
    An implicit solver for the viscous diffusion equation

    This header file implicitly solves the viscous diffusion equation: \displaystyle \rho\frac{\partial\boldsymbol{u}}{\partial t} = \boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot\left[\mu\left(\boldsymbol{\nabla u} + \boldsymbol{\nabla u}^T\right)\right]. Temporally discretised, this equation reads, \displaystyle -\frac{\rho}{\Delta t}\boldsymbol{u}_{n+1} + \boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot\left[\mu\left(\boldsymbol{\nabla u} + \boldsymbol{\nabla u}^T\right)\right]_{n+1} = -\frac{\rho}{\Delta t}\boldsymbol{u}_n, and thus has the form, \displaystyle L(\boldsymbol{a}) = \boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot\left[\mu\left(\boldsymbol{\nabla a} + \boldsymbol{\nabla a}^T\right)\right] = \boldsymbol{b}, where L() is a linear operator, and \boldsymbol{a} and \boldsymbol{b} are vectors. This system of mutually coupled equations can therefore be solved efficiently using a multigrid solver, described for the SGN equations in Popinet, 2015. When solving time-dependent problems, a good initial guess \tilde{\boldsymbol{a}} = \boldsymbol{a} - d\boldsymbol{a} is available, where d\boldsymbol{a} is an unknown correction. Therefore, it is usually more efficient to solve for the equivalent problem, \displaystyle L(d\boldsymbol{a}) = \boldsymbol{b} - L(\tilde{\boldsymbol{a}}) = \boldsymbol{res}, where \boldsymbol{res} is the residual. Owing to the linearity of the operator L(), d\boldsymbol{a} can be added to the initial guess \tilde{\boldsymbol{a}}, and the process is then repeated until the residual falls below a given tolerance. The procedure can be summarised by the following steps:

    1. Compute the residual \boldsymbol{res} = \boldsymbol{b} - L(\tilde{\boldsymbol{a}}).
    2. If \left\lVert\boldsymbol{res}\right\rVert < \epsilon, \tilde{\boldsymbol{a}} is good enough, stop.
    3. Else, solve L(d\boldsymbol{a})\simeq\boldsymbol{res}.
    4. Add d\boldsymbol{a} to \tilde{\boldsymbol{a}} and go back to step 1.

    This generic strategy is implemented in the standard Poisson solver. We also define a data structure for the main parameters of the viscous problem.

    #include "poisson.h"
    struct Viscosity {
      face vector mu;
      scalar rho;
      double dt;


    In Basilisk, axisymmetric simulations are treated in a 2D Cartesian formulation for code generalisation purposes. The differential element dV is then accounted for in the metric (axi.h) incorporated in both \rho and \mu. The strain rate tensor \boldsymbol{E} is of 3D nature: \displaystyle 2\boldsymbol{E} = \boldsymbol{\nabla u} + \boldsymbol{\nabla u}^T = \begin{bmatrix} 2\frac{\partial u_r}{\partial r} & 0 & \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial z} + \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial r}\\[.1cm] 0 & 2\frac{u_r}{r} & 0\\[.1cm] \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial z} + \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial r} & 0 & 2\frac{\partial u_z}{\partial z} \end{bmatrix}, so that in cylindrical coordinates, the viscous diffusion equation reads, \displaystyle \rho\frac{\partial u_r}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left(2\mu\frac{\partial u_r}{\partial r}\right) + \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left[\mu\left(\frac{\partial u_r}{\partial z} + \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial r}\right)\right] + \frac{2\mu}{r}\left(\frac{\partial u_r}{\partial r} - \frac{u_r}{r}\right), \displaystyle \rho\frac{\partial u_z}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial r}\left[\mu\left(\frac{\partial u_r}{\partial z} + \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial r}\right)\right] + \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(2\mu\frac{\partial u_z}{\partial z}\right) + \frac{\mu}{r}\left(\frac{\partial u_r}{\partial z} + \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial r}\right). Conventionally, in basilisk, \boldsymbol{e}_y = \boldsymbol{e}_r and \boldsymbol{e}_x = \boldsymbol{e}_z. For consistency reasons with 2D Cartesian simulations, the axisymmetric viscous diffusion equation in basilisk reads, \displaystyle \rho'\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(2\mu'\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\right) + \frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left[\mu'\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}\right)\right], \displaystyle \rho'\frac{\partial v}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left[\mu'\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}\right)\right] + \frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(2\mu'\frac{\partial v}{\partial y}\right) - \lambda^*, where \rho' = \rho y and \mu' = \mu y. If one performs the straightforward derivation, one finds that the equation along x is identical to the equation along z in cylindrical coordinates. This is not the case for the equations along y and r. That is why the variable \lambda^* is added to the equation along y in the 2D Cartesian formulation. Performing the derivations and equating both equations yields \displaystyle \lambda^* = \frac{2\mu'}{y^2}v. The expression under "lambda.y" below stems from \lambda^* after discretisation. In non AXI simulations, \rho' = \rho, \mu' = \mu and \lambda^* = 0.

