
    Elasticity in the front-tracking framework

    In this file, we use the Lagrangian mesh to compute the stretches and the stresses associated to a specific elastic law. The default elastic law is the Neo-Hookean law.

    In three dimensions, this task is performed using an explicit finite element method introduced by Charrier et al..

    #define _ELASTICITY_FT 1
    #ifndef DWDL1
      #ifndef E_S
        #define E_S 1.
      #define DWDL1(L1, L2) (E_S/(3.*L1)*(sq(L1) - 1./(sq(L1*L2))))
      #define DWDL2(L1, L2) (E_S/(3.*L2)*(sq(L2) - 1./(sq(L1*L2))))

    Finite Element helper functions

    #if dimension > 2

    The function below returns the vertices of the triangle tid, rotated to the reference plane. Since node 0 is always located at (0,0,0), this function only returns the coordinates of nodes 1 and 2.

    void rotate_to_reference_plane(lagMesh* mesh, int tid, coord rn[2],
      double IM[3][3]) {
      if (!mesh->updated_normals) comp_normals(mesh);
      int nodes[3];
      for(int i=0; i<3; i++) nodes[i] = mesh->triangles[tid].node_ids[i];

    Step 1. compute the rotation matrix \bm{M} from the current plane to the reference plane

    We also compute its inverse \bm{IM}

      coord er[3], ec[3]; // reference and current coordinate systems
      er[0].x = 1.; er[0].y = 0.; er[0].z = 0.;
      er[1].x = 0.; er[1].y = 1.; er[1].z = 0.;
      er[2].x = 0.; er[2].y = 0.; er[2].z = 1.;

    Following Doddi & Bagchi, ec[0] is in the direction of [node0, node2]; ec[2] is the vector normal to the triangle and ec[1] = ec[2] \times ec[0]

      foreach_dimension() {
        ec[0].x = GENERAL_1DIST(mesh->nodes[nodes[2]].pos.x,
        ec[2].x = -mesh->triangles[tid].normal.x;
      double enorm = cnorm(ec[0]);
      foreach_dimension() ec[0].x /= enorm;
      foreach_dimension() ec[1].x = ec[2].y*ec[0].z - ec[2].z*ec[0].y;
      enorm = cnorm(ec[1]);
      foreach_dimension() ec[1].x /= enorm;
      double M[3][3];
      for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
          M[i][j] = cdot(ec[i], er[j]);
      for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
          IM[i][j] = M[j][i];

    Step 2. rotate the triangle to the reference basis

      double refNode[3];
      for(int k=0; k<2; k++) {
        double cv[3]; // cv for "current vector"
        cv[0] = GENERAL_1DIST(mesh->nodes[nodes[k+1]].pos.x,
        cv[1] = GENERAL_1DIST(mesh->nodes[nodes[k+1]].pos.y,
        cv[2] = GENERAL_1DIST(mesh->nodes[nodes[k+1]].pos.z,
        for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
          refNode[i] = 0.;
          for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
            refNode[i] += M[i][j]*cv[j];
        rn[k].x = refNode[0]; //rn for "reference node"
        rn[k].y = refNode[1];
        rn[k].z = refNode[2];

    The function below computes the shape functions attached to each triangle as well as the positions of each triangle’s nodes in the reference plane. These quantities are stored in the structure and will be used every time elastic forces are computed.

    void store_initial_configuration(lagMesh* mesh) {
      double buff[3][3];
      for(int i=0; i<mesh->nlt; i++) {
    1. Rotate the triangle to the reference plane and store the coordinates of nodes 1 and 2 (node 0 has coordinates (0,0)).
        rotate_to_reference_plane(mesh, i, mesh->triangles[i].refShape, buff);
    1. Compute the shape functions N_k = a_k x + b_k y + c_k. We only compute the coefficient a_k, b_k because c_k will be lost in the derivations.
        coord rn[2];
        for(int k=0; k<2; k++)
          foreach_dimension() rn[k].x = mesh->triangles[i].refShape[k].x;
        double det;

    2.1. Compute a_0, b_0

        det = rn[0].x*rn[1].y - rn[0].y*rn[1].x;
        assert(fabs(det) > 1.e-9*TOLERANCE);
        mesh->triangles[i].sfc[0][0] = (rn[0].y - rn[1].y)/det;
        mesh->triangles[i].sfc[0][1] = (rn[1].x - rn[0].x)/det;

