
    Eulerian elasticity

    In this file we define and advect the tensors that track the elongation of a region of space \Gamma occupied by an elastic solid. It is meant to be combined with capsule.h to provide a description of biological membranes.

    It was shown by Barthès-Biesel and Rallison that the stress tensor of an elastic membrane can be described in an Eulerian fashion with the left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor \bm{B} and the local projector onto the membrane \mathbf{P} = \mathbf{I} - \mathbf{n}\mathbf{n}, with \mathbf{n} denoting the interface unit normal vector.

    Recently, it was demonstrated by Ii et al. that this Eulerian expression of the stress tensor can be successfully implemented in order to simulate elastic capsules without meshing their membrane and without requiring a boundary-fitted fluid mesh or an immersed boundary method (IBM). They report that it is more stable to advect the modified left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor \mathbf{G} = J^{-1}\mathbf{B}, where J = \sqrt{(tr(\mathbf{B})^2 - tr(\mathbf{B}^2))/2} is the surface Jacobian of the membrane, i.e. the local membrane area change .

    Both J and \mathbf{G} are only defined in the capsule region \Gamma, and in this region they follow the advection equations:

    \displaystyle \partial_t J + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla J = (\nabla_s \cdot \mathbf{u}) J \displaystyle \partial_t \mathbf{G} + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla \mathbf{G} = \mathbf{G} \cdot \nabla_s \mathbf{u} + (\nabla_s \mathbf{u})^T \cdot \mathbf{G} - (\nabla_s \cdot \mathbf{u}) \mathbf{G} \displaystyle \text{with} \quad \nabla_s = \mathbf{P} \cdot \nabla denoting by \mathbf{n} the interface normal, \nabla_s the surface gradient and \nabla_s \cdot the surface divergence.

    We have the option of defining a pre-inflated capsule by setting J_0 to a value greater than 1. By default, there is no stress on the capsule in the reference configuration.

    #ifndef J0
      #define J0 1.

    // We can also advect the Eulerian quantities in the sole region of the membrane // (instead of going through all grid cells and computing zero fluxes when we are // out of the membrane area). In that case, we only need one layer of initialized // cells close the the membrane //

    // #ifndef LOCAL_BCG
    //   #define LOCAL_BCG 0
    // #endif
    // #if (LOCAL_BCG)
    //   #include "local_bcg.h"
    // #endif
      #define EXTEND_MB_ATTRIBUTES 1

    We now declare the centered Eulerian quantities: the modified left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor \mathbf{G} and its source term in its advection equation \mathbf{\text{Source}_G}, the velocity gradient and surface gradient, a vector defining normals to the interface in the whole membrane region \Gamma, the surface Jacobian J and its source term in its advection equation \text{Source}_J.

    scalar J[], sJ[];
    symmetric tensor G[], sG[];
    event defaults (i = 0) {
      for (scalar s in {G, sG, J, sJ}) {
          s.v.x.i = -1;
          foreach_dimension() {
            s[left] = neumann(0.);
            s[right] = neumann(0.);
      foreach() {
        J[] = J0;
        foreach_dimension() {
          G.x.x[] = 1.;
        G.x.y[] = 0.;
        G.x.z[] = 0.;
        G.y.z[] = 0.;
    event init (i = 0) {
      boundary((scalar *) {J, sJ, G, sG});
    event tracer_advection (i++) {
      foreach() {

    We loop through the membrane cells, and prepare construction of RHS of the advection equations of J and \bm{G}:

        sJ[] = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          sG.x.x[] = 0.;
        sG.x.y[] = 0.;
        sG.x.z[] = 0.;
        sG.y.z[] = 0.;
          if (IS_INTERFACE_CELL(point,f)) {
          if (GAMMA) {

    We construct the velocity gradient tensor at the center of the cells.

          pseudo_t grad_u, sgrad_u;
          foreach_dimension() {
            grad_u.x.x = (u.x[1,0,0] - u.x[-1,0,0])/(2.*Delta);
            grad_u.x.y = (u.x[0,1,0] - u.x[0,-1,0])/(2.*Delta);
            grad_u.x.z = (u.x[0,0,1] - u.x[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
          foreach_dimension() {

    We then construct the velocity surface gradient and surface divergence at the center of the cells.

