
    Update Properties

    Update the thermodynamic and transport properties for the multicomponent phase change model, and compute the density material derivative which is used as a source term for the velocity divergence in order to describe low-Mach compressibility effects.

    #ifndef T_PROP
    # define T_PROP 0.1
    #ifdef VARPROP
    scalar DTDt1[], DTDt2[];
    scalar * DYDt1 = NULL;    // [NLS]
    scalar * DYDt2 = NULL;    // [NGS]
    scalar Hcheck[];
    scalar betaexp1[], betaexp2[];
    scalar rho1vInt[], rho2vInt[];

    update_properties_constant(): update variable property fields setting constant properties (for debug purposes)

    void update_properties_constant (void) {
      foreach() {
        rho1v[] = rho1;
        rho1v0[] = rho1;
        rho1vInt[] = rho1;
        mu1v[] = mu1;
        cp1v[] = cp1;
        lambda1v[] = lambda1;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
          dhevjj[] = dhev;
          scalar Dmix1v = Dmix1List[jj];
          Dmix1v[] = inDmix1[jj];
          scalar Cp1v = Cp1List[jj];
          Cp1v[] = cp1;
        rho2v[] = rho2;
        rho2v0[] = rho2;
        mu2v[] = mu2;
        cp2v[] = cp2;
        lambda2v[] = lambda2;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
          scalar Dmix2v = Dmix2List[jj];
          Dmix2v[] = inDmix2[jj];
          scalar Cp2v = Cp2List[jj];
          Cp2v[] = cp2;

    Do not remove the following boundary function calls: some of the property fields require boundaries to be calculated “manually” as a function of the thermodynamic state.

      boundary ({rho1v,rho1v0,rho1vInt,mu1v,cp1v,lambda1v,
          rho2v, rho2v0, mu2v, cp2v, lambda2v});
      boundary (dhevList);
      boundary (Dmix1List);
      boundary (Cp1List);
      boundary (Dmix2List);
      boundary (Cp2List);

    update_properties_initial(): update variable properties with initial conditions

    void update_properties_initial (void) {
      foreach() {
        ThermoState ts1h, ts2h;
        ts1h.T = TL0;
        ts2h.T = TG0;
        ts1h.P = Pref;
        ts2h.P = Pref;
        ts1h.x = liq_start;
        ts2h.x = gas_start;
        rho1v[] = tp1.rhov (&ts1h);
        rho1vInt[] = rho1v[];
        rho1v0[] = rho1v[];
        mu1v[] = tp1.muv (&ts1h);
        cp1v[] = tp1.cpv (&ts1h);
        lambda1v[] = tp1.lambdav (&ts1h);
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
          dhevjj[] = tp1.dhev (&ts1h, jj);
          scalar Dmix1v = Dmix1List[jj];
          Dmix1v[] = tp1.diff (&ts1h, jj);
          scalar Cp1v = Cp1List[jj];
          Cp1v[] = tp1.cps (&ts1h, jj);
        rho2v[] = tp2.rhov (&ts2h);
        rho2v0[] = rho2v[];
        mu2v[] = tp2.muv (&ts2h);
        cp2v[] = tp2.cpv (&ts2h);
        lambda2v[] = tp2.lambdav (&ts2h);
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
          scalar Dmix2v = Dmix2List[jj];
          Dmix2v[] = tp2.diff (&ts2h, jj);
          scalar Cp2v = Cp2List[jj];
          Cp2v[] = tp2.cps (&ts2h, jj);

    Do not remove the following boundary function calls: some of the property fields require boundaries to be calculated “manually” as a function of the thermodynamic state.

      boundary ({rho1v,rho1v0,rho1vInt,mu1v,cp1v,lambda1v,
          rho2v, rho2v0, mu2v, cp2v, lambda2v});
      boundary (dhevList);
      boundary (Dmix1List);
      boundary (Cp1List);
      boundary (Dmix2List);
      boundary (Cp2List);


    In the defaults event, we create the fields for the density material derivative.

