Documentation for the Centered Navier–Stokes Equations Solver
The centered.h solver approximates the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations:
\displaystyle \partial_t\mathbf{u}+\nabla\cdot(\mathbf{u}\otimes\mathbf{u}) = \frac{1}{\rho}\left[-\nabla p + \nabla\cdot(2\mu\mathbf{D})\right] + \mathbf{a} \displaystyle \nabla\cdot\mathbf{u} = 0 with the deformation tensor \mathbf{D}=[\nabla\mathbf{u} + (\nabla\mathbf{u})^T]/2.
(Feel free to add things and correct any error, typo, and imprecision in this document).
The following list reports the description of the relevant quantities involved in the centered solver, with mathematical symbol, location, and the name of the relative variable in the implementation.
- c: generic scalar field, tracer, VOF volume fraction (centered,
) - \mathbf{u}: velocity field (centered,
) - \mathbf{u}_f: velocity field (face,
) - p: pressure field (centered,
for p^{n+1} andpf
for p^{n+1/2}) - \rho: variable density field (centered,
) - \rho_f: variable density field (face,
where \alpha = 1/\rho_f) - \mu_f: variable viscosity field (face,
) - \mathbf{a}_f: sum of acceleration terms (face,
) - \mathbf{g}: sum of pressure gradient and accelerations (centered,
with \mathbf{g} = -\nabla p/\rho + \mathbf{a}) - \mathbf{g}_f: sum of pressure gradient and acceleration terms (face,
0. Advection–Diffusion of Tracer Fields
Before updating the velocity field, we resolve the advection equation for every tracer and for every VOF field in the simulation. For 2^{nd} order accuracy in time, the tracers are assumed to be known at time n-1/2 and they are advanced by a single time step as:
\displaystyle \dfrac{c^{n+1/2} - c^{n-1/2}}{\Delta t} = - \sum_{f=1}^{NF} F_f(\mathbf{u}_f^n)
If c is the VOF volume fraction, the flux F_f(\mathbf{u}_f^n) is computed from the dimensionally-split geometric VOF procedure implemented in vof.h. If some tracers are associated to the VOF field, the same flux is applied also to the transport of the tracers.
If instead c is a generic scalar field, the flux is computed as:
\displaystyle F_f(\mathbf{u}_f^n) = c_f^n \mathbf{u}_f^n\cdot\mathbf{n}_f
The approximation of the scalar field c^{n-1/2} on the cell face at time n c_f^{n} is performed using the Bell-Colella-Glaz scheme (see. Section 1.). This procedure is managed by the function advection()
in bcg.h. There are two empty events which acts as placeholders for event inheritance at the correct time level. In particular the even vof()
transports all the volume fractions defined in the list interfaces
and, for each volume fraction, the relative tracers. The event tracer_advection()
is used by tracer.h, which transports every tracer (or scalar field) defined in the list tracers
. The event tracer_diffusion()
is not specifically implemented in any module, and it must be overwritten by the user for the specific case being solved.
Be careful: if you are solving the advection of a scalar field using the advection
function you are computing:
\displaystyle \partial_t c + \nabla\cdot(c\mathbf{u}) = 0
which is equivalent to:
\displaystyle \partial_t c + \mathbf{u}\cdot\nabla c = 0
only for incompressible flows. If the divergence is not zero, this is not the same. Solving the advection equation for a VOF tracer, instead, the equation is directly solved in non-conservative form: \mathbf{u}\cdot\nabla c = \nabla(c\mathbf{u}) - c\nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}, unless the keyword NO_1D_COMPRESSION
is defined. In that case, the term c\nabla\cdot\mathbf{u} is neglected, thus resolving the conservative form.
0.1 Properties
After the solution of the tracer fields, the properties (i.e. density and vicosity) are updated. By default this event is empty in the centered solver, and it must be overwritten by external modules. For example, when solving for a two-phase system, the module two-phase-generic.h implements the rules for updating the properties as a function of the VOF field at time n+1/2.
Therefore, the event properties()
updates density and viscosity getting \rho^{n+1/2} and \mu^{n+1/2}.
