- Computation kernels
- Implicit type casting
- Function pointers
- ‘val’
- Assumes that pointers to structures are used through “inout” parameter
- Remove some reserved GLSL keywords
- Implicit type casts
- Typedef struct
- Postfix initializers
- Attribute access
- Arrays as parameters
- Cast expressions
- Scalar, vector and tensor lists parameters
- “inout” function parameter
- forin_declaration_statement
- forin_statement
- Dereference of “inout” parameters
- References
- Field assignments
- Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
- Undeclared or unsupported functions
- Function pointers
- Diagonalize
Computation kernels
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ast.h"
#include "symbols.h"
typedef struct {
char * error;
} KernelData;
Implicit type casting
GLSL does not support implicit type casting, so we insert the necessary explicit casts using the function below.
Ast * type_cast (Ast * n, const char * type)
Ast * parent = n->parent;
int child = ast_child_index (n);
Ast * call = NN(n, sym_function_call,
NN(n, sym_postfix_expression,
NN(n, sym_primary_expression,
NA(n, sym_IDENTIFIER, type))),
NCA(n, "("),
NCA(n, ")"));
ast_set_child (parent, child, call);
return call;
Ast * implicit_type_cast (Ast * n, Stack * stack)
if (!n) return NULL;
Ast * type = NULL;
switch (n->sym) {
return (Ast *) &ast_int;
case sym_F_CONSTANT:
return (Ast *) &ast_double;
case sym_types:
if (ast_terminal (n->child[0]))
return n->child[0];
return NULL;
case sym_IDENTIFIER:
if (n->parent->sym == sym_primary_expression) {
Ast * ref = ast_identifier_declaration (stack, ast_terminal (n)->start);
if (ref) {
AstDimensions dim = {0};
type = ast_identifier_type (ref, &dim, stack);
if (type && type->sym == sym_INT &&
(ref = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (type, 5), sym_declaration,
1, sym_init_declarator_list,
0, sym_init_declarator,
0, sym_declarator,
0, sym_direct_declarator,
0, sym_generic_identifier,
0, sym_IDENTIFIER)) && !strcmp (ast_terminal (ref)->start, "bool"))
type = (Ast *) &ast_bool;
if (dim.pointer)
type = NULL;
return type;
if (ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 2), sym_member_identifier,
0, sym_generic_identifier,
0, sym_IDENTIFIER)) {
n = ast_expression_type (n, stack, false);
if (ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 2), sym_direct_declarator))
return implicit_type_cast (ast_schema (ast_parent (n, sym_struct_declaration), sym_struct_declaration,
0, sym_specifier_qualifier_list,
0, sym_type_specifier,
0, sym_types),
return NULL;
if (ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 2), sym_direct_declarator))
return implicit_type_cast (ast_schema (ast_parent (n, sym_declaration), sym_declaration,
0, sym_declaration_specifiers,
0, sym_type_specifier,
0, sym_types),
case sym_unary_expression:
switch (n->child[0]->sym) {
case sym_SIZEOF: case sym_ALIGNOF:
return (Ast *) &ast_int;
case sym_unary_operator:
if (n->child[0]->child[0]->sym == token_symbol('!')) {
Ast * a = implicit_type_cast (n->child[1], stack);
if (!a || a->sym != sym_BOOL)
type_cast (n->child[1], "bool");
return (Ast *) &ast_bool;
case sym_additive_expression:
case sym_multiplicative_expression:
if (n->child[1]) {
