
    Grids on GPUs

    The files in this directory implement Cartesian and Multigrid grids on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The ultimate goal is to allow running any Basilisk solver on GPUs without any modification to the original source code.

    To do so the Basilisk preprocessor automatically generates “computation kernels” for each loop iterator. These kernels are then dynamically compiled (at runtime) by the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) compiler which is part of the (OpenGL) graphics card driver. If compilation is successful, the corresponding loop is performed on the GPU, otherwise the CPU is used. If this hybrid GPU/CPU hybrid mode of operation is used, synchronisation between the GPU and CPU memory is necessary and is done automatically.

    OpenGL is an open standard (unlike e.g. CUDA) and is widely supported by graphics cards (with the notable exception of Apple graphics cards and some high-end “professional” Nvidia cards).

    Running on GPUs

    As described above, from a Basilisk perspective GPUs are just another type of grid. Selecting a “GPU grid” can simply be done using either

    #include "grid/gpu/multigrid.h"

    in the source code, or using the -grid command line option of qcc like this

    qcc -autolink -Wall -O2 -grid=gpu/multigrid code.c -o code -lm

    (where code.c does not specify the grid).

    The standard Basilisk Makefile also includes the handy recipe

    make code.gpu.tst

    which will compile and run code.c using the gpu/multigrid grid.

    Note that for all this to work properly you first need to install the Basilisk GPU libraries.


    Basilisk uses the GLFW library to configure and access the graphics card and OpenGL (version >= 4.3) for the rest. These libraries and the associated Basilisk libraries can be easily installed on Debian-like systems using

    sudo apt install libglfw3-dev
    cd $BASILISK/grid/gpu

    Note that you will also need the appropriate graphics card drivers (often proprietary for Nvidia). Note also that (reasonably high-end) laptop computers often have two graphics cards: a low-power, slow one and a high-power, fast one. To check which one you are currently using you can use something like

    sudo apt install mesa-utils
    glxinfo -B

    On my Dell XPS laptop I can switch to the (proprietary driver of the) fast Nvidia graphics card using



    There are several test cases for GPUs you can try. For example

    cd $BASILISK/test
    CFLAGS=-DPRINTNSHADERS make gpu.gpu.tst

    If this worked, you can then try a more interesting example

    CFLAGS='-DSHOW' make bump2D-gpu.tst
    __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia ./bump2D-gpu/bump2D-gpu 10

    and also

    cd $BASILISK/examples
    CFLAGS='-DSHOW -DBENCHMARK' make turbulence.gpu.tst
    __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia ./turbulence.gpu/turbulence.gpu 1024

    Writing code compatible with GPUs

    GPUs are fast compared to CPUs because they use specialised hardware which relies on highly-parallel (tens of thousands of execution threads) asynchronous accesses to fast video memory channels. This imposes strong constraints on programs which can run efficiently on these systems, in particular regarding memory allocation and accesses. These constraints are reflected in the programming languages usable on GPUs, for example the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) which underlies the GPU grid in Basilisk.

    GLSL is mostly a subset of C99 and the good news is that this subset happens to be what is used within most foreach loops in Basilisk (this is not a coincidence…). Thus, in many cases, simple and efficient Basilisk code will also run transparently and efficiently on GPUs.

    GPU/CPU hybrid mode

    There are obvious cases where foreach loops will not run on GPUs (see the next section). In theses cases, Basilisk will automatically switch to running the loop on the CPU and will synchronize the CPU and GPU memories. Note that this also means that the memory (i.e. scalar fields etc.) for a program is always allocated twice: once on the CPU and once on the GPU.

    As an example, consider the following simple code

    int main()
      init_grid (16);
      scalar s[];
      double k = 2.;
        s[] = cos(k*x)*sin(k*y);
        printf ("%g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);

    this can be run on the CPU using e.g.

    make test.tst

    If we now run on the GPU using

    make test.gpu.tst

    we get

    test.gpu.c:9: GLSL: error: strings are not supported
    test.gpu.c:8: warning: foreach() done on CPU (see GLSL errors above)

    Basilisk warns us that “strings are not supported” in GLSL (at line 9) and that, as a consequence, the loop at line 8 (i.e. the second loop which includes “printf”) was run on the CPU. Note that the first message is a “GLSL: error” but that the code still ran OK on the CPU. Note also that this error happened at runtime and not during compilation. That’s because foreach loops are compiled dynamically at runtime by the graphics card driver.

    Since GPUs have a very limited access to the operating system (i.e. only through the OpenGL interface) we cannot expect the loop including “printf” (or any other output) to run on the GPU (in addition to the fact that “strings are not supported”). Note also that the second loop should be “serial” rather than parallel (see Parallel Programming). So we need to modify the code to

      foreach (serial)
        printf ("%g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);

    If we now recompile and run with make test.gpu.tst, the GLSL error and warnings are gone since we explicitely specified that the second loop should run on the CPU (and in serial mode).

    Another way to specify that a given loop should run on the CPU (either in serial or parallel mode) is to use

    foreach (cpu)

    Similarly one could use foreach (gpu) to force running on the GPU, in which case the GLSL warning above would become an error. This can be useful when debugging GPU codes and used in combination with the -cpu compilation flag which will force loops to run on the CPU by default.

    What cannot be done on GPUs

    • Inputs/Outputs: The only possible direct output on GPUs is the screen (see output_ppm on GPUs). All other inputs or outputs must go through the CPU.
    • Complex memory allocation and access: There is no notion of “memory stack” on GPUs, all memory requirements are static and must be defined at compilation time. This means that variable/dynamical arrays, dynamic memory allocation (malloc etc.) and pointers do not exist on GPUs (and in GLSL). Using any of these in a foreach loop will give you a GLSL error as above.
    • Limited support for function pointers: function pointers are fundamentally different from memory pointers. Basilisk includes limited support for function pointers i.e. what is sufficient for field attributes implementing custom boundary conditions or coarsening/refinement functions.
    • Using external libraries: GPUs cannot (obviously) use functions defined in external (CPU) libraries.

    Current limitations

    Aside from the fundamental constraints above, the current implementation also has the following limitations, some of which will be lifted in the (not-too-distant) future. In rough order of “lifting priority” these are:

    • Multilayer is currently limited to a single layer
    • Only 2D Cartesian and Multigrid grids for now: 3D multigrid will follow easily, quadtrees and octrees are more difficult.
    • Access to video memories largers than 232 bytes i.e. 4GB is currently impossible. This will be lifted soon (once I have found a solution…)
    • Boundary conditions have only been implemented for 3x3 stencils.
    • At this stage only a few solvers have been tested. Other solvers may or may not work. In particular surface tension will not work yet because the estimation of curvature relies on code which is not portable to GPUs.
    • Only simple external types (int, bool, float, double, coord etc.) are currently supported: for example custom typedefs are not supported yet for external variables. Loop-local variables and functions can use (locally-defined) custom types.
    • Loop-local lists of scalars have very limited support (but are not used much anyway): external loops support is OK.
    • Double precision (64-bits floats) is supported by Basilisk (use CFLAGS='-DDOUBLE_PRECISION') but depends on the (often limited) support by graphics cards and their drivers (see also performance). Note also that using single precision can have an important impact on the convergence and accuracy of multigrid solvers.


    To convince yourself that GPUs are worth the trouble, see the GPU Benchmarks: speedups of one to two orders of magnitude compared to CPUs are achievable.

