
    Contributions of ZHAO Dan

    In this contribution page, I have worked on the equations of advection in 1D and 2D.
    There are two codes that I have mainly refered to : vibrating_string.m and poisson2D.m.

    Equation advection 1D

    My code : advection_1D.m
    I do the marching in time of the advection equation f_t+Uf_x=0 with just one boundary condition at the left end (with U possitive)
    This is an equation with one time derivative, to solve we need just one boundary condition. I have valide my curve with a theoretical solution。

    visualisation of the advection_1D solution validation

    Equation advection 2D

    My code: advection_2D.m
    I do the marching in time of the advection equation f_t+Uf_x+Vf_y=0 in 2D (with U possitive and V=0)
    In advection 2D, I have refered to the code poisson2D.m and use its methode to extract the boundary cell locations in order to set the boundary conditions more efficiently.

    visualisation of the advection_2D solution validation %}