    #if AXI
    # define lambda ((coord){1., 1. + dt/rho[]*(mu.x[] + mu.x[1] + \
    					    mu.y[] + mu.y[0,1])/2./sq(y), 0})
    #elif SPHERISYM
    # define lambda ((coord){1. + 2.*dt/rho[]*(mu.x[] + mu.x[1])/sq(x), 0})
    #else // !AXI && !SPHERISYM
    # define lambda ((coord){1.,1.,1.})

    Relaxation function

    This function solves for the correction d\boldsymbol{a} in step 3 of the previously described algorithm. It is analogous to the relaxation function written for the Poisson-Helmholtz equation, with the only difference that the viscous diffusion equation is vectorial and yields a system of coupled scalar equations, the number of which is the dimension of the numerical simulation. This function is passed as an argument to the multigrid cycle.

    static void relax_viscosity (scalar * a, scalar * b, int l, void * data)
      struct Viscosity * p = (struct Viscosity *) data;
      (const) face vector mu = p->mu;
      (const) scalar rho = p->rho;
      double dt = p->dt;
      vector u = vector(a[0]), r = vector(b[0]);
    #if JACOBI
      vector w[];
      vector w = u;

    We have the option of using red/black Gauss-Seidel relaxation or “re-use as soon as computed” relaxation. On GPUs (and probably also with OpenMP) red/black Gauss-Seidel converges much better (but requires two foreach() iterations). Note also that, unlike the other option, red/black relaxation should be deterministic.

    #if GAUSS_SEIDEL || _GPU
      vector ua[];
      foreach_level (l)
          ua.x[] = u.x[];
      boundary_level ((scalar *){ua}, l);
      for (int parity = 0; parity < 2; parity++)
        foreach_level_or_leaf (l, nowarning)
          if (level == 0 || ((point.i + parity) % 2) != (point.j % 2))
    #if dimension > 1
      vector ua = u;
      foreach_level_or_leaf (l)
          w.x[] = (r.x[]*sq(Delta) + dt/rho[]*(2.*mu.x[1]*u.x[1] + 2.*mu.x[]*u.x[-1]
    #if dimension > 1
    					   + mu.y[0,1]*(u.x[0,1] +
    							(u.y[1,0] + ua.y[1,1])/4. -
    							(u.y[-1,0] + ua.y[-1,1])/4.)
    					   - mu.y[]*(- u.x[0,-1] +
    						     (ua.y[1,-1] + u.y[1,0])/4. -
    						     (ua.y[-1,-1] + u.y[-1,0])/4.)
    #if dimension > 2
    					   + mu.z[0,0,1]*(u.x[0,0,1] +
    							  (u.z[1,0,0] + ua.z[1,0,1])/4. -
    							  (u.z[-1,0,0] + ua.z[-1,0,1])/4.)
    					   - mu.z[]*(- u.x[0,0,-1] +
    						     (ua.z[1,0,-1] + u.z[1,0,0])/4. -
    						     (ua.z[-1,0,-1] + u.z[-1,0,0])/4.)
          (lambda.x*sq(Delta) + dt/rho[]*(2.*mu.x[1] + 2.*mu.x[]
    #if dimension > 1
    				      + mu.y[0,1] + mu.y[]
    #if dimension > 2
    				      + mu.z[0,0,1] + mu.z[]
    #if JACOBI
      foreach_level_or_leaf (l)
          u.x[] = (u.x[] + 2.*w.x[])/3.;
    #if TRASH
      vector u1[];
      foreach_level_or_leaf (l)
          u1.x[] = u.x[];
      trash ({u});
      foreach_level_or_leaf (l)
          u.x[] = u1.x[];

    Residual computation

    This function computes the residual \boldsymbol{res} in step 1 of the previously described algorithm. It is passed as an argument to the multigrid solver.

    static double residual_viscosity (scalar * a, scalar * b, scalar * resl, 
    				  void * data)
      struct Viscosity * p = (struct Viscosity *) data;
      (const) face vector mu = p->mu;
      (const) scalar rho = p->rho;
      double dt = p->dt;
      vector u = vector(a[0]), r = vector(b[0]), res = vector(resl[0]);
      double maxres = 0.;
    #if TREE
      /* conservative coarse/fine discretisation (2nd order) */