    To maximize performance, here are a few tips and observations:

    • Make sure that you are using the correct graphics card and driver (see glxinfo above).
    • GPUs are highly parallel so will only provide speedups for large enough simulations (e.g. larger than 1282), increasingly so as resolution is increased.
    • Frequent CPU/GPU memory synchronisation will kill performance. Be careful to control how often you output data for example, much more so than when running on CPUs. An exception is graphical outputs which are much cheaper on GPUs and can be done often with little overhead. Loops done on the CPU within e.g. timestep iterations will generally kill performance.
    • Use built-in profiling to check where time is spent. Use the -DTRACE=3 compilation flag to get profiling information at the level of foreach loops.
    • While double precision (64-bits floats i.e. double) is supported by GLSL, graphics cards and their drivers can have very poor support and the performances of standard “gamers” graphics cards are usually terrible.

    See also


    #include <khash.h>
    typedef struct {
      int location, type, nd, local;
      void * pointer;
    } MyUniform;
    typedef struct {
      GLuint id, ng[2];
      MyUniform * uniforms;
    } Shader;
    typedef struct {
      GRIDPARENT parent;
      GLuint reduct[2];
      khash_t(INT) * shaders;
    } GridGPU;
    #define gpu_grid ((GridGPU *)grid)
    static char * str_append_array (char * dst, const char * list[])
      int empty = (dst == NULL);
      int len = empty ? 0 : strlen (dst);
      for (const char ** s = list; *s != NULL; s++)
        len += strlen (*s);
      dst = (char *) sysrealloc (dst, len + 1);
      if (empty) dst[0] = '\0';
      for (const char ** s = list; *s != NULL; s++)
        strcat (dst, *s);
      return dst;
    #define str_append(dst, ...) str_append_array (dst, (const char *[]){__VA_ARGS__, NULL})
    #define xstr(a) str(a)
    #define str(a) #a
    static char glsl_preproc[] =
      "// #line " xstr(__LINE__) " " __FILE__ "\n"
      "#define dimensional(x)\n"
      "#define real double\n"
      "#define coord dvec3\n"
    #else // !SINGLE_PRECISION
      "#define real float\n"
      "#define coord vec3\n"
    #endif // !SINGLE_PRECISION
      "#define ivec ivec2\n"
      "struct scalar { int i, index; };\n"
    #if dimension == 2
      "#define _coord vec2\n"
      "#define _coord dvec2\n"
      "#define cos(x) cos(float(x))\n"
      "#define sin(x) sin(float(x))\n"
      "#define exp(x) exp(float(x))\n"
      "#define pow(x,y) pow(float(x), float(y))\n"
      "struct vector { scalar x, y; };\n"
      "struct tensor { vector x, y; };\n"
    #endif // dimension == 2
      "#define GHOSTS " xstr(GHOSTS) "\n"
      "struct Point { int i, j; uint level;"
    #if LAYERS
      " int l;"
      "#define field_size() _field_size\n"
      "#define ast_pointer(x) (x)\n"
      "#define _NVARMAX 65536\n"
      "#define NULL 0\n"
      "#define val(s,k,l,m) ((s).i < _NVARMAX ? valt(s,k,l,m)"
      " : _constant[clamp((s).i -_NVARMAX,0,_nconst-1)])\n"
      "#define val_out_(s,i,j,k) valt(s,i,j,k)\n"
      "#define _attr(s,member) (_attr[(s).index].member)\n"
      "#define forin(type,s,list) for (int _i = 0; _i < list.length() - 1; _i++) { type s = list[_i];\n"
      "#define endforin() }\n"
    #if LAYERS
      "#define foreach_block_inner() for (point.l = 0; point.l < nl; point.l++)\n"
      "#define end_foreach_block_inner() point.l = 0;\n"
      "#define foreach_blockf(_f) for (point.l = 0; point.l < _attr(_f,block); point.l++)\n"
      "#define end_foreach_blockf() point.l = 0;\n"
      "#define forin2(a,b,c,d) for (int _i = 0; _i < c.length() - 1; _i++)"
      "  { a = c[_i]; b = d[_i];\n"
      "#define endforin2() }\n"
      "#define forin3(a,b,e,c,d,f) for (int _i = 0; _i < c.length() - 1; _i++)"
      "  { a = c[_i]; b = d[_i]; e = f[_i];\n"
      "#define endforin3() }\n"
      "#define is_face_x() { if (point.j < N + GHOSTS) {"
      "  real Delta = L0/N, Delta_x = Delta, Delta_y = Delta,"
      "  x = X0 + (point.i - GHOSTS)*Delta, y = Y0 + (point.j - GHOSTS + 0.5)*Delta;\n"
      "#define end_is_face_x() }}\n"
      "#define is_face_y() { if (point.i < N + GHOSTS) {"
      "  real Delta = L0/N, Delta_x = Delta, Delta_y = Delta,"
      "  x = X0 + (point.i - GHOSTS + 0.5)*Delta, y = Y0 + (point.j - GHOSTS)*Delta;\n"
      "#define end_is_face_y() }}\n"
      "#define NOT_UNUSED(x)\n"
      "#define pi 3.14159265359\n"
      "#define nodata (1e30)\n"
      "#define sq(x) ((x)*(x))\n"
      "#define cube(x) ((x)*(x)*(x))\n"
      "#define fabs(x) abs(x)\n"
      "#define sign(x) ((x) > 0 ? 1 : -1)\n"
      "#define _dirichlet(expr,p,n,_s,data)                  (2.*(expr) - val(_s,0,0,0))\n"
      "#define _dirichlet_homogeneous(expr,p,n,_s,data)      (- val(_s,0,0,0))\n"
      "#define _dirichlet_face(expr,p,n,_s,data)             (expr)\n"
      "#define _dirichlet_face_homogeneous(expr,p,n,_s,data) (0.)\n"
      "#define _neumann(expr,p,n,_s,data)               (Delta*(expr) + val(_s,0,0,0))\n"
      "#define _neumann_homogeneous(expr,p,n,_s,data)   (val(_s,0,0,0))\n"
      "#define neighborp(_i,_j,_k) Point(point.i+_i,point.j+_j,point.level"
      #if LAYERS
      "const real z = 0.;\n"
      "const int ig = 0, jg = 0;\n"
      "layout (location = 0) uniform ivec2 csOrigin = ivec2(0,0);\n"
      "layout (location = 1) uniform vec2 vsOrigin = vec2(0.,0.);\n"
      "layout (location = 2) uniform vec2 vsScale = vec2(1.,1.);\n"
    static inline int list_size (const External * i)
      int size = 0;
      if (i->type == sym_SCALAR) {
        size = 1;
        if (i->nd == 1)
          for (scalar s in i->pointer) size++;
      else if (i->type == sym_VECTOR) {
        size = 1;
        if (i->nd == 1)
          for (vector v in i->pointer) size++;
      else if (i->type == sym_TENSOR) {
        size = 1;
        if (i->nd == 1)
          for (tensor t in i->pointer) size++;
        return 0;
      return size;
    static char * write_scalar (char * fs, scalar s)
      char i[20], index[20];
      snprintf (i, 19, "%d", s.i);
      snprintf (index, 19, "%d", s.i < 0 || is_constant(s) ? 0 : s.gpu.index - 1);
      return str_append (fs, "{", i, ",", index, "}");
    static char * write_vector (char * fs, vector v)
      fs = str_append (fs, "{");
      fs = write_scalar (fs, v.x);
      fs = str_append (fs, ",");
      fs = write_scalar (fs, v.y);
      fs = str_append (fs, "}");
      return fs;
    static char * write_tensor (char * fs, tensor t)
      fs = str_append (fs, "{");
      fs = write_vector (fs, t.x);
      fs = str_append (fs, ",");
      fs = write_vector (fs, t.y);
      fs = str_append (fs, "}");
      return fs;
    static scalar * apply_bc_list;
    static int bc_period_x = -1, bc_period_y = -1;
    static void boundary_top (Point point, int i)
      bool data = false;
      for (scalar s in apply_bc_list)
        if (!s.face || s.i != s.v.y.i) {
          scalar b = (s.v.x.i < 0 ? s : s.i == s.v.y.i ? s.v.x : s.v.y);
          s[i,-bc_period_y] = b.boundary_top (neighborp(i), neighborp(i,-bc_period_y), s, &data);
    static void boundary_bottom (Point point, int i)
      bool data = false;
      for (scalar s in apply_bc_list)
        if (!s.face || s.i != s.v.y.i) {
          scalar b = (s.v.x.i < 0 ? s : s.i == s.v.y.i ? s.v.x : s.v.y);
          s[i,bc_period_y] = b.boundary_bottom (neighborp(i), neighborp(i,bc_period_y), s, &data);
    void apply_bc (Point point)
      bool data = false;
      // face BCs
      if (point.i == GHOSTS)
        for (scalar s in apply_bc_list)
          if (s.face && s.i == s.v.x.i && s.boundary_left)
    	s[] = s.boundary_left (point, neighborp(bc_period_x), s, &data);
      if (point.i == N + GHOSTS)
        for (scalar s in apply_bc_list)
          if (s.face && s.i == s.v.x.i && s.boundary_right)
    	s[] = s.boundary_right (neighborp(bc_period_x), point, s, &data);
      if (point.j == GHOSTS)
        for (scalar s in apply_bc_list)
          if (s.face && s.i == s.v.y.i) {
    	scalar b = s.v.x;
    	if (b.boundary_bottom)
    	  s[] = b.boundary_bottom (point, neighborp(0,bc_period_y), s, &data);
      if (point.j == N + GHOSTS)
