Welcome to my sandbox!
I’m a phD student at PMMH in Paris. I work on the interaction between turbulent flows and bubbles.
Here is the link to my website.
Bubble in turbulence
Model flows
Various interpolations
Based on the similar code by Antoon (slicer) to compute a 2D slice in a 3D simulation. All these interpolations work in 3D.
Gaussian curvature
Modification of Basilisk files computing the average curvature to compute the gaussian curvature.
Publications with Basilisk
- Bubble breakup reduced to a one-dimensional nonlinear oscillator, A. Rivière, L. Duchemin, C. Josserand, S. Perrard, PRF, 2023
- Capillary driven fragmentation of large gas bubbles in turbulence, A. Rivière, D.J. Ruth, W. Mostert, L. Deike, S. Perrard, PRF, 2022
- Experimental observations and modelling of sub-Hinze bubble production by turbulent bubble break-up, D.J. Ruth, A.K. Aiyer, A. Rivière, S. Perrard, L. Deike, JFM, 2022
- Sub-Hinze scale bubble production in turbulent bubble break-up, A. Rivière, W. Moster, S. Perrard, L. Deike, JFM, 2021
- Bubble deformation by a turbulent flow, S. Perrard, A. Rivière, W. Mostert, L. Deike, JFM, 2021