
    “Slave” solver for the coupling example

    This should be read in combination with master.c. Aside from the slave.h include, this file is almost identical to karman.c.

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "embed.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "slave.h"
    double Reynolds = 160.;
    int maxlevel = 9;
    face vector muv[];
    double D = 0.5, U0 = 1.;
    event properties (i++)
        muv.x[] = fm.x[]*D*U0/Reynolds;
    u.n[left]  = dirichlet(U0);
    p[left]    = neumann(0.);
    pf[left]   = neumann(0.);
    u.n[right] = neumann(0.);
    p[right]   = dirichlet(0.);
    pf[right]  = dirichlet(0.);
    u.n[embed] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.t[embed] = dirichlet(0.);
    event init (t = 0)
      solid (cs, fs, sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y)) - D/2.);
        u.x[] = cs[] ? U0 : 0.;
    event logfile (i++)
      fprintf (stderr, "slave %d %g %g %d %d\n", i, t, dt, mgp.i, mgu.i);

    We start the slave movie at t = 15 so that the master and slave movies are synchronized (see how the slave_start variable is used in master.c).

    event movies (t = 15; t += 0.05)
      scalar omega[], m[];
      foreach() {
        omega[] = (u.y[1] - u.y[-1] + u.x[0,-1] - u.x[0,1])/(2.*Delta);
        m[] = cs[] - 0.5;
      output_ppm (omega, file = "vort-slave.mp4",
    	      min = -5, max = 5, linear = true, mask = m, n = 256);
    int main()
      L0 = 8. [1];
      origin (-0.5, -L0/2.);
      N = 128;
      mu = muv;