Ast * a = implicit_type_cast (n->child[0], stack);
if (a && a->sym == sym_BOOL)
type_cast (n->child[0], "int");
Ast * b = implicit_type_cast (n->child[2], stack);
if (b && b->sym == sym_BOOL)
type_cast (n->child[2], "int");
if (b && (b->sym == sym_DOUBLE || b->sym == sym_FLOAT))
return b;
return a;
case sym_assignment_expression:
case sym_init_declarator:
if (n->child[1]) {
Ast * a = implicit_type_cast (n->child[0], stack);
Ast * b = implicit_type_cast (n->child[2], stack);
if (a && b && a->sym != b->sym && (a->sym == sym_INT || b->sym == sym_BOOL))
type_cast (n->child[2], "int");
return a;
case sym_cast_expression: case sym_primary_expression:
if (n->child[1])
return implicit_type_cast (n->child[1], stack);
case sym_relational_expression:
case sym_equality_expression:
if (n->child[1])
return (Ast *)&ast_bool;
case sym_logical_and_expression:
case sym_logical_or_expression:
if (n->child[1]) {
Ast * a = implicit_type_cast (n->child[0], stack);
if (!a || a->sym != sym_BOOL)
type_cast (n->child[0], "bool");
Ast * b = implicit_type_cast (n->child[2], stack);
if (!b || b->sym != sym_BOOL)
type_cast (n->child[2], "bool");
return (Ast *)&ast_bool;
case sym_conditional_expression:
if (n->child[1]) {
Ast * type = implicit_type_cast (n->child[0], stack);
if (!type || type->sym != sym_BOOL) {
str_prepend (ast_left_terminal (n->child[0])->before, "bool(");
ast_after (n->child[0], ")");
return implicit_type_cast (n->child[2], stack);
case sym_selection_statement: {
Ast * type = implicit_type_cast (n->child[2], stack);
if (!type || type->sym != sym_BOOL)
type_cast (n->child[2], "bool");
return type;
case sym_function_call: {
Ast * identifier = ast_function_call_identifier (n);
if (identifier) {
if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "val") ||
!strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "val_out_"))
return (Ast *) &ast_double;
if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "_attr"))
return implicit_type_cast (n->child[2], stack);
identifier = ast_identifier_declaration (stack, ast_terminal (identifier)->start);
Ast * declaration = ast_parent (identifier, sym_function_declaration);
if (!declaration)
declaration = ast_parent (identifier, sym_declaration);
if (declaration)
return implicit_type_cast (ast_child (declaration, sym_declaration_specifiers), stack);
return NULL;
if (n->child)
for (Ast ** c = n->child; *c; c++)
type = implicit_type_cast (*c, stack);
return type;
void kernel (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
KernelData * d = data;
if (d->error)
switch (n->sym) {
case sym_IDENTIFIER: {
Function pointers
if (ast_is_function_pointer (n, stack))
str_prepend (ast_terminal (n)->start, "_p");
Buggy GLSL preprocessors do not make the difference between ‘val’ as a variable identifier and ‘val()’ as a macro call.
else if (!ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 3), sym_function_call,
0, sym_postfix_expression,
0, sym_primary_expression) &&
!strcmp (ast_terminal (n)->start, "val"))
free (ast_terminal (n)->start), ast_terminal (n)->start = strdup ("_val");
Assumes that pointers to structures are used through “inout” parameter
case sym_PTR_OP:
ast_terminal(n)->start[0] = '.';
ast_terminal(n)->start[1] = '\0';
