
    Eulerian representation of capsules

    We wish to use the VOF framework to represent capsules, i.e. thin mecapsranes enclosing an inner fluid. Our approach is greatly inspired from the work of Ii et al., 2012 and Ii et al., 2018.

    In this approach, and in contrast to the continuum surface force from Brackbill et al., the membrane stresses are transmitted to the fluid over a zone of influence \Gamma of width greater than one mesh size (typically a width of about 7in the direction normal to the mecapsrane is a good choice). This is because some Eulerian quantities (needed to capture the elastic behaviour of the membrane) are to be defined and advected in the membrane region only.

    The scalar \phi \equiv caps is defined as a smoothed version of the fraction scalar f. We also define the gradient of caps, which is non zero in \Gamma only.

    typedef struct { double x, y, z;}   pseudo_v;
    typedef struct { pseudo_v x, y, z;} pseudo_t;
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #define IS_INTERFACE_CELL(point, f) (interfacial(point, f))
    #ifndef GRAD_THRESHOLD
      #define GRAD_THRESHOLD 1.e-1
    #ifndef SHARP_DIRAC
      #define SHARP_DIRAC 0
      #define RECOMPUTE_NGCAPS 0
      #define COMPUTE_NORMALS 1
    #ifndef USE_MYC
      #define USE_MYC 0
    #ifndef USE_YOUNGS
      #define USE_YOUNGS 0
    #if (USE_MYC) || (USE_YOUNGS)
      #define USE_HEIGHT_FUNCTIONS 0
      #define USE_HEIGHT_FUNCTIONS 1
    #if (USE_MYC)
      #include "myc.h"
    #define BGHOSTS 2
    #define EPS 1.e-14
    #define GAMMA (ngcaps[] > GRAD_THRESHOLD)
    #define NBG_GAMMA(X,Y,Z) ((ngcaps[X,Y,Z] > GRAD_THRESHOLD))

    Below we implement the vertex-averaged and the double-vertex-averaged macros. We use them to define the membrane region by smoothing the color function.

    #if dimension<=2
      #define VAVG(F,X,Y) ((4.*F[X,Y] + 2.*(F[X+1,Y,0] + F[X,Y+1] + F[X-1,Y] + \
      F[X,Y-1]) + F[X+1,Y+1] + F[X-1,Y+1] + F[X+1,Y-1] + F[X-1,Y-1])/16.)
      #define VAVG(F,X,Y,Z) ((8*F[X,Y,Z] + 4*(F[X+1,Y,Z] + F[X,Y+1,Z] + F[X,Y,Z+1] \
      + F[X-1,Y,Z] + F[X,Y-1,Z] + F[X,Y,Z-1]) + 2*(F[X+1,Y+1,Z] + F[X+1,Y,Z+1] + \
      F[X,Y+1,Z+1] + F[X-1,Y+1,Z] + F[X+1,Y-1,Z] + F[X-1,Y,Z+1] + F[X+1,Y,Z-1] + \
      F[X,Y+1,Z-1] + F[X,Y-1,Z+1] + F[X-1,Y-1,Z] + F[X-1,Y,Z-1] + F[X,Y-1,Z-1]) + \
      F[X+1,Y+1,Z+1] + F[X-1,Y+1,Z+1] + F[X+1,Y-1,Z+1] + F[X+1,Y+1,Z-1] + \
      F[X-1,Y-1,Z+1] + F[X-1,Y+1,Z-1] + F[X+1,Y-1,Z-1] + F[X-1,Y-1,Z-1])/64.)
    #if dimension<=2
      #define DVAVG(F) ((4.*VAVG(F,0,0) + 2.*(VAVG(F,1,0) + VAVG(F,0,1) + \
      VAVG(F,-1,0) + VAVG(F,0,-1)) + VAVG(F,1,1) + VAVG(F,-1,1) + VAVG(F,1,-1) + \
      #define DVAVG(F) ((8*VAVG(F,0,0,0) + 4*(VAVG(F,1,0,0) + VAVG(F,0,1,0) + \
      VAVG(F,0,0,1) + VAVG(F,-1,0,0) + VAVG(F,0,-1,0) + VAVG(F,0,0,-1)) + \
      2*(VAVG(F,1,1,0) + VAVG(F,1,0,1) + VAVG(F,0,1,1) + VAVG(F,-1,1,0) + \
      VAVG(F,1,-1,0) + VAVG(F,-1,0,1) + VAVG(F,1,0,-1) + VAVG(F,0,1,-1) + \
      VAVG(F,0,-1,1) + VAVG(F,-1,-1,0) + VAVG(F,-1,0,-1) + VAVG(F,0,-1,-1)) + \
      VAVG(F,1,1,1) + VAVG(F,-1,1,1) + VAVG(F,1,-1,1) + VAVG(F,1,1,-1) + \
      VAVG(F,-1,-1,1) + VAVG(F,-1,1,-1) + VAVG(F,1,-1,-1) + VAVG(F,-1,-1,-1))/64.)