    event defaults (i = 0)
      for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
        scalar a = new scalar;
        free (;
        char name[20];
        sprintf (name, "DYDt1_%s", liq_species[jj]); = strdup (name);
        a.nodump = true;
        DYDt1 = list_append (DYDt1, a);
      for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
        scalar a = new scalar;
        free (;
        char name[20];
        sprintf (name, "DYDt2_%s", gas_species[jj]); = strdup (name);
        a.nodump = true;
        DYDt2 = list_append (DYDt2, a);
    double mLiq0 = 0.;


    We set update the variable property fields as a function of the initial conditions.

    event init (i = 0)
      mLiq0 = 0.;
        mLiq0 += rho1v[]*f[]*dv();
      //MW1mix.dirty = false;
      //MW2mix.dirty = false;
      MW1mix.dirty = true;
      MW2mix.dirty = true;
    #if TREE
      for (scalar s in {drhodt, drhodtext}) {
    #if EMBED
        s.refine = s.prolongation = refine_embed_linear;
        s.refine  = refine_linear;
        s.restriction = restriction_volume_average;
        s.dirty = true; // boundary conditions need to be updated
    event cleanup (t = end)
      delete (DYDt1), free (DYDt1), DYDt1 = NULL;
      delete (DYDt2), free (DYDt2), DYDt2 = NULL;

    The following event resets the material derivatives, so that they can be modified by external modules by adding source terms which contribute to the density variations.

    event reset_sources (i++)
      foreach() {
        DTDt1[] = 0.;
        DTDt2[] = 0.;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
          scalar DYDt1jj = DYDt1[jj];
          DYDt1jj[] = 0.;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
          scalar DYDt2jj = DYDt2[jj];
          DYDt2jj[] = 0.;

    update_properties(): update variable properties as a function of the thermodynamic state

    Every phase property is calculated from expressions and correlations as a function of the thermodynamic state of the mixture (in this case temperature, thermodynamic pressure, and mole fractions):

    \displaystyle \phi_k = f(T_k, P , x_{i,k})

    These functions can be easily overwritten by assigning the ThermoProp functions in variable-properties.h.

    void update_properties (void)
      foreach() {
        rho1v0[] = rho1v[];
        rho2v0[] = rho2v[];
      double MW1[NLS], MW2[NGS];
      for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++)
        MW1[jj] = inMW[LSI[jj]];
      for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++)
        MW2[jj] = inMW[jj];
      foreach() {
        //MW1mix[] = 0.;
        //MW2mix[] = 0.;
        if (f[] > T_PROP) {
          double x1[NLS], y1[NLS];
          for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
            scalar YL = YLList[jj];
            y1[jj] = (NLS == 1) ? 1. : YL[];
          correctfrac (y1, NLS);
          mass2molefrac (x1, y1, MW1, NLS);
          //MW1mix[] = mass2mw (y1, MW1, NLS);
          ThermoState ts1h;
          ts1h.T = TL[];
          ts1h.P = Pref;
          ts1h.x = x1;
          rho1v[] = tp1.rhov (&ts1h);
          mu1v[] = tp1.muv (&ts1h);
          cp1v[] = tp1.cpv (&ts1h);
          lambda1v[] = tp1.lambdav (&ts1h);
          betaexp1[] = liqprop_thermal_expansion (&tp1, &ts1h);
          for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
            // Enthalpy of evaporation
            scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
            dhevjj[] = tp1.dhev (&ts1h, jj);
            // Liquid phase diffusivity
            scalar Dmix1v = Dmix1List[jj];
            Dmix1v[] = tp1.diff (&ts1h, jj);
            // Liquid phase species heat capacity
            scalar Cp1v = Cp1List[jj];
            Cp1v[] = tp1.cps (&ts1h, jj);
        //else {
        //  //rho1v[] = 0.;
        //  rho1v0[] = 0.;
        //  mu1v[] = 0.;
        //  cp1v[] = 0.;
        //  cp1v[] = 0.;
        //  lambda1v[] = 0.;
        //  betaexp1[] = 0.;
        //  for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
        //    scalar Dmix1v = Dmix1List[jj];
        //    scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
        //    scalar Cp1v   = Cp1List[jj];
        //    Dmix1v[] = 0.;
        //    dhevjj[] = 0.;
        //    Cp1v[]   = 0.;
        //  }
        if ((1. - f[]) > T_PROP) {
          double x2[NGS], y2[NGS];
          for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
            scalar YG = YGList[jj];
            y2[jj] = YG[];
          correctfrac (y2, NGS);
          mass2molefrac (x2, y2, MW2, NGS);
          //MW2mix[] = mass2mw (y2, MW2, NGS);
          ThermoState ts2h;
          ts2h.T = TG[];
          ts2h.P = Pref;
          ts2h.x = x2;
          rho2v[] = tp2.rhov (&ts2h);
          mu2v[] = tp2.muv (&ts2h);
          cp2v[] = tp2.cpv (&ts2h);
          lambda2v[] = tp2.lambdav (&ts2h);
          betaexp2[] = gasprop_thermal_expansion (&ts2h);
          for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
            scalar Dmix2v = Dmix2List[jj];
            Dmix2v[] = tp2.diff (&ts2h, jj);
            scalar Cp2v = Cp2List[jj];
            Cp2v[] = tp2.cps (&ts2h, jj);
        //else {
        //  //rho2v[] = 0.;
        //  rho2v0[] = 0.;
        //  mu2v[] = 0.;
        //  cp2v[] = 0.;
        //  betaexp2[] = 0.;
        //  for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
        //    scalar Dmix2v = Dmix2List[jj];
        //    scalar Cp2v   = Cp2List[jj];
        //    Dmix2v[] = 0.;
        //    Cp2v[] = 0.;
        //  }