1. Advection Step
During the advection step, we want to resolve the advection part of the momentum equation:
\displaystyle \dfrac{\mathbf{u}^* - \mathbf{u}^n}{\Delta t} + \nabla\cdot(\mathbf{u}\otimes\mathbf{u})^{n+1/2} = 0
The discretization of the convective term starts from the calculation of the face velocity \mathbf{u}_f from \mathbf{u}. We use the Bell-Colella-Glaz scheme, which can be seen as a ‘’black box’’ which returns the face value of a collocated field \phi at the time level n+1/2:
\displaystyle \phi_f^{n+1/2} = \textbf{bcg}(\phi^n, s^n);
where \phi^n is the collocated field \phi at time level n, while s^n is a collocated source term at time n. The definition of corresponds to the function tracer_fluxes()
in bcg.h. In practice, the BCG scheme, approximaes \phi_f^{n+1/2} using a double Taylor expansion truncated at the second order:
\displaystyle \phi_f^{n+1/2} = \phi^n + \dfrac{\Delta x}{2}\phi_x^n + \dfrac{\Delta t}{2}\phi_t^n + \mathcal{O}(\Delta x^2, \Delta t^2)
where \phi_x^n is a slope-limited centered gradient of \phi:
\displaystyle \phi_x^n = \dfrac{\phi_{i+1,j} - \phi_{i-1,j}}{2\Delta x}
while the time derivative \phi_t^n is approximated introducing the differential equation into the expression for the face value:
\displaystyle \phi_t^n = -\mathbf{u}\cdot\nabla\phi
Details about this algorithm are explained in Bell-Colella-Glaz, 1989.
1.1 Prediction
Using the function \textbf{bcg} we predict the face velocity from the centered velocity at the beginning of the time step:
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}_{p,f}^{n+1/2} = \textbf{bcg}(\mathbf{u}^n, \mathbf{g}^n);
where \mathbf{g}^n is provided to predict a velocity which has an order of magnitude which is ‘’more similar’’ to that of final velocity. This procedure is managed by the function prediction()
, which implements a variant of the BCG scheme.
1.2 Projection of the Predicted Velocity
The predicted velocity \mathbf{u}_{p,f} does not respect the divergence-free constaint. Therefore, we solve a projection step (for half time-step) to enforce the divergence-free condition on the predicted face velocity. To do so, we solve the Poisson equation:
\displaystyle \nabla\cdot\left(\dfrac{1}{\rho^{n+1/2}}\nabla p^{n+1/2}\right) = \dfrac{\nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}_{p,f}^{n+1/2}}{\Delta t/2}
therefore, the predicted divergence-free face velocity can be obtained:
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}_f^{n+1/2} = \mathbf{u}_{p,f}^{n+1/2} - \dfrac{\Delta t}{2\rho^{n+1/2}}\nabla p^{n+1/2}
these operations are resolved by the function call mgpf = project (uf, pf, alpha, dt/2., mgpf.nrelax);
1.3 Solution of the Advection Step
Once the face velocity is known and it respects the continuity equation, we can perform the integration of the advection step:
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}_A^* = \mathbf{u}^n - \dfrac{\Delta t}{\Delta}\sum_{f=1}^{NF} \mathbf{U}_f^{n+1/2}\left(\mathbf{u}_f^{n+1/2}\cdot\mathbf{n}_f\right)
where the approximation of the centered velocity on the cell face is called \mathbf{U}_f^{n+1/2}, to distinguish it from the face velocity calculated at the previous section. That value is obtained as:
\displaystyle \mathbf{U}_f^{n+1/2} = \textbf{bcg}(\mathbf{u}^n, \mathbf{g}^n);
In the code, the solution of this step is performed by the line: advection ((scalar *){u}, uf, dt, (scalar *){g});
. The user can easily suppress the solution of the advection term in case of Stokes flow, by setting the boolean stokes
to true.
