
    Advection/diffusion of a soluble tracer with phase change

    We consider the transport and diffusion of a tracer c couple with phase change. Thanks to Quentin and Arnaud for their open source code elementary_body.h. Numerical framework and implementation details can be found in Magdelaine, 2019.

    The diffusion coefficient in the phase where tracer diffuses is D and the jump in concentration at the interface is given by \displaystyle c_1 = \alpha c_2 The advection/diffusion equation for c can then be written \displaystyle \partial_t c + \nabla\cdot(\mathbf{u} c) = \nabla\cdot\left(D\nabla c \right) with f the volume fraction.

    The diffusion coefficient and solubility are attributes of each stracer.

    The stracers list of soluble tracers must be defined by the calling code.

    attribute {
      scalar phi1, phi2; // private
      double  alpha;  // solubility
      double D; // Diffusivity of tracer in the diffusive phase
      double tr_eq; // Static concentration of tracer in non-diffusive phase
      double  mw;  // Molecular weight of the tracer
    extern scalar * stracers;

    If not defined by the user we fixe a default value for F_ERR, the accepted error over f to avoid division by zero.

    #ifndef F_ERR
      #define F_ERR 1e-10
    #include "diffusion.h"

    Phase change velocity

    This function evaluates the local gradient of the diffusive tracer in order to compute the phase change velocity.

    The inputs of the function are:

    • f: VOF tracer,
    • c: diffusive tracer field,
    • \mathbf{v}_{pc}: the phase change velocity.
    void phase_change_velocity (scalar f, face vector v_pc) {
     // Multicomponent capability doesn't work now but we will introduce in future
    	// Currently use only one stracer
    for (scalar c in stracers) {		                                  
        f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
      boundary ({f, c});

    The phase change velocity \mathbf{v}_{pc} is

    \displaystyle \mathbf{v}_{pc} = \frac{\mathrm{M}_w}{\rho}\, D\, \nabla c

    we need the tracer gradient \mathbf{gtr} in vapor. It is a priori not well defined in a cell crossed by the interface since there is liquid in it. Therefore we need to average the values of the gradients in the vapor neighbor cells.

    Thus, to use the right \Delta in the computation of the gradient, we have to compute it before the main loop of the function:

      face vector gtr[];
    	gtr.x[] = (c[] - c[-1])/Delta;

    To find the vapor neighbor cells and weight the averaging between them, we compute the normal (normalized w.r.t. the norm-2) to the interface. We have to compute it before the main loop, and not locally, to apply boundary() to it and get consistent values in the ghost cells.

      vector n[];
    	  coord no = mycs (point, f);
      double nn = 0.;
        nn += sq(no.x);
      nn = sqrt(nn);
        n.x[] = no.x/nn;

    With the concentration gradient and the normal vector we can now compute the phase change velocity \mathbf{v}_{pc}, following the lines drawn in meanflow.c. We define it as the product between the density ratio and the diffusive flow. Note that \mathbf{v}_{pc} is weighted by the face metric.

      foreach_face() {
        v_pc.x[] = 0.;

    Foreach face, we first compute the average value of the normal on the face and renormalize it w.r.t the norm-1. We will use this normal to look where in the phase in which the tracer diffuse and to weight the average of its gradient. We inverse the normal if the tracer is associated the f=1 phase to take the gradient in the right phase.

        if (interfacial(point, f) || interfacial(neighborp(-1), f)) {
          coord nf, nfm1;
            nf.x = 0.;  
            nfm1.x = 0.;  
          if (interfacial(point, f)) {
              nf.x += n.x[];
          if (interfacial(neighborp(-1), f)) {
    		       nf.x += n.x[-1];
    		  nfm1.x = n.x[-1]; 
          double norm = 0.;
            norm += fabs(nf.x);
          if (norm < 1.e-10){
    	    nf.x -= nfm1.x;
    	      norm += fabs(nf.x);
            nf.x /= (c.inverse ? norm : - norm);

    We compute the phase change velocity.

    	if (nf.x > 0.) {
    	  v_pc.x[] = fabs(nf.x)*gtr.x[1, 0] 
    	    + fabs(nf.y)*(nf.y > 0. ? gtr.x[1, 1] : gtr.x[1, -1] )
    #if dimension > 2
    	    + fabs(nf.z)*(nf.z > 0. ? gtr.x[1, 0,1] : gtr.x[1, 0, -1]) 
    	else if (nf.x < 0.) {
    	  v_pc.x[] = fabs(nf.x)*gtr.x[-1, 0]
    	    + fabs(nf.y)*(nf.y > 0. ? gtr.x[-1, 1] : gtr.x[-1, -1])
    #if dimension > 2
    	    + fabs(nf.z)*(nf.z > 0. ? gtr.x[-1, 0, 1] : gtr.x[-1, 0, -1])
          v_pc.x[] *= fm.x[]* ? rho1 : rho2)*c.D;
      } // for all stracers
      boundary((scalar *){v_pc});


    On trees we need to ensure conservation of the tracer when refining/coarsening.