    We extend the properties around the interfacial cells, in order to avoid problems due to spurious values.

      //// Update interface properties
      //foreach() {
      //  if (f[] > F_ERR && f[] < 1.-F_ERR) {
      //    // Liquid interface side
      //    double x1[NLS], y1[NLS];
      //    for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
      //      scalar YLInt = YLIntList[jj];
      //      y1[jj] = YLInt[];
      //    }
      //    correctfrac (y1, NLS);
      //    mass2molefrac (x1, y1, MW1, NLS);
      //    ThermoState ts1h;
      //    ts1h.T = TInt[];
      //    ts1h.P = Pref;
      //    ts1h.x = x1;
      //    //rho1v[] = tp1.rhov (&ts1h);
      //    //mu1v[] = tp1.muv (&ts1h);
      //    //cp1v[] = tp1.cpv (&ts1h);
      //    //lambda1v[] = tp1.lambdav (&ts1h);
      //    //betaexp1[] = liqprop_thermal_expansion (&tp1, &ts1h);
      //    //for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
      //    //  scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
      //    //  dhevjj[] = tp1.dhev (&ts1h, jj);
      //    //  scalar Dmix1v = Dmix1List[jj];
      //    //  Dmix1v[] = tp1.diff (&ts1h, jj);
      //    //}
      //    // Gas interface side
      //    double x2[NGS], y2[NGS];
      //    for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
      //      scalar YGInt = YGIntList[jj];
      //      y2[jj] = YGInt[];
      //    }
      //    correctfrac (y2, NGS);
      //    mass2molefrac (x2, y2, MW2, NGS);
      //    ThermoState ts2h;
      //    ts2h.T = TInt[];
      //    ts2h.P = Pref;
      //    ts2h.x = x2;
      //    rho2vInt[] = tp2.rhov (&ts2h);
      //    //mu2v[] = tp2.muv (&ts2h);
      //    //cp2v[] = tp2.cpv (&ts2h);
      //    //lambda2v[] = tp2.lambdav (&ts2h);
      //    //betaexp2[] = gasprop_thermal_expansion (&ts2h);
      //    //for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
      //    //  scalar Dmix2v = Dmix2List[jj];
      //    //  Dmix2v[] = tp2.diff (&ts2h, jj);
      //    //}
      //  }
      foreach() {
        if (f[] <= T_PROP) {
          double rho1vgh = 0.;
          double mu1vgh = 0.;
          double cp1vgh = 0.;
          double lambda1vgh = 0.;
          double dhevgh[NLS];
          double beta1vgh = 0.;
          for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++)
            dhevgh[jj] = 0.;
          int counter = 0;
          foreach_neighbor(1) {
            if (f[] > T_PROP) {
              rho1vgh += rho1v[];
              mu1vgh += mu1v[];
              cp1vgh += cp1v[];
              lambda1vgh += lambda1v[];
              beta1vgh += betaexp1[];
              for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
                scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
                dhevgh[jj] += dhevjj[];
          rho1v[] = (counter != 0) ? rho1vgh/counter : 0.;
          mu1v[] = (counter != 0) ? mu1vgh/counter : 0.;
          cp1v[] = (counter != 0) ? cp1vgh/counter : 0.;
          lambda1v[] = (counter != 0) ? lambda1vgh/counter : 0.;
          betaexp1[] = (counter != 0) ? beta1vgh/counter : 0.;