Remove some reserved GLSL keywords
case sym_STATIC: case sym_INLINE:
ast_terminal (n)->start[0] = '\0';
Implicit type casts
case sym_jump_statement:
implicit_type_cast (ast_child (n, sym_expression), stack);
case sym_assignment_expression:
if (n->child[1])
implicit_type_cast (n, stack);
case sym_init_declarator:
case sym_selection_statement:
implicit_type_cast (n, stack);
case sym_for_declaration_statement:
case sym_iteration_statement:
if (n->child[0]->sym == sym_WHILE || n->child[0]->sym == sym_DO) {
Ast * expr = ast_child (n, sym_expression);
Ast * type = implicit_type_cast (expr, stack);
if (!type || type->sym != sym_BOOL)
type_cast (expr, "bool");
else if (n->child[0]->sym == sym_for_scope) {
Ast * expr = ast_schema (n->child[3], sym_expression_statement,
0, sym_expression);
if (expr) {
Ast * type = implicit_type_cast (expr, stack);
if (!type || type->sym != sym_BOOL)
type_cast (expr, "bool");
Typedef struct
case sym_TYPEDEF: {
Ast * struct1, * identifier;
if ((struct1 = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 2), sym_declaration_specifiers,
1, sym_declaration_specifiers,
0, sym_type_specifier,
0, sym_types,
0, sym_struct_or_union_specifier,
0, sym_struct_or_union,
0, sym_STRUCT)) &&
(identifier = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 3), sym_declaration,
1, sym_init_declarator_list,
0, sym_init_declarator,
0, sym_declarator,
0, sym_direct_declarator,
0, sym_generic_identifier,
0, sym_IDENTIFIER))) {
char * s = ast_terminal (n)->start; s[0] = '\0';
ast_terminal (n)->start = ast_terminal (struct1)->start;
ast_terminal (struct1)->start = ast_terminal (identifier)->start;
ast_terminal (identifier)->start = s;
case sym_postfix_expression: {
Ast * list;
if ((list = ast_schema (n, sym_postfix_expression,
3, sym_postfix_initializer,
1, sym_initializer_list))) {
Postfix initializers
Ast * a = n->child[0];
ast_set_child (n, 0, n->child[1]);
ast_set_child (n, 1, a);
a = n->child[3];
ast_set_child (n, 3, n->child[2]);
ast_set_child (n, 2, list);
ast_destroy (a);
else if (ast_attribute_access (n, stack) || ast_attribute_array_access (n)) {
Attribute access
if (n->parent->sym == sym_function_call) {
Ast * identifier = ast_schema (n, sym_postfix_expression,
2, sym_member_identifier,
0, sym_generic_identifier,
ast_before (n->parent, "_attr_", ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "(");
ast_terminal (ast_schema (n, sym_postfix_expression,
1, token_symbol('.')))->start[0] = ',';
ast_terminal (identifier)->start[0] = '\0';
ast_after (n->parent, ")");
else {
if (ast_schema (n, sym_postfix_expression,
0, sym_postfix_expression,
0, sym_array_access)) {
Ast * scalar = ast_find (n, sym_unary_expression,
0, sym_postfix_expression);
ast_destroy (scalar->child[1]);
ast_destroy (scalar->child[2]);
scalar->child[1] = NULL;
Ast * array = ast_find (n, sym_array_access);
scalar = ast_find (array, sym_expression);
ast_set_child (n, 0, scalar);
ast_destroy (array);
ast_terminal (ast_schema (n, sym_postfix_expression,
1, token_symbol('.')))->start[0] = ',';
type_cast (n, "_attr");
Arrays as parameters
This forces arrays passed as parameters to functions to behave like in C99 i.e. passing by reference (inout) rather than by value.