Be careful: this convection step takes advantange of the incompressible flow approximation. If the divergence of the velocity field is not null, then:
\displaystyle \nabla\cdot\left( \mathbf{u}\mathbf{u} \right) \neq \left(\mathbf{u}\cdot\nabla\right)\mathbf{u}
2. Viscosity
During the viscous step, we want to resolve the diffuision part of the momentum equation:
\displaystyle \rho^{n+1/2}\dfrac{\mathbf{u}^{**} - \mathbf{u}^*}{\Delta t} = \nabla\cdot\left(2\mu^{n+1/2}\textbf{D}_V^{**}\right)
using an implicit-in-time integration, in order to have a scheme which is stable for CFL number above 1.
2.1 Add Pressure Gradient and Accelerations
We add the pressure gradients and acceleration terms at time n in order to integrate the viscous step with a velocity which is more similar to that at the final time step.
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}^* = \mathbf{u}_A^* + \Delta t \mathbf{g}^n
this step is performed by the function call: correction (dt);
2.2 Solution of the Viscous Step
We write the implicit time integration step as:
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}_V^{**} = \mathbf{u}^* + \dfrac{\Delta t}{\rho^{n+1/2}\Delta}\sum_{f=1}^{NF} 2\mu_f^{n+1/2}\mathbf{D}_{f,V}^{**}\cdot\mathbf{n}_f
a detailed description of the discretization of the viscous term can be found in viscosity.h. The viscosity function call: mgu = viscosity (u, mu, rho, dt, mgu.nrelax);
is responsible for calling the multigrid solver which manages the implicit solution of the viscous step.
2.3 Remove Pressure Gradient and Accelerations
We subtract the pressure gradient and acceleration terms from the velocity \mathbf{u}_V^{**}. It will be re-added in the following step using the value of \mathbf{g} at time n+1.
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}^{**} = \mathbf{u}_V^{**} - \Delta t \mathbf{g}^{n}
this step is performed by the function call: correction (-dt);
3. Projection
Finally, in this section we find the pressure which guarantees that the velocity field at time n+1 respects the continuity equation. Be careful: the divergence-free constraint is respected ‘’exactly’’ just by the face velocity \mathbf{u}_f^{n+1}. The divergence of the collocated velocity is not exacly zero (i.e. approximate projection). We don’t care too much about this problem because the transport of relevant quantities (such as VOF fraction and scalar tracers) makes use of the face velocity \mathbf{u}_f.
In this step, we want to approximate the remaining part of the momentum equations (including pressure gradient and accelerations) together with the divergence-free condition on the final velocity:
\displaystyle \dfrac{\mathbf{u}^{n+1} - \mathbf{u}^{**}}{\Delta t} = -\dfrac{\nabla p^{n+1}}{\rho^{n+1/2}} + \mathbf{a}_f^{n+1/2} \displaystyle \nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}_f^{n+1} = 0
The solution of the projection is further splitted in two steps. In the first step we add the acceleration term \mathbf{a}_f^{n+1/2}. After, we solve the projection to find the face velocity which respects the continuity equation. This velocity is used to reconstruct the collocated velocity \mathbf{u}^{n+1}.
3.1 Approximation of the Face Velocity
We approximate the value of \mathbf{u}_f^{**} from the collocated velocity using a linear approximation between the values of \mathbf{u}^{**} in two consecutive cells sharing the same face _f. In this step, we also integrate the face velocity including the acceleration term at the time level n+1/2:
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}_f^{**} = \dfrac{\mathbf{u}^{**}[] + \mathbf{u}^{**}[-1]}{2} + \Delta t \mathbf{a}_f^{n+1/2}
This procedure is managed by the acceleration()
3.2 Projection Step
The remaining part of the momentum equation (with just the pressure gradient), and the continuity equation are combined in a Poisson equation:
\displaystyle \nabla\cdot\left(\dfrac{1}{\rho^{n+1/2}}\nabla p^{n+1}\right) = \dfrac{\nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}_f^{**}}{\Delta t}
which is solved in an iterative manner using the multigrid solver. Once the pressure p^{n+1} is obtained, the face velocity is reconstructed as:
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}_f^{n+1} = \mathbf{u}_f^{**} - \dfrac{\Delta t}{\rho_f^{n+1/2}}\nabla p^{n+1}
Both steps are performed by the function call mgp = project (uf, p, alpha, dt, mgp.nrelax);
3.3 Reconstruction of Centered Velocity
In this step we want to solve:
\displaystyle \dfrac{\mathbf{u}^{n+1} - \mathbf{u}^{**}}{\Delta t} = -\dfrac{\nabla p^{n+1}}{\rho^{n+1/2}} + \mathbf{a}^{n+1/2}
but for the centered velocity.