          for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
            scalar dhevjj = dhevList[jj];
            dhevjj[] = (counter != 0) ? dhevgh[jj]/counter : 0.;
        if ((1. - f[]) <= T_PROP) {
          double rho2vgh = 0.;
          double mu2vgh = 0.;
          double cp2vgh = 0.;
          double lambda2vgh = 0.;
          double Dmix2vgh[NGS];
          for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++)
            Dmix2vgh[jj] = 0.;
          int counter = 0;
          foreach_neighbor(1) {
            if ((1. - f[]) > T_PROP) {
              rho2vgh += rho2v[];
              mu2vgh += mu2v[];
              cp2vgh += cp2v[];
              lambda2vgh += lambda2v[];
              for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
                scalar Dmix2jj = Dmix2List[jj];
                Dmix2vgh[jj] += Dmix2jj[];
          rho2v[] = (counter != 0) ? rho2vgh/counter : 0.;
          mu2v[] = (counter != 0) ? mu2vgh/counter : 0.;
          cp2v[] = (counter != 0) ? cp2vgh/counter : 0.;
          lambda2v[] = (counter != 0) ? lambda2vgh/counter : 0.;
          for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
            scalar Dmix2jj = Dmix2List[jj];
            Dmix2jj[] = (counter != 0) ? Dmix2vgh[jj]/counter : 0.;

    Do not remove the following boundary function calls: some of the property fields require boundaries to be calculated “manually” as a function of the thermodynamic state.

      boundary ({rho1v,rho1v0,rho1vInt,mu1v,cp1v,lambda1v,
          rho2v, rho2v0, mu2v, cp2v, lambda2v});
      boundary (dhevList);
      boundary (Dmix1List);
      boundary (Cp1List);
      boundary (Dmix2List);
      boundary (Cp2List);

    We update the mixture molecular weights at the boundaries manually, on each boundary face.

      //for (int b = 0; b < nboundary; b++) {
      //  foreach_boundary(b) {
      //    // liquid phase
      //    double x1[NLS], y1[NLS];
      //    for (int jj=0; jj<NLS; jj++) {
      //      scalar YL = YLList[jj];
      //      double YLf = 0.5*(YL[] + get_ghost (point, YL, b));
      //      y1[jj] = (NLS == 1.) ? 1. : YLf;
      //    }
      //    correctfrac (y1, NLS);
      //    mass2molefrac (x1, y1, MW1, NLS);
      //    double MW1mixf = mass2mw (y1, MW1, NLS);
      //    set_ghost (point, MW1mix, b, MW1mixf);
      //    // gas phase
      //    double x2[NGS], y2[NGS];
      //    for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
      //      scalar YG = YGList[jj];
      //      double YGf = 0.5*(YG[] + get_ghost (point, YG, b));
      //      y2[jj] = YGf;
      //    }
      //    correctfrac (y2, NGS);
      //    mass2molefrac (x2, y2, MW2, NGS);
      //    double MW2mixf = mass2mw (y2, MW2, NGS);
      //    set_ghost (point, MW2mix, b, MW2mixf);
      //  }

    update_divergence(): update density material derivative

    According to the low-Mach approximation, the density material derivative is computed by considering that temperature and composition gradients dominate over thermodynamic pressure gradients. The final expression of the velocity divergence reads:

