
    I slighly modified parabola.h of the main branch to add a fit for the gaussian curvature. *

    #include "utils.h"
    // Define this to use a x^iy^j polynomial with i = 0...NP-1, j = 0...NP-1
    // #define NP 3
    static double parabola_fit_gcurvature (ParabolaFit * p,
    				      double gkappamax)
      double kappa;
    #if dimension == 2//just the mean curvature
      double dnm = 1. + sq(p->a[1]);
      kappa = - 2.*p->a[0]/pow(dnm, 3/2.);
    //  if (kmax)
    //    *kmax = fabs (kappa);
    #else /* 3D */
    # ifdef NP
      double hxx = 2.*p->a[2*NP], hyy = 2.*p->a[2], hxy = p->a[NP + 1];
      double hx = p->a[NP], hy = p->a[1];
    # else
      double hxx = 2.*p->a[0], hyy = 2.*p->a[1], hxy = p->a[2];
      double hx = p->a[3], hy = p->a[4];
    # endif
      double dnm = 1. + sq(hx) + sq(hy);
      kappa = (hxx*hyy - hxy*hxy)/(dnm*dnm);
    //  kappa = - (hxx*(1. + sq(hy)) + hyy*(1. + sq(hx)) - 2.*hxy*hx*hy)
    //    /sqrt (dnm*dnm*dnm); //where does the - come from?
    //  if (kmin) {
    //      double km = - (hxx*(1. + sq(hy)) + hyy*(1. + sq(hx)) - 2.*hxy*hx*hy)
    //    /sqrt (dnm*dnm*dnm);
    //      double a = km*km/4. - kappa;
    //      *kmin = fabs (km/2.);
    //    if (a >= 0.)
    //      *kmax += sqrt (a);
    //  }
    #endif /* 3D */
      if (fabs (kappa) > gkappamax) {
    //    if (kmax)
    //      *kmax = kappamax;
        return kappa > 0. ? gkappamax : - gkappamax;
      return kappa;
    #if AXI
    static void parabola_fit_axi_gcurvature (const ParabolaFit * p,
    					double r, double h,
    					double * kappa)
      double nr = (p->m.x*p->a[1] + p->m.y)/sqrt (1. + sq(p->a[1]));
      /* limit the minimum radius to half the grid size */
      double kaxi = nr/max(r, h/2.);
      *kappa *= kaxi;//check that
    //  if (kmax)
    //    *kmax = max (*kmax, fabs (kaxi));
    #endif /* 2D */