
    Uniaxial stretch of a flat membrane

    In this case, we define a rectangular flat membrane composed of just two triangles, stretch it in and plot the non-zero principal tension T_1 with respect to its corresponding the principal stretches e_1 = \frac{1}{2}(\lambda_1^2 -1): \displaystyle T_1 = \frac{1}{\lambda_2}\frac{\partial W}{\partial \lambda_1}, with \lambda_i = \frac{l}{l_0} the stretch ratio (ratio of current over initial length) and W(\lambda_1, \lambda_2) the strain energy function of the considered elastic law.

    Following Barthès-Biesel, we ensure the deformation of the membrane satisfies T_2 = 0, allowing to express \lambda_2 as a function of \lambda_1.


    We define the relevant quantities: domain size, number of capsules (membranes), number of Lagrangian points (nodes), octree level, characteristic size of the rectangular membrane, etc.

    #define L0 1.
    #define NCAPS 1
    #define LEVEL 1
    #define H0 (L0/8.)

    Change the SKALAK macro to 0 to consider a neo-Hookean membrane.

    #define SKALAK 0

    Technically we don’t need the octree grid nor the Navier-Stokes solver, but we keep them because the stress computations are already conveniently called using the event framework. And this case is super fast so we don’t really care :)

    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "lagrangian_caps/capsule-ft.h"
    #if SKALAK
      #include "lagrangian_caps/skalak-ft.h"
      #include "lagrangian_caps/neo-hookean-ft.h"
    #include "lagrangian_caps/view-ft.h"
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
      origin(-.5*L0, -.5*L0, -.5*L0);
      N = 1 << LEVEL;

    In the event below we manually create a rectangular membrane composed of four nodes (the vertices of the rectangles), five edges (its sides plus one diagonal) and two triangles.

    event init (i = 0) {

    Initialize two triangles

      lagMesh* mesh = &CAPS(0);
      mesh->nln = 4;
      mesh->nle = 5;
      mesh->nlt = 2;
      mesh->nodes = malloc(mesh->nln*sizeof(lagNode));
      mesh->edges = malloc(mesh->nle*sizeof(Edge));
      mesh->triangles = malloc(mesh->nlt*sizeof(Triangle));

    Create nodes, edges and triangles

      mesh->nodes[0].pos.x = -H0;
      mesh->nodes[0].pos.y = -H0/2;
      mesh->nodes[0].pos.z = 0.;
      mesh->nodes[1].pos.x = -H0;
      mesh->nodes[1].pos.y = H0/2;
      mesh->nodes[1].pos.z = 0.;
      mesh->nodes[2].pos.x = H0;
      mesh->nodes[2].pos.y = H0/2;
      mesh->nodes[2].pos.z = 0.;
      mesh->nodes[3].pos.x = H0;
      mesh->nodes[3].pos.y = -H0/2;
      mesh->nodes[3].pos.z = 0.;
      mesh->edges[0].node_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->edges[0].node_ids[1] = 1;
      mesh->edges[1].node_ids[0] = 1;
      mesh->edges[1].node_ids[1] = 2;
      mesh->edges[2].node_ids[0] = 2;
      mesh->edges[2].node_ids[1] = 3;
      mesh->edges[3].node_ids[0] = 3;
      mesh->edges[3].node_ids[1] = 0;
      mesh->edges[4].node_ids[0] = 1;
      mesh->edges[4].node_ids[1] = 3;
      mesh->triangles[0].node_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->triangles[0].node_ids[1] = 1;
      mesh->triangles[0].node_ids[2] = 3;
      mesh->triangles[0].edge_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->triangles[0].edge_ids[1] = 3;
      mesh->triangles[0].edge_ids[2] = 4;
      mesh->triangles[1].node_ids[0] = 1;
      mesh->triangles[1].node_ids[1] = 2;
      mesh->triangles[1].node_ids[2] = 3;
      mesh->triangles[1].edge_ids[0] = 1;
      mesh->triangles[1].edge_ids[1] = 2;
      mesh->triangles[1].edge_ids[2] = 4;

