
    Phase change of mixtures

    The file is to be used in addition to elementary_body.h to handle evaporation of mixtures.

    A first step is to make diffuse the different compounds of the mixture in their associated phase, whitout crossing the interface.

    If not defined by the user we fixe a default value for F_ERR, the accepted error over f to avoid division by zero, set FACE_FRACTION_REFINE to 1.

      #define FACE_FRACTION_REFINE 0
    #ifndef F_ERR
      #define F_ERR 1e-10

    We need several header files:

    • diffusion.h: to make diffuse the diffusive tracer,
    • curvature.h: to use interfacial() function,
    • my_functions.h: to use some general functions like compute the normal in every cell,
    • extend_restrict_fields.h: to use compute_extended_mycs() which computes the mycs normal on the interface and extends it to the two first rows of neighbors.
    #include "diffusion.h"
    #include "curvature.h"
    #include "./../my_functions.h"
    #include "./../../lopez/src/fracface.h"
    #include "extend_restrict_fields.h"

    Diffusion with an immersed no flux condition

    We consider the diffusion of a tracer tr in a phase represented by a VOF tracer f. We write the discretization of the diffusion equation, at an interface, with a no flux condition, in 2D:

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial tr}{\partial t} = \nabla\cdot(D\, \nabla tr) \quad \text{with} \quad \iint{tr\, dS} \sim f\, tr\, \Delta^2 \displaystyle \iint{\frac{\partial tr}{\partial t} \, dS} = \int{D\, \nabla tr \cdot \mathbf{n}\, d\ell} \quad \text{then} \quad \Delta^2\, f\, \frac{\partial tr}{\partial t} = \sum_\text{faces}{\Delta\, f_f\, D\, \nabla tr \cdot \mathbf{n}} \displaystyle f\, \frac{\partial tr}{\partial t} = \nabla\cdot(f_f\, D\, \nabla tr)

    Therefore we see that to embody the no flux condition in the diffusion coeffient, we need to :

    • multiplie by f the left term, to take into account the fact that for the tracer associated to f, the volume of the cell is only f time its real volume, it is a volume correction,
    • multiplie by the face fraction f_f (face value of f) the diffusion coefficient, to ensure the no flux condition.

    We define here two functions: one uses directly the fully implicit scheme written in diffusion.h, the other use it in a way to implemente a Cranck-Nicholson scheme.

    Fully implicit scheme

    The inputs of the function are:

    • tr: diffusive tracer field,
    • f: VOF tracer,
    • dt: the time step.
    mgstats no_flux_diffusion (scalar tr, scalar f, double dt) {

    We allocate fields for the volume correction, the face fraction and the weighted diffusion coefficient.

      scalar volume_correction[];
      face vector f_f[], diffusion_coefficient[];
      #if TREE && !AXI
        volume_correction.prolongation = volume_correction.refine = fraction_refine;
      #if TREE && !AXI && FACE_FRACTION_REFINE // seems better without
        foreach_dimension() {
          diffusion_coefficient.x.prolongation = fraction_refine;
          diffusion_coefficient.x.refine = fraction_refine;

    If the tracer is associatied to the phase f=0 instead of the phase f=1, the volume correction becomes 1 - f and the face fraction has to be replaced by 1 - f_f.

      foreach() {
        f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
        volume_correction[] = cm[]*max(tr.inverse ? 1. - f[] : f[], F_ERR);
      boundary ({f, tr, volume_correction});

    To compute the face fraction, we use the function of Jose-Maria Lopez Herrera defined in fracface.h.

      face_fraction (f, f_f);
        diffusion_coefficient.x[] = tr.D*fm.x[]*(tr.inverse ? 1. - f_f.x[] : f_f.x[]);
      boundary((scalar *){diffusion_coefficient});

    The diffusion equation is solved thanks to diffusion.h:

      return diffusion (tr, dt, D = diffusion_coefficient, theta = volume_correction);

     Cranck-Nicholson scheme

    i and e indexes refer to initial values, before diffusion, and to end values, after diffusion, respectively. The fully implicit scheme is written: \displaystyle f\, \frac{c^e - c^i}{dt} = \nabla\cdot(f_f\, D\, \nabla c^e) + s and Cranck-Nicholson one: \displaystyle 2\, f\, \frac{c^e - c^i}{dt} = \nabla\cdot(f_f\, D\, \nabla c^i) + \nabla\cdot(f_f\, D\, \nabla c^e) + 2\, s Therefore, to transform our fully implicit scheme into a Cranck Nicholson one, we just have to multiply the volume correction by 2, and to add to the source term s the explicit term \nabla\cdot(f_f\, D\, \nabla c^i).

    mgstats no_flux_diffusion_cranck (scalar tr, scalar f, double dt) {

    We allocate fields for the volume correction, the face fraction and the weighted diffusion coefficient.

