Taylor–Green vortices
Taylor–Green vortices are one of the few exact non-trivial solutions of the incompressible Euler equations. In this test case, we use this solution as initial condition and check whether the numerical scheme can respect the balance between non-linear advection terms and pressure gradients. Numerical diffusion will in particular introduce dissipation. This dissipation can be quantified and is a useful measure of the accuracy of the numerical scheme.
We solve the incompressible Euler equations on a Cartesian (multi)grid either with the centered Navier-Stokes solver or with the “all Mach” solver (in incompressible mode).
#include "grid/multigrid.h"
# include "all-mach.h"
# include "bcg.h"
# define u q
event tracer_advection (i++)
advection ((scalar *){q}, uf, dt, (scalar *){g});
# include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
int main() {
Space and time are dimensionless. The domain is unity, centered on the origin and periodic in all directions.
size (1. [0]);
DT = HUGE [0];
origin (-0.5,-0.5);
periodic (right);
We check convergence with spatial resolution from 322 to 2562.
This is the initial Taylor–Green solution for velocity and pressure.
foreach() {
u.x[] = - cos(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y);
u.y[] = sin(2.*pi*x)*cos(2.*pi*y);
p[] = - (cos(4.*pi*x) + cos(4.*pi*y))/4.;
We also need to define the initial centered pressure gradient (this improves the accuracy of the initial conditions).
g.x[] = - (p[1] - p[-1])/(2.*Delta);
event logfile (i++) {
We log the evolution of the maximum divergence and of the total kinetic energy.
scalar div[], ke[];
foreach() {
div[] = (u.x[1,0] - u.x[-1,0] + u.y[0,1] - u.y[0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
ke[] = sq(u.x[]) + sq(u.y[]);
printf ("%d %d %g %g %g\n", N, i, t, normf(div).max, statsf(ke).sum);
event error (t = 2) {
At t=2 we compute the error on the norm of the velocity.
scalar e[];
foreach() {
double u0 = - cos(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y);
double v0 = sin(2.*pi*x)*cos(2.*pi*y);
e[] = norm(u) - sqrt(sq(u0) + sq(v0));
norm n = normf (e);
fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %g %g\n", N, n.avg, n.rms, n.max);
For this particular case, the Bell–Collela–Glaz advection scheme converges at third-order.
set xlabel 'Spatial resolution'
set ylabel 'Error norms'
set cbrange [1:1]
set logscale
set xtics 16,2,256
ftitle(a,b) = sprintf("order %4.2f", -b)
fit [4:] f2(x) 'log' u (log($1)):(log($3)) via a2,b2
fit [4:] fm(x) 'log' u (log($1)):(log($4)) via am,bm
set xrange [16:512]
set pointsize 1
plot exp (f2(log(x))) t ftitle(a2,b2), \
exp (fm(log(x))) t ftitle(am,bm), \
'log' u 1:3 t '|e|_2', \
'log' u 1:4 t '|e|_{max}' lc 0, \
'../taylor-green-all-mach/log' u 1:3 t '|e|_2 (all Mach)', \
'' u 1:4 t '|e|_{max} (all Mach)'
The divergence of the centered velocity field is well-behaved.
set xlabel 'Time'
set ylabel 'Maximum divergence'
set cbrange [1:1]
set logscale y
set xrange [0:2]
set yrange [1e-4:]
plot '< grep "^32 " out' u 3:4 w l t '32^2', \
'< grep "^64 " out' u 3:4 w l t '64^2', \
'< grep "^128 " out' u 3:4 w l t '128^2', \
'< grep "^256 " out' u 3:4 w l t '256^2', \
'< grep "^32 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' \
u 3:4 w l t '32^2 (all Mach)', \
'< grep "^64 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' \
u 3:4 w l t '64^2 (all Mach)', \
'< grep "^128 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' \
u 3:4 w l t '128^2 (all Mach)', \
'< grep "^256 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' \
u 3:4 w l t '256^2 (all Mach)'
By fitting the decrease of the kinetic energy, we get an estimate of the numerical viscosity.
set xlabel 'Resolution'
set ylabel 'Equivalent Reynolds number'
set cbrange [1:1]
set logscale
set xtics 16,2,256
set xrange [16:512]
set print "Re"
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^32 " out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 32,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^64 " out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 64,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^128 " out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 128,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^256 " out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 256,Re(b)
set print "Re-all-mach"
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^32 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 32,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^64 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 64,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^128 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 128,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^256 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 256,Re(b)
plot 'Re' w lp t 'centered', 'Re-all-mach' w lp t 'all Mach'