Frequenting Alphabetic Questions
Helping you and myself
Basilisk comes with many solves and functions, these have often been tested for their spatio-temporal convergence properties in limiting cases. Apart from the errors that are directly relatable to the discretized approach, the iterative multigrid Poisson solver allows a limited TOLERANCE
on the solution’s residuals.
Basilisk uses quadtrees to allow efficient adaptive grid refinement. The first thing we need to do is to remove the line setting the grid to Cartesian i.e.
#include "grid/cartesian.h" (to remove!!)
and to adapt the resolution according to the (wavelet-estimated) discretisation error of field h at each timestep (i++) we add
We have just told Basilisk to adapt the resolution according to the (wavelet-estimated) discretisation error of field h. This adaptation is done at each timestep (i++). Whenever the discretisation error is larger than 4. \ 10^{-3} the mesh is refined, down to a maximum of 8 quad tree levels in this case.
For problems with a symmetry of revolution around the z-axis of a cylindrical coordinate system.
- The longitudinal coordinate (z-axis) is x and the radial coordinate (r-axis) is y.
- Note that y (and so Y0) cannot be negative.
#include "axi.h"
Simple outflow conditions (i.e. constant pressure) can lead to undesirable backflows. This can be avoided by imposing a coarse mesh close to the outflow boundary, for example:
Camera view point
In case you wish to move the camera view point you must alter the default values of tx and ty in view(). You must realize that the relationship between the domain point (Xc,Yc) where you wish to center the camera and the parameters tx and ty is tx =-Xc/L0 and ty=-Yc/L0 where L0 is the size of the computational domain.
For instance, in case you wish to set the camera in the center of the square domain, Xc = X0 + L0/2 and Yc = Y0 + L0/2, you must set tx = -X0/L0-0.5 and ty = -Y0/L0 - 0.5.
How print the boundary values
for (int i = -2; i < 0; i++)
fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x + i*Δ, y, s[i]);
To report bugs go to the basilisk bugs page.
Useful flags
- -fopenmp (use openmp)
- -g (use debugger)
- -lm (link with math library)
- -Wall (Warning all)
- -events (print order events)
Density (and viscosity) variable
The density and viscosity are defined here using the arithmetic average.
#define ρ(f) ((f)*rho1 + (1. - (f))*rho2)
#define μ(f) ((f)*mu1 + (1. - (f))*mu2)
event properties (i++) {
foreach_face() {
double fm = (f[] + f[-1,0])/2.;
alphav.x[] = 1./ρ(fm);
muv.x[] = μ(fm);
alphacv[] = 1./ρ(f[]);
By default Basilisk runs on a quadtree grid. This also automatically sets a two-dimensional spatial domain.
For the example; 3 Dimensions (octree grid) are defined by an option during the generation of the source file:
qcc -source -grid=octree -D_MPI=1 atomisation.c
So compile with this option, or add:
#include "grid/octree.h"
at the top of your simulation file.
On a one-dimensional (1D) grid, there is the x direction which goes from the left
to the right
boundary, located at x = X0
and x = X0 + L0
, respectively. On a 2D grid, there also is a y direction, which goes from the bottom
to the top
boundary, located at y = Y0
and y = Y0 + L0
, respectively. Finally, on a 3D grid there exists an aditional z direction: Going from the back
to the front
boundary, lozated at z = Z0
and z = Z0 + L0
, respectively (i.e. a right-handed coordinate system).
Adding gravity force in the y direction
event acceleration (i++) {
face vector av = a;
av.x[] -= 0.98;
Face vector
In some cases, it can be necessary to apply different operations to each component of a face vector field. For example let’s assume we need to initialise a face vector field with the components (y,x). This could be done using
face vector u[];
u.x[] = y;
u.y[] = x;
Note that the coordinates x and y correspond to the center of the face.
Volume fraction
To initialize the volume fraction
vertex scalar phi[];
phi[] = sq(DIAMETER/2) - sq(x) - sq(y);
fractions (phi, c);
kdtquery is in the Basilisk release. There is just a missing symbolic link so that it’s automatically accessible through PATH. We will fix this.
In the meantime just do
% ln -s kdt/kdtquery
% which kdtquery
mask() only works on trees dont use
#include"grid/multigrid.h" (to remove!!)
Some macros functions are defined in Basilisk (see src/common.h for details)
@define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
@define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
@define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
@define cube(x) ((x)*(x)*(x))
@define sign(x) ((x) > 0 ? 1 : -1)
@define noise() (1. - 2.*rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)
@define clamp(x,a,b) ((x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x))
@define swap(type,a,b) { type tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; }
If you have problems with some macros please read K&R … to understand up more on how to use C preprocessor directives (i.e. all the keywords starting with #) correctly.
A few tips:
- always enclose expressions within brackets (see #define clamp)
- be careful to add dots to floating point constants
Minimal example
When you have a problem dont say “I have a problem” or “Dont work”, first take a look to the mailing list and then post a Minimal example please.
By default Basilisk place the origin (0,0) at the bottom of the left corner in 2D. To move it at the cent of the box we can set
X0 = -L0/2;
Y0 = -L0/2;
or the origin()
origin (-L0/2, -L0/2.);
L0 being the box size.
Output in parallel (MPI)
Apart from the output functions provided by Basilisk, a serially implemented output fuction may not work naively when using MPI. A few tips are:
- Let only a single thread (
) write to the disk:
if (pid() == 0)
fprintf(fp, "Hallo, this is pid() %d", pid());
This requires to properly reduce the various versions of a diagnostic variable using e.g. a reduction clausule or a more general reduction operation, such that the writing thread has access to the relevant data.
- Let each thread write it’s own file.
char fname[99];
sprintf(fname, "output_pid%d", pid());
FILE * fp = fopen(fname, "w");
fprintf(fp, "Hallo, this is pid() %d", pid());
Random numbers
The noise()
function returns random numbers between -1 and 1, example for setting 0 and 1 in a circle of center (0,0) and of radius 0.2
a[] = (x*x + y*y < sq(0.2))*(noise() > 0.);
boundary ({a});
To limit the most prominent effects of the deterministic pseudo-random-number generator, you can seed with the UNIX time stamp
Surface tension
The surface tension \sigma and interface curvature \kappa are associated to each VOF tracer.
The interface is represented by the volume fraction field c by
and setting by the way \sigma = 1. doing
c.sigma = 1.;
Basilisk is used to teach general computational fluid mechanics, see