case sym_parameter_declaration:
if (ast_schema (n, sym_parameter_declaration,
1, sym_declarator,
0, sym_direct_declarator,
2, sym_assignment_expression))
ast_before (n, "inout ");
Cast expressions
case sym_cast_expression:
if (ast_schema (n, sym_cast_expression,
1, sym_type_name)) {
Ast * a = n->child[0];
ast_set_child (n, 0, n->child[1]);
ast_set_child (n, 1, a);
a = n->child[3];
ast_set_child (n, 3, n->child[2]);
ast_set_child (n, 2, a);
case sym_pointer: {
Ast * p, * type, * identifier;
if ((p = ast_schema (n, sym_pointer,
0, token_symbol('*'))) &&
(type = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 2), sym_parameter_declaration,
0, sym_declaration_specifiers,
0, sym_type_specifier,
0, sym_types,
0, sym_TYPEDEF_NAME)) &&
(!strcmp (ast_terminal (type)->start, "scalar") ||
!strcmp (ast_terminal (type)->start, "vector") ||
!strcmp (ast_terminal (type)->start, "tensor")) &&
(identifier = ast_schema (n->parent, sym_declarator,
1, sym_direct_declarator,
0, sym_generic_identifier,
0, sym_IDENTIFIER))) {
Scalar, vector and tensor lists parameters
ast_terminal (p)->start[0] = '\0';
ast_after (identifier, "[2]"); // fixme: need to set the correct fixed size
// ast_print_tree (ast_ancestor (n, 2), stderr, 0, 0, -1);
else if ((identifier = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 2), sym_parameter_declaration,
1, sym_declarator,
0, sym_pointer,
0, token_symbol ('*'))) &&
(type = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (n, 2), sym_parameter_declaration,
0, sym_declaration_specifiers,
0, sym_type_specifier,
0, sym_types)) &&
(type->child[0]->sym == sym_DOUBLE ||
type->child[0]->sym == sym_FLOAT ||
type->child[0]->sym == sym_INT ||
type->child[0]->sym == sym_TYPEDEF_NAME)) {
“inout” function parameter
ast_before (type->child[0], "inout ");
ast_terminal (identifier)->start[0] = '\0';
case sym_forin_declaration_statement: {
Ast * declarator = n->child[3];
Ast * identifier = ast_schema (declarator, sym_declarator,
0, sym_direct_declarator,
0, sym_generic_identifier,
if (!identifier) {
AstTerminal * t = ast_left_terminal (n);
fprintf (stderr,
"%s:%d: error: incorrect declaration\n",
t->file, t->line);
exit (1);
ast_before (n, "{");
ast_after ((Ast *)ast_right_terminal (n->child[0]), "in");
ast_after ((Ast *)ast_right_terminal (n->child[2]), ",");
free (ast_terminal (n->child[4])->start);
ast_terminal (n->child[4])->start = strdup (",");
ast_after (n, " endforin()}");
case sym_forin_statement: {
int narg = 0;
foreach_item (n->child[2], 2, expr)
ast_before (n, "{");
char suffix[20]; snprintf (suffix, 19, "%d", narg);
ast_after ((Ast *)ast_right_terminal (ast_child (n, sym_for_scope)), "in", suffix);
free (ast_terminal (ast_child (n, sym_IDENTIFIER))->start);
ast_terminal (ast_child (n, sym_IDENTIFIER))->start = strdup (",");
ast_after (n, " endforin", suffix, "()}");
case sym_unary_operator: {
Dereference of “inout” parameters
Ast * identifier, * ref, * type;
if (n->child[0]->sym == token_symbol ('*') &&
(identifier = ast_schema (n->parent, sym_unary_expression,
1, sym_cast_expression,
0, sym_unary_expression,
0, sym_postfix_expression,
0, sym_primary_expression,
0, sym_IDENTIFIER)) &&
(ref = ast_identifier_declaration (stack, ast_terminal (identifier)->start)) &&
(type = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (ref, 4), sym_parameter_declaration,
0, sym_declaration_specifiers,
0, sym_type_specifier,
0, sym_types)) &&
ast_terminal (type->child[0])->before &&
!strcmp (ast_terminal (type->child[0])->before + strlen (ast_terminal (type->child[0])->before) - 6, "inout ")) {
free (ast_terminal (n->child[0])->start);
ast_terminal (n->child[0])->start = strdup("");
We replace the ‘&’ with the ‘ast_pointer()’ macro.