    Create neighbors informations

      mesh->nodes[0].nb_neighbors = 2;
      mesh->nodes[0].nb_triangles = 1;
      mesh->nodes[0].neighbor_ids[0] = 1;
      mesh->nodes[0].neighbor_ids[1] = 3;
      mesh->nodes[0].edge_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->nodes[0].edge_ids[1] = 3;
      mesh->nodes[0].triangle_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->nodes[1].nb_neighbors = 3;
      mesh->nodes[1].nb_triangles = 2;
      mesh->nodes[1].neighbor_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->nodes[1].neighbor_ids[1] = 2;
      mesh->nodes[1].neighbor_ids[2] = 3;
      mesh->nodes[1].edge_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->nodes[1].edge_ids[1] = 1;
      mesh->nodes[1].edge_ids[2] = 4;
      mesh->nodes[1].triangle_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->nodes[1].triangle_ids[1] = 1;
      mesh->nodes[2].nb_neighbors = 2;
      mesh->nodes[2].nb_triangles = 1;
      mesh->nodes[2].neighbor_ids[0] = 1;
      mesh->nodes[2].neighbor_ids[1] = 0;
      mesh->nodes[2].edge_ids[0] = 1;
      mesh->nodes[2].edge_ids[1] = 2;
      mesh->nodes[2].triangle_ids[0] = 0;
      mesh->nodes[3].nb_neighbors = 3;
      mesh->nodes[3].nb_triangles = 2;
      mesh->nodes[3].neighbor_ids[0] = 2;
      mesh->nodes[3].neighbor_ids[1] = 0;
      mesh->nodes[3].neighbor_ids[2] = 1;
      mesh->nodes[3].edge_ids[0] = 2;
      mesh->nodes[3].edge_ids[1] = 3;
      mesh->nodes[3].edge_ids[2] = 4;
      mesh->nodes[3].triangle_ids[0] = 1;
      mesh->nodes[3].triangle_ids[1] = 0;

    Below we impose the position of the membrane in order to span a range of principal strains, while ensuring the tension T_2 is always zero. This results in a non-zero stretch ratio in the y-direction:

    \lambda_2^{NH} = 1/\sqrt{\lambda_1} for the neo-Hookean law, and

    \displaystyle \lambda_2^{SK} = \sqrt{\frac{1 + C \lambda_1^2}{1 + C \lambda_1^4}} for the Skalak law.

    event acceleration (i++) {
      lagMesh* mesh = &CAPS(0);
      double strain_comp = 0.01*i;
      double stretch1 = sqrt(2*strain_comp +1);
      #if SKALAK
        double stretch2 = sqrt((1 + AREA_DILATATION_MODULUS*sq(stretch1))/
          (1 + AREA_DILATATION_MODULUS*sq(sq(stretch1))));
      #else // neo-hookean membrane
        double stretch2 = 1/sqrt(stretch1);
      mesh->nodes[0].pos.x = -stretch1*H0;
      mesh->nodes[1].pos.x = -stretch1*H0;
      mesh->nodes[2].pos.x = stretch1*H0;
      mesh->nodes[3].pos.x = stretch1*H0;
      mesh->nodes[0].pos.y = -.5*H0*stretch2;
      mesh->nodes[1].pos.y = .5*H0*stretch2;
      mesh->nodes[2].pos.y = .5*H0*stretch2;
      mesh->nodes[3].pos.y = -.5*H0*stretch2;
      mesh->nodes[0].pos.z = 0.;
      mesh->nodes[1].pos.z = 0.;
      mesh->nodes[2].pos.z = 0.;
      mesh->nodes[3].pos.z = 0.;
      for(int j=0; j<4; j++) foreach_dimension() mesh->nodes[j].lagForce.x = 0.;
    event logfile (i++) {
      for(int i=0; i<CAPS(0).nlt; i++) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%d, %g, %g, %g, %g\n", i,
        .5*(sq(CAPS(0).triangles[i].stretch[0]) - 1.),
        .5*(sq(CAPS(0).triangles[i].stretch[1]) - 1.),
    event end (i = 100) {
      lagMesh* mesh = &CAPS(0);
      return 0;


    set title "Stress-strain response of flat elastic neo-Hookean (bottom) \nand Skalak (top) membranes under an uniaxial elongation"
    set grid
    set xlabel "Principal strain"
    set ylabel "Principal stress"
    set key top left reverse Left
    set label at 0.68,1.2 "Neo-Hookean law"
    set label at 0.63,4.5 "Skalak law"
    l(x) = sqrt(2*x + 1)
    nh(x) = (l(x)**3 - 1)/l(x)**1.5
    sk(x) = l(x)*(l(x)**2 - 1)*sqrt((1 + l(x)**2)/(1 + l(x)**4))*((1 + l(x)**4)/(1 + l(x)**2) + 1/(1 + l(x)**4))
    set samples 20
    set pointsize 1.5
    plot 'log' using 4:(3*$5) every 10 w p pt 1 lc rgb "red" title "This study", \
    nh(x) w l lc -1 title "Exact", \
    '../../regression-tests/stress-strain-skalak/log' using 4:5 every 10 w p pt 1 lc rgb "red" title "", \
    sk(x) w l lc -1 title ""




    Dominique Barthes-Biesel, Anna Diaz, and Emmanuelle Dhenin. Effect of constitutive laws for two-dimensional membranes on flow-induced capsule deformation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 460:211–222, 2002.