
    Various utility functions

    Default parameters and variables

    The default maximum timestep and CFL number.

    double DT = HUGE [0,1], CFL = 0.5 [0];

    Performance statistics are stored in this structure.

    struct {
      // total number of (leaf) cells advanced for this process
      long nc;
      // total number of (leaf) cells advanced for all processes
      long tnc;
      // real time elapsed since the start
      double t;
      // average computational speed (leaves/sec)
      double speed;
      // global timer
      timer gt;
    } perf = {0};

    Performance statistics are gathered by this function, which is typically called by the run() loop.

    void update_perf() { += grid->n;
      perf.tnc += grid->tn;
      perf.t = timer_elapsed (;
      perf.speed = perf.tnc/perf.t;


    These functions can be used for profiling.

    typedef struct {
      double cpu;   // CPU time (sec)
      double real;  // Wall-clock time (sec)
      double speed; // Speed (points.steps/sec)
      double min;   // Minimum MPI time (sec)
      double avg;   // Average MPI time (sec)
      double max;   // Maximum MPI time (sec)
      size_t tnc;   // Number of grid points
      long   mem;   // Maximum resident memory (kB)
    } timing;

    Given a timer, iteration count i, total number of cells tnc and array of MPI timings mpi (with a size equal to the number of processes), this function returns the statistics above.

    timing timer_timing (timer t, int i, size_t tnc, double * mpi)
      timing s;
    @if _MPI
      s.avg = mpi_time -;
      clock_t end = clock();
      s.cpu = ((double) (end - t.c))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      s.real = timer_elapsed (t);
      if (tnc == 0) {
        double n = 0;
        foreach(reduction(+:n)) n++;
        s.tnc = n;
        tnc = n*i;
        s.tnc = tnc;
    @if _GNU_SOURCE
      struct rusage usage;
      getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
      s.mem = usage.ru_maxrss;
      s.mem = 0;
    @if _MPI
      if (mpi)
        MPI_Allgather (&s.avg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, mpi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      s.max = s.min = s.avg;
      mpi_all_reduce (s.max, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX);
      mpi_all_reduce (s.min, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN);
      mpi_all_reduce (s.avg, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
      mpi_all_reduce (s.real, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM);
      mpi_all_reduce (s.mem, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM);
      s.real /= npe();
      s.avg /= npe();
      s.mem /= npe();
      s.min = s.max = s.avg = 0.;
      s.speed = s.real > 0. ? tnc/s.real : -1.;
      return s;

    This function writes timing statistics on standard output.

    void timer_print (timer t, int i, size_t tnc)
      timing s = timer_timing (t, i, tnc, NULL);
      fprintf (fout,
    	   "\n# " GRIDNAME 
    	   ", %d steps, %g CPU, %.4g real, %.3g points.step/s, %d var\n",
    	   i, s.cpu, s.real, s.speed, (int) (datasize/sizeof(double)));
    @if _MPI
      fprintf (fout,
    	   "# %d procs, MPI: min %.2g (%.2g%%) "
    	   "avg %.2g (%.2g%%) max %.2g (%.2g%%)\n",
    	   s.min, 100.*s.min/s.real,
    	   s.avg, 100.*s.avg/s.real,
    	   s.max, 100.*s.max/s.real);

    Simple field statistics

    The normf() function returns the (volume) average, RMS norm, max norm and volume for field f.

    typedef struct {
      double avg, rms, max, volume;
    } norm;
    norm normf (scalar f)
      double avg = 0., rms = 0., max = 0., volume = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(max:max) reduction(+:avg) 
    	  reduction(+:rms) reduction(+:volume)) 
        if (f[] != nodata && dv() > 0.) {
          double v = fabs(f[]);
          if (v > max) max = v;
          volume += dv();
          avg    += dv()*v;
          rms    += dv()*sq(v);
      norm n;
      n.avg = volume ? avg/volume : 0.;
      n.rms = volume ? sqrt(rms/volume) : 0.;
      n.max = max;
      n.volume = volume;
      return n;

    The statsf() function returns the minimum, maximum, volume sum, standard deviation and volume for field f.

    typedef struct {
      double min, max, sum, stddev, volume;
    } stats;
    stats statsf (scalar f)
      double min = 1e100, max = -1e100, sum = 0., sum2 = 0., volume = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:sum) reduction(+:sum2) reduction(+:volume)
    	  reduction(max:max) reduction(min:min)) 
        if (dv() > 0. && f[] != nodata) {
          volume += dv();
          sum    += dv()*f[];
          sum2   += dv()*sq(f[]);
          if (f[] > max) max = f[];
          if (f[] < min) min = f[];
      stats s;
      s.min = min, s.max = max, s.sum = sum, s.volume = volume;
      if (volume > 0.)
        sum2 -= sum*sum/volume;
      s.stddev = sum2 > 0. ? sqrt(sum2/volume) : 0.;
      return s;