Ast * ampersand;
if ((ampersand = ast_schema (n, sym_unary_operator,
0, token_symbol ('&')))) {
free (ast_terminal (ampersand)->start);
ast_terminal (ampersand)->start = strdup ("ast_pointer(");
Ast * cast = ast_schema (n->parent, sym_unary_expression,
1, sym_cast_expression);
ast_after (cast, ")");
case sym_function_call: {
Ast * identifier = ast_function_call_identifier (n);
if (!identifier) break;
AstTerminal * t = ast_terminal (identifier);
if (!t) break;
Field assignments
Kernels often need to know the type of access to fields (i.e. read or write). Here we append “_out" to stencil access functions linked to assignments (i.e. “write” operations).
if (!strcmp (t->start, "val")) {
if (ast_child (ast_parent (n, sym_assignment_expression), sym_assignment_operator))
str_append (t->start, "_out_");
if (!strcmp (t->start, "coarse") || !strcmp (t->start, "fine"))
Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
if (!strcmp (t->start, "_dirichlet") ||
!strcmp (t->start, "_dirichlet_homogeneous") ||
!strcmp (t->start, "_dirichlet_face") ||
!strcmp (t->start, "_dirichlet_face_homogeneous") ||
!strcmp (t->start, "_neumann") ||
!strcmp (t->start, "_neumann_homogeneous"))
Undeclared or unsupported functions
if (!(identifier = ast_identifier_declaration (stack, t->start))) {
char s[1000];
snprintf (s, 999, "\\n@error %s:%d: GLSL: error: unknown function '%s'\\n",
t->file, t->line, t->start);
d->error = strdup (s);
Function pointers
if (ast_schema (ast_ancestor (identifier, 3), sym_declarator,
0, sym_pointer,
0, token_symbol('*'))) {
char * s = NULL;
str_append (s, "_f", t->start);
free (t->start);
t->start = s;
AstTerminal * o = ast_terminal (ast_child (n, token_symbol('(')));
free (o->start); o->start = strdup ("((");
AstTerminal * c = ast_terminal (ast_child (n, token_symbol(')')));
free (c->start); c->start = strdup ("))");
case sym_macro_statement: {
Ast * identifier = ast_schema (n, sym_macro_statement,
0, sym_function_call,
0, sym_postfix_expression,
0, sym_primary_expression,
if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, "diagonalize")) {
Ast * field = ast_schema (n, sym_macro_statement,
0, sym_function_call,
2, sym_argument_expression_list,
0, sym_argument_expression_list_item,
0, sym_assignment_expression);
if (field && (field = ast_is_identifier_expression (field))) {
stack_push (stack, &n);
ast_traverse (n, stack, ast_diagonalize, field);
ast_pop_scope (stack, n);
char * stringify (Ast * n, char * output)
AstTerminal * t = ast_left_terminal (n);
char * before = t->before;
if (n->sym == sym_function_definition)
t->before = NULL;
char * s = ast_str_print (n, NULL, 0, 1);
t->before = before;
for (char * i = s; *i; i++) {
char a[] = "1";
switch (*i) {
case '\n': str_append (output, "\\n"); break;
case '\\': str_append (output, "\\\\"); break;
case '"': str_append (output, "\\\""); break;
case '#':
if (i[-1] == '\n') { str_append (output, "// #"); break; }
// fall through
default: a[0] = *i; str_append (output, a); break;
free (s);
ast_destroy (n);
return output;
char * ast_kernel (Ast * n, Ast * argument, char * s)
AstRoot * root = ast_get_root (n);
Stack * stack = root->stack;
stack_push (stack, &n);
KernelData d = {0};
Ast * statement = n->sym == sym_function_definition ?
ast_copy (n) : ast_copy (ast_child (n, sym_statement));
ast_traverse (statement, stack, kernel, &d);
if (d.error) {
if (argument)
ast_after (argument, "$(\"", d.error, "\")");
str_append (s, "$(\"", d.error, "\")");
else {
if (argument)
ast_after (argument, "$(\"");
str_append (s, "$(\"");
s = stringify (statement, s);
if (argument)
ast_after (argument, s, "\")");
str_append (s, "\")");
free (d.error);
ast_pop_scope (stack, n);
return s;