
    Coupled slave

    This can be used in combination with master.h to couple two Basilisk solvers.

    Example of coupling function

    This is a simple function which can be called by the master to retrieve (interpolated) field values from the slave.

    Using this model, it should be easy to write more sophisticated coupling functions, if necessary.

    Note that new coupling functions must be added to the list of symbols which are exported. See the recipe for slave.o in the examples Makefile for details.

    double slave_interpolate (const char * name, double xp, double yp, double zp, bool linear)
      if (!grid) {
        fprintf (stderr, "slave_interpolate: error: no grid! this may be a "
    	     "master/slave synchronization issue\n");
        exit (1);
      scalar s = lookup_field (name);
      if (s.i < 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "slave_interpolate: error: unknown field '%s'\n", name);
        exit (1);
      return interpolate (s, xp, yp, zp, linear);

    Synchronization functions

    These functions are called by the master to synchronize the master/slave times.

    #if _OBJECT
    event slave_event (t <= HUGE);
    void slave_step (double t0)
      static Event * slave = NULL;
      if (!slave) {
        int slave_init();
        init_grid (N);
        for (Event * ev = Events; !ev->last; ev++)
          if (!strcmp (ev->name, "slave_event")) {
    	slave = ev;
        assert (slave);
        iter = 0, t = 0., dt = 1.;
        events (true);
        iter = inext, t = tnext;
      slave->t = t0;
      while (t0 - t > TEPS*t0 && events (true))
        iter = inext, t = tnext;
    void slave_stop()

    When this file is included in a simulation (i.e. compiled as an object), the main() and run() functions are overloaded, since the master main() function will drive the simulation.

    # define main() slave_init()
    # define run() return 0
    #endif // _OBJECT