    \displaystyle \nabla\cdot\mathbf{u}_k = \left. \dfrac{1}{\rho}\dfrac{D\rho}{D t} \right\vert_k = \beta_k\dfrac{D T_k}{D t} + M_{w,k} \sum_{i=1}^{NS} \dfrac{1}{M_{w,i}}\dfrac{D\omega_{i,k}}{D t}

    which is used both for the liquid and for the gas phase. However, in liquid phase we assume that the density changes due to the temperature gradients dominate over composition effects. This is always true for pure liquid droplets, but it is generally valid also for multicomponent droplets. Relaxing this hypotesis is not complex, it requires the last term on the RHS to be computed without the ideal gas approximation.

    void update_divergence (void) {

    We define the variables used to compute the lagrangian derivative on each level.

      restriction ({T,TL,TG});
      restriction (YLList);
      restriction (YGList);
      scalar dYdt[];
        dYdt[] = 0.;

    We compute the chemical species diffusive fluxes, including corrections to Fick’s law, and molar-based diffusivities.

      face vector phicGtot[];
      foreach_face() {
        phicGtot.x[] = 0.;
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
          scalar Dmix2v = Dmix2List[jj];
          double rho2f = 0.5*(rho2v[] + rho2v[-1]);
          double Dmix2f = 0.5*(Dmix2v[] + Dmix2v[-1]);
          scalar XG = XGList[jj];
          double MW2mixf = 0.5*(MW2mix[] + MW2mix[-1]);
          phicGtot.x[] += (MW2mixf > 0.) ?
            rho2f*Dmix2f*inMW[jj]/MW2mixf*face_gradient_x (XG, 0)*fsG.x[]*fm.x[] : 0.;
    # else
          scalar YG = YGList[jj];
          phicGtot.x[] += rho2f*Dmix2f*face_gradient_x (YG, 0)*fsG.x[]*fm.x[];
    #endif  // MOLAR_DIFFUSION
          phicGtot.x[] = 0.;
    #endif  // FICK_CORRECTED
      for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
        face vector phicGjj[];
        scalar YG = YGList[jj];
        //scalar DYDt2jj = DYDt2[jj];
        scalar Dmix2v = Dmix2List[jj];
        foreach_face() {
          double rho2f = 0.5*(rho2v[] + rho2v[-1]);
          double Dmix2f = 0.5*(Dmix2v[] + Dmix2v[-1]);
          scalar XG = XGList[jj];
          double MW2mixf = 0.5*(MW2mix[] + MW2mix[-1]);
          phicGjj.x[] = (MW2mixf > 0.) ?
            rho2f*Dmix2f*inMW[jj]/MW2mixf*face_gradient_x (XG, 0)*fsG.x[]*fm.x[] : 0.;
          phicGjj.x[] = rho2f*Dmix2f*face_gradient_x (YG, 0)*fsG.x[]*fm.x[];
    #endif  // MOLAR_DIFFUSION
          double YGf = 0.5*(YG[] + YG[-1]);
          phicGjj.x[] -= YGf*phicGtot.x[];
        scalar sgexp = sgexpList[jj];
        scalar sgimp = sgimpList[jj];
        foreach() {
            dYdt[] += (phicGjj.x[1] - phicGjj.x[])/Delta;
          dYdt[] += (sgexp[] + sgimp[]*YG[]);
          dYdt[] *= 1./inMW[jj];
      scalar DrhoDt1[], DrhoDt2[];
      foreach() {

    Calculate the sum of the material derivative for each chemical species.