        for (scalar s in apply_bc_list)
          if (s.face && s.i == s.v.y.i) {
    	scalar b = s.v.x;
    	if (b.boundary_top)
    	  s[] = b.boundary_top (neighborp(0,bc_period_y), point, s, &data);
      // centered BCs
      if (point.i == GHOSTS) { // left
        for (scalar s in apply_bc_list)
          if (!s.face || s.i != s.v.x.i)
    	s[bc_period_x] = s.boundary_left (point, neighborp(bc_period_x), s, &data);
        if (point.j == GHOSTS)
          boundary_bottom (point, bc_period_x); // bottom-left
        if (point.j == N + GHOSTS - 1)
          boundary_top (point, bc_period_x);    // top-left
      if (point.i == N + GHOSTS - 1) { // right
        for (scalar s in apply_bc_list)
          if (!s.face || s.i != s.v.x.i)
    	s[- bc_period_x] = s.boundary_right (point, neighborp(- bc_period_x), s, &data);
        if (point.j == GHOSTS)
          boundary_bottom (point, - bc_period_x); // bottom-right
        if (point.j == N + GHOSTS - 1)
          boundary_top (point, - bc_period_x);    // top-right
      if (point.j == GHOSTS)
        boundary_bottom (point, 0);  // bottom
      if (point.j == N + GHOSTS - 1)
        boundary_top (point, 0);     // top
    #if 0
    typedef struct {
      uint32_t s1, s2;
    } Adler32Hash;
    inline void a32_hash_init (Adler32Hash * hash)
      hash->s1 = 1;
      hash->s2 = 0;
    inline void a32_hash_add_char (Adler32Hash * hash, uint8_t c)
      hash->s1 = (hash->s1 + c) % 65521;
      hash->s2 = (hash->s2 + hash->s1) % 65521;
    inline void a32_hash_add (Adler32Hash * hash, const void * data, size_t size)
      const uint8_t * buffer = (const uint8_t*) data;
      for (size_t n = 0; n < size; n++, buffer++)
        a32_hash_add_char (hash, *buffer);
    inline uint32_t a32_hash (const Adler32Hash * hash)
      return (hash->s2 << 16) | hash->s1;
    #else // SDBM
    typedef struct {
      uint32_t s;
    } Adler32Hash;
    inline void a32_hash_init (Adler32Hash * hash)
      hash->s = 0;
    inline void a32_hash_add (Adler32Hash * hash, const void * data, size_t size)
      const uint8_t * buffer = (const uint8_t*) data;
      for (size_t n = 0; n < size; n++, buffer++)
        hash->s = *buffer + (hash->s << 6) + (hash->s << 16) - hash->s;
    inline uint32_t a32_hash (const Adler32Hash * hash)
      return hash->s;
    static bool is_boundary_attribute (const External * g)
      return (g->name[0] == '.' &&
    	  (!strcmp (g->name, ".boundary_left") ||
    	   !strcmp (g->name, ".boundary_right") ||
    	   !strcmp (g->name, ".boundary_bottom") ||
    	   !strcmp (g->name, ".boundary_top")));
    void hash_external (Adler32Hash * hash, const External * g, const ForeachData * loop, int indent)
      if (g->type == sym_function_declaration || g->type == sym_function_definition) {
        bool boundary = is_boundary_attribute (g);
        for (scalar s in baseblock)
          if (g->name[0] != '.' || (!boundary && s.gpu.index) || (boundary && s.output)) {
    	void * ptr = g->name[0] != '.' ? g->pointer :
    	  *((void **)(((char *) &_attribute[s.i]) + g->nd));
    	if (ptr) {
    	  External * p = _get_function ((long) ptr);
    	  if (p && !p->used) {
    	    p->used = true;
    	    a32_hash_add (hash, &ptr, sizeof (void *));
    	    for (const External * e = p->externals; e && e->name; e++)
    	      hash_external (hash, e, loop, indent + 2);
    	if (g->name[0] != '.')
      else if (g->name[0] == '.') {
        int size = 0;
        switch (g->type) {
        case sym_INT: size = sizeof (int); break;
        case sym_BOOL: size = sizeof (bool); break;
        case sym_FLOAT: size = sizeof (float); break;
        case sym_DOUBLE: size = sizeof (double); break;
        case sym_IVEC: size = sizeof (ivec); break;
        case sym_SCALAR: size = sizeof (scalar); break;
        case sym_VECTOR: size = sizeof (vector); break;
        case sym_TENSOR: size = sizeof (tensor); break;
        default: return;
        for (scalar s in baseblock)
          if (s.gpu.index) {
    	char * data = (char *) &_attribute[s.i];
    	a32_hash_add (hash, data + g->nd, size);
      else if (g->type == sym_SCALAR || g->type == sym_VECTOR || g->type == sym_TENSOR) {
        assert (g->nd == 0 || g->nd == 1);
        void * pointer = g->pointer;
        int size;
        if (g->nd == 1) {
          size = 0;
          for (scalar s in pointer)
    	size += sizeof (scalar);
        else if (g->type == sym_SCALAR)
          size = sizeof (scalar);
        else if (g->type == sym_VECTOR)
          size = sizeof (vector);
        else // sym_TENSOR
          size = sizeof (tensor);
        a32_hash_add (hash, pointer, size);
    uint32_t hash_shader (const External * externals,
    		      const ForeachData * loop,
    		      const RegionParameters * region, const char * kernel)
      Adler32Hash hash;
      a32_hash_init (&hash);
      a32_hash_add (&hash, &region->level, sizeof (region->level));
      a32_hash_add (&hash, &N, sizeof (N));
    #if LAYERS
      a32_hash_add (&hash, &nl, sizeof (nl));
      a32_hash_add (&hash, &Period, sizeof (Period));
      a32_hash_add (&hash, kernel, strlen (kernel));
      a32_hash_add (&hash, &nconst, sizeof (nconst));
      a32_hash_add (&hash, _constant, sizeof (*_constant)*nconst);
      static External ext[] = {
        { .name = ".boundary_left",   .type = sym_function_declaration, .nd = attroffset (boundary_left) },
        { .name = ".boundary_right",  .type = sym_function_declaration, .nd = attroffset (boundary_right) },
        { .name = ".boundary_top",    .type = sym_function_declaration, .nd = attroffset (boundary_top) },
        { .name = ".boundary_bottom", .type = sym_function_declaration, .nd = attroffset (boundary_bottom) },
    #if LAYERS
        { .name = ".block", .type = sym_INT, .nd = attroffset (block) },
        { .name = NULL }
      foreach_function (f, f->used = false);
      for (const External * g = loop->dirty ? ext : ext + 4; g->name; g++)
        hash_external (&hash, g, loop, 2);
      for (const External * g = externals; g && g->name; g++) {
        if (g->reduct)
          a32_hash_add (&hash, &g->s, sizeof (scalar));
        hash_external (&hash, g, loop, 2);
      return a32_hash (&hash);
    bool is_void_function (char * code)
      while (*code != '/') code++; code++;
      while (*code != '/') code++; code++;
      while (*code != '\n') code++; code++;
      while (strchr ("\n\r\t ", *code)) code++;
      return !strncmp (code, "void ", 5);
    static char * type_string (const External * g)
      switch (g->type) {
      case sym_DOUBLE:
        return "double"; break;
      case sym_FLOAT: return "float";
      case sym_function_declaration: case sym_enumeration_constant: case sym_INT:
        return "int";
      case sym_BOOL: return "bool";
      case sym_SCALAR: return "scalar";
      case sym_VECTOR: return "vector";
      case sym_TENSOR: return "tensor";
      case sym_COORD:  return "coord";
      case sym__COORD: return "_coord";
      case sym_VEC4:   return "vec4";
      case sym_IVEC:   return "ivec";
      return "unknown_type";
    #define EXTERNAL_NAME(g) (g)->global == 2 ? "_loc_" : "", (g)->name, (g)->reduct ? "_in_" : ""
    char * build_shader (External * externals, const ForeachData * loop,
    		     const RegionParameters * region, const GLuint nwg[2])
      int Nl = region->level > 0 ? 1 << (region->level - 1) : N;
      char s[20];
      snprintf (s, 19, "%d", nconst > 0 ? nconst : 1);
      char a[20];
      snprintf (a, 19, "%g", nconst > 0 ? _constant[0] : 0);
      char * fs = str_append (NULL, "#version 430\n", glsl_preproc,
    			  "#define VARIABLES real Delta = L0/N,"
    			  " Delta_x = Delta, Delta_y = Delta,",
    			  " x = X0 + (point.i - GHOSTS + 0.5 + ig/2.)*Delta,"
    			  " y = Y0 + (point.j - GHOSTS + 0.5 + jg/2.)*Delta;\n",
    			  "const int _nconst = ", s, ";\n"
    			  "const real _constant[_nconst] = {", a);
      for (int i = 1; i < nconst; i++) {
        snprintf (a, 19, "%g", _constant[i]);
        fs = str_append (fs, ",", a);
      fs = str_append (fs, "};\n");
      fs = str_append (fs, "layout(std430, binding = 0)"
    		   " restrict buffer _data_layout { real _data[]; };\n");