    #if TREE
    event defaults (i = 0)
      for (scalar s in stracers) {
    #if EMBED
        s.refine = s.prolongation = refine_embed_linear;
        s.refine  = refine_linear;
        s.restriction = restriction_volume_average;
    #endif // TREE


    To avoid numerical diffusion through the interface we use the VOF tracer transport scheme for the temporary fields \phi_1 and \phi_2, see section 2.3 of Farsoiya et al., 2020.

    static scalar * phi_tracers = NULL;
    event vof (i++)
      phi_tracers = f.tracers;
      for (scalar c in stracers) {
        scalar phi1 = new scalar, phi2 = new scalar;
        c.phi1 = phi1, c.phi2 = phi2;
        scalar_clone (phi1, c);
        scalar_clone (phi2, c);
        phi2.inverse = true;
        f.tracers = list_append (f.tracers, phi1);
        f.tracers = list_append (f.tracers, phi2);

    \phi_1 and \phi_2 are computed from c as \displaystyle \phi_1 = c \frac{\alpha f}{\alpha f + (1 - f)} \displaystyle \phi_2 = c \frac{1 - f}{\alpha f + (1 - f)}

        foreach() {
          double a = c[]/(f[]*c.alpha + (1. - f[]));
          phi1[] = a*f[]*c.alpha;
          phi2[] = a*(1. - f[]);
        boundary ({phi1, phi2});

    Diffusion with an immersed dirichlet condition

    The advected concentration is computed from \phi_1 and \phi_2 as \displaystyle c = \phi_1 + \phi_2 and these fields are then discarded.

    The diffusion equation for c is then solved using the implicit discretisation \displaystyle \frac{c^{n + 1} - c^n}{\Delta t} = \nabla\cdot (D \nabla c^{n + 1}) - \frac{c - \Xi}{\tau_c}\mathcal{H}

    where \mathcal{H} is heavyside function for the non diffusive phase. \Xi is \alpha c_{sat} and c_{sat} in the interfacial and non-interfacial cells respectively. \displaystyle \tau_{\mathrm{c}}=\frac{1}{10^6} \tau_{\mathrm{D}, \Delta} \quad \text { with } \quad \tau_{\mathrm{D}, \Delta} \equiv \frac{\Delta^{2}}{D_{\mathrm{a}, \mathrm{s}}} see Magdelaine, 2019.

    The inputs of the function are:

    • c: diffusive tracer field,
    • f: VOF tracer,
    • max_level: maximal level in the simulation,
    • dt: timestep,
    event tracer_diffusion (i++)
      free (f.tracers);
      f.tracers = phi_tracers;
      for (scalar c in stracers) {
        scalar phi1 = c.phi1, phi2 = c.phi2;
          c[] = phi1[] + phi2[];
        delete ({phi1, phi2});
    #if TREE
      int max_level = MAX_LEVEL;
      int max_level = LEVEL;
      double dirichlet_time_factor = 1.e6;
        scalar volumic_metric[], dirichlet_source_term[], dirichlet_feedback_term[];
        face vector diffusion_coef[];
        double time_factor = dirichlet_time_factor;
      foreach() {
        volumic_metric[] = cm[];
        if (interfacial(point, f)){
          dirichlet_source_term[] = cm[]*c.tr_eq*c.alpha*c.D*time_factor*(c.inverse ? f[] : 1. - f[])*sq((1<<max_level)/L0);
          dirichlet_source_term[] = cm[]*c.tr_eq*c.D*time_factor*(c.inverse ? f[] : 1. - f[])*sq((1<<max_level)/L0);
        dirichlet_feedback_term[] = - cm[]*c.D*time_factor*(c.inverse ? f[] : 1. - f[])*sq((1<<max_level)/L0);
        diffusion_coef.x[] = fm.x[]*c.D;
        boundary({volumic_metric, dirichlet_source_term, dirichlet_feedback_term, diffusion_coef});
        diffusion (c, dt, D = diffusion_coef, r = dirichlet_source_term,
    			              beta = dirichlet_feedback_term, theta = volumic_metric);

    Phase change velocity

    The velocity due to evaporation is computed in the stability() event to take into account this velocity in the CFL condition. Before to modify \mathbf{u}_f we save it in another face vector field, in order to recover it just after the advection of the interface.

    face vector uf_save[];
    event stability (i++) {
    	face vector ev[];
      phase_change_velocity (f, ev);
      foreach_face() {
        uf_save.x[] = uf.x[];
        uf.x[] += ev.x[];

    After the vof() event, the phase change velocity has to be set back to the real velocity. The phase change velocity is not a flow velocity but just a displacement of the interface.

    event tracer_advection (i++) {
        uf.x[] = uf_save.x[];



    P. K. Farsoiya, Q. Magdelaine, A. Antkowiak, S. Popinet, and L. Deike. Bubble mediated single component gas transfer in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021. submitted.


    Quentin Magdelaine-Guillot de Suduiraut. Hydrodynamics of liquid films h ’e t é rog `e nes. PhD thesis, Sorbonne university ’e, 2019.