    We introduce the scalar caps, which is a smoothed color function. By taking the norm of its gradient, it defines an “extended membrane region” where elastic quantities (J and \bm{G}) can exist.

    scalar caps[];
    vector grad_caps[];
    scalar ngcaps[];
    int nb_iter_extension = 100;

    We also define the stress tensor T_s and the extended normal vector. The normal vectors away from the interface are computed using a diffusion equation from the interfacial cells, stored in the file normal_extension.h

    symmetric tensor Ts[];
    vector extended_n[];
    scalar aen[]; //for debug only
    vector centered_ae[]; //for debug only
    #include "normal_extension.h"

    At t=0, we need to tell Basilisk not to apply default boundary conditions on the components of T_s: this is because T_s is a collection of three vectors and by default the normal and tangential components of a vector are treated differently. By setting each i attribute of each component of T_s, we tell Basilisk to treat it as a scalar value.

    event defaults (i = 0) {
      for (scalar s in {extended_n, Ts}) {
          s.v.x.i = -1;
          foreach_dimension() {
            s[left] = neumann(0.);
            s[right] = neumann(0.);
      foreach() {
        foreach_dimension() {
          Ts.x.x[] = 0.;
        Ts.x.y[] = 0.;
        Ts.x.z[] = 0.;
        Ts.y.z[] = 0.;
      if (is_constant(a.x)) {
        a = new face vector;
          a.x[] = 0.;
        boundary ((scalar *){a});
    event init (i = 0) {
      boundary((scalar*){Ts, extended_n});

    In this even “pp_vof” (for post-processing VOF), we define the membrane region and its normal vectors. The code is a bit messy because we can define macros in order to choose which method of computing the normal vectors to use. By increasing order of accuracy, we have: gradient of smoothed color function (order 0), Youngs scheme (likely order 0, to be checked), Mixed Youngs Centered - scheme (to check if order 0 or 1), height-functions (order 1, checked).

    event pp_vof (i++) {
      if (i>2) nb_iter_extension = MAX_ITER_EXTENSION;
      foreach() {
        caps[] = DVAVG(f);
      foreach() {
        foreach_dimension() {
          grad_caps.x[] = (caps[1,0] - caps[-1,0])/(2.*Delta);
        ngcaps[] = norm(grad_caps);
      boundary({ngcaps, grad_caps});
          if (i == 0) {
          foreach() {
            if (GAMMA) {
              #if (USE_MYC) || (USE_YOUNGS)
                #if (USE_MYC)
                  coord my_normals = mycs(point, caps);
                  coord my_normals = youngs_normals(point, caps);
                foreach_dimension() {
                  extended_n.x[] = my_normals.x;
                foreach_dimension() {
                  extended_n.x[] = -grad_caps.x[]/ngcaps[];
            else {
              foreach_dimension() {
                extended_n.x[] = 0.;
          else {

    After computing the stress in neo-hookean.h, we add the body force to the face acceleration field. This step consists in taking the surface divergence of the stress tensor multiplied by a regularized Dirac:

    \displaystyle \bm{a_e} = \delta \nabla_s \cdot T_s

    Again, the code is a bit messy because we can vary the sharpness of the regularized Dirac: “sharp” corresponds to the continuum surface force, i.e. differentiating the original color function f; as opposed to differentiating the norm of the gradient of the smoothed color function ngcaps.

