
    Incompressible Navier–Stokes solver (centered formulation)

    We wish to approximate numerically the incompressible, variable-density Navier–Stokes equations using the “constant density” method of Dodd and Ferrante, 2014 \displaystyle \partial_t\mathbf{u}+\nabla\cdot(\mathbf{u}\otimes\mathbf{u}) = \frac{1}{\rho}\left[-\nabla p + \nabla\cdot(\mu\nabla\mathbf{u})\right] + \mathbf{a} \displaystyle \nabla\cdot\mathbf{u} = 0

    The scheme implemented here is close to the method implemented in Basilisk except for the projection of velocity field.

    We will use the generic time loop, a CFL-limited timestep, the Bell-Collela-Glaz advection scheme and the implicit viscosity solver.

    #include "run.h"
    #include "timestep.h"
    #include "bcg.h"
    #include "viscosity.h"
    #include "fast-poisson.h"

    The primary variables are the centered pressure field p, the auxiliary centered pressure field pn for storing pressure at prevoius timestep, and the centered velocity field \mathbf{u}. The centered vector field \mathbf{g} will contain pressure gradients and acceleration terms.

    We will also need an auxilliary face velocity field \mathbf{u}_f and the associated centered pressure field p_f.

    scalar p[];
    scalar pn[];
    vector u[], g[];
    scalar pf[];
    face vector uf[];

    We define an enumerator for determining projection method. For FASTPn and FASTP* methods we need \rho_0 which is the menimum of \rho_1 and \rho_2. If not specified by the user, this variable is set to one.

    enum { unsplit, fastpn, fastpstar};
    double rho0 = 1.0;
    int poisson_solver = unsplit;

    In the case of variable density, the user will need to define both the face and centered specific volume fields (\alpha and \alpha_c respectively) i.e. 1/\rho. If not specified by the user, these fields are set to one i.e. the density is unity.

    Viscosity is set by defining the face dynamic viscosity \mu; default is zero.

    The face field \mathbf{a} defines the acceleration term; default is zero.

    The statistics for the (multigrid) solution of the pressure Poisson problems and implicit viscosity are stored in mgp, mgpf, mgu respectively.

    If stokes is set to true, the velocity advection term \nabla\cdot(\mathbf{u}\otimes\mathbf{u}) is omitted. This is a reference to Stokes flows for which inertia is negligible compared to viscosity.

    (const) face vector mu = zerof, a = zerof;
    (const) face vector alpha = unityf;
    (const) scalar rho = unity;
    mgstats mgp, mgpf, mgu;
    bool stokes = false;

    Boundary conditions

    For the default symmetric boundary conditions, we need to ensure that the normal component of the velocity is zero after projection. This means that, at the boundary, the acceleration \mathbf{a} must be balanced by the pressure gradient. Taking care of boundary orientation and staggering of \mathbf{a}, this can be written

    p[right] = neumann(a.x[ghost]*fm.x[ghost]/alpha.x[ghost]);
    p[left]  = neumann(-a.x[]*fm.x[]/alpha.x[]);
    #if AXI
    uf.n[bottom] = 0.;
    #else // !AXI
    #  if dimension > 1
    p[top]    = neumann(a.y[ghost]*fm.y[ghost]/alpha.y[ghost]);
    p[bottom] = neumann(-a.y[]*fm.y[]/alpha.y[]);
    #  endif
    #  if dimension > 2
    p[front]  = neumann(a.z[ghost]*fm.z[ghost]/alpha.z[ghost]);
    p[back]   = neumann(-a.z[]*fm.z[]/alpha.z[]);
    #  endif

    Initial conditions

    event defaults (i = 0)

    The default velocity and pressure are zero.

      CFL = 0.8;
      foreach() {
          u.x[] = g.x[] = 0.;
        p[] = pn[] = pf[] = 0.;
        uf.x[] = 0.;

    The default density is one.

      if (!is_constant(alpha.x)) {
        face vector alphav = alpha;
          alphav.x[] = 1;
        boundary ((scalar *){alpha});

    The default acceleration is zero.

      if (!is_constant(a.x)) {
        face vector av = a;
          av.x[] = 0.;
        boundary ((scalar *){av});
      boundary ({p,pf,u,g,uf});

    On trees, refinement of the face-centered velocity field needs to preserve the divergence-free condition.

    #if TREE
      uf.x.refine = refine_face_solenoidal;

    We initialise the face velocity field and apply boundary conditions after user initialisation. We also define fluid properties.

    event init (i = 0)
      boundary ((scalar *){u});
      trash ({uf});
        uf.x[] = fm.x[]*(u.x[] + u.x[-1])/2.;
      boundary ((scalar *){uf});

    The default density field is set to unity (times the metric).

      if (alpha.x.i == unityf.x.i) {
        alpha = fm;
        rho = cm;
      event ("properties");

    Time integration

    The timestep for this iteration is controlled by the CFL condition, applied to the face centered velocity field \mathbf{u}_f; and the timing of upcoming events.

    double dtmax;
    event set_dtmax (i++,last) dtmax = DT;
    event stability (i++,last) {
      dt = dtnext (timestep (uf, dtmax));