    Slope limiters

    Given three values, these slope limiters return the corresponding slope-limited gradient.

    static double generic_limiter (double r, double beta)
      double v1 = min (r, beta), v2 = min (beta*r, 1.);
      v1 = max (0., v1);
      return max (v1, v2);
    double minmod (double s0, double s1, double s2) {
      return s1 == s0 ? 0. : generic_limiter ((s2 - s1)/(s1 - s0), 1.)*(s1 - s0);
    double superbee (double s0, double s1, double s2) {
      return s1 == s0 ? 0. : generic_limiter ((s2 - s1)/(s1 - s0), 2.)*(s1 - s0);
    double sweby (double s0, double s1, double s2) {
      return s1 == s0 ? 0. : generic_limiter ((s2 - s1)/(s1 - s0), 1.5)*(s1 - s0);

    This is the generalised minmod limiter. The \theta global variable can be used to tune the limiting (\theta=1 gives minmod, the most dissipative limiter and \theta=2 gives superbee, the least dissipative).

    double theta = 1.3 [0];
    double minmod2 (double s0, double s1, double s2)
      if (s0 < s1 && s1 < s2) {
        double d1 = theta*(s1 - s0), d2 = (s2 - s0)/2., d3 = theta*(s2 - s1);
        if (d2 < d1) d1 = d2;
        return min(d1, d3);
      if (s0 > s1 && s1 > s2) {
        double d1 = theta*(s1 - s0), d2 = (s2 - s0)/2., d3 = theta*(s2 - s1);
        if (d2 > d1) d1 = d2;
        return max(d1, d3);
      return 0.;

    Given a list of scalar fields f, this function fills the gradient fields g with the corresponding gradients. If the gradient attribute of a field is set (typically to one of the limiting functions above), it is used to compute the gradient, otherwise simple centered differencing is used.

    void gradients (scalar * f, vector * g)
      assert (list_len(f) == vectors_len(g));
      foreach() {
        scalar s; vector v;
        for (s,v in f,g) {
          if (s.gradient)
    	foreach_dimension() {
    #if EMBED
    	  if (!fs.x[] || !fs.x[1])
    	    v.x[] = 0.;
    	    v.x[] = s.gradient (s[-1], s[], s[1])/Delta;
          else // centered
    	foreach_dimension() {
    #if EMBED
    	  if (!fs.x[] || !fs.x[1])
    	    v.x[] = 0.;
    	    v.x[] = (s[1] - s[-1])/(2.*Delta);

    Other functions

    Given a velocity field \mathbf{u}, this function fills a scalar field \omega with the vorticity field \displaystyle \omega = \partial_x u_y - \partial_y u_x To properly take the metric into account, \omega is computed as an average over the (surface) element, which is easily obtained as the circulation of \mathbf{u} along the boundary of the element. Using the definitions of the metric factors fm and cm, this gives the expression below.

    void vorticity (const vector u, scalar omega)
        omega[] = ((fm.x[1] - fm.x[])*u.y[] +
    	       fm.x[1]*u.y[1] - fm.x[]*u.y[-1] -
    	       (fm.y[0,1] - fm.y[])*u.x[] +
    	       fm.y[]*u.x[0,-1] - fm.y[0,1]*u.x[0,1])/(2.*(cm[] + SEPS)*Delta);

    Given two scalar fields s and sn this function returns the maximum of their absolute difference.

    double change (scalar s, scalar sn)
      double max = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(max:max)) {
        if (dv() > 0.) {
          double ds = fabs (s[] - sn[]);
          if (ds > max)
    	max = ds;
        sn[] = s[];
      return max;

    These functions return the scalar/vector fields called name, or -1 if they don’t exist.

    scalar lookup_field (const char * name)
      if (name)
        for (scalar s in all)
          if (!strcmp (, name))
    	return s;
      return (scalar){-1};
    vector lookup_vector (const char * name)
      if (name) {
        char component[strlen(name) + 3];
        strcpy (component, name);
        strcat (component, ".x");
        for (scalar s in all)
          if (!strcmp (, component))
    	return s.v;
      return (vector){{-1}};

    The function below traverses the set of sub-segments intersecting the mesh and spanning the [A:B] segment. The pair of coordinates defining the sub-segment contained in each cell are defined by p[0] and p[1].