            sgrad_u.x.x = (1 - sq(extended_n.x[]))*grad_u.x.x
                            - extended_n.x[]*extended_n.y[]*grad_u.x.y
                            - extended_n.x[]*extended_n.z[]*grad_u.x.z;
            sgrad_u.x.y = (1 - sq(extended_n.y[]))*grad_u.x.y
                            - extended_n.x[]*extended_n.y[]*grad_u.x.x
                            - extended_n.y[]*extended_n.z[]*grad_u.x.z;
            sgrad_u.x.z = (1 - sq(extended_n.z[]))*grad_u.x.z
                            - extended_n.x[]*extended_n.z[]*grad_u.x.x
                            - extended_n.y[]*extended_n.z[]*grad_u.x.y;
            sJ[] += sgrad_u.x.x;

    At this point sJ contains the surface divergence of u, which we use to compute sG

          foreach_dimension() {
            sG.x.x[] = 2*(sgrad_u.x.x*G.x.x[] + sgrad_u.x.y*G.y.x[]
              + sgrad_u.x.z*G.z.x[]) - sJ[]*G.x.x[];
          sG.x.y[] = sgrad_u.x.x*G.x.y[] + sgrad_u.x.y*G.y.y[]
                    + sgrad_u.x.z*G.z.y[] + G.x.x[]*sgrad_u.y.x
                    + G.x.y[]*sgrad_u.y.y + G.x.z[]*sgrad_u.y.z - sJ[]*G.x.y[];
          sG.x.z[] = sgrad_u.x.x*G.x.z[] + sgrad_u.x.y*G.y.z[]
                    + sgrad_u.x.z*G.z.z[] + G.x.x[]*sgrad_u.z.x
                    + G.x.y[]*sgrad_u.z.y + G.x.z[]*sgrad_u.z.z - sJ[]*G.x.z[];
          sG.y.z[] = sgrad_u.y.x*G.x.z[] + sgrad_u.y.y*G.y.z[]
                    + sgrad_u.y.z*G.z.z[] + G.y.x[]*sgrad_u.z.x
                    + G.y.y[]*sgrad_u.z.y + G.y.z[]*sgrad_u.z.z - sJ[]*G.y.z[];
          sJ[] *= J[];
        } // end if the cell is in the membrane region
      } // foreach

    We now use the Bell-Colella-Glaz scheme to compute the material derivative

      boundary((scalar *){J, G});
      advection((scalar *) {J, G}, uf, dt);
      foreach() {
          if (IS_INTERFACE_CELL(point,f)) {
          if (GAMMA) {

    We advance in time J and using their respective source terms

          J[] += dt*sJ[];
          foreach_dimension() {
            G.x.x[] += dt*sG.x.x[];
          G.x.y[] += dt*sG.x.y[];
          G.x.z[] += dt*sG.x.z[];
          G.y.z[] += dt*sG.y.z[];
      boundary((scalar *){J, G});

    Then we extend J and in the normal direction from the interface in order to force these quantities to be constant on the interface. In this process, we re-use sJ and sG as temporary field values.

        normal_scalar_extension({J, G}, (scalar *) {sJ, sG}, nb_iter_extension);
      foreach() {
        if (GAMMA) {

    Finally, we enforce \bm{n}\cdot\bm{G} = \bm{G}\cdot\bm{n} = 0 by replacing \bm{G} by \bm{P}\cdot\bm{G}\cdot\bm{P}

          pseudo_t P, GP;
          foreach_dimension() {
            P.x.x = 1 - sq(extended_n.x[]);
            P.x.y = -extended_n.x[]*extended_n.y[];
            P.x.z = -extended_n.x[]*extended_n.z[];
          foreach_dimension() {
            GP.x.x = G.x.x[]*P.x.x + G.x.y[]*P.y.x + G.x.z[]*P.z.x;
            GP.x.y = G.x.x[]*P.x.y + G.x.y[]*P.y.y + G.x.z[]*P.z.y;
            GP.x.z = G.x.x[]*P.x.z + G.x.y[]*P.y.z + G.x.z[]*P.z.z;
          foreach_dimension() {
            G.x.x[] = P.x.x*GP.x.x + P.x.y*GP.y.x + P.x.z*GP.z.x;
          G.x.y[] = P.x.x*GP.x.y + P.x.y*GP.y.y + P.x.z*GP.z.y;
          G.x.z[] = P.x.x*GP.x.z + P.x.y*GP.y.z + P.x.z*GP.z.z;
          G.y.z[] = P.y.x*GP.x.z + P.y.y*GP.y.z + P.y.z*GP.z.z;
        else {
          J[] = J0;
          foreach_dimension() {
            G.x.x[] = 1.;
          G.x.y[] = 0.;
          G.x.z[] = 0.;
          G.y.z[] = 0.;
      boundary((scalar *){J, G});
    } // tracer_advection