
    Face fractions from reconstructed interface

    #include "geometry.h"
    #define VTOL 1.e-6

    The function below return the face fraction sf.x at the selected cell face. As it is done for the sweep_x() function of vof.h, we use the operator foreach_dimension() to automatize the derivation of the functions in the other dimensions. Once the dimension is selected (x, y or z), the boolean variable right allows to select the face. If it is TRUE the face selected is that separating the cells [] and [1]. If FALSE the one returned is that between cells [] and [-1].

    static double interface_fraction_x (coord m, double alpha, bool right)
    #if dimension == 2
      alpha += (m.x + m.y)/2;
      coord n = m;
      double xo = (right ? 1. : 0.);
      if (n.y < 0.) {
        alpha -= n.y;
        n.y = - n.y;
      if (n.y < 1e-4)
        return (n.x*(right ? 1 : -1) < 0. ? 1. : 0.);
      return clamp((alpha - n.x*xo)/n.y, 0., 1.);

    A unique value of the face fraction is calculated from the reconstructed interfaces at the cells sharing the face by averaging as shown below,

    A unique value of the face fraction s is calculated by averaging, s = \sqrt{vleft \times vright}

    A unique value of the face fraction s is calculated by averaging, s = \sqrt{vleft \times vright}

    void face_fraction (scalar f, face vector s)

    We compute the normal vector in each cell to apply boundary to the vector field in order to get consistent values in the ghost cells.

      vector normal_vector[];
      foreach() {
        coord m = mycs (point, f);
          normal_vector.x[] = m.x;
      foreach_face() {
        if (f[-1] < VTOL || f[] < VTOL) // some cell is empty
          s.x[] = 0.;
        else if (f[-1] > 1.- VTOL && f[] > 1.- VTOL) // both cells are full
          s.x[] = 1.;
        else {
          double vleft = 1., vright = 1.;
          if (f[] < 1. - VTOL) {
            coord m;
              m.x = normal_vector.x[];
            double alpha = plane_alpha (f[], m);
            vleft = interface_fraction_x (m, alpha, false);
          if (f[-1] < 1. - VTOL) {
            coord m;
              m.x = normal_vector.x[-1];
            double alpha = plane_alpha (f[-1], m);
            vright = interface_fraction_x (m, alpha, true);
          s.x[] = sqrt(vleft*vright);