    We can also choose to apply the Dirac when we compute the stress tensor, in neo-hookean.h.

    event acceleration (i++) {
      face vector ae = a;
      foreach() f[] = clamp (f[], 0., 1.);
      foreach_face() {
        if (NBG_GAMMA(0,0,0) && NBG_GAMMA(-1,0,0)) {
            double nxf, nyf, nzf, ngcapsf;
            nxf = .5*(extended_n.x[] + extended_n.x[-1]);
            nyf = .5*(extended_n.y[] + extended_n.y[-1]);
            nzf = .5*(extended_n.z[] + extended_n.z[-1]);
            #if SHARP_DIRAC
              double dxf, dyf, dzf;
              dxf = f[] - f[-1];
              dyf = (f[-1,1,0] + f[0,1,0] - f[-1,-1,0] - f[0,-1,0])/4.;
              dzf = (f[-1,0,1] + f[0,0,1] - f[-1,0,-1] - f[0,0,-1])/4.;
              ngcapsf = sqrt(sq(dxf) + sq(dyf) + sq(dzf))/Delta;
              #if RECOMPUTE_NGCAPS
                double dxcaps, dycaps, dzcaps;
                dxcaps = caps[] - caps[-1];
                dycaps = (caps[-1,1,0] + caps[0,1,0] - caps[-1,-1,0]
                  - caps[0,-1,0])/4.;
                dzcaps = (caps[-1,0,1] + caps[0,0,1] - caps[-1,0,-1]
                  - caps[0,0,-1])/4.;
                ngcapsf = sqrt(sq(dxcaps) + sq(dycaps) + sq(dzcaps))/Delta;
                ngcapsf = .5*(ngcaps[] + ngcaps[-1]);
            double dxtxx, dytxx, dztxx, dxtxy, dytxy, dztxy, dytxz, dztxz, dxtxz;
            dxtxx = Ts.x.x[] - Ts.x.x[-1];
            dxtxy = Ts.x.y[] - Ts.x.y[-1];
            dxtxz = Ts.x.z[] - Ts.x.z[-1];
            dytxx = (Ts.x.x[-1,1,0] + Ts.x.x[0,1,0] - Ts.x.x[-1,-1,0]
                - Ts.x.x[0,-1,0])/4.;
            dytxy = (Ts.x.y[-1,1,0] + Ts.x.y[0,1,0] - Ts.x.y[-1,-1,0]
                - Ts.x.y[0,-1,0])/4.;
            dytxz = (Ts.x.z[-1,1,0] + Ts.x.z[0,1,0] - Ts.x.z[-1,-1,0]
                - Ts.x.z[0,-1,0])/4.;
            dztxx = (Ts.x.x[-1,0,1] + Ts.x.x[0,0,1] - Ts.x.x[-1,0,-1]
                - Ts.x.x[0,0,-1])/4.;
            dztxy = (Ts.x.y[-1,0,1] + Ts.x.y[0,0,1] - Ts.x.y[-1,0,-1]
                - Ts.x.y[0,0,-1])/4.;
            dztxz = (Ts.x.z[-1,0,1] + Ts.x.z[0,0,1] - Ts.x.z[-1,0,-1]
                - Ts.x.z[0,0,-1])/4.;
            ae.x[] += ( ((1 - sq(nxf))*dxtxx - nxf*nyf*dytxx - nxf*nzf*dztxx)
              + (-nxf*nyf*dxtxy + (1 - sq(nyf))*dytxy - nyf*nzf*dztxy)
              + (-nxf*nzf*dxtxz - nyf*nzf*dytxz + (1 - sq(nzf))*dztxz)
            double dxtxx, dytxx, dztxx;
            dxtxx = Ts.x.x[] - Ts.x.x[-1];
            dytxx = (Ts.x.x[-1,1,0] + Ts.x.x[0,1,0] - Ts.x.x[-1,-1,0]
                - Ts.x.x[0,-1,0])/4.;
            dztxx = (Ts.x.x[-1,0,1] + Ts.x.x[0,0,1] - Ts.x.x[-1,0,-1]
                - Ts.x.x[0,0,-1])/4.;
            ae.x[] += (dxtxx + dytxx + dztxx)*(alpha.x[]/Delta);
      boundary((scalar *){ae});
      // --- DEBUG ---
      foreach() {
        if (GAMMA) {
            centered_ae.x[] = (ae.x[1,0] + ae.x[])/2.;
          aen[] = sqrt( sq(centered_ae.x[]) + sq(centered_ae.y[]) + sq(centered_ae.z[]) );
        else {
          foreach_dimension() centered_ae.x[] = 0.;
          aen[] = 0.;
      // --- END DEBUG ---

    Test cases