    Scalar field attributes

      char * attributes = NULL;
      for (const External * g = externals; g; g = g->next)
        if (g->name[0] == '.') {
          attributes = str_append (attributes, "  ", type_string (g), " ", g->name + 1);
          for (int * d = g->data; d && *d > 0; d++) {
    	char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", *d);
    	attributes = str_append (attributes, "[", s, "]");
          attributes = str_append (attributes, ";\n");
      if (attributes) {
        fs = str_append (fs, "struct _Attributes {\n", attributes, "};\n");
        sysfree (attributes);
        int nindex = 0;
        for (scalar s in baseblock)
          if (s.gpu.index)
        assert (nindex > 0);
        char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", nindex);
        fs = str_append (fs, "const _Attributes _attr[", s, "]={");
        nindex = 0;
        for (scalar s in baseblock)
          if (s.gpu.index) {
    	fs = str_append (fs, nindex ? ",{" : "{"); nindex++;
    	bool first = true;
    	char * data = (char *) &_attribute[s.i];
    	for (const External * g = externals; g; g = g->next)
    	  if (g->name[0] == '.') {
    	    if (!first) fs = str_append (fs, ",");
    	    first = false;
    	    if (g->type == sym_INT) {
    	      char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", *((int *)(data + g->nd)));
    	      fs = str_append (fs, s);
    	    else if (g->type == sym_BOOL)
    	      fs = str_append (fs, *((bool *)(data + g->nd)) ? "true" : "false");
    	    else if (g->type == sym_FLOAT) {
    	      char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%g", *((float *)(data + g->nd)));
    	      fs = str_append (fs, s);
    	    else if (g->type == sym_DOUBLE) {
    	      char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%g", *((double *)(data + g->nd)));
    	      fs = str_append (fs, s);
    	    else if (g->type == sym_IVEC) {
    	      ivec * v = (ivec *)(data + g->nd);
    	      char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "{%d,%d}", v->x, v->y);
    	      fs = str_append (fs, s);
    	    else if (g->type == sym_function_declaration) {
    	      void * func = *((void **)(data + g->nd));
    	      if (!func)
    		fs = str_append (fs, "0");
    	      else {
    		External * ptr = _get_function ((long) func);
    		char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", ptr->nd);
    		fs = str_append (fs, s);
    	    else if (g->type == sym_SCALAR)
    	      fs = write_scalar (fs, *((scalar *)(data + g->nd)));
    	    else if (g->type == sym_VECTOR)
    	      fs = write_vector (fs, *((vector *)(data + g->nd)));
    	    else if (g->type == sym_TENSOR)
    	      fs = write_tensor (fs, *((tensor *)(data + g->nd)));
    	      fs = str_append (fs, "not implemented");
    	fs = str_append (fs, "}");
        fs = str_append (fs, "};\n");