First, the term \mathbf{g}_f^{n+1} is updated using the pressure gradient at time n+1 and the acceleration terms at n+1/2:
\displaystyle \mathbf{g}_f^{n+1} = \mathbf{a}_f^{n+1/2} + \dfrac{\nabla p^{n+1}}{\rho_f^{n+1/2}}
The collocated \mathbf{g}^{n+1} is updated from \mathbf{g}_f^{n+1} using a linear interpolation:
\displaystyle \mathbf{g}^{n+1} = \dfrac{\mathbf{g}_f^{n+1}[1] + \mathbf{g}_f^{n+1}[]}{2}
Finally, the collocated velocity at the end of the time step is obtained:
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}^{n+1} = \mathbf{u}^{**} + \Delta t \mathbf{g}^{n+1}
exploting again the function correction(dt)
Overall Scheme
It is often necessary, when writing papers, to include a description of the time splitting procedure implemented in the centered solver. The single steps explained at the previous sections can be summed up, and the notation can be simplified giving a more compact set of equations, which is still representativre for the algorithm.
Including Cell to Face Operations
This first shorter set of equations includes the details about the transformations from collocated to face quantities and vice versa. These operations are described by the subscript _{f\rightarrow c} (face to cell interpolation) or by the opposite operator _{c\rightarrow f} (face to cell interpolation).
\displaystyle \dfrac{c^{n+1/2} - c^{n-1/2}}{\Delta t} + \nabla\cdot(c^n\mathbf{u}_f^n) = 0
\displaystyle \rho^{n+1/2}\left[\dfrac{\mathbf{u}^{**} - \mathbf{u}^n}{\Delta t} + \nabla\cdot(\mathbf{u}\otimes\mathbf{u})^{n+1/2}\right] = \nabla\cdot\left(2\mu_f^{n+1/2}\textbf{D}_V^{**}\right)
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}_f^{**} = \mathbf{u}_{c\rightarrow f}^{**} + \Delta t \mathbf{a}_f^{n+1/2}
\displaystyle \nabla\cdot\left(\dfrac{1}{\rho^{n+1/2}}\nabla p^{n+1}\right) = \dfrac{\nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}_f^{**}}{\Delta t}
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}_f^{n+1} = \mathbf{u}_f^{**} - \dfrac{\Delta t}{\rho_f^{n+1/2}}\nabla p^{n+1}
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}^{n+1} = \mathbf{u}^{**} + \left[\mathbf{a}_f^{n+1/2} - \dfrac{\nabla p^{n+1}}{\rho_f^{n+1/2}}\right]_{f\rightarrow c}
Omitting Cell to Face Operations
If we neglect interpolations between cell-to-face and face-to-cell, the algorithm simply reduces to a classical time-splitting Projection method, where we relax the distintion between collocated and centered velocity.
\displaystyle \dfrac{c^{n+1/2} - c^{n-1/2}}{\Delta t} + \nabla\cdot(c^n\mathbf{u}^n) = 0
\displaystyle \rho^{n+1/2}\left[\dfrac{\mathbf{u}^{**} - \mathbf{u}^n}{\Delta t} + \nabla\cdot(\mathbf{u}\otimes\mathbf{u})^{n+1/2}\right] = \nabla\cdot\left(2\mu^{n+1/2}\textbf{D}_V^{**}\right) + \rho^{n+1/2}\mathbf{a}^{n+1/2}
\displaystyle \nabla\cdot\left(\dfrac{1}{\rho^{n+1}}\nabla p^{n+1} \right) = \dfrac{\nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}^{**}}{\Delta t}
\displaystyle \mathbf{u}^{n+1} = \mathbf{u}^{**} - \dfrac{\Delta t}{\rho^{n+1/2}}\nabla p^{n+1}