    If we are using VOF or diffuse tracers, we need to advance them (to time t+\Delta t/2) here. Note that this assumes that tracer fields are defined at time t-\Delta t/2 i.e. are lagging the velocity/pressure fields by half a timestep.

    event vof (i++,last);
    event tracer_advection (i++,last);

    The fluid properties such as specific volume (fields \alpha and \alpha_c) or dynamic viscosity (face field \mu_f) – at time t+\Delta t/2 – can be defined by overloading this event.

    event properties (i++,last) {
      boundary ({alpha, mu, rho});

    Predicted face velocity field

    For second-order in time integration of the velocity advection term \nabla\cdot(\mathbf{u}\otimes\mathbf{u}), we need to define the face velocity field \mathbf{u}_f at time t+\Delta t/2. We use a version of the Bell-Collela-Glaz advection scheme and the pressure gradient and acceleration terms at time t (stored in vector \mathbf{g}).

    void prediction()
      vector du;
      foreach_dimension() {
        scalar s = new scalar;
        du.x = s;
      if (u.x.gradient)
            du.x[] = u.x.gradient (u.x[-1], u.x[], u.x[1])/Delta;
            du.x[] = (u.x[1] - u.x[-1])/(2.*Delta);
      boundary ((scalar *){du});
      trash ({uf});
      foreach_face() {
        double un = dt*(u.x[] + u.x[-1])/(2.*Delta), s = sign(un);
        int i = -(s + 1.)/2.;
        uf.x[] = u.x[i] + (g.x[] + g.x[-1])*dt/4. + s*(1. - s*un)*du.x[i]*Delta/2.;
        #if dimension > 1
          double fyy = u.y[i] < 0. ? u.x[i,1] - u.x[i] : u.x[i] - u.x[i,-1];
          uf.x[] -= dt*u.y[i]*fyy/(2.*Delta);
        #if dimension > 2
          double fzz = u.z[i] < 0. ? u.x[i,0,1] - u.x[i] : u.x[i] - u.x[i,0,-1];
          uf.x[] -= dt*u.z[i]*fzz/(2.*Delta);
        uf.x[] *= fm.x[];
      boundary ((scalar *){uf});
      delete ((scalar *){du});

    Advection term

    We predict the face velocity field \mathbf{u}_f at time t+\Delta t/2 then project it to make it divergence-free. We can then use it to compute the velocity advection term, using the standard Bell-Collela-Glaz advection scheme for each component of the velocity field.

    event advection_term (i++,last)
      if (!stokes) {
        mgpf = project (uf, pf, alpha, dt/2.);
        advection ((scalar *){u}, uf, dt, (scalar *){g});

    Viscous term

    We first define a function which adds the pressure gradient and acceleration terms.

    static void correction (double dt)
          u.x[] += dt*g.x[];
      boundary ((scalar *){u});  

    The viscous term is computed implicitly. We first add the pressure gradient and acceleration terms, as computed at time t, then call the implicit viscosity solver. We then remove the acceleration and pressure gradient terms as they will be replaced by their values at time t+\Delta t.

    event viscous_term (i++,last)
      if (constant(mu.x) != 0.) {
        correction (dt);
        mgu = viscosity (u, mu, rho, dt);
        correction (-dt);

    The (provisionary) face velocity field at time t+\Delta t is obtained by simple interpolation. We also reset the acceleration field (if it is not a constant).

      face vector af = a;
      trash ({uf,af});
      foreach_face() {
        uf.x[] = fm.x[]*(u.x[] + u.x[-1])/2.;
        if (!is_constant(af.x))
          af.x[] = 0.;

    Acceleration term

    The acceleration term \mathbf{a} needs careful treatment as many equilibrium solutions depend on exact balance between the acceleration term and the pressure gradient: for example Laplace’s balance for surface tension or hydrostatic pressure in the presence of gravity.

    To ensure a consistent discretisation, the acceleration term is defined on faces as are pressure gradients and the centered combined acceleration and pressure gradient term \mathbf{g} is obtained by averaging.

    event acceleration (i++,last)
      boundary ((scalar *){a});
        uf.x[] += dt*fm.x[]*a.x[];
      boundary ((scalar *){uf});

    Approximate projection

    To get the pressure field at time t + \Delta t we project the face velocity field (which will also be used for tracer advection at the next timestep).

    event projection (i++,last)

    We use switch case for projecting with on of the usplit, fastPn, fastpstar methods which is specified by the user.

      boundary ({p}); 
    	case 0:
    	mgp = project (uf, p,alpha, dt);
    	case 1:
    	mgp = fast_project (fastpn, uf, p, pn, alpha, rho0, dt);
    	case 2:
    	mgp = fast_project (fastpstar, uf, p, pn, alpha, rho0, dt);

    We then compute a face field \mathbf{g}_f combining both acceleration and pressure gradient.

      face vector gf[];
      gf.x[] = a.x[] - alpha.x[]/fm.x[]*(p[] - p[-1])/Delta;
      boundary_flux ({gf});

    We average these face values to obtain the centered, combined acceleration and pressure gradient field.

      trash ({g});
          g.x[] = (gf.x[] + gf.x[1])/2.;
      boundary ((scalar *){g});

    And finally add this term to the centered velocity field.

      correction (dt);