    Non-local variables

      for (External * g = externals; g; g = g->next) {
        if (g->name[0] == '.') {
          if (g->type == sym_function_declaration) {
    	bool boundary = is_boundary_attribute (g);
    	fs = str_append (fs, "#define _attr_", g->name + 1, "(s,args) (");
    	foreach_function (f, f->used = false);
    	char * expr = NULL;
    	for (scalar s in baseblock)
    	  if (s.gpu.index) {
    	    char * data = (char *) &_attribute[s.i];
    	    void * func = *((void **)(data + g->nd));
    	    if (func) {
    	      External * f = _get_function ((long) func);
    	      if (!f->used && (!boundary || s.output)) {
    		f->used = true;
    		char * args = is_void_function (f->data) ? " args,0" : " args";
    		if (!expr)
    		  expr = str_append (NULL, "(", f->name, args, ")");
    		else {
    		  char index[20];
    		  snprintf (index, 19, "%d", f->nd);
    		  char * s = str_append (NULL, "_attr(s,", g->name + 1, ")==", index,
    					 "?(", f->name, args, "):", expr);
    		  sysfree (expr);
    		  expr = s;
    	if (expr) {
    	  fs = str_append (fs, expr, ")\n");
    	  sysfree (expr);
    	  fs = str_append (fs, "0)\n");
        else if (g->type == sym_function_definition) {
          External * f = _get_function ((long) g->pointer);
          fs = str_append (fs, "\n", f->data, "\n");
          char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", f->nd);
          fs = str_append (fs, "const int _p", g->name, " = ", s, ";\n");
        else if (g->type == sym_function_declaration) {
          External * f = _get_function ((long) g->pointer);
          char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", f->nd);
          fs = str_append (fs, "const int ", g->name, " = ", s, ";\n",
    		       "#define _f", g->name, "(args) (", f->name, " args)\n");
        else if (g->type != sym_SCALAR &&
    	     g->type != sym_VECTOR &&
    	     g->type != sym_TENSOR) {
          if (g->type == sym_INT && !strcmp (g->name, "N")) {
    	int level = region->level > 0 ? region->level - 1 : depth();
    	char s[20], d[20], l[20], size[30];
    	snprintf (s, 19, "%d", Nl);
    	snprintf (d, 19, "%d", depth());
    	snprintf (l, 19, "%d", level);
    	snprintf (size, 19, "%ld", (size_t) field_size());
    	fs = str_append (fs,
    			 "const uint N = ", s, ", _depth = ", d, ", _field_size = ", size, ";\n"
    			 "const uint NY = ",
    			 loop->face > 1 || loop->vertex ? "N + 1" : "N",
    	if (GPUContext.fragment_shader)
    	  fs = str_append (fs, "in vec2 vsPoint;\n"
    			   "Point point = {int((vsPoint.x*vsScale.x + vsOrigin.x)*N) + GHOSTS,"
    			   "int((vsPoint.y*vsScale.y + vsOrigin.y)*N) + GHOSTS,", l,
    #if LAYERS
    			   "out vec4 FragColor;\n");
    	else {
    	  char nwgx[20], nwgy[20];
    	  snprintf (nwgx, 19, "%d", nwg[0]);
    	  snprintf (nwgy, 19, "%d", nwg[1]);
    	  fs = str_append (fs, "layout (local_size_x = ", nwgx,
    			   ", local_size_y = ", nwgy, ") in;\n");
          else if (g->type == sym_INT && !strcmp (g->name, "nl")) {

    ‘int nl’ gets special treatment.

    	char nl[20];
    	snprintf (nl, 19, "%d", *((int *)g->pointer));
    	fs = str_append (fs, "const int nl = ", nl, ";\n");
          else if (g->type == sym_INT && !strcmp (g->name, "bc_period_x"))
    	fs = str_append (fs, "const int bc_period_x = ", Period.x ? "int(N)" : "-1", ";\n");
          else if (g->type == sym_INT && !strcmp (g->name, "bc_period_y"))
    	fs = str_append (fs, "const int bc_period_y = ", Period.y ? "int(N)" : "-1", ";\n");
          else if (GPUContext.fragment_shader && (region->n.x > 1 || region->n.y > 1) &&
    	       g->type == sym_COORD && !strcmp (g->name, "p")) {

    ‘coord p’ is assumed to be the parameter of a region. This is not flexible (the parameter must be called ‘p’) and should be improved.

    	fs = str_append (fs, "coord p = vec3((vsPoint*vsScale + vsOrigin)*L0 + vec2(X0, Y0),0);\n");
          else {
    	char * type = type_string (g);
    	fs = str_append (fs, "uniform ", type, " ", EXTERNAL_NAME (g));
    	for (int * d = g->data; d && *d > 0; d++) {
    	  char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", *d);
    	  fs = str_append (fs, "[", s, "]");
    	fs = str_append (fs, ";\n");
    	if (g->reduct) {
    	  fs = str_append (fs, type, " ", g->global == 2 ? "_loc_" : "", g->name, " = ",
    			   EXTERNAL_NAME (g), ";\n");
    	  fs = str_append (fs, "const scalar ", g->name, "_out_ = ");
    	  fs = write_scalar (fs, g->s);
    	  fs = str_append (fs, ";\n");
        else { // scalar, vector and tensor fields
          int size = list_size (g);
          for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
    	if (j == 0) {
    	  fs = str_append (fs, "const ", type_string (g), " ", EXTERNAL_NAME (g));
    	  if (g->nd == 0)
    	    fs = str_append (fs, " = ");
    	  else {
    	    char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", size);
    	    fs = str_append (fs, "[", s, "] = {");
    	if (g->nd == 0 || j < size - 1) {
    	  if (g->type == sym_SCALAR)
    	    fs = write_scalar (fs, ((scalar *)g->pointer)[j]);
    	  else if (g->type == sym_VECTOR)
    	    fs = write_vector (fs, ((vector *)g->pointer)[j]);
    	  else if (g->type == sym_TENSOR)
    	    fs = write_tensor (fs, ((tensor *)g->pointer)[j]);
    	    assert (false);
    	else { // last element of a list is always ignored (this is necessary for empty lists)
    	  if (g->type == sym_SCALAR)
    	    fs = str_append (fs, "{0,0}");
    	  else if (g->type == sym_VECTOR)
    	    fs = str_append (fs, "{{0,0},{0,0}}");
    	  else if (g->type == sym_TENSOR)
    	    fs = str_append (fs, "{{{0,0},{0,0}},{{0,0},{0,0}}}");
    	    assert (false);
    	if (g->nd == 0)
    	  fs = str_append (fs, ";\n");
    	else if (j < size - 1)
    	  fs = str_append (fs, ",");
    	  fs = str_append (fs, "};\n");
      return fs;
    Shader * load_shader (const char * fs, uint32_t hash, const ForeachData * loop)
      assert (gpu_grid->shaders);
      khiter_t k = kh_get (INT, gpu_grid->shaders, hash);
      if (k != kh_end (gpu_grid->shaders)) {
        sysfree ((void *)fs);
        return kh_value (gpu_grid->shaders, k);
        static int n = 1;
        fprintf (stderr, "=================== %s:%d: shader #%d ===================\n",
    	     loop ? loop->fname : "reduction", loop ? loop->line : 0, n++);
        fputs (fs, stderr);
      GLuint id;
      if (!GPUContext.fragment_shader)
        id = loadNormalShader (NULL, fs);
      else {
        const char quad[] =
          "#version 430\n"
          "layout(location = 0) in vec3 vsPos;"
          "out vec2 vsPoint;"
          "void main() {"
          "  vsPoint = vsPos.xy;"
          "  gl_Position =  vec4(2.*vsPos.xy - vec2(1.), 0., 1.);"
        id = loadNormalShader (quad, fs);
      Shader * shader = NULL;
      if (id) {
        shader = calloc (1, sizeof (Shader));
        shader->id = id;
        int ret;
        khiter_t k = kh_put (INT, gpu_grid->shaders, hash, &ret);
        assert (ret > 0);
        kh_value (gpu_grid->shaders, k) = shader;
      sysfree ((void *)fs);
      return shader;
    void gpu_limits (FILE * fp)
      GLString * i = gpu_limits_list;
      while (i->s) {
        GLint val;
        GL_C (glGetIntegerv (i->index, &val));  
        fprintf (fp, "%s: %d\n", i->s, val);
    void gpu_free()
      if (!grid)
      Shader * shader;
      int nshaders = 0;
      kh_foreach_value (gpu_grid->shaders, shader,
    		    free (shader->uniforms);
    		    free (shader);
    		    nshaders++; );
      fprintf (stderr, "# %d shaders\n", nshaders);
      kh_destroy (INT, gpu_grid->shaders);
      gpu_grid->shaders = NULL;
      if (gpu_grid->reduct[0]) {
        GL_C (glDeleteBuffers (2, gpu_grid->reduct));
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
          gpu_grid->reduct[i] = 0;
    void gpu_init()
      if (!GPUContext.window) {
        if (!glfwInit ())
          exit (1);
        glfwWindowHint (GLFW_VISIBLE, GL_FALSE);
        glfwWindowHint (GLFW_RESIZABLE, GL_FALSE);
        glfwWindowHint (GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3);
        glfwWindowHint (GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3);
        glfwWindowHint (GLFW_SAMPLES, 0);
    #if DEBUG_OPENGL    
        glfwWindowHint (GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT, GL_TRUE);
        GPUContext.window = glfwCreateWindow (1, 1, "GPU grid", NULL, NULL);
        if (!GPUContext.window) {
          fprintf (stderr, "GLFW: error: could not create window!\n");
          exit (1);
        glfwMakeContextCurrent (GPUContext.window);
        // load GLAD.
        assert (gladLoadGLLoader ((GLADloadproc)glfwGetProcAddress));
        assert (glBindImageTexture);
    #if DEBUG_OPENGL    
        GLint flags;
        GL_C (glGetIntegerv (GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, &flags));
        if (flags & GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT) {
          GL_C (glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT));
          GL_C (glDebugMessageCallback (GLDebugMessageCallback, NULL));
          GL_C (glDebugMessageControl (GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, 0, NULL, GL_TRUE));
    #endif // DEBUG_OPENGL
        GL_C (glGenBuffers (1, &GPUContext.ssbo));
        free_solver_func_add (gpu_free);
        free_solver_func_add (gpu_free_solver);
      gpu_grid->shaders = kh_init (INT);
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        gpu_grid->reduct[i] = 0;
    void gpu_free_grid (void)
      if (!grid)
    attribute {
      double (* boundary_left)   (Point, Point, scalar, bool *);
      double (* boundary_right)  (Point, Point, scalar, bool *);
      double (* boundary_top)    (Point, Point, scalar, bool *);
      double (* boundary_bottom) (Point, Point, scalar, bool *);

