
    Interface Gradients

    The calculation of the interface gradients can be performed using the method developed in embed.h. This module was extended from gradients.h and it reports the same interface gradients calculation implemented in embed.h, together with the vof-averaged interface gradients proposed by Fleckenstein and Bothe:

    VOF-averaged normal gradient scheme

    VOF-averaged normal gradient scheme

    \displaystyle \left(\dfrac{\partial f}{\partial \mathbf{n}_\Gamma}\right) = \left(c\dfrac{f_\Gamma - f_0}{d_0} + \left(1 - c\right)\dfrac{f_\Gamma - f_1}{d_1}\right)

    Copy of embed

    Part of the embedded gradient functions are copied here, with different names in order to eventually use the gradients also with the embed.h module.

    #define quadratic(x,a1,a2,a3) \
      (((a1)*((x) - 1.) + (a3)*((x) + 1.))*(x)/2. - (a2)*((x) - 1.)*((x) + 1.))
    static inline double concentration_gradient_x (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs, face vector fs,
    					   coord n, coord p, double bc,
    					   bool third)
        n.x = - n.x;
      double d[2], v[2] = {nodata,nodata};
      bool defined = true;
        if (defined && !fs.x[(n.x > 0.)])
          defined = false;
      if (defined)
        for (int l = 0; l <= 1; l++) {
          int i = (l + 1)*sign(n.x);
          d[l] = (i - p.x)/n.x;
          double y1 = p.y + d[l]*n.y;
          int j = y1 > 0.5 ? 1 : y1 < -0.5 ? -1 : 0;
          y1 -= j;
    #if dimension == 2
          if (fs.x[i + (i < 0),j] && fs.y[i,j] && fs.y[i,j+1] &&
    	  cs[i,j-1] && cs[i,j] && cs[i,j+1])
    	v[l] = quadratic (y1, (s[i,j-1]), (s[i,j]), (s[i,j+1]));
    #else // dimension == 3
          double z = p.z + d[l]*n.z;
          int k = z > 0.5 ? 1 : z < -0.5 ? -1 : 0;
          z -= k;
          bool defined = fs.x[i + (i < 0),j,k];
          for (int m = -1; m <= 1 && defined; m++)
    	if (!fs.y[i,j,k+m] || !fs.y[i,j+1,k+m] ||
    	    !fs.z[i,j+m,k] || !fs.z[i,j+m,k+1] ||
    	    !cs[i,j+m,k-1] || !cs[i,j+m,k] || !cs[i,j+m,k+1])
    	  defined = false;
          if (defined)
    	// bi-quadratic interpolation
    	v[l] =
    	  quadratic (z,
    		     quadratic (y1,
    				(s[i,j-1,k-1]), (s[i,j,k-1]), (s[i,j+1,k-1])),
    		     quadratic (y1,
    				(s[i,j-1,k]),   (s[i,j,k]),   (s[i,j+1,k])),
    		     quadratic (y1,
    				(s[i,j-1,k+1]), (s[i,j,k+1]), (s[i,j+1,k+1])));
    #endif // dimension == 3
      if (v[0] == nodata) {

    This is a degenerate case, we set the gradient to zero.

        return 0.;

    For non-degenerate cases, the gradient can be obtained using second-order, third-order or vof-averaged estimates.

      if (v[1] != nodata && third) { // third-order gradient
        return (d[1]*(bc - v[0])/d[0] - d[0]*(bc - v[1])/d[1])/((d[1] - d[0])*Delta);
      else if (v[1] != nodata) {
        return (cs[]*(bc - v[0])/d[0] + (1. - cs[])*(bc - v[1])/d[1])/Delta; //vof-avg
      return (bc - v[0])/(d[0]*Delta); // second-order gradient
    double concentration_gradient (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs, face vector fs,
    				coord n, coord p, double bc, bool third)
    #if dimension == 2
        if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.y))
          return concentration_gradient_x (point, s, cs, fs, n, p, bc, third);
    #else // dimension == 3
      if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.y)) {
        if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.z))
          return concentration_gradient_x (point, s, cs, fs, n, p, bc, third);
      else if (fabs(n.y) >= fabs(n.z))
        return concentration_gradient_y (point, s, cs, fs, n, p, bc, third);
      return concentration_gradient_z (point, s, cs, fs, n, p, bc, third);
    #endif // dimension == 3
      return nodata;

    ebmgrad(): high-level interface for the calculation of the interface gradients:

    • tr: scalar fields whose gradients must be computed
    • fL: liquid phase volume fraction (f)
    • fG: gas phase volume fraction (1 - f)
    • fsL: face fraction for fL, computed using fracface.h
    • fsG: face fraction for fG, computed using fracface.h
    • inverse: true if tracer is in gas phase, false otherwise
    • trint: interface value
    • success: deprecated (fixme)
    double ebmgrad (Point point,
                      scalar tr,
                      scalar fL,
                      scalar fG,
                      face vector fsL,
                      face vector fsG,
                      bool inverse,
                      double trint,
                      bool* success)
      coord m = interface_normal (point, fL);
    #if dimension == 2
      coord p = {0.,0.};
    #else //dimension ==3
      coord p = {0.,0.,0.};
      double alpha = plane_alpha (fL[], m);
      plane_area_center (m, alpha, &p);
      normalize (&m);
    #if dimension == 2
      coord n = {0., 0.};
      coord n = {0., 0., 0.};
      if (tr.inverse) {
          n.x = -m.x;
      else {
          n.x = m.x;
      bool third = false;
    #ifdef INTGRAD_3rd
      third = true;
      double dirgrad = 0.;
      if (tr.inverse)
        dirgrad = concentration_gradient (point, tr, fG, fsG, n, p, trint, third);
        dirgrad = concentration_gradient (point, tr, fL, fsL, n, p, trint, third);
      return dirgrad;



    Stefan Fleckenstein and Dieter Bothe. A volume-of-fluid-based numerical method for multi-component mass transfer with local volume changes. Journal of Computational Physics, 301:35–58, 2015.