Bell-Collela-Glaz advection scheme
The function below implements the 2nd-order, unsplit, upwind scheme of Bell-Collela-Glaz, 1989. Given a centered scalar field f, a face vector field uf (possibly weighted by a face metric), a timestep dt and a source term field src, it fills the face vector field flux with the components of the advection fluxes of f.
void tracer_fluxes (scalar f,
face vector uf,
face vector flux,
double dt,
(const) scalar src)
We first compute the cell-centered gradient of f in a locally-allocated vector field.
vector g[];
gradients ({f}, {g});
For each face, the flux is composed of two parts…
foreach_face() {
A normal component… (Note that we cheat a bit here, un
should strictly be dt*(uf.x[i] + uf.x[i+1])/((fm.x[] + fm.x[i+1])*Delta)
but this causes trouble with boundary conditions (when using narrow ‘1 ghost cell’ stencils)).
double un = dt*uf.x[]/(fm.x[]*Delta + SEPS), s = sign(un);
int i = -(s + 1.)/2.;
double f2 = f[i] + (src[] + src[-1])*dt/4. + s*(1. - s*un)*g.x[i]*Delta/2.;
and tangential components…
#if dimension > 1
if (fm.y[i] && fm.y[i,1]) {
double vn = (uf.y[i] + uf.y[i,1])/(fm.y[i] + fm.y[i,1]);
double fyy = vn < 0. ? f[i,1] - f[i] : f[i] - f[i,-1];
f2 -= dt*vn*fyy/(2.*Delta);
#if dimension > 2
if (fm.z[i] && fm.z[i,0,1]) {
double wn = (uf.z[i] + uf.z[i,0,1])/(fm.z[i] + fm.z[i,0,1]);
double fzz = wn < 0. ? f[i,0,1] - f[i] : f[i] - f[i,0,-1];
f2 -= dt*wn*fzz/(2.*Delta);
flux.x[] = f2*uf.x[];
The function below uses the tracer_fluxes function to integrate the advection equation, using an explicit scheme with timestep dt, for each tracer in the list.
If src is not provided we set all the source terms to zero.
scalar * psrc = src;
if (!src)
for (scalar s in tracers) {
const scalar zero[] = 0.;
src = list_append (src, zero);
assert (list_len (tracers) == list_len (src));
scalar f, source;
for (f,source in tracers,src) {
face vector flux[];
tracer_fluxes (f, u, flux, dt, source);
#if !EMBED
f[] += dt*(flux.x[] - flux.x[1])/(Delta*cm[]);
#else // EMBED
update_tracer (f, u, flux, dt);
#endif // EMBED
if (!psrc)
free (src);