    The stored attibute tracks where the up-to-date field is stored:

    • 0: on both the CPU and GPU (i.e. synchronized).
    • 1: on the CPU.
      • 1: on the GPU.
    attribute {
      struct {
        int stored, index;
      } gpu;
    static void gpu_cpu_sync_scalar (scalar s, char * sep, GLenum mode)
      assert ((mode == GL_MAP_READ_BIT && s.gpu.stored < 0) ||
    	  (mode == GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT && s.gpu.stored > 0));
      if (s.gpu.stored > 0 && s.dirty)
        boundary ({s});
      GL_C (glBindBuffer (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, GPUContext.ssbo));
      GL_C (glMemoryBarrier (GL_BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT));
      size_t size = field_size()*sizeof(real);
      char * gd = glMapBufferRange (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, s.i*size, size, mode);
      assert (gd);
      char * cd = grid_data() + s.i*size;
      if (mode == GL_MAP_READ_BIT)
        memcpy (cd, gd, size);
      else if (mode == GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT)
        memcpy (gd, cd, size);
        assert (false);
      assert (glUnmapBuffer (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER));
      GL_C (glBindBuffer (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0));
      if (sep)
        fprintf (stderr, "%s%s", sep,;
      s.gpu.stored = 0;
    static void gpu_cpu_sync (scalar * list, GLenum mode, const char * fname, int line)
      bool copy = false;
      for (scalar s in list)
        if (s.input && ((mode == GL_MAP_READ_BIT && s.gpu.stored < 0) ||
    		    (mode == GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT && s.gpu.stored > 0))) {
          if (!copy) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: %s ", fname, line,
    		 mode == GL_MAP_READ_BIT ? "importing" : "exporting");
    	copy = true;
    	gpu_cpu_sync_scalar (s, "{", mode);
    	gpu_cpu_sync_scalar (s, ",", mode);
          gpu_cpu_sync_scalar (s, NULL, mode);
      if (copy)
        fprintf (stderr, "} %s GPU\n", mode == GL_MAP_READ_BIT ? "from" : "to");
    void reset_gpu (void * alist, double val)
      size_t size = field_size()*sizeof(real);
      GL_C (glBindBuffer (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, GPUContext.ssbo));
      scalar * list = alist;
      for (scalar s in list)
        if (!is_constant(s)) {
          float fval = val;
          GL_C (glClearBufferSubData (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, GL_R32F,
    				  s.i*size, size,
    				  GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, &fval));
          GL_C (glClearBufferSubData (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, GL_RG32UI,
    				  s.i*size, size,
    				  GL_RG_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &val));      
          s.gpu.stored = -1;
      GL_C (glBindBuffer (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0));
    #define reset(...) reset_gpu (__VA_ARGS__)
    void gpu_init_grid (int n)
      if (grid && n == N)
      init_grid (n);
      grid = realloc (grid, sizeof (GridGPU));
    // overload the default various functions
    #define init_grid(n)  gpu_init_grid(n)
    #undef  free_grid
    #define free_grid()   gpu_free_grid()
    #include "reduction.h"
    static External * append_external (External * externals, External ** end, External * g)
      if (externals)
        (*end)->next = g;
        externals = g;
      *end = g;
      (*end)->next = NULL;
      return externals;
    static External * merge_external (External * externals, External ** end, External * g,
    				  const ForeachData * loop)
      if (g->type == sym_function_declaration || g->type == sym_function_definition) {
        bool boundary = is_boundary_attribute (g);
        for (scalar s in baseblock)
          if (g->name[0] != '.' || (!boundary && s.gpu.index) || (boundary && s.output)) {
    	void * ptr = g->name[0] != '.' ? g->pointer :
    	  *((void **)(((char *) &_attribute[s.i]) + g->nd));
    	if (ptr) {
    	  External * p = _get_function ((long) ptr);
    	  if (!p) {
    	    fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: GLSL: error: unregistered function pointer '%s'\n",
    		     loop->fname, loop->line, g->name);
    	    return NULL;
    	  if (!p->used) {
    	    p->used = true;
    	    for (External * i = p->externals; i && i->name; i++)
    	      externals = merge_external (externals, end, i, loop);
    	    externals = append_external (externals, end, p);
    	if (g->name[0] != '.')
      for (External * i = externals; i; i = i->next)
        if (!strcmp (g->name, i->name)) {

    Check whether a local g (resp. i) shadows a global i (resp g).