    #if 1 // fixme: foreach_dimension() does not work anymore within macros
    @def foreach_segment(_S,_p) {
      coord t = {(_S)[1].x - (_S)[0].x, (_S)[1].y - (_S)[0].y};
      double norm = sqrt(sq(t.x) + sq(t.y));
      assert (norm > 0.);
      t.x = t.x/norm + 1e-6, t.y = t.y/norm - 1.5e-6;
      double alpha = ((_S)[0].x*((_S)[1].y - (_S)[0].y) -
    		  (_S)[0].y*((_S)[1].x - (_S)[0].x))/norm;
        if (fabs(t.y*x - t.x*y - alpha) < 0.708*Delta) {
          coord _o = {x,y}, _p[2];
          int _n = 0;
    	if (t.x)
    	  for (int _i = -1; _i <= 1 && _n < 2; _i += 2) {
    	    _p[_n].x = _o.x + _i*Delta/2.;
    	    double a = (_p[_n].x - (_S)[0].x)/t.x;
    	    _p[_n].y = (_S)[0].y + a*t.y;
    	    if (fabs(_p[_n].y - _o.y) <= Delta/2.) {
    	      a = clamp (a, 0., norm);
    	      _p[_n].x = (_S)[0].x + a*t.x, _p[_n].y = (_S)[0].y + a*t.y;
    	      if (fabs(_p[_n].x - _o.x) <= Delta/2. &&
    		  fabs(_p[_n].y - _o.y) <= Delta/2.)
    #if dimension > 1	
    	if (t.y)
    	  for (int _i = -1; _i <= 1 && _n < 2; _i += 2) {
    	    _p[_n].y = _o.y + _i*Delta/2.;
    	    double a = (_p[_n].y - (_S)[0].y)/t.y;
    	    _p[_n].x = (_S)[0].x + a*t.x;
    	    if (fabs(_p[_n].x - _o.x) <= Delta/2.) {
    	      a = clamp (a, 0., norm);
    	      _p[_n].y = (_S)[0].y + a*t.y, _p[_n].x = (_S)[0].x + a*t.x;
    	      if (fabs(_p[_n].y - _o.y) <= Delta/2. &&
    		  fabs(_p[_n].x - _o.x) <= Delta/2.)
          if (_n == 2) {
    @def foreach_segment(_S,_p) {
      coord t = {(_S)[1].x - (_S)[0].x, (_S)[1].y - (_S)[0].y};
      double norm = sqrt(sq(t.x) + sq(t.y));
      assert (norm > 0.);
      t.x = t.x/norm + 1e-6, t.y = t.y/norm - 1.5e-6;
      double alpha = ((_S)[0].x*((_S)[1].y - (_S)[0].y) -
    		  (_S)[0].y*((_S)[1].x - (_S)[0].x))/norm;
        if (fabs(t.y*x - t.x*y - alpha) < 0.708*Delta) {
          coord _o = {x,y}, _p[2];
          int _n = 0;
    	if (t.x)
    	  for (int _i = -1; _i <= 1 && _n < 2; _i += 2) {
    	    _p[_n].x = _o.x + _i*Delta/2.;
    	    double a = (_p[_n].x - (_S)[0].x)/t.x;
    	    _p[_n].y = (_S)[0].y + a*t.y;
    	    if (fabs(_p[_n].y - _o.y) <= Delta/2.) {
    	      a = clamp (a, 0., norm);
    	      _p[_n].x = (_S)[0].x + a*t.x, _p[_n].y = (_S)[0].y + a*t.y;
    	      if (fabs(_p[_n].x - _o.x) <= Delta/2. &&
    		  fabs(_p[_n].y - _o.y) <= Delta/2.)
          if (_n == 2) {
    @define end_foreach_segment() } } end_foreach(); }

    This function returns a summary of the currently-defined fields.

    void fields_stats()
      fprintf (ferr, "# t = %g, fields = {", t);
      for (scalar s in all)
        fprintf (ferr, " %s",;
      fputs (" }\n", ferr);
      fprintf (ferr, "# %12s: %12s %12s %12s %12s\n",
    	   "name", "min", "avg", "stddev", "max");
      for (scalar s in all) {
        stats ss = statsf (s);
        fprintf (ferr, "# %12s: %12g %12g %12g %12g\n",
, ss.min, ss.sum/ss.volume, ss.stddev, ss.max);
    #include "output.h"
    #ifdef DISPLAY
    # include "display.h" // nodep