    We manually apply boundary conditions, so that all components are treated simultaneously. Otherwise (automatic) BCs would be applied component by component before each foreach_face() loop.

      boundary ({u});
      foreach_dimension() {
        face vector taux[];
          taux.x[] = 2.*mu.x[]*(u.x[] - u.x[-1])/Delta;
        #if dimension > 1
    	taux.y[] = mu.y[]*(u.x[] - u.x[0,-1] + 
    			   (u.y[1,-1] + u.y[1,0])/4. -
    			   (u.y[-1,-1] + u.y[-1,0])/4.)/Delta;
        #if dimension > 2
    	taux.z[] = mu.z[]*(u.x[] - u.x[0,0,-1] + 
    			   (u.z[1,0,-1] + u.z[1,0,0])/4. -
    			   (u.z[-1,0,-1] + u.z[-1,0,0])/4.)/Delta;
        foreach (reduction(max:maxres)) {
          double d = 0.;
    	d += taux.x[1] - taux.x[];
          res.x[] = r.x[] - lambda.x*u.x[] + dt/rho[]*d/Delta;
          if (fabs (res.x[]) > maxres)
    	maxres = fabs (res.x[]);
      /* "naive" discretisation (only 1st order on trees) */
      foreach (reduction(max:maxres))
        foreach_dimension() {
          res.x[] = r.x[] - lambda.x*u.x[] +
            dt/rho[]*(2.*mu.x[1,0]*(u.x[1] - u.x[])
    		  - 2.*mu.x[]*(u.x[] - u.x[-1])
            #if dimension > 1
    		  + mu.y[0,1]*(u.x[0,1] - u.x[] +
    			       (u.y[1,0] + u.y[1,1])/4. -
    			       (u.y[-1,0] + u.y[-1,1])/4.)
    		  - mu.y[]*(u.x[] - u.x[0,-1] +
    			    (u.y[1,-1] + u.y[1,0])/4. -
    			    (u.y[-1,-1] + u.y[-1,0])/4.)
            #if dimension > 2
    		  + mu.z[0,0,1]*(u.x[0,0,1] - u.x[] +
    				 (u.z[1,0,0] + u.z[1,0,1])/4. -
    				 (u.z[-1,0,0] + u.z[-1,0,1])/4.)
    		  - mu.z[]*(u.x[] - u.x[0,0,-1] +
    			    (u.z[1,0,-1] + u.z[1,0,0])/4. -
    			    (u.z[-1,0,-1] + u.z[-1,0,0])/4.)
          if (fabs (res.x[]) > maxres)
    	maxres = fabs (res.x[]);
      return maxres;
    #undef lambda

    User interface

    A user interface is provided for the solution of the viscous diffusion equation.

    Implicit treatment

    mgstats viscosity (vector u, face vector mu, scalar rho, double dt,
    		   int nrelax = 4, scalar * res = NULL)

    The velocity field \boldsymbol{u}_n is provided as an initial guess \tilde{\boldsymbol{a}}.

      vector r[];
          r.x[] = u.x[];

    We need \mu and \rho on all levels of the grid.

      restriction ({mu,rho});
      struct Viscosity p = { mu, rho, dt };
      return mg_solve ((scalar *){u}, (scalar *){r},
    		   residual_viscosity, relax_viscosity, &p, nrelax, res);

    Explicit treatment

    This function does not make use of the multigrid solver. Instead, it explicitly advances the velocity field in time, in only one iteration.

    mgstats viscosity_explicit (vector u, face vector mu, scalar rho, double dt)
      vector r[];
      mgstats mg = {0};
      struct Viscosity p = { mu, rho, dt };
      mg.resb = residual_viscosity ((scalar *){u}, (scalar *){u}, (scalar *){r}, &p);
          u.x[] += r.x[];
      return mg;

    Possible improvements

    1. Note that both functions residual_viscosity() and relax_viscosity() are obtained in a very similar manner. The only difference lies in the formulas of steps 1 and 3, respectively, of the previously described algorithm. So relax_viscosity() is obtained from residual_viscosity() by tweaking and moving the diagonal terms (which are eventually relaxed) to the left hand side of the equality, and the residual to its right hand side, or vice versa. It is thus tedious and unelegant, so a possible improvement is to write a function encompassing both, where one is automatically derived from the other, instead of having to copy the respective codes and tweak by hand. The same goes for the functions written for the Poisson-Helmholtz equation.
    2. Note that these functions are written in “semi-tensorial” form. So a possible improvement would be to write them in “full tensorial” form, using nested foreach_dimension(). This cannot be done for the moment as the current version of foreach_dimension() does not allow it.

