
    This is a copy from dirichlet-boundary-condition. This function is used to compute the gradient, normal to the gas-liquid interface, of a tracer concentration field confined to one side of the interface. The scalar cs is the vof field of the phase where the tracer is confined and bc is the (known) value of concentration at the interface centroid p. The boolean variable third is used to decide whether the gradient is estimated with the third-order scheme or the vof-average one.

    #define quadratic(x,a1,a2,a3) \
      (((a1)*((x) - 1.) + (a3)*((x) + 1.))*(x)/2. - (a2)*((x) - 1.)*((x) + 1.))
    static inline double concentration_gradient_x (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs, face vector fs,
    					   coord n, coord p, double bc,
    					   bool third)
        n.x = - n.x;
      double d[2], v[2] = {nodata,nodata};
      bool defined = true;
        if (defined && !fs.x[(n.x > 0.)])
          defined = false;
      if (defined)
        for (int l = 0; l <= 1; l++) {
          int i = (l + 1)*sign(n.x);
          d[l] = (i - p.x)/n.x;
          double y1 = p.y + d[l]*n.y;
          int j = y1 > 0.5 ? 1 : y1 < -0.5 ? -1 : 0;
          y1 -= j;
    #if dimension == 2
          if (fs.x[i + (i < 0),j] && fs.y[i,j] && fs.y[i,j+1] &&
    	  cs[i,j-1] && cs[i,j] && cs[i,j+1])
    	v[l] = quadratic (y1, (s[i,j-1]), (s[i,j]), (s[i,j+1]));
    #else // dimension == 3
          double z = p.z + d[l]*n.z;
          int k = z > 0.5 ? 1 : z < -0.5 ? -1 : 0;
          z -= k;
          bool defined = fs.x[i + (i < 0),j,k];
          for (int m = -1; m <= 1 && defined; m++)
    	if (!fs.y[i,j,k+m] || !fs.y[i,j+1,k+m] ||
    	    !fs.z[i,j+m,k] || !fs.z[i,j+m,k+1] ||
    	    !cs[i,j+m,k-1] || !cs[i,j+m,k] || !cs[i,j+m,k+1])
    	  defined = false;
          if (defined)
    	// bi-quadratic interpolation
    	v[l] =
    	  quadratic (z,
    		     quadratic (y1,
    				(s[i,j-1,k-1]), (s[i,j,k-1]), (s[i,j+1,k-1])),
    		     quadratic (y1,
    				(s[i,j-1,k]),   (s[i,j,k]),   (s[i,j+1,k])),
    		     quadratic (y1,
    				(s[i,j-1,k+1]), (s[i,j,k+1]), (s[i,j+1,k+1])));
    #endif // dimension == 3
      if (v[0] == nodata) {

    This is a degenerate case, we set the gradient to zero.

        return 0.;

    For non-degenerate cases, the gradient can be obtained using second-order, third-order or vof-averaged estimates.

      if (v[1] != nodata && third) // third-order gradient
        return (d[1]*(bc - v[0])/d[0] - d[0]*(bc - v[1])/d[1])/((d[1] - d[0])*Delta);
      else if (v[1] != nodata)
        return (cs[]*(bc - v[0])/d[0] + (1. - cs[])*(bc - v[1])/d[1])/Delta; //vof-avg
      return (bc - v[0])/(d[0]*Delta); // second-order gradient
    double concentration_gradient (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs, face vector fs,
    				coord n, coord p, double bc, bool third)
    #if dimension == 2
        if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.y))
          return concentration_gradient_x (point, s, cs, fs, n, p, bc, third);
    #else // dimension == 3
      if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.y)) {
        if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.z))
          return concentration_gradient_x (point, s, cs, fs, n, p, bc, third);
      else if (fabs(n.y) >= fabs(n.z))
        return concentration_gradient_y (point, s, cs, fs, n, p, bc, third);
      return concentration_gradient_z (point, s, cs, fs, n, p, bc, third);
    #endif // dimension == 3
      return nodata;