
    This is a copy of Lopez’ fracface.h. All credit to him!

    Here we extend the function to 3D problems.

    #include "geometry.h"
    #define VTOL 1.e-6
    static double interface_fraction_x (coord m, double alpha, bool right)
    #if dimension == 2
      alpha += (m.x + m.y)/2;
      coord n = m;
      double xo = (right ? 1. : 0.);
      if (n.y < 0.) {
        alpha -= n.y;
        n.y = - n.y;
      if (n.y < 1e-4)
        return (n.x*(right ? 1 : -1) < 0. ? 1. : 0.);
      return clamp((alpha - n.x*xo)/n.y, 0., 1.);
    #else // dimension == 3
      if (fabs(m.y) < 1e-4 && fabs(m.z) < 1e-4)
        return right ? (m.x < 0.) : (m.x > 0.);
      double n1, n2;
      double j;
      n1 = m.y/(fabs(m.y) + fabs(m.z));
      n2 = m.z/(fabs(m.y) + fabs(m.z));
      j = right ? 0.5 : -0.5;
      alpha -= j*m.x;
      alpha /= (fabs(m.y) + fabs(m.z));
      return clamp(line_area(n1, n2, alpha), 0., 1.);

    A unique value of the face fraction is calculated from the reconstructed interfaces at the cells sharing the face by averaging as shown below. \displaystyle s = \sqrt{vleft \times vright}

    void face_fraction (scalar f, face vector s)
      vector normal_vector[];
      foreach() {
        coord m = mycs (point, f);
          normal_vector.x[] = m.x;
      foreach_face() {
        if (f[-1] < VTOL || f[] < VTOL) // some cell is empty
          s.x[] = 0.;
        else if (f[-1] > 1.- VTOL && f[] > 1.- VTOL) // both cells are full
          s.x[] = 1.;
        else {
          double vleft = 1., vright = 1.;
          if (f[] < 1. - VTOL) {
            coord m;
      m.x = normal_vector.x[];
      m.y = normal_vector.y[];
    #if dimension >= 3
      m.z = normal_vector.z[];
            double alpha = plane_alpha (f[], m);
      vleft = interface_fraction_x (m, alpha, false);
          if (f[-1] < 1. - VTOL) {
      coord m;
      m.x = normal_vector.x[-1];
      m.y = normal_vector.y[-1];
    #if dimension >= 3
      m.z = normal_vector.z[-1];
            double alpha = plane_alpha (f[-1], m);
      vright = interface_fraction_x (m, alpha, true);
          s.x[] = sqrt(vleft*vright);
          //s.x[] = min(vleft, vright);