    2.2. Compute a_1, b_1, a_2, b_2

        mesh->triangles[i].sfc[1][0] = rn[1].y/det;
        mesh->triangles[i].sfc[1][1] = -rn[1].x/det;
        mesh->triangles[i].sfc[2][0] = -rn[0].y/det;
        mesh->triangles[i].sfc[2][1] = rn[0].x/det;

    Computation of elastic stresses and nodal forces

    void comp_elastic_stress(lagMesh* mesh) {
      #if dimension < 3

    In 2D, the tensions are an explicit function of the edges’ lengths and we don’t need the finite element framework. For the moment, the Neo-Hookean law is hard-coded below, but other 2D elastic laws will be available soon.

      for(int i=0; i<mesh->nln; i++) {
        coord T[2];
        for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {
          int edge_id, edge_node1, edge_node2;
          edge_id = mesh->nodes[i].edge_ids[j];
          double stretch_cube =
          double tension_norm = (fabs(stretch_cube) > 1.e-10) ?
            E_S*(stretch_cube - 1.)/sqrt(stretch_cube) : 0.;

    We compute the direction vector e for the tension

          edge_node1 = mesh->edges[edge_id].node_ids[0];
          edge_node2 = mesh->edges[edge_id].node_ids[1];
          coord e;
          double ne = 0.;
          foreach_dimension() {
            double x1 = mesh->nodes[edge_node1].pos.x;
            double x2 = mesh->nodes[edge_node2].pos.x;

    Warning: the line below was not tested when the origin is not (0,0,0): it might be wrong in that case.

            e.x = (fabs(x1 - x2) < L0/2.) ? x1 - x2 : ((fabs(x1 - L0 - x2) > L0/2.)
              ? x1 + L0 - x2 : x1 - L0 - x2) ;
            ne += sq(e.x);
          ne = sqrt(ne);

    \bm{T_i} = \frac{E_s}{\lambda_i^{3/2}} (\lambda^3 - 1) \bm{e_i}

            T[j].x = (fabs(ne) > 1.e-10) ? tension_norm*e.x/ne : 0.;
        foreach_dimension() mesh->nodes[i].lagForce.x += T[0].x - T[1].x;
      #else // dimension == 3

    Implementation of the Finite Element method

    In 3D, the elastic stresses are computed using an explicit finite element method inspired from Charrier et al. and Doddi & Bagchi.

    We start by looping through each triangle of the Lagrangian mesh:

      for(int i=0; i<mesh->nlt; i++) {

    Step 1. Rotate the current triangle to common plane using the rotation matrix \bm{R}

        coord cn[2];
        double R[3][3]; // the rotation matrix from the reference to the current plane
        rotate_to_reference_plane(mesh, i, cn, R);

    Step 2. Compute the displacement \bm{v_k} of each node k.

    We only have to compute two displacements since node 0 is always at the origin of the reference plane.

    From now on we abandon the convenient use of foreach_dimension() since we have to manipulate 2D vectors and matrices.

        double v[2][2];
        for(int k=0; k<2; k++) {
          v[k][0] = cn[k].x - mesh->triangles[i].refShape[k].x;
          v[k][1] = cn[k].y - mesh->triangles[i].refShape[k].y;

    Step 3. Compute the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor from the displacement \bm{v_k}:

    \displaystyle \bm{C} = \bm{F^t}\bm{F}\;, \quad \bm{F} = \frac{\partial \bm{v_k}}{\partial\bm{x^P}} with \bm{x^P} = [x_p, y_p] the two-dimensional coordinates of the common- plane

        double F[2][2]; // The deformation gradient tensor
        double C[2][2]; // The right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor
        for(int ii=0; ii<2; ii++) {
          for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {
            F[ii][j] = (ii == j) ? 1. : 0.;
            for(int k=1; k<3; k++) {
              F[ii][j] += mesh->triangles[i].sfc[k][j]*v[k-1][ii];
        for(int ii=0; ii<2; ii++) {
          for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {
            C[ii][j] = 0.;
            for(int k=0; k<2; k++) {
              C[ii][j] += F[k][ii]*F[k][j];