      scalar volume_correction[];
      face vector f_f[], diffusion_coefficient[];
      #if TREE && !AXI
        volume_correction.prolongation = volume_correction.refine = fraction_refine;
      #if TREE && !AXI && FACE_FRACTION_REFINE // seems better without
        foreach_dimension() {
          diffusion_coefficient.x.prolongation = fraction_refine;
          diffusion_coefficient.x.refine = fraction_refine;

    If the tracer is associatied to the phase f=0 instead of the phase f=1, the volume correction becomes 1 - f and the face fraction has to be replaced by 1 - f_f.

      foreach() {
        f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
        volume_correction[] = 2.*cm[]*max(tr.inverse ? 1. - f[] : f[], F_ERR);
      boundary ({f, tr, volume_correction});

    To compute the face fraction, we use the function of Jose-Maria Lopez Herrera defined in fracface.h.

      face_fraction (f, f_f);
        diffusion_coefficient.x[] = tr.D*fm.x[]*(tr.inverse ? 1. - f_f.x[] : f_f.x[]);
      boundary((scalar *){diffusion_coefficient});
      scalar cranck_term[];
      my_laplacian (tr, cranck_term, diffusion_coefficient);

    The diffusion equation is solved thanks to diffusion.h:

      return diffusion (tr, dt, D = diffusion_coefficient, theta = volume_correction,
                        r = cranck_term);

    Improvements to do for adaptative grids with axisymetry

    The minimum working examples mixture_diffusion_cranck.c and mixture_diffusion_translation.c are in fact really fragile: with a larger max level or another value of the ink patch radius, large values (positive or negative) of the tracer concentration appears on the interface. With a constant grid, the problem disappears, and whitout axysymetry, applying the refine function of the fractions to the volume correction seems to correct the bug. Neverthess, I do not know how write to right refine function nor boundary condition for a field equal to f\, cm.

    Advection with a non-solenoidal velocity

    Velocity field normal to the interface

    For test cases or mwe, it is convenient to have a constant velocity field defined just at the interface, just as a phase change velocity. This velocity can also be locally proportional to a given field c.

    struct Normal_Velocity {
      // mandatory
      scalar f;
      face vector ev;
      // optional
      double speed; // default 1e-3.
      scalar c; // default is uniform 1
    void normal_velocity (struct Normal_Velocity p) {

    We redefine input variables for convenience.

      scalar f = p.f, c = automatic (p.c);
      face vector ev = p.ev, cf[];
      double speed;
      if (p.speed)
        speed = p.speed;
        speed = 1e-3;
      vector n[];
      compute_normal (f, n);
      if (p.c.i) { // if c is given
          cf.x[] = min(c[], c[-1]);
        foreach_face() {
          ev.x[] = 0.;
    	    if (interfacial(point, f)) {
    		    if (interfacial(neighborp(-1), f))
              ev.x[] = - fm.x[]*speed*(n.x[] + n.x[-1])/2.*(n.x[] > 0. ? cf.x[-1] : cf.x[1]);
              ev.x[] = - fm.x[]*speed*n.x[]*(n.x[] > 0. ? cf.x[-1] : cf.x[1]);
    	    else if (interfacial(neighborp(-1), f))
    		    ev.x[] = - fm.x[]*speed*n.x[-1]*(n.x[-1] > 0. ? cf.x[-1] : cf.x[1]);
    	    else if (fabs(f[] - f[-1]) > 1. - 2.*F_ERR)
    		    ev.x[] = fm.x[]*speed*(f[-1] > f[] ? - cf.x[-1] : cf.x[1]);
    	else { // if c isn't given
        foreach_face() {
          ev.x[] = 0.;
    	    if (interfacial(point, f)) {
    		    if (interfacial(neighborp(-1), f))
              ev.x[] = - fm.x[]*speed*(n.x[] + n.x[-1])/2.;
              ev.x[] = - fm.x[]*speed*n.x[];
    	    else if (interfacial(neighborp(-1), f))
    		    ev.x[] = - fm.x[]*speed*n.x[-1];
    	    else if (fabs(f[] - f[-1]) > 1. - 2.*F_ERR)
    		    ev.x[] = (f[] > f[-1] ? 1. : -1.)*fm.x[]*speed;

    Distribution of the solute lost in the dry cell

    After the advection with respect to the phase change velocity, the solute remaining in the dry cells has to be redistributed in the neighboor cells. There is several ways to do this redistribution, I propose here to do it following the phase change velocity.