          if (g->global == 0 && i->global == 1) g->global = 2;
          else if (g->global == 1 && i->global == 0) i->global = 2;
          else // already in the list
    	return externals;
      return append_external (externals, end, g);
    static External * merge_externals (External * externals, const ForeachData * loop)
      External * merged = NULL, * end = NULL;
      static External ext[] = {
        { .name = "X0", .type = sym_DOUBLE, .pointer = &X0, .global = 1 },
        { .name = "Y0", .type = sym_DOUBLE, .pointer = &Y0, .global = 1 },
        { .name = "Z0", .type = sym_DOUBLE, .pointer = &Z0, .global = 1 },
        { .name = "L0", .type = sym_DOUBLE, .pointer = &L0, .global = 1 },
        { .name = "N",  .type = sym_INT,    .pointer = &N, .global = 1 },
    #if LAYERS
        { .name = "nl",  .type = sym_INT, .pointer = &nl },
        { .name = ".block", .type = sym_INT, .nd = attroffset (block) },
        { .name = NULL }
      static External bc = { .name = "apply_bc", .type = sym_function_declaration, .pointer = (void *)(long)apply_bc };
      for (External * g = externals; g->name; g++) {
        g->used = false;
        if (g->global == 2) g->global = 0;
      foreach_function (f, f->used = false);
      for (External * g = ext; g->name; g++) {
        g->used = false;
        merged = merge_external (merged, &end, g, loop);
      if (loop->dirty) {
        bc.used = false;
        merged = merge_external (merged, &end, &bc, loop);
    #if LAYERS
      assert (nl == 1); // fixme: not implemented yet for more than one layer
      for (External * g = externals; g->name; g++)
        merged = merge_external (merged, &end, g, loop);
      for (External * i = merged; i; i = i->next)
        fprintf (stderr, "external %s %d %p %d\n", i->name, i->type, i->pointer, i->global);
      if (loop->dirty)
        for (External * g = merged; g; g = g->next)
          if (g->global && !strcmp (g->name, "apply_bc_list"))
    	g->pointer = loop->dirty;
      return merged;
    static Shader * compile_shader (ForeachData * loop,
    				uint32_t hash,
    				const RegionParameters * region,
    				External * externals,
    				const char * kernel)
      const char * error = strstr (kernel, "@error ");
      if (error) {
        for (const char * s = error + 7; *s != '\n' && *s != '\0'; s++)
          fputc (*s, stderr);
        fputc ('\n', stderr);
        loop->data = NULL;
        return NULL;
      External * merged = merge_externals (externals, loop);
      if (!merged) {
        loop->data = NULL;
        return NULL;
      int local = false;
      for (const External * g = merged; g; g = g->next) {
        if (g->global == 2)
          local = true;
        if (g->type != sym_SCALAR && g->type != sym_VECTOR && g->type != sym_TENSOR) {
          if (g->reduct && !strchr ("+mM", g->reduct)) {
    	if (loop->first)
    	  fprintf (stderr,
    		   "%s:%d: GLSL: error: unknown reduction operation '%c'\n",
    		   loop->fname, loop->line, g->reduct);
    	return NULL;
          if (g->type == sym_COORD || g->type == sym__COORD || g->type == sym_VEC4) {
    	if (g->reduct) {
    	  if (loop->first)
    	    fprintf (stderr,
    		     "%s:%d: GLSL: error: reductions not implemented for '%s' type\n",
    		     loop->fname, loop->line, type_string (g));
    	  return NULL;	
          else if (g->type != sym_FLOAT &&
    	       g->type != sym_DOUBLE &&
    	       g->type != sym_INT &&
    	       g->type != sym_BOOL &&
    	       g->type != sym_enumeration_constant &&
    	       g->type != sym_IVEC &&
    	       g->type != sym_function_declaration &&
    	       g->type != sym_function_definition) {
    	if (loop->first)
    	  fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: GLSL: error: unknown type %d for '%s'\n",
    		   loop->fname, loop->line, g->type, g->name);
    	return NULL;

    Number of compute shader work groups and groups

      static const int NWG[2] = {16, 16};
      GLuint ng[2], nwg[2];
      int Nl = region->level > 0 ? 1 << (region->level - 1) : N;
      if (loop->face || loop->vertex) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
          if (Nl > NWG[i]) {
    	nwg[i] = NWG[i] + 1;
    	ng[i] = Nl/NWG[i];
    	assert (nwg[i]*ng[i] >= Nl + 1);
          else {
    	nwg[i] = Nl + 1;
    	ng[i] = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
          nwg[i] = Nl > NWG[i] ? NWG[i] : Nl;
          ng[i] = Nl/nwg[i];
      char * shader = build_shader (merged, loop, region, nwg);
      if (!shader)
        return NULL;


      if (local) {
        shader = str_append (shader, "void _loop (");
        for (const External * g = merged; g; g = g->next)
          if (g->global == 2) {
    	shader = str_append (shader, local++ == 1 ? "" : ", ", type_string (g), " ", g->name);
    	if (g->nd) {
    	  int size = list_size (g);
    	  if (size > 0) {
    	    char s[20]; snprintf (s, 19, "%d", size);
    	    shader = str_append (shader, "[", s, "]");
        shader = str_append (shader, ") {\n");
        shader = str_append (shader, "void main() {\n");
      if (!GPUContext.fragment_shader) {
        char d[20];
        snprintf (d, 19, "%d", region->level > 0 ? region->level - 1 : depth());
        shader = str_append (shader, "Point point = {csOrigin.x + int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y) + GHOSTS,"
    			 "csOrigin.y + int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x) + GHOSTS,", d,
    #if LAYERS
      shader = str_append (shader,
    		       "if (point.i < N + 2*GHOSTS && point.j < N + 2*GHOSTS) {\n"
      if (loop->vertex)
        shader = str_append (shader, "  x -= Delta/2., y -= Delta/2.;\n");
      shader = str_append (shader, kernel);
      shader = str_append (shader, "\nif (point.j - GHOSTS < NY) {");
      for (const External * g = merged; g; g = g->next)
        if (g->reduct) {
          shader = str_append (shader, "\n  val_red_(", g->name, "_out_) = ", g->name, ";");
          scalar s = g->s;
          s.gpu.stored = -1;
      shader = str_append (shader, "\n}",
    		       loop->dirty ? "apply_bc(point);" : "",
      if (local) {
        shader = str_append (shader, "void main(){_loop(");
        local = 1;
        for (const External * g = merged; g; g = g->next)
          if (g->global == 2)
    	shader = str_append (shader, local++ == 1 ? "" : ",", EXTERNAL_NAME (g));
        shader = str_append (shader, ");}\n");
      Shader * s = load_shader (shader, hash, loop);
      loop->data = s;
      if (!s)
        return NULL;
      s->ng[0] = ng[0], s->ng[1] = ng[1];

    Make list of uniforms

      for (External * g = merged; g; g = g->next)
        g->used = 0;
      int index = 1;
      for (External * g = externals; g && g->name; g++)
        g->used = index++;
      int nuniforms = 0;
      for (const External * g = merged; g; g = g->next) {
        if (g->name[0] == '.') continue;
        if (g->type == sym_function_declaration || g->type == sym_function_definition) continue;
        if (g->type == sym_INT && (!strcmp (g->name, "N") ||
    			       !strcmp (g->name, "nl") ||
    			       !strcmp (g->name, "bc_period_x") ||
    			       !strcmp (g->name, "bc_period_y")))
        if (g->type == sym_INT ||
    	g->type == sym_FLOAT ||
    	g->type == sym_DOUBLE ||
    	g->type == sym__COORD ||
    	g->type == sym_COORD ||
    	g->type == sym_BOOL ||
    	g->type == sym_VEC4) {
          char * name = str_append (NULL, EXTERNAL_NAME (g));
          int location = glGetUniformLocation (s->id, name);
          sysfree (name);
          if (location >= 0) {
    	// fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: %s\n", loop->fname, loop->line, name);
    	// not an array or just a one-dimensional array
    	assert (!g->nd);
    	assert (!g->data || ((int *)g->data)[1] == 0);
    	int nd = g->data ? ((int *)g->data)[0] : 1;
    	s->uniforms = realloc (s->uniforms, (nuniforms + 2)*sizeof(MyUniform));
    	s->uniforms[nuniforms] = (MyUniform){
    	  .location = location, .type = g->type, .nd = nd,
    	  .local = g->global == 1 ? -1 : g->used - 1,
    	  .pointer = g->global == 1 ? g->pointer : NULL };
    	s->uniforms[nuniforms + 1].type = 0;
    	// uniforms refering to local variables must be in the 'externals' local list
    	assert (g->global == 1 || g->used);
      return s;
    void free_reduction_fields (const External * externals)
      for (const External * g = externals; g; g = g->next)
        if (g->reduct) {
          scalar s = g->s;
          delete ({s});
    static Shader * setup_shader (ForeachData * loop, const RegionParameters * region,
    			      External * externals,
    			      const char * kernel)
      for (scalar s in baseblock)
        s.gpu.index = 0;
      int index = 1;
      for (scalar s in baseblock)
        if ((s.input || s.output) && !s.gpu.index) {
          if (s.v.x.i == -1) // scalar
    	s.gpu.index = index++;
          else { // vector
    	vector v = s.v;
    	for (scalar c in {v})
    	  if (!c.gpu.index)
    	    c.gpu.index = index++;
      for (scalar s in loop->dirty) {
        s.boundary_left   = s.boundary[left];
        s.boundary_right  = s.boundary[right];
        s.boundary_top    = s.boundary[top];
        s.boundary_bottom = s.boundary[bottom];
      apply_bc_list = loop->dirty;