    Step 4. Compute the two principal stretches \lambda_1, \lambda_2 from the Cauchy-Green deformation tensor \bm{C}

        double lambda[2];
        lambda[0] = sqrt(.5*(C[0][0] + C[1][1] - sqrt(sq(C[0][0] - C[1][1]) +
        lambda[1] = sqrt(.5*(C[0][0] + C[1][1] + sqrt(sq(C[0][0] - C[1][1]) +

    Below we add the stretch and stress

        double t1, t2;
        t1 = DWDL1(lambda[0], lambda[1])/lambda[1];
        t2 = DWDL2(lambda[0], lambda[1])/lambda[0];
        mesh->triangles[i].tension[0] = t1;
        mesh->triangles[i].tension[1] = t2;
        mesh->triangles[i].stretch[0] = lambda[0];
        mesh->triangles[i].stretch[1] = lambda[1];

    Step 5. For each node of the triangle, compute the force in the common plane,

    then rotate it and add it to the Lagrangian force of the node

        for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
          int nodes[3];
          for (int k=0; k<3; k++) nodes[k] = mesh->triangles[i].node_ids[k];

    5.1 Compute \frac{\partial \lambda_1}{\partial \bm{v_j}} and \frac{\partial \lambda_2}{\partial \bm{v_j}}

          double dldv[2][2];
          double den = sqrt(sq(C[0][0] - C[1][1]) + 4*sq(C[0][1]));
          int sign[2] = {-1, 1};
          double a[2];
          a[0] = mesh->triangles[i].sfc[j][0];
          a[1] = mesh->triangles[i].sfc[j][1];
          for(int k=0; k<2; k++) {
            for(int l=0; l<2; l++) {
              int c1, c2;
              c1 = l;
              c2 = (l+1)%2;
              dldv[k][l] = (a[c1]*F[c1][c1] + a[c2]*F[c1][c2])/(2*lambda[k]);
              if (den > 1.e-12)
              dldv[k][l] += sign[k]*((C[c1][c1] - C[c2][c2])*(a[c1]*F[c1][c1] -
                a[c2]*F[c1][c2]) + 2*C[0][1]*(a[c1]*F[c1][c2] +

    5.2 Compute \bm{f_j}^P as follows: \displaystyle \bm{f_j}^P = \frac{\partial W}{\partial \lambda_1} \frac{\partial \lambda_1}{\partial \bm{v_j}} + \frac{\partial W}{\partial \lambda_2} \frac{\partial \lambda_2}{\partial \bm{v_j}}

          coord fj;
          fj.x = DWDL1(lambda[0], lambda[1])*dldv[0][0] +
            DWDL2(lambda[0], lambda[1])*dldv[1][0];
          fj.y = DWDL1(lambda[0], lambda[1])*dldv[0][1] +
            DWDL2(lambda[0], lambda[1])*dldv[1][1];

    5.3 Rotate the force in the common plane to the current plane: \bm{f_j} = \bm{R^T} \bm{f_j}^P

          double area = mesh->triangles[i].area;
          mesh->nodes[nodes[j]].lagForce.x -= area*(R[0][0]*fj.x + R[0][1]*fj.y);
          mesh->nodes[nodes[j]].lagForce.y -= area*(R[1][0]*fj.x + R[1][1]*fj.y);
          mesh->nodes[nodes[j]].lagForce.z -= area*(R[2][0]*fj.x + R[2][1]*fj.y);

    Call the above functions at the appropriate events

    At the beginning of the computation, we compute the shape functions assuming the initial configuration is stress-free. If this is not the case, a workaround is to modify the shape of the membrane in an event following according to the desired pre-stressed conditions. See the constricted_channel.c case for an example of a isotropically pre-stressed membrane.

    #if dimension > 2
    event init (i = 0) {
      #if (RESTART_CASE == 0)
        for(int j=0; j<NCAPS; j++)
          if (CAPS(j).isactive) store_initial_configuration(&(CAPS(j)));
    event acceleration (i++) {
      for(int i=0; i<allCaps.nbcaps; i++)
        if (CAPS(i).isactive)



    Sai K Doddi and Prosenjit Bagchi. Lateral migration of a capsule in a plane poiseuille flow in a channel. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 34(10):966–986, 2008.


    JM Charrier, S Shrivastava, and R Wu. Free and constrained inflation of elastic membranes in relation to thermoforming—non-axisymmetric problems. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 24(2):55–74, 1989.
