
    Variable Properties

    Simulations involving two-phase flows with variable material properties can be performed using this module, which defines structures and functions that help to setup such cases.

    #define VARPROP

    Fields Allocations

    We allocate fields required by this module. All properties are intialized as constant fields, and they are initialized just by the solver that needs them. If a thermal solver is used, there is no need to initialize a non-constant diffusivity of the chemical species, for example.

    (const) scalar rho1v = zeroc, rho2v = zeroc;
    (const) scalar mu1v = zeroc, mu2v = zeroc;
    (const) scalar lambda1v = zeroc, lambda2v = zeroc;
    (const) scalar cp1v = zeroc, cp2v = zeroc;

    Thermodynamic State

    We define a structure with variables that define the thermodynamic state of the mixture: temperature T, pressure P, composition x.

    typedef struct {
      double T, P;
      double * x;
    } ThermoState;

    Thermodynamic Properties

    We define a struct that contains a bunch of function pointers for each property of interest for the gas phase.

    typedef struct {
      // Mixture properties
      double (* rhov) (void *);
      double (* muv) (void *);
      double (* lambdav) (void *);
      double (* cpv) (void *);
      // Species properties
      double (* pvap) (void *, int);
      double (* dhev) (void *, int);
      double (* diff) (void *, int);
      double (* cps)  (void *, int);
      double (* sigmas) (void *, int);
    } ThermoProps;

    Overwrite Two-Phase Properties

    We define macros used to overwrite the calculation of the variable density and viscosity fields in two-phase simulations using any method (VOF, LS, CLSVOF).

    #define aavg(f,v1,v2) (clamp(f,0.,1.)*(v1 - v2) + v2)
    #define havg(f,v1,v2) (1./(clamp(f,0,1)*(1./(v1) - 1./(v2)) + 1./(v2)))

    Update One-Field Properties

    We overwrite the event properties to re-calculate the density and viscosity fields after the calculation in two-phase.h.

    extern scalar f;
    extern face vector alphav;
    extern scalar rhov;
    #ifdef FILTERED
    extern scalar sf;
    # define sf f
    event properties (i++) {
      foreach_face() {
        double ff = (sf[] + sf[-1])/2.;
        double rho1vh = 0.5*(rho1v[] + rho1v[-1]);
        double rho2vh = 0.5*(rho2v[] + rho2v[-1]);
        alphav.x[] = fm.x[]/aavg (ff, rho1vh, rho2vh);
          face vector muv = mu;
          double mu1vh = 0.5*(mu1v[] + mu1v[-1]);
          double mu2vh = 0.5*(mu2v[] + mu2v[-1]);
          muv.x[] = fm.x[]*aavg (ff, mu1vh, mu2vh);
      foreach() {
        double rho1vh = rho1v[];
        double rho2vh = rho2v[];
        rhov[] = cm[]*aavg (sf[], rho1vh, rho2vh);

    Useful functions

    We define functions that are useful for variable properties simulations.

    check_termostate(): check that the thermodynamic state is


    int check_thermostate (ThermoState * ts, int NS) {
      double sum = 0.;
      for (int jj=0; jj<NS; jj++)
        sum += ts->x[jj];
      int T_ok = (ts->T > 180. && ts->T < 4000.) ? true : false;
      int P_ok = (ts->P > 1e3 && ts->P < 1e7) ? true : false;
      int X_ok = (sum > 1.-1.e-3 && sum < 1.+1.e-3) ? true : false;
      return T_ok*P_ok*X_ok;
    void print_thermostate (ThermoState * ts, int NS, FILE * fp = stdout) {
      fprintf (fp, "Temperature = %g - Pressure = %g\n", ts->T, ts->P);
      for (int jj=0; jj<NS; jj++)
        fprintf (fp, "  Composition[%d] = %g\n", jj, ts->x[jj]);
      fprintf (fp, "\n");
    void print_thermoprop (ThermoProps * tp, ThermoState * ts, int NS, FILE * fp = stdout) {
      if (tp->rhov)
        fprintf (fp, "rhov = %g\n", tp->rhov (ts));
      if (tp->muv)
        fprintf (fp, "muv = %g\n", tp->muv (ts));
      if (tp->lambdav)
        fprintf (fp, "lambdav = %g\n", tp->lambdav (ts));
      if (tp->cpv)
        fprintf (fp, "cpv = %g\n", tp->cpv (ts));
      if (tp->pvap) {
        for (int jj=0; jj<NS; jj++)
          fprintf (fp, "pvap[%d] = %g\n", jj, tp->pvap (ts, jj));
      if (tp->dhev) {
        for (int jj=0; jj<NS; jj++)
          fprintf (fp, "dhev[%d] = %g\n", jj, tp->dhev (ts, jj));
      if (tp->diff) {
        for (int jj=0; jj<NS; jj++)
          fprintf (fp, "diff[%d] = %g\n", jj, tp->diff (ts, jj));
      if (tp->cps) {
        for (int jj=0; jj<NS; jj++)
          fprintf (fp, "cps[%d] = %g\n", jj, tp->cps (ts, jj));
      if (tp->sigmas) {
        for (int jj=0; jj<NS; jj++)
          fprintf (fp, "sigmas[%d] = %g\n", jj, tp->sigmas (ts, jj));

    gasprop_thermal_expansion(): Thermal expansion coefficient of an ideal gas

    double gasprop_thermal_expansion (ThermoState * ts) {
      return ts->T > 0. ? 1./ts->T : 0.;

    liqprop_thermal_expansion(): Thermal expansion coefficient of a liquid

    double liqprop_thermal_expansion (ThermoProps * tp, ThermoState * ts) {
      double epsT = 1.e-3;
      double Ttop = ts->T + epsT, Tbot = ts->T - epsT;
      ThermoState tstop, tsbot;
      tstop.T = Ttop, tstop.P = ts->P, tstop.x = ts->x;
      tsbot.T = Tbot, tsbot.P = ts->P, tsbot.x = ts->x;
      double rhotop = tp->rhov (&tstop), rhobot = tp->rhov (&tsbot);
      double rhoval = tp->rhov (ts);
      return (rhoval > 0.) ? -1./rhoval*(rhotop - rhobot)/(2.*epsT) : 0.;