Spherically-symmetric coordinates
This file defines the metric coefficients for a (one-dimensional) spherically-symmetric coordinate system.
The radial coordinate r is x. Note that x (and so X0) cannot be negative.
We first define a macro which will be used in some geometry-specific code (e.g. viscous stress tensor).
#define SPHERISYM 1
On trees we need refinement functions.
#if TREE
static void refine_cm_spherisym (Point point, scalar cm)
fine(cm,0) = sq (x - Delta/4.);
fine(cm,1) = sq (x + Delta/4.);
static void refine_face_x_spherisym (Point point, scalar fm)
if (!is_refined(neighbor(-1)))
fine(fm,0) = sq (x - Delta/2.);
if (!is_refined(neighbor(1)) && neighbor(1).neighbors)
fine(fm,2) = sq (x + Delta/2.);
fine(fm,1) = sq(x);
#endif // TREE
event metric (i = 0) {
By default cm is a constant scalar field. To make it variable, we need to allocate a new field. We also move it at the begining of the list of variables: this is important to ensure the metric is defined before other fields.
if (is_constant(cm)) {
scalar * l = list_copy (all);
cm = new scalar;
free (all);
all = list_concat ({cm}, l);
free (l);
The volume/area of a cell is proportional to r^2 (i.e. x^2). We need to set boundary conditions at the top and bottom so that cm is interpolated properly when refining/coarsening the mesh.
scalar cmv = cm;
cmv[] = x*x;
cm[left] = dirichlet(x*x);
cm[right] = dirichlet(x*x);
We do the same for the length scale factors. The “length” of faces on the center of spherical symmetry is zero (x=r=0 in the center). To avoid division by zero we set it to epsilon (note that mathematically the limit is well posed).
if (is_constant(fm.x)) {
scalar * l = list_copy (all);
fm = new face vector;
free (all);
all = list_concat ((scalar *){fm}, l);
free (l);
face vector fmv = fm;
fmv.x[] = max(x*x, 1e-20);
We set our refinement/prolongation functions on trees.
#if TREE
cm.refine = cm.prolongation = refine_cm_spherisym;
fm.x.prolongation = refine_face_x_spherisym;