
    An example of moving solid

    This is a fairly rough way of approximating boundary conditions on a moving (or stationary) solid.

    A cylinder moves through a liquid with a velocity corresponding to a Reynolds number of 160 i.e. this is equivalent in principle to the von Karman vortex street example but in a different reference frame.

    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "fractions.h"
    int main(){
      L0 = 8.;
      origin (-0.5, -L0/2.);
      N = 512;
      const face vector muc[] = {0.00078125,0.00078125};
      mu = muc;

    We just make an (empty) long channel.

    event init (t = 0) {
      mask(y > 0.5 ? top: y < -0.5 ? bottom : none);

    The moving cylinder is created by first initialising a volume fraction field at each timestep corresponding to the position and shape of the moving cylinder. Note that cylinder should really be a temporary field inside moving_cylinder(). We just keep it as a global field to be able to display it in the movie below.

    scalar cylinder[];
    event moving_cylinder (i++) {
      coord vc = {1.,0.}; // the velocity of the cylinder
      fraction (cylinder, - (sq(x - vc.x*t) + sq(y - vc.y*t) - sq(0.0625)));

    We then use this (solid) volume fraction field to impose the corresponding velocity field inside the solid (as a volume-weighted average).

          u.x[] = cylinder[]*vc.x + (1. - cylinder[])*u.x[];
      boundary ((scalar *){u});

    We output some convergence statistics…

    event logfile (i++)
      fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %d %d %d %d\n", i, t,
    	   mgp.i, mgp.nrelax, mgu.i, mgu.nrelax);

    … and a movie of vorticity.

    Animation of the vorticity field.

    Animation of the vorticity field.

    event images (t += 0.1; t <= 10.0) {
      static FILE * fp = popen ("ppm2gif > vort.gif", "w");
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);

    Cells for which m is negative will be black in the movie.

      scalar m[];
        m[] = 0.5 - cylinder[];
      boundary ({m});
      output_ppm (omega, fp, box = {{-0.5,-0.5},{7.5,0.5}}, mask = m,
    	      min=-10, max=10, linear=true);

    We adapt according to the error on the velocity field as usual.

    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ((scalar *){u}, (double[]){3e-2,3e-2}, 9, 4);

    See also

    This method was used in Gerris in particular for these papers:


    Zhu Lin-Lin, Guan Hui, and Wu Chui-Jie. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of a bird model in unsteady flight. Computational Mechanics, pages 1–11, 2016. [ DOI | http ]


    C. J. Wu and L. Wang. Direct numerical simulation of self-propelled swimming of 3d bionic fish school. In Computational Mechanics, Proceedings of ISCM 2007, pages 1–17, 2007. [ .pdf ]