        double DYDt2sum = dYdt[];
        for (int jj=0; jj<NGS; jj++) {
          scalar DYDt2jj = DYDt2[jj];
          DYDt2sum += 1./inMW[jj]*DYDt2jj[];
        DYDt2sum *= (rho2v[] > 0.) ? MW2mix[]/rho2v[] : 0.;

    Calculate the material derivative for the temperature field in liquid phase.

        double laplT1 = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          double lambdafr = 0.5*(lambda1v[1] + lambda1v[]);
          double lambdafl = 0.5*(lambda1v[] + lambda1v[-1]);
          laplT1 += (fm.x[1]*fsL.x[1]*lambdafr*face_gradient_x (TL, 1) -
              fm.x[]*fsL.x[]*lambdafl*face_gradient_x (TL, 0));
        laplT1 /= Delta;

    Calculate the material derivative for the temperature field in gas phase.

        double laplT2 = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          double lambdafr = 0.5*(lambda2v[1] + lambda2v[]);
          double lambdafl = 0.5*(lambda2v[] + lambda2v[-1]);
          laplT2 += (fm.x[1]*fsG.x[1]*lambdafr*face_gradient_x (TG, 1) -
              fm.x[]*fsG.x[]*lambdafl*face_gradient_x (TG, 0));
        laplT2 /= Delta;

    Add source terms from multicomponent.h.

        DTDt1[] += (laplT1 + slT[]);
        DTDt2[] += (laplT2 + sgT[]);
        //double DrhoDt1 = 0.;
        //double DrhoDt2 = 0.;
        DrhoDt1[] = 0.;
        DrhoDt2[] = 0.;
        // Add liquid compressibility due to temperature
        DrhoDt1[] += (rho1v[]*cp1v[] > 0.) ?
          -betaexp1[]/(rho1v[]*cp1v[])*DTDt1[] : 0.;
        DrhoDt2[] += (TG[]*rho2v[]*cp2v[] > 0.) ?
          -1./(TG[]*rho2v[]*cp2v[])*DTDt2[] : 0.;
        // Add gas compressibility due to composition
        //DrhoDt2 += ((1. - f[]) > F_ERR) ? -DYDt2sum : 0.;
        DrhoDt2[] += (f[] == 0.) ? -DYDt2sum : 0.;
        //drhodt[] = DrhoDt1*f[] + DrhoDt2*(1. - f[])*(f[] < F_ERR);
        //drhodtext[] = DrhoDt1;
      //shift_field (DrhoDt1, f, 1);
      //shift_field (DrhoDt2, f, 0);
      foreach() {
        drhodt[] = DrhoDt1[]*f[] + DrhoDt2[]*(1. - f[]);
        drhodtext[] = DrhoDt1[];
      boundary ({drhodt, drhodtext});
    void update_divergence_density (void) {
      vector grho1[], grho2[];
      gradients ({rho1v, rho2v}, {grho1, grho2});
      scalar DrhoDt1[], DrhoDt2[];
      foreach() {
        DrhoDt1[] = (rho1v[] - rho1v0[])/dt;
        DrhoDt2[] = (rho2v[] - rho2v0[])/dt;
        foreach_dimension() {
    #ifdef VELOCITY_JUMP
          DrhoDt1[] += u1.x[]*grho1.x[];
          DrhoDt2[] += u2.x[]*grho2.x[];
          DrhoDt1[] += uext.x[]*grho1.x[];
          DrhoDt2[] += u.x[]*grho2.x[];
        DrhoDt1[] = DrhoDt1[]*cm[];
        DrhoDt2[] = DrhoDt2[]*cm[];
        double one_over_rho1 = (rho1v[] > 0.) ? 1./rho1v[] : 0.;
        double one_over_rho2 = (rho2v[] > 0.) ? 1./rho2v[] : 0.;
        if (iter > 1) {
          drhodt[] = (one_over_rho1*DrhoDt1[]*f[] + one_over_rho2*DrhoDt2[]*(1. - f[]));
          drhodtext[] = one_over_rho1*DrhoDt1[]*f[];