    Allocate reduction fields

      for (External * g = externals; g && g->name; g++)
        if (g->reduct) {
          scalar s = new scalar;
          s.output = 1;
          g->s = s;
          fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: new reduction field %d for %s\n",
    	       loop->fname, loop->line, s.i, g->name);

    Reuse or compile a new shader

      Shader * shader;
      uint32_t hash = hash_shader (externals, loop, region, kernel);
      assert (gpu_grid->shaders);
      khiter_t k = kh_get (INT, gpu_grid->shaders, hash);
      if (k != kh_end (gpu_grid->shaders))
        shader = kh_value (gpu_grid->shaders, k);
      else {
        shader = compile_shader (loop, hash, region, externals, kernel);  
        if (!shader) {
          free_reduction_fields (externals);
          return NULL;
      gpu_cpu_sync (baseblock, GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT, loop->fname, loop->line);

    For the Intel driver, it looks like the next line is necessary to ensure proper synchronisation of the compute shader and fragment shader (for example when using output_ppm() for interactive display). The nvidia driver somehow does not need this…

      GL_C (glBindBufferBase (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, 0));
      GL_C (glUseProgram (shader->id));
      GL_C (glBindBufferBase (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, GPUContext.ssbo));

    Set uniforms

      for (const MyUniform * g = shader->uniforms; g && g->type; g++) {
        void * pointer = g->pointer;
        if (!pointer) {
          assert (g->local >= 0);
          pointer = externals[g->local].pointer;
        switch (g->type) {
        case sym_INT:
          glUniform1iv (g->location, g->nd, pointer); break;
        case sym_FLOAT:
          glUniform1fv (g->location, g->nd, pointer); break;
        case sym_VEC4:
          glUniform4fv (g->location, g->nd, pointer); break;
        case sym_BOOL: {
          int p[g->nd];
          bool * data = pointer;
          for (int i = 0; i < g->nd; i++)
    	p[i] = data[i];
          glUniform1iv (g->location, g->nd, p);
        case sym_DOUBLE: {
          float p[g->nd];
          double * data = pointer;
          for (int i = 0; i < g->nd; i++)
    	p[i] = data[i];
          glUniform1fv (g->location, g->nd, p);
        case sym__COORD: {
          float p[2*g->nd];
          double * data = pointer;
          for (int i = 0; i < 2*g->nd; i++)
    	p[i] = data[i];
          glUniform2fv (g->location, g->nd, p);
        case sym_COORD: {
          float p[3*g->nd];
          double * data = pointer;
          for (int i = 0; i < 3*g->nd; i++)
    	p[i] = data[i];
          glUniform3fv (g->location, g->nd, p);
        case sym_DOUBLE:
          glUniform1dv (g->location, g->nd, pointer); break;
        case sym__COORD:
          glUniform2dv (g->location, g->nd, pointer); break;
        case sym_COORD:
          glUniform3dv (g->location, g->nd, pointer); break;
    #endif // DOUBLE_PRECISION
      return shader;
    static bool doloop_on_gpu (ForeachData * loop, const RegionParameters * region,
    			   External * externals,
    			   const char * kernel)
      Shader * shader = setup_shader (loop, region, externals, kernel);
      if (!shader)
        return false;


    If this is a foreach_point() iteration, we draw a single point

      int Nl = region->level > 0 ? 1 << (region->level - 1) : N;  
      if (region->n.x == 1 && region->n.y == 1) {
        int csOrigin[] = { (region->p.x - X0)/L0*Nl, (region->p.y - Y0)/L0*Nl };
        GL_C (glUniform2iv (0, 1, csOrigin));
        assert (!GPUContext.fragment_shader);
        GL_C (glMemoryBarrier (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT));
        GL_C (glDispatchCompute (1, 1, 1));

    This is a region

      else if (region->n.x || region->n.y) {
        float vsScale[] = {
          (region->box[1].x - region->box[0].x)/L0,
          (region->box[1].y - region->box[0].y)/L0
        float vsOrigin[] = { (region->box[0].x - X0)/L0, (region->box[0].y - Y0)/L0 };
        GL_C (glUniform2fv (1, 1, vsOrigin));
        GL_C (glUniform2fv (2, 1, vsScale));
        assert (GPUContext.fragment_shader);
        GL_C (glMemoryBarrier (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT));
        GL_C (glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6));
      else {
        assert (!GPUContext.fragment_shader);
        GL_C (glMemoryBarrier (GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT));
        GL_C (glDispatchCompute (shader->ng[0], shader->ng[1], 1));

    Perform reductions and cleanup

      bool nreductions = false;
      for (const External * g = externals; g && g->name; g++)
        if (g->reduct) {
          nreductions = true;
      if (nreductions)
        tracing ("gpu_reduction", loop->fname, loop->line);
      for (const External * g = externals; g && g->name; g++)
        if (g->reduct) {
          scalar s = g->s;
          double result = gpu_reduction (field_offset (s), g->reduct, region,
    				     loop->face == 1 || loop->face == 2 ?
    				     Nl*(Nl + 1) :
    				     loop->face == 3 || loop->vertex ? sq(Nl + 1) - 1 :
          fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: %s %c %g\n",
    	       loop->fname, loop->line, g->name, g->reduct, result);
          if (g->type == sym_DOUBLE) *((double *)g->pointer) = result;
          else if (g->type == sym_FLOAT) *((float *)g->pointer) = result;
          else if (g->type == sym_INT) *((int *)g->pointer) = result;
    	assert (false);
          delete ({s});
      if (nreductions)
        end_tracing ("gpu_reduction", loop->fname, loop->line);
      return true;
    bool gpu_end_stencil (ForeachData * loop,
    		      const RegionParameters * region,
    		      External * externals,
    		      const char * kernel)
      bool on_gpu = (loop->parallel == 1 || loop->parallel == 3) && (loop->first || loop->data);
      if (on_gpu) {
        on_gpu = doloop_on_gpu (loop, region, externals, kernel);
        if (!on_gpu) {
          fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: %s: foreach() done on CPU (see GLSL errors above)\n",
    	       loop->fname, loop->line, loop->parallel == 3 ? "error" : "warning");
          if (loop->parallel == 3) // must run on GPU but cannot run
    	exit (1);
          loop->data = NULL;
      if (on_gpu) {
        // do not apply BCs on CPU
        free (loop->listc), loop->listc = NULL;
          free (loop->listf.x), loop->listf.x = NULL;
        for (scalar s in loop->dirty)
          s.dirty = false;
        free (loop->dirty), loop->dirty = NULL;
      else {
        gpu_cpu_sync (baseblock, GL_MAP_READ_BIT, loop->fname, loop->line);
        boundary_stencil (loop);
      for (scalar s in baseblock)
        if (s.output)
          s.gpu.stored = on_gpu ? -1 : 1;
      return on_gpu && loop->parallel != 3;