    The inputs of the function are:

    • f: the VOF tracer describing the interface, after the advection corresponding to the phase change,
    • qt: the quantity field (f\,c) of the solute,
    • velocity: the phase change velocity.
    void distribution (scalar f, scalar qt, face vector velocity) {

    To redistribute the solute remaining is the dry cell, we compute fluxes between the newly dry cells and their wet neighbors. These fluxes are weighted by the phase change velocity, but we need to normalize it as weight factors at the scale of a cell. For each cell, if a neighboor cell is wet and if the phase change velocity is outward, we add it postively to the norm.

      scalar norm_distrib[];
      foreach() {
        norm_distrib[] = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          norm_distrib[] += (f[-1] > F_ERR && velocity.x[] != nodata ?
                             max(-velocity.x[], 0.) : 0.)
                          + (f[1] > F_ERR && velocity.x[1] != nodata ?
                             max(velocity.x[1], 0.) : 0.);
      boundary({f, velocity, norm_distrib});

    We can now redistribute the solute. If a cell is wet, whereas one neighbor is dry, if the phase change velocity is inward and if the norm of the distribution is not null, we add to the wet cell its owed part of the solute remaning in the dry cell.

      foreach() {
          if (f[] > F_ERR && f[-1] < F_ERR && velocity.x[] > 0.
              && velocity.x[] != nodata && norm_distrib[-1] > 0.)
            qt[] += velocity.x[]*qt[-1]/norm_distrib[-1];
          if (f[] > F_ERR && f[1] < F_ERR && velocity.x[1] < 0.
              && norm_distrib[1] > 0.)
            qt[] -= velocity.x[1]*qt[1]/norm_distrib[1];
        qt[] = (f[] < F_ERR ? 0. : qt[]);

    Redistribution of the overloaded cells

    If we consider the solute concentration as a fraction (molar, mass or volumetric fraction), it can’t exceed one. We define here a function to redistribute the solute of the overloaded cells.

    The inputs of the function are:

    • f: the VOF tracer describing the interface, after the advection corresponding to the phase change,
    • fp: the VOF tracer describing the interface, before the advection corresponding to the phase change,
    • qt: the quantity field (f\,c) of the solute,
    • velocity: the phase change velocity.
    void distribution_over (scalar f, scalar fp, scalar qt, face vector velocity) {
      boundary({f, fp, qt});

    extend_face_vector_w0() is a function of extend_restrict_fields.h. It extends a velocity defined on a interface to the two first rows of neighbors. Since the phase change velocity has been defined with respect to the previous position of the interface, it has to be extend with the corresponding values of the VOF tracer.

      face vector ev[];  
      extend_face_vector_w0 (velocity, ev, fp);
      scalar norm_distrib[];
      foreach() {
        norm_distrib[] = 0.;
          norm_distrib[] += max(-ev.x[], 0.) + max(ev.x[1], 0.);

    We compute the flux between the overloaded cells and their neighbors. A concentration field over 1 corresponds to a quantity field over f.

      face vector flux[];
      foreach_face() {
        flux.x[] = - (qt[-1] > f[-1] && ev.x[] > 0. && norm_distrib[-1] > F_ERR ?
                      ev.x[]*(qt[-1] - f[-1])/norm_distrib[-1] : 0.)
                   + (qt[] > f[] && ev.x[] < 0. && norm_distrib[] > F_ERR ?
                      ev.x[]*(qt[] - f[])/norm_distrib[] : 0.);
      boundary((scalar *) {flux});

    We apply the computed flux.

      foreach() {
            qt[] += flux.x[] - flux.x[1];

    I propose a second function to do this redistribution, much simpler because it does not used the VOF field of the previous step, but whose logic and results are less convincing. The inputs of the function are:

    • f: the VOF tracer describing the interface, after the advection corresponding to the phase change,
    • qt: the quantity field (f\,c) of the solute.
    void distribution_over_2 (scalar f, scalar qt) {
      boundary({f, qt});
      vector mycs_vector[];

    compute_extended_mycs() is a function of extend_restrict_fields.h. It computes the mycs normal on the interface and extends it to the two first rows of neighbors.

      compute_extended_mycs (f, mycs_vector);

    We compute the flux between the overloaded cells and their neighbors. A concentration field over 1 corresponds to a quantity field over f.

      face vector flux[];
      foreach_face() {
        flux.x[] = - (qt[-1] > f[-1] && mycs_vector.x[-1] < 0. ?
                      mycs_vector.x[-1]*(qt[-1] - f[-1]) : 0.)
                   - (qt[] > f[] && mycs_vector.x[] > 0. && mycs_vector.x[] < 2. ?
                      mycs_vector.x[]*(qt[] - f[]) : 0.);
      boundary((scalar *) {flux});

    We apply the computed flux.

      foreach() {
            qt[] += flux.x[] - flux.x[1];

    Improvements to do

    It works approximatly as it is on adaptive meshes, but it is far less accurate. It would be great also to simplify it.