "x i+1/2" at 3.,0.25
    set label "x"  at 0.5,2+sin(0) 
    set label "x"  at 1.5,2+sin(1)
    set label "x"  at 2.5,2+sin(2) 
    set label "x"  at 3.5,2+sin(3) 
    set label "x"  at 4.5,2+sin(4) 
    set label "x"  at 5.5,2+sin(5) 
    p[-1:7][0:4] 2+sin(x) w steps not,2+sin(x) w impulse not linec 1


    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "run.h"
    scalar T[];
    double dt;
    int main() {
      L0 = 10.;
      X0 = -L0/2;
      N = 200;
      DT = (L0/N)*(L0/N)/2 ;
    #define EPS 0.1  

    initial temperature a “Dirac”, in fact a thin rectangle so that \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}Tdx=1.

    event init (t = 0) {
        T[] =  1./EPS*(fabs(x)<EPS)/2;
      boundary ({T});

    print data

    event printdata (t += 0.1; t < 1) {
        fprintf (stdout, "%g %g %g\n", x, T[], t);
      fprintf (stdout, "\n\n");


    event integration (i++) {
      double dt = DT;
      scalar dT[],q[];

    finding the good next time step

      dt = dtnext (dt);

    explicit step, the well known approximation of the second order derivative \displaystyle \frac{ T(x+\Delta x) - 2 T(x) +T(x-\Delta x)}{\Delta x^2 } \simeq \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} is as well a flux divergence: -\frac{\partial q }{\partial x} with a
    discrete flux across interface between ì-1 and ì: q_i = - \frac{ T_{i} - T_{i-1}}{\Delta }

        q[]=-(T[0,0] - T[-1,0])/Delta;
      boundary ({q});

    and then \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}= -\frac{\partial q }{\partial x} is the balance between flux leaving q_{i+1} and flux entering q_i the cell \displaystyle T_i^{n+1}= T_i^{n } - (\Delta t ) ( q_{i+1} - q_i)/\Delta

        dT[] = - ( q[1,0]  - q[0,0] )/Delta;


        T[] += dt*dT[];
      boundary ({T});


     ln -s ../../Makefile Makefile
     make heat.tst;make heat/plots    
     make heat.c.html ; open heat.c.html 

    or with make

     make heat.tst;make heat/plots    
     make heat.c.html ; open heat.c.html 


    After running, it gives the gaussian decrease:

    set xlabel "x"
    set output 'plot1.png'
    p[-5:5][:1]'out' u ($1):($2) t 'numerical' w l


    The self similar analytical solution is \displaystyle \theta = \frac{1}{2 \sqrt{\pi t} } e^{-x^2/4 t}

    the solution can be written in self similar variables: we plot $ $ as a function of x/\sqrt(4t) and superpose e^{-x^2}

    set output 'plot.png'
    p[-5:5][:1]'out' u ($1/sqrt(4*$3)):($2*sqrt($3*pi)*2) t 'numerical' w p pt 5 ps 0.5, exp(-x*x) t 'self similar' lw 2



    heat.c the explicit heat equation

    heat_imp.c the implicit heat equation


    Change DT to test the stablity

    Change the Initial temperature to test the erf case